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Gleanings in Genesis
Gleanings in Genesis
Gleanings in Genesis
Ebook547 pages11 hours

Gleanings in Genesis

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  • Sacrifice

  • Genesis

  • Grace

  • Divine Intervention

  • Covenant

  • Chosen One

  • Prodigal Son

  • Scapegoat

  • Fall From Grace

  • Prophecy

  • Journey

  • Power of Faith

  • Importance of Family

  • Family Dynamics

  • Fall

  • Faith

  • Redemption

  • Salvation

  • Judgment

  • Divine Grace

About this ebook

"Gleanings in Genesis" is Arthur W. Pink's lengthy examination of the biblical "Book of Genesis."
Release dateJan 1, 2013
Gleanings in Genesis

Arthur W. Pink

Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) served as a pastor for churches in Colorado, California, Kentucky, and South Carolina. His ministry brought him throughout the United States, Australia, and Great Britain.

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    Gleanings in Genesis - Arthur W. Pink



    A Book Publishing

    Print ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-2649-1

    Ebook ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-3531-8

    This edition copyright © 2012

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    Chapter 1. Creation and Restoration

    Chapter 2. Christ In Genesis 1

    Chapter 3. Two Trees

    Chapter 4. The Fall

    Chapter 5. The Fall (Continued)

    Chapter 6. The Fall (Concluded)

    Chapter 7. Cain and Abel

    Chapter 8. Cain and Abel (Continued)

    Chapter 9. Enoch

    Chapter 10. Noah

    Chapter 11. The Flood

    Chapter 12. Noah A Type Of Christ

    Chapter 13. The Typology of the Ark

    Chapter 14. God's Covenant With Noah

    Chapter 15. Noah's Fall And Noah's Prophecy

    Chapter 16. Nimrod And The Tower Of Babel

    Chapter 17. The Call of Abraham

    Chapter 18. Abraham And Lot

    Chapter 19. Abraham And Melchizedek

    Chapter 20. Abraham's Vision

    Chapter 21. Abraham and Hagar

    Chapter 22. Abraham The Ninety And Nine

    Chapter 23. Abraham At Gerar

    Chapter 24. Abraham The Father of Us All

    Chapter 25. The Birth of Isaac

    Chapter 26. The Offering Up Of Isaac

    Chapter 27. The Man Isaac

    Chapter 28. Isaac Blessing his Sons

    Chapter 29. The Man Jacob

    Chapter 30. Jacob At Padan-Aram

    Chapter 31. Jacob At Padan-Aram (Continued)

    Chapter 32. Jacob's Departure From Haran

    Chapter 33. Jacob At Mahanaim

    Chapter 34. Jacob At Peniel

    Chapter 35. Jacob Meeting Esau

    Chapter 36. Jacob At Bethel Again

    Chapter 37. The Sunset of Jacob's Life

    Chapter 38. Jacob's Prophecy

    Chapter 39. Jacob's Prophecy (Continued)

    Chapter 40. Joseph As A Youth

    Chapter 41. Joseph Betrayed By His Brethren

    Chapter 42. Joseph In Egypt

    Chapter 43. Joseph's Exaltation

    Chapter 44. Joseph The Savior Of The World

    Chapter 45. Joseph And His Brethren Dispensationally Considered

    Chapter 46. Joseph and His Brethren Evangelically Considered


    Appropriately has Genesis been termed the seed plot of the Bible, for in it we have, in germ form, almost all of the great doctrines which are afterwards fully developed in the books of Scripture which follow.

    In Genesis God is revealed as the Creator-God, as the Covenant-God, as the Almighty-God, as well as the Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth.

    In Genesis we have the first hint of the Blessed Trinity, of a plurality of Persons in the Godhead—Let us make man in our image (Gen. 1:26).

    In Genesis man is exhibited. First as the creature of God's hands, then as a fallen and sinful being, and later as one who is brought back to God, finding grace in His sight (Gen. 6:8), walking with God (Gen. 6:9), made the friend of God (Jam. 2:23).

    In Genesis the wiles of Satan are exposed. We are not ignorant of his devices, for here the Holy Spirit has fully uncovered them. The realm in which the arch-enemy works is not the moral but the spiritual. He calls into question the Word of God, casts doubt on its integrity, denies its veracity.

    In Genesis the truth of sovereign election is first exhibited. God singles out Abraham from an idolatrous people, and makes him the father of the chosen Nation. God passes by Ishmael and calls Isaac.

