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Conspiracy awakening: Update, #2
Conspiracy awakening: Update, #2
Conspiracy awakening: Update, #2
Ebook33 pages18 minutes

Conspiracy awakening: Update, #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

What if every conspiracy theory you have ever read is true.

Could you use that power to awaken your mind?

How could these theories help you shape your life the way you want?

This short ebook looks at how a few of these crazy theories could be realities, and how you can use them to change your life.

PublisherDavid Smith
Release dateJun 4, 2017
Conspiracy awakening: Update, #2

David Smith

Dave is a father, husband, and fan of motivational self-help books. He gains inspirations from fantasy fiction, science fiction, as well as a vast array of paranormal and conspiracy theory authors. Never one to be satisfied with the 'normal' ways of looking at things, Dave has a unique perspective on how things fit together.

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    Book preview

    Conspiracy awakening - David Smith

    What if everything you imagine is real.

    I don’t just mean what you imagine after you read the words once upon a time, but I mean absolutely EVERYTHING you imagine.

    I have recently opened my mind to the paranoid internet ramblings of the Mandela Effect and the horror stories surrounding the CERN collider.  And although I think that most of the so called information being spouted as truth is a load of bull, it has opened my mind to something I find very interesting.  Call it a ‘spiritual awakening’ if you will.

    Before I get into anything further, let me explain what has opened my mind.

    My comic book days introduced me to the idea of a multiverse.  The theory here is that there is an infinite number of universes occupying the same space as ours, but at a different vibrational frequency.  These multiple universes allow for the fact that for every possible choice or decision that has ever been made, the opposite decision has been made in one of these parallel universes.  Something as simple as you choosing a red shirt to wear today, but in another universe, you wore the blue one instead.

    The next piece of my puzzle came from my science fiction days where Anti-matter was a thing.  This is an atomically polar opposite form of matter that cannot exist freely in

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