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RIP VAN WINKLE - A Story from the Catskill Mountains: Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 200
RIP VAN WINKLE - A Story from the Catskill Mountains: Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 200
RIP VAN WINKLE - A Story from the Catskill Mountains: Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 200
Ebook39 pages20 minutes

RIP VAN WINKLE - A Story from the Catskill Mountains: Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 200

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ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 200
In this 200th issue of the Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the American tale of “RIP VAN WINKLE.” Set in New York’s Catskill’s Mountains, Rip Van Winkle was a lazy hunter who did just enough to keep his family fed and to keep the debtors at bay.
Ready to help his neighbours, but seldom found to be working on his own property, he received yet another scolding at the hands of Frau (wife) van Winkle. Not unusually, Rip stood there and listened in silence. When she finished her tirade, he picked up his musket and set off into the mountains with his trusty dog, Wolf, to hunt.
On this day when the shadows were getting longer, he called his dog and started for home. Then he heard a voice crying his name “Rip van Winkle, Rip van Winkle.” Following the voice he found an old man, short and square, with a shock of thick bushy hair, and a long greyish beard. He was dressed after the Dutch fashion of a hundred years back, in a jacket belted round the waist, and several pairs of breeches, weighed down by a heavy load. Being his helpful self, Rip offers to help the man carry his load home. Pausing to ease his load, up ahead he spied a hollow. At the entrance to the hollow Rip paused again, for before him was a group of little men playing ninepins.
They invited him in and offered to share some of their ale with him. Thirsty, Rip readily agreed and not long after Rip felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Not being able to keep his eyes open any longer, Rip succumbed to the sleep now overtaking his whole body.
Download and read the story of Rip Van Winkle, more astounding for what he found after he awoke than for his life before he met the small men.

Baba Indaba is a fictitious Zulu storyteller who narrates children's stories from around the world. Baba Indaba translates as "Father of Stories".

Each issue also has a "WHERE IN THE WORLD - LOOK IT UP" section, where young readers are challenged to look up a place on a map somewhere in the world. The place, town or city is relevant to the story. HINT - use Google maps.

33% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.
Release dateMay 3, 2017
RIP VAN WINKLE - A Story from the Catskill Mountains: Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 200

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    RIP VAN WINKLE - A Story from the Catskill Mountains - Anon E. Mouse


    A Tale from the Catskills

    Baba Indaba Children’s Stories

    Published By

    Abela Publishing, London



    Typographical arrangement of this edition

    ©Abela Publishing 2016

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    Abela Publishing,

    London, United Kingdom


    Baba Indaba Children’s Stories

    ISSN 2397-9607

    Issue 200


    [email protected]


    An Introduction to Baba Indaba

    Baba Indaba, pronounced Baaba Indaaba, lived in Africa a long-long time ago. Indeed, this story was first told by Baba Indaba to the British settlers over 250 years ago in a place on the South East Coast of Africa called Zululand, which is now in a country now called South Africa.

    In turn the British settlers wrote these stories down and they were brought back to England on sailing ships. From England they were in turn spread to all corners of the old British Empire, and then to the world.

    In olden times the Zulu’s did not have computers, or iPhones, or paper, or even pens and pencils. So, someone was assigned to be the Wenxoxi Indaba (Wensosi Indaaba) –

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