    In Genesis the truth of salvation is typically displayed. Our fallen first parents are clothed by God Himself, clothed with skins: to procure those skins death had to come in, blood must be shed, the innocent was slain in the stead of the guilty. Only thus could man's shame be covered, and only thus could the sinner be fitted to stand before the thrice holy God.

    In Genesis the truth of justification by faith is first made known: And he believed in the Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6). Abraham believed God: not Abraham obeyed God, or loved God, or served God; but Abraham believed God. And it was counted unto him for (not instead of, but unto) righteousness. Then, if righteousness was counted unto Abraham, he had none of his own. Believing God, righteousness was reckoned to Abraham's account.

    In Genesis the believer's security is strikingly illustrated. The flood of Divine judgment descends on the earth, and swallows up all its guilty inhabitants. But Noah, who had found grace in the eyes of the Lord, was safely preserved in the ark, into which God had shut him.

    In Genesis the truth of separation is clearly inculcated. Enoch's lot was cast in days wherein evil abounded, but he lived apart from the world, walking with God. Abraham was called upon to separate himself from idolatrous Chaldea, and to step out upon the promises of God. Lot is held up before us as a solemn example of the direful consequences of being unequally yoked with unbelievers, and of having fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.

    In Genesis God's disciplinary chastisements upon an erring believer are portrayed. Jacob is the standing example of what happens to a child of God who walks after the flesh, instead of after the spirit. But in the end we are shown how Divine grace triumphs over human frailty.

    In Genesis we are shown the importance and value of prayer. Abraham prayed unto God and Abimelech's life was spared (Gen. 20:17). Abraham's servant cries to the Lord that God would prosper his efforts to secure a wife for Isaac, and God answered his petition (chap. 24). Jacob, too, prays, and God hearkened.

    In Genesis the saint's rapture to heaven is vividly portrayed. Enoch, the man who walked with God, was not, for God had translated him. He did not pass through the portals of death. He was suddenly removed from these scenes of sin and suffering and transported into the realm of glory without seeing death.

    In Genesis the divine incarnation is first declared. The Coming One was to be supernaturally begotten. He was to enter this world as none other ever did. He was to be the Son of Man, and yet have no human father. The One who should bruise the serpent's head was to be the woman's Seed.

    In Genesis the death and resurrection of the Savior are strikingly foreshadowed. The ark, in which were preserved Noah and his family, were brought safely through the deluge of death on to the new earth. Isaac, the beloved son of Abraham, at the bidding of his father, is laid, unresistingly, on the altar, and from it Abraham received him back as in a figure from the dead.

    In Genesis we also learn of the Savior's coming exaltation. This is strikingly typified in the history of Joseph—the most complete of all the personal types of Christ—who, after a period of humiliation and suffering was exalted to be the governor over all Egypt. Jacob, too, on his deathbed, also declares of Shiloh that unto him shall the gathering of the peoples be (Gen. 49:10).

    In Genesis the priesthood of Christ is anticipated. The Lord Jesus is a Priest not of the Aaronic system, but after the order of Melchzedek. And it is in Genesis that this mysterious character, who received tithes from and blessed Abraham, is brought before our view.

    In Genesis the coming Antichrist is announced, announced as the seed of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). He is seen, too, foreshadowed in the person and history of Nimrod, the rebel against the Lord, the man who headed the first great federation in open opposition to the Most High.

    In Genesis we first read of God giving Palestine to Abraham and to his seed: And the Lord appeared unto Abraham, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land (Gen. 12:7). And again, For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever (Gen. 13:15).

    In Genesis the wondrous future of Israel is made known. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered (Gen. 13:16). And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed (Gen. 22:18).

    In Genesis the judgment of God on the wicked is solemnly exhibited. Cain confesses his punishment is greater than he can bear. The flood comes on the world of the ungodly and sweeps them all away. Fire and brimstone descend on Sodom and Gomorrah, till naught but their ashes remain. Lot's wife, for one act of disobedience, is turned into a pillar of salt.

    What a marvelous proof is all this of the Divine Authorship! Who but the One who knows the end from the beginning, could have embodied, in germ form, what is afterwards expanded and amplified in the rest of the Bible? What unequivocal demonstration that there was One superintending mind, directing the pens of all who wrote the later books of Holy Scripture! May the blessing of God rest upon us as we seek to enjoy some of the inexhaustible riches of this book of beginnings.—Arthur W. Pink., Swengel, Pa.

