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Love Is In The Air
Love Is In The Air
Love Is In The Air
Ebook130 pages1 hour

Love Is In The Air

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There are many variations of ‘Love’, perhaps that is why historically cultures had multiple words that we have tried to fold into one. This anthology explores several sides of the complicated world of ‘Love’. Emotions will be tugged in many directions as you follow these stories, poems and graphical representations of what ‘Love’ means to different people.

Release dateJun 21, 2017
Love Is In The Air

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    Love Is In The Air - Marfa House

    Love is in the Air

    Published by Marfa House at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017

    Marfa House

    Marfa, Texas

    Love is in the Air

    Published by Marfa House

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is a work of fiction. With the exception of recognized historical figures, the characters in this novel are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright 2017

    1st Edition

    In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use this author’s material work other than for reviews, prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

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    ISBN: 978-1-946072-55-9


    For all those who have ever found love in the darkness. For all those who have ever found love at random times with their soulmates. This book is for you; let your love shine through like the beacon it was meant to be.

    Table of Contents

    Love Without Limit


    Secret Love

    Defining Me

    Full Moon Over the Apple Valley

    End of Island Life

    Heart Breeze

    Lord, Protector, and Provider

    Elusive Love

    Doggone Deal of Love

    Wishbone in Moonglow

    Passion Rising

    Unembraceable You


    Night’s Wish

    You’re Still the One

    Love Without Limit

    By Delfin Espinosa

    The love of a soul mate will last forever

    if you can see that you will be clever.

    It is a love without limit

    because it comes from the spirit.

    A love that comes from the heart

    it creates a tremendous spark.

    A love that will wash over the pain

    it will remove every stain.

    It is a love that will mend the soul

    and remove the tears that have taken their toll.

    When you find a soul mates love hold on tight

    for it is indeed a beautiful sight.


    By Kimberly M. Heindorf

    My dog panted happily next to me as we made our way to my fruit garden. My grandparents were coming to visit this weekend, and mom had asked that I make some strawberry tarts for them. I ruffled Honey’s large black and white head and I watched as her ears flopped back and forth.

    Honey gave a bark and took off running. Gripping my basket tighter, I chased after her.

    Honey? I called.

    Aw! You gave me a pet name? That’s so nice, darling! A voice called back.

    I nearly growled at the sight of Elon. He was kneeling in the middle of my patch rubbing my dog, who was on her back bearing her belly. The traitor.

    What are you doing here? I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

    Your mom called me to help you with the strawberries. Said you’d need more than usual because my family is coming over this weekend.

    I nearly groaned out loud.

    Our families were friends since forever. Literally forever. As two of the longest lines of cupids, we found a way to work alongside one another to bring people together.

    Every person had a red string that came from their heart, but showed on their wrist and it entwined with another’s. It was our job to find these matching strings and pull it to make the couple come together.

    The only kind of humans that didn’t have the strings was cupids. We usually end up with other cupids. It’s against the Cupid’s Codex to have relations with humans who have red strings. It was a cupid’s sole duty to bring people together, not keep them apart.

    We had family scattered all across the states and some family in a building in New York City that found couples online and magically brought them together. That’s where I wanted to end up after high school. But for now I’m stuck matching high school sweethearts with Elon.

    He was decent, but he was one of those people I could only take small doses of. As with everyone else. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I think I really liked the idea of New York because I would be left alone for the most part. Maybe then I could pull myself together.

    Fine, start pulling the weeds, I said.

    Yes, dear.

    I rolled my eyes and bent down to started plucking the strawberries.

    It didn’t take us long to finish. He was quick with the weeds. One of the few benefits about him. Honey laid in the corner of the patch the whole time, the shade of the trees doing their best to cool her off. Her heavy husky fur needed to be brushed again. There were tufts sticking out.

    Do you need help with the baking? He asked while bending down to rub the dirt off his jeans.

    No. I turned around and whistled for Honey.

    I didn’t miss the frown Elon gave me.

    The tarts took most of the night to make. After putting them away so that Honey wouldn’t find them, I took to my room to get ready for bed. Mom came in to give her usual goodnight.

    You ready for tomorrow? she asked. My grandparents only came around once a year or so. They were still bitter over my Mom and her former relationship with my father.

    My parents met in college and despite my father’s red string connecting to another woman, mom decided she wanted a little piece of him. So she went and fell in love and went against our code. It was when my Dad proposed that my Mom realized she let it go too far. Interfering with the string and fate is a big no-no. So she broke it off and a month later she found out she was pregnant with me. Before I was born she finally pulled the string and made my father get over his heartbreak and look at his future wife. I have never met my father and he doesn’t know that I exist.

    My grandparents haven’t really forgiven my mother for breaking the rule, but they didn’t blame me. Mom is convinced they show up to see me. I think they come to see her too just a little bit; they just hide it from her. I can see how their hearts still glow for her.

    Are you? I retorted back.

    Mom sighed before saying, As ready as I’ll ever be. She then turned around and called goodnight over her shoulder.

    I did feel bad for my mom. She has never been able to really move on from him. Or maybe she’s just afraid of breaking the rules again and keeps herself closed off from any sort of relationship. Maybe it is a self-inflicted punishment. Nonetheless, I wanted her happy.

    Patting my bed, beckoning Honey on, I turned off my lamp and shrugged the covers up to my neck. I set my glasses on my night stand and snuggled into my pillow.


    My grandparents arrived late into the afternoon. I gave them both a hug in the doorway and then took their coats.

    Mom’s setting up for dinner. The Moretti’s are here already if you want to go say hi, I said as I hung their jackets in the closet.

    Thanks dear. The living room?

    Yes, Grandma.

    Elon and his family arrived earlier and his mom went straight into the kitchen to help my mom cook the roast. Elon’s ten years old little sister had asked to use my laptop and she’s been in my room since then. Elon and his father immediately retreated into the living room to watch the football game that should be ending soon.

    Elon played football back in middle school, though I knew he did it only for his father. His father played college football before becoming the high school’s coach, and on the side played the part of a cupid. I think he enjoyed it well enough, from what I could remember. But I knew it wasn’t his passion. When he stopped in ninth grade, his dad understood. We all knew that he liked cooking. Which is good that his parents weren’t the controlling type. Really good actually, because this

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