    Chapter 1. Creation and Restoration

    Genesis 1

    The manner in which the Holy Scriptures open is worthy of their Divine Author. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and that is all that is here recorded concerning the original creation. Nothing is said which enables us to fix the date of their creation; nothing is revealed concerning their appearance or inhabitants; nothing is told us about the modus operandi of their Divine Architect. We do not know whether the primitive heaven and earth were created a few thousands, or many millions of years ago. We are not informed as to whether they were called into existence in a moment of time, or whether the process of their formation covered an interval of long ages. The bare fact is stated: In the beginning God created, and nothing is added to gratify the curious. The opening sentence of Holy Writ is not to be philosophized about, but is presented as a statement of truth to be received with unquestioning faith.

    In the beginning God created. No argument is entered into to prove the existence of God: instead, His existence is affirmed as a fact to be believed. And yet, sufficient is expressed in this one brief sentence to expose every fallacy which man has invented concerning the Deity. This opening sentence of the Bible repudiates atheism, for it postulates the existence of God. It refutes materialism, for it distinguishes between God and His material creation. It abolishes pantheism, for it predicates that which necessitates a personal God. In the beginning God created, tells us that He was Himself before the beginning, and hence, Eternal. In the beginning God created, and that informs us he is a personal being, for an abstraction, an impersonal first cause, could not create. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and that argues He is infinite and omnipotent, for no finite being possesses the power to create, and none but an Omnipotent Being could create the heaven and the earth.

    In the beginning God. This is the foundation truth of all real theology. God is the great Originator and Initiator. It is the ignoring of this which is the basic error in all human schemes. False systems of theology and philosophy begin with man, and seek to work up to God. But this is a turning of things upside down. We must, in all our thinking, begin with God, and work down to man. Again, this is true of the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. The Bible is couched in human language, it is addressed to human ears, it was written by human hands, but, in the beginning God holy men of God spake, moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21). This is also true of salvation. In Eden, Adam sinned, and brought in death; but his Maker was not taken by surprise: in the beginning God had provided for just such an emergency, for, the Lamb was foreordained before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:20). This is also true of the new creation. The soul that is saved, repents, believes, and serves the Lord; but, in the beginning, God chose us in Christ (Eph. 1:4), and now, we love Him, because He first loved us.

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and we cannot but believe that these creations were worthy of Himself, that they reflected the perfections of their Maker, that they were exceedingly fair in their pristine beauty. Certainly, the earth, on the morning of its creation, must have been vastly different from its chaotic state as described in Genesis 1:2. And the earth was without form and void must refer to a condition of the earth much later than what is before us in the preceding verse. It is now over a hundred years ago since Dr. Chalmers called attention to the fact that the word was in Genesis 1:2 should be translated became, and that between the first two verses of Genesis 1 some terrible catastrophe must have intervened. That this catastrophe may have been connected with the apostasy of Satan, seems more than likely; that some catastrophe did occur is certain from Isaiah 45:18, which expressly declares that the earth was not created in the condition in which Genesis 1:2 views it.

    What is found in the remainder of Genesis 1 refers not to the primitive creation but to the restoration of that which had fallen into ruins. Genesis 1:1 speaks of the original creation; Genesis 1:2 describes the then condition of the earth six days before Adam was called into existence. To what remote point in time Genesis 1:1 conducts us, or as to how long an interval passed before the earth became a ruin, we have no means of knowing; but if the surmises of geologists could be conclusively established there would be no conflict at all between the findings of science and the teaching of Scripture. The unknown interval between the first two verses of Genesis 1, is wide enough to embrace all the prehistoric ages which may have elapsed; but all that took place from Genesis 1:3 onwards transpired less than six thousand years ago.

    In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is (Ex. 20:11). There is a wide difference between creating and making: to create is to call into existence something out of nothing; to make is to form or fashion something out of materials already existing. A carpenter can make a chair out of wood, but he is quite unable to create the wood itself. In the beginning (whenever that was) God created the heaven and the earth; subsequently (after the primitive creation had become a ruin) the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is. This Exodus scripture settles the controversy which has been raised as to what kind of days are meant in Genesis 1, whether days of 24 hours, or protracted periods of time. In six days, that is, literal days of twenty-four hours duration, the Lord completed the work of restoring and re-fashioning that which some terrible catastrophe had blasted and plunged into chaos.

    What follows in the remainder of Genesis 1 is to be regarded not as a poem, still less as an allegory, but as a literal, historical statement of Divine revelation. We have little patience with those who labor to show that the teaching of this chapter is in harmony with modern science—as well ask whether the celestial chronometer is in keeping with the timepiece at Greenwich. Rather must it be the part of scientists to bring their declarations into accord with the teaching of Genesis 1, if they are to receive the respect of the children of God. The faith of the Christian rests not in the wisdom of man, nor does it stand in any need of buttressing from scientific savants. The faith of the Christian rests upon the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture, and we need nothing more. Too often have Christian apologists deserted their proper ground. For instance: one of the ancient tablets of Assyria is deciphered, and then it is triumphantly announced that some statements found in the historical portions of the Old Testament have been confirmed. But that is only a turning of things upside down again. The Word of God needs no confirming. If the writing upon an Assyrian tablet agrees with what is recorded in Scripture, that confirms the historical accuracy of the Assyrian tablet; if it disagrees, that is proof positive that the Assyrian writer was at fault. In like manner, if the teachings of science square with Scripture, that goes to show the former are correct; if they conflict, that proves the postulates of science are false. The man of the world, and the pseudo-scientist may sneer at our logic, but that only demonstrates the truth of God's Word, which declares, but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor. 2:14).

    Marvelously concise is what is found in Genesis 1. A single verse suffices to speak of the original creation of the heaven and the earth. Another verse is all that is needed to ac-scribe the awful chaos into which the ruined earth was plunged. And less than thirty verses more tell of the six days' work, during which the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is. Not all the combined skill of the greatest literary genius', historians, poets, or philosophers this world has ever produced, could design a composition which began to equal Genesis 1. For reconditeness of theme, and yet simplicity of language; for comprehensiveness of scope, and yet terseness of expression; for scientific exactitude, and yet the avoidance of all technical terms; it is unrivalled, and nothing can be found in the whole realm of literature which can be compared with it for a moment. It stands in a class all by itself. If brevity is the soul of wit (i.e. wisdom) then the brevity of what is recorded in this opening chapter of the Bible evidences the divine wisdom of Him who inspired it. Contrast the labored formulae of the scientists, contrast the verbose writings of the poets, contrast the meaningless cosmogonies of the ancients and the foolish mythologies of the heathen, and the uniqueness of this Divine account of Creation and Restoration will at once appear. Every line of this opening chapter of Holy Writ has stamped across it the autograph of Deity.

    Concerning the details of the six days' work we cannot now say very much. The orderly manner in which God proceeded, the ease with which He accomplished His work, the excellency of that which was produced, and the simplicity of the narrative, at once impress the reader. Out of the chaos was brought the cosmos, which signifies order, arrangement, beauty; out of the waters emerged the earth; a scene of desolation, darkness and death, was transformed into one of light, life, and fertility, so that at the end all was pronounced very good. Observe that here is to be found the first Divine Decalogue: ten times we read, and God said, let there be, etc. (vv. 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 14, 20, 24, 26, 30), which may be termed the Ten Commandments of Creation.

    In the Hebrew there are just seven words in the opening verse of Genesis 1, and these are composed of twenty-eight letters, which is 7 multiplied by 4. Seven is the number of perfection, and four of creation, hence, we learn that the primary creation was perfect as it left its Maker's hands. it is equally significant that there were seven distinct stages in God's work of restoring the earth: First, there was the activity of the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2); Second, the calling of light into existence (Gen. 1:3); Third, the making of the firmament (Gen. 1:6-9); Fourth, the clothing of the earth with vegetation (Gen. 1:11); Fifth, the making and arranging of the heavenly bodies (Gen. 1:14-18); Sixth, the storing of the waters (Gen. 1:20-21); Seventh, the stocking of the earth (Gen. 1:24). The perfection of God's handiwork is further made to appear in the seven times the word good occurs here—verses 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31—also the word made is found seven times in this section—Genesis 1:7, 16, 25, 26, 31; 2:2, 3. Seven times heaven is mentioned in this chapter—verses 1, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 20. And, it may be added, that God Himself is referred to in this opening section (Gen. 1:1-2:4) thirty-five times, which is 7 multiplied by 5. Thus the seal of perfection is stamped upon everything God here did and made.

    Turning from the literal meaning of what is before us in this opening chapter of Holy Writ, we would dwell now upon that which has often been pointed out by others, namely, the typical significance of these verses. The order followed by God in re-constructing the old creation is the same which obtains in connection with the new creation, and in a remarkable manner the one is here made to foreshadow the other. The early history of this earth corresponds with the spiritual history of the believer in Christ. What occurred in connection with the world of old, finds its counterpart in the regenerated man. It is this line of truth which will now engage our attention.

    1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. As we have already observed, the original condition of this primary creation was vastly different from the state in which we view it in the next verse. Coming fresh from the hands of their Creator, the heaven and the earth must have presented a scene of unequalled freshness and beauty. No groans of suffering were heard to mar the harmony of the song of the morning stars as they sang together (Job 38:7). No worm of corruption was there to defile the perfections of the Creator's handiwork. No iniquitous rebel was there to challenge the supremacy of God. And no death shades were there to spread the spirit of gloom. God reigned supreme, without a rival, and everything was very good.

    So, too, in the beginning of this world's history, God also created man, and vastly different was his original state from that into which he subsequently fell. Made in the image and likeness of God, provided with a helpmate, placed in a small garden of delights, given dominion over all the lower orders of creation, blessed by His Maker, bidden to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and included in that which God pronounced very good, Adam had all that heart could desire. Behind him was no sinful heredity, within him was no deceitful and wicked heart, upon him were no marks of corruption, and around him were no signs of death. Together with his helpmate, in fellowship with his Maker, there was everything to make him happy and contented.

    2. And the earth became without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Some fearful catastrophe must have occurred. Sin had dared to raise its horrid head against God, and with sin came death and all its attendant evils. The fair handiwork of the Creator was blasted. That which at first was so fair was now marred, and what was very good became very evil. The light was quenched, and the earth was submerged beneath the waters of judgment. That which was perfect in the beginning became a ruin, and darkness abode upon the face of the deep. Profoundly mysterious is this, and unspeakably tragic. A greater contrast than what is presented in the first two verses of Genesis 1 can hardly be conceived. Yet there it is: the primitive earth, created by God in the beginning, had become a ruin.

    No less tragic was that which befell the first man. Like the original earth before him, Adam remained not in his primitive state. A dreadful catastrophe occurred. Description of this is given in Genesis 3. By one man sin entered the world, and death by sin. The spirit of insubordination possessed him; he rebelled against his Maker; he ate of the forbidden fruit; and terrible were the consequences which followed. The fair handiwork of the Creator was blasted. Where before there was blessing, there now descended the curse. Into a scene of life and joy, entered death and sorrow. That which at the first was very good, became very evil. Just as the primitive earth before him, so man became a wreck and a ruin. He was submerged in evil and enveloped in darkness. Unspeakably tragic was this, but the truth of it is verified in the heart of every descendant of Adam.

    There was, then, a primary creation, afterward a fall; first, 'heaven and earth,' in due order, then earth without a heaven—in darkness, and buried under a 'deep' of salt and barren and restless waters. What a picture of man's condition, as fallen away from God! How complete the confusion! How profound the darkness! How deep the restless waves of passion roll over the wreck of what was once so fair! 'The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt' (F. W. Grant).

    Here, then, is the key to human destiny. Here is the cause of all the suffering and sorrow which is in the world. Here is the explanation of human depravity. Man is not now as God created him. God made man upright (Ecclesiastes 7:9), but he continued not thus. God faithfully warned man that if he ate of the forbidden fruit he should surely die. And die he did, spiritually. Man is, henceforth, a fallen creature. He is born into this world alienated from the life of God (Eph. 4:18). He was born into this world with a heart that is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). This is the heritage of The Fall. This is the entail of Adam's transgression. Man is a ruined creature, and darkness, moral and spiritual, rents upon the face of his understanding. (Eph. 4:18).

    3. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Here is where hope begins to dawn. God did not abandon the primitive earth, which had become a ruin. It would not have been surprising, though, if He had. Why should God trouble any further about that which lay under His righteous judgment? Why should He condescend to notice that which was now a desolate waste? Why, indeed. But here was where sovereign mercy intervened. He had gracious designs toward that formless void. He purposed to resurrect it, restore it, refructify it. And the first thing we read of in bringing about this desired end was, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. There was Divine activity. There was a movement on the part of the Holy Spirit. And this was a prime necessity. How could the earth resurrect itself? How could that which lay under the righteous judgment of God bring itself into the place of blessing? How could darkness transform itself into life? In the very nature of the case it could not. The ruined creation was helpless. If there was to be restoration, and a new creation, Divine power must intervene, the Spirit of God must move.

    The analogy holds good in the spiritual realm. Fallen man had no more claim upon God's notice than had the desolated primitive earth. When Adam rebelled against his Maker, he merited naught but unsparing judgment at His hands, and if God was inclined to have any further regard for him, it was due alone to sovereign mercy. What wonder if God had left man to the doom he so richly deserved! But no. God had designs of grace toward him. From the wreck and ruin of fallen humanity, God purposed to bring forth a new creation. Out of the death of sin, God is now bringing on to resurrection ground all who are united to Christ His Son. And the first thing in bringing this about is the activity of the Holy Spirit. And this, again, is a prime necessity. Fallen man, in himself, is as helpless as was the fallen earth. The sinner can no more regenerate himself than could the ruined earth lift itself out of the deep which rested upon it. The new creation, like the restoration of the material creation, must be accomplished by God Himself.

    4. And God said, let there be light, and there was light. First the activity of the Holy Spirit and now the spoken Word. No less than ten times in this chapter do we read and God said. God might have refashioned and refurnished the earth without speaking at all, but He did not. Instead, He plainly intimated from the beginning, that His purpose was to be worked out and His counsels accomplished by the Word. The first thing God said was, Let there be light, and we read, There was light. Light, then, came in, was produced by, the Word. And then we are told, God saw the light, that it was good.

    It is so in the work of the new creation. These two are inseparably joined together—the activity of the Spirit and the ministry of the Word of God. It is by these the man in Christ became a new creation. And the initial step toward this was the entrance of light into the darkness. The entrance of sin has blinded the eyes of man's heart and has darkened his understanding. So much so that, left to himself, man is unable to perceive the awfulness of his condition, the condemnation which rests upon him, or the peril in which he stands. Unable to see his urgent need of a Savior, he is, spiritually, in total darkness. And neither the affections of his heart, the reasonings of his mind, nor the power of his will, can dissipate this awful darkness. Light comes to the sinner through the Word applied by the Spirit. As it is written, the entrance of Thy words giveth light (Ps. 119:130). This marks the initial step of God's work in the soul. Just as the shining of the light in Genesis I made manifest the desolation upon which it shone, so the entrance of God's Word into the human heart reveals the awful ruin which sin has wrought.

    5. And God divided the light from the darkness. Hebrews 4:12 tells us, the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. This is not a figurative expression but, we believe, a statement of literal fact. Man is a tripartite being, made up of spirit and soul and body (1 Thess. 5:23). The late Dr. Pierson distinguished between them thus: The spirit is capable of God-consciousness; the soul is the seat of self-consciousness; the body of sense-consciousness. In the day that Adam sinned, he died spiritually. Physical death is the separation of the spirit from the body; spiritual death is the separation of the spirit from God. When Adam died, his spirit was not annihilated, but it was alienated from God. There was a fall. The spirit, the highest part of Adam's complex being, no longer dominated; instead, it was degraded, it fell to the level of the soul, and ceased to function separately. Hence, today, the unregenerate man is dominated by his soul, which is the seat of lust, passion, emotion. But in the work of regeneration, the Word of God pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the spirit is rescued from the lower level to which it has fallen, being brought back again into communion with God. The spirit being that part of man which is capable of communion with God, is light; the soul when it is not dominated and regulated by the spirit is in darkness, hence, in that part of the six days' work of restoration which adumbrated the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, we read, And God divided the light from the darkness."

    6. And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters... . and God called the firmament heaven (Gen. 1:6, 8). This brings us to the second days work, and here, for the first time, we read that God made something (Gen. 1:7). This was the formation of the atmospheric heaven, the firmament, named by God heaven. That which corresponds to this in the new creation, is the impartation of a new nature. The one who is born of the Spirit becomes a partaker of the Divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4). Regeneration is not the improvement of the flesh, or the cultivation of the old nature; it is the reception of an altogether new and heavenly nature. It is important to note that the firmament was produced by the Word, for, again we read, And God said. So it is by the written Word of God that the new birth is produced, Of His own will begat He us with the Word of truth(Jam. 1:18). And again, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God (1 Pet. 1:23).

    7. And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God said. Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself (Gen. 1:9-11). These verses bring before us God's work on the third day, and in harmony with the meaning of this numeral we find that which clearly speaks of resurrection. The earth was raised out of the waters which had submerged it, and then it was clothed with vegetation. Where before there was only desolation and death, life and fertility now appeared. So it is in regeneration. The one who was dead in trespasses and sins, has been raised to walk in newness of life. The one who was by the old creation in Adam, is now by new creation in Christ. The one who before produced nothing but dead works, is now fitted to bring forth fruit to the glory of God.

    And here we must conclude. Much has been left untouched, but sufficient has been said, we trust, to show that the order followed by God in the six days' work of restoration, foreshadowed His work of grace in the new creation: that which He did of old in the material world, typified His present work in the spiritual realm. Every stage was accomplished by the putting forth of Divine power, and everything was produced by the operation of His Word. May writer and reader be more and more subject to that Word, and then shall we be pleasing to Him and fruitful in His service.

    Chapter 2. Christ In Genesis 1

    In our first meditation upon this wonderful book of beginnings we pointed out some of the striking analogies which exist between the order followed by God in His work of creation and His method of procedure in the new creation, the spiritual creation in the believer. First, there was darkness, then the action of the Holy Spirit, then the word of power going forth, and then light as the result, and later resurrection and fruit. There is also a striking foreshadowment of God's great dispensational dealings with our race, in this record of His work in the six days, but as this has already received attention from more capable pens than ours, we pass on to still another application of this scripture. There is much concerning Christ in this first chapter of Genesis if only we have eyes to see, and it is the typical application of Genesis 1 to Christ and His work we would here direct attention.

    Christ is the key which unlocks the golden doors into the temple of Divine truth. Search the Scriptures, is His command, for they are they which testify of Me. And again, He declares, In the volume of the Book it is written of Me. In every section of the written Word the Personal Word is enshrined—in Genesis as much as in Matthew. And we would now submit that on the frontispiece of Divine Revelation we have a typical program of the entire Work of Redemption.

    In the opening statements of this chapter we discover, in type, the great need of Redemption. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This carries us back to the primal creation which, like everything else that comes from the hand of God, must have been perfect, beautiful, glorious. Such also was the original condition of man. Made in the image of his Creator, endowed with the breath of Elohim, he was pronounced very good.

    But the next words present a very different picture—And the earth was without form and void, or, as the original Hebrew might be more literally translated, The earth became a ruin. Between the first two verses in Genesis 1 a terrible calamity occurred. Sin entered the universe. The heart of the mightiest of all God's creatures was filled with pride—Satan had dared to oppose the will of the Almighty. The dire effects of his fall reached to our earth, and what was originally created by God fair and beautiful, became a ruin. Again we see in this a striking analogy to the history of man. He too fell. He also became a ruin. The effects of his sin likewise reached beyond himself—the generations of an unborn humanity being cursed as the result of the sin of our first parents.

    And darkness was upon the face of the deep. Darkness is the opposite of light. God is light. Darkness is the emblem of Satan. Well do these words describe the natural condition of our fallen race. Judicially separated from God, morally and spiritually blind, experimentally the slaves of Satan, an awful pall of darkness rests upon the entire mass of an unregenerate humanity. But this only furnishes a black background upon which can be displayed the glories of Divine Grace. Where sin abounded grace did much more abound. The method of this abounding of grace is, in type, outlined in God's work during the six days. In the work of the first four days we have a most remarkable foreshadowment of the four great stages in the Work of Redemption. We cannot now do much more than call attention to the outlines of this marvelous primitive picture. But as we approach it, to gaze upon it in awe and wonderment, may the Spirit of God take of the things of Christ and show them unto us.

    I. In the first day's work the Divine Incarnation is typically set forth.

    If fallen and sinful men are to be reconciled to the thrice holy God what must be done? How can the infinite chasm separating Deity from humanity be bridged? What ladder shall be able to rest here upon earth and yet reach right into heaven itself? Only one answer is possible to these questions. The initial step in the work of human redemption must be the Incarnation of Deity. Of necessity this must be the starting point. The Word must become flesh. God Himself must come right down to the very pit where a ruined humanity helplessly lies, if it is ever to be lifted out of the miry clay and transported to heavenly places. The Son of God must take upon Himself the form of a servant and be made in the likeness of men.

    This is precisely what the first day's work typifies in its foreshadowment of the initial step in the Work of Redemption, namely, the Incarnation of the Divine Redeemer. Notice here five things.

    First, there is the work of the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit of God moved (Heb. 'brooded') upon the face of the waters (v. 2). So also was this the order in the Divine Incarnation. Concerning the mother of the Savior we read, And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35).

    Second, the word issues forth as light. And God said (the word) let there be light and there was light (v. 3). So also as soon as Mary brings forth the Holy Child The glory of the Lord shone round about the shepherds on Bethlehem's plains (Luke 2:9). And when He is presented in the temple, Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit to say, For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people: a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.

    Third, the light is approved by God. And God saw the light, that it was good (v. 4). We cannot now enlarge much upon the deep typical import of this statement, but would remark in passing that the Hebrew word here translated good is also in (Ecclesiastes 3:11) rendered beautifulHe hath made everything beautiful in his time. God saw that the light was good, beautiful! How obvious is the application to our incarnate Lord! After His advent into this world we are told that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), and the first words of the Father concerning Him were, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Yes, good and beautiful was the light in the sight of the Father. How blind was man that he should see in Him no beauty that he should desire Him!

    Fourth, the light was separated from the darkness. And God divided the light from the darkness (v. 4). How jealously did the Holy Spirit guard the types! How careful is He to call our attention to the immeasurable difference between the Son of Man and the sons of men! Though in His infinite condescension He saw fit to share our humanity, yet He shared not our depravity. The light of Christ was divided from the darkness (fallen humanity). For such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners (Heb. 7:26).

    Fifth, the light was named by God. And God called the light Day (v. 5). So also was it with Him who is the Light of the world. It was not left to Joseph and Mary to select the name for the Holy Child. Of old the prophet had declared, Listen, O isles unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; the Lord hath called Me from the womb; from the bowels of My mother hath He made mention of My name (Isa. 49:1). And in fulfillment thereof, while yet in His mother's womb, an angel is sent by God to Joseph, saying, And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus.

    II. In the second day's work the Cross of Christ is typically set forth.

    What was the next thing necessary in the accomplishment of the Work of Redemption? The Incarnation by itself would not meet our need. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit (John 12:24). The Incarnate Christ reveals the spotless and perfect life which alone meets the Divine mind, but it helps not to bridge the awful gulf between a holy God and a ruined sinner. For this, sin must put away, and that cannot be done except death comes in. For without shedding of blood is no remission. The Lamb of God must be slain. The Holy One must lay down His life. The Cross is the only place where the righteous claims of God's throne can be met.

    And in the second day's work this second step in the accomplishment of human redemption is typically set forth. The prominent thing in this second day's work is division, separation, isolation. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so (vv. 6-7). It is striking to note here that there is a twofold division. First there is a firmament in the midst of the waters and this firmament divides the waters from the waters, and secondly, the firmament divided the waters which were under it from those which were above it. We believe that the firmament here typifies the Cross, and sets forth its twofold aspect. There our blessed Lord was divided or separated from God Himself—My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?; and there also He was separated from man Cut off out of the land of the living.

    That the firmament here does foreshadow the Cross seems to be clearly borne out by the marvelous analogy between what is here told us concerning it and its typical agreement with the Cross of Christ. Observe four things.

    First, the firmament was purposed by God before it was actually made. In verse 6 it reads, And God said let there be a firmament, and in verse 7, And God made the firmament. How perfect is the agreement between type and antitype! Long, long before the Cross was erected on Golgotha's heights, it was purposed by God. Christ was The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8).

    Second, the firmament was set in the midst of the waters. It is well known to Bible students that in Scripture waters symbolize peoples, nations (cf. Revelation 17:15). In its typical application then, these words would seem to signify, Let there be a Cross in the midst of the peoples. Manifold are the applications suggested by these words. Accurate beyond degree is the type. Our minds immediately turn to the words, They crucified Him, and two others with Him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst (John 19:18). The geographical situation of Calvary is likewise a fulfillment: Palestine being practically the center or midst of the earth.

    Third, the firmament divided the waters. So the Cross has divided the peoples. The Cross of Christ is the great divider of mankind. So it was historically, for it divided the believing thief from the impotent thief. So it has been ever since, and so it is today. On the one hand, The preaching of the Cross is to them that perish, foolishness, but on the other, unto us which are saved, it is the power of God (1 Cor. 1:18).

    Fourth, the firmament was designed by God. And God made the firmament. So was it announced on the Day of Pentecost concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God (Acts 2:23). So was it declared of old, It pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief. The Cross was of Divine design and appointment.

    Is it not also deeply significant that the words, And God saw that it was good are omitted at the close of this second day's work? Had they been included here the type would have been marred. The second day's work pointed forward to the Cross, and at the Cross God was dealing with sin. There His wrath was being expended on the Just One who was dying for the unjust. Though He was without any sin, yet was He made sin for us and dealt with accordingly. Does not then the omission here of the usual expression God saw that it was good assume a deeper significance than has been hitherto allowed.

    III. In the third day's work our Lord's Resurrection is typically set forth.

    Our article has already exceeded the limits we originally designed, so perforce, we must abbreviate.

    The third thing necessary in the accomplishment of the Work of Redemption was the Resurrection of the Crucified One. A dead Savior could not save anyone. Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him; Why? Seeing He ever liveth (Heb. 7:25).

    Thus it is in our type. Beyond doubt, that which is foreshadowed on the third day's work is resurrection. It

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