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Homemade Shampoo: 22 Tips on How to Make Homemade Shampoos For Damaged and Hair Without Shine
Homemade Shampoo: 22 Tips on How to Make Homemade Shampoos For Damaged and Hair Without Shine
Homemade Shampoo: 22 Tips on How to Make Homemade Shampoos For Damaged and Hair Without Shine
Ebook45 pages22 minutes

Homemade Shampoo: 22 Tips on How to Make Homemade Shampoos For Damaged and Hair Without Shine

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Are you tired of paying top dollar for shampoo that does an adequate at best job of cleaning your hair? Are you worried about the types of chemicals that you are putting in your hair and on your head and what those chemicals could do if they get absorbed through your scalp? We all are justifiably concerned about the types of products we are buying. 

When all-natural doesn’t mean much more than the label it is printed on, our only option is to make it ourselves. What’s great about shampoo is that it is one of the easiest health and beauty products to make on our own. And more importantly, because it is so easy, we are in complete control of what the shampoo does and what is in it.

Store and salon bought shampoos are a confusing blend of varieties. But the one thing in common among all the brands, formulations and prices is that they are mass-produced. As a result, the unique characteristics of your hair are at the mercy of the conglomerate’s best guess about what everybody needs. If you have experienced the sheer agony of trying to brush out recently dyed hair that was washed with a shampoo that says it is great for colored hair, but doesn’t specify thick, colored hair, you know how important it is to take every factor into account.
Say goodbye to one-size fits all shampoos and look forward to recipes that are tailored to your own hair, every time you wash!

PublisherJVzon Studio
Release dateMar 8, 2017
Homemade Shampoo: 22 Tips on How to Make Homemade Shampoos For Damaged and Hair Without Shine

Justin Coleman

Justin Coleman is the Senior Pastor of University United Methodist Church in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. A native of Houston, he is a graduate of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina. Rev. Coleman has also served as the Chief Ministry Officer for the United Methodist Publishing House in Nashville, TN, as Lead Pastor of the Gethsemane Campus of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Houston, TX. His ministry at University UMC includes leading the church as it seeks to live into radical kinship by loving God, serving others, and building Christian community. Rev. Coleman is married to Dr. Chaka Coleman and they have three sons. Rev. Coleman is the author of Home for Christmas: Tales of Hope and Second Chances and is the Old Testament presenter on Disciple Fast Track: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study.

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    Homemade Shampoo - Justin Coleman


    Thank you for downloading Homemade Shampoos: 22 Tips on How to Make Homemade Shampoos For Damaged and Hair Without Shine!  I am so excited to share what I have learned as a cosmetologist, as well what I have learned on my homeopathic journey in my approach to beauty.

    A few years ago, I was working in a popular, well respected hair salon.  Part of my salary depended on selling my clients professional hair care products.  Shortly into my time there, a friend had introduced me to more of a natural, homeopathic lifestyle.  As I learned more about the dangerous chemicals found in beauty products, specifically shampoos, I began to question selling these products.  I was building a client base, and they were placing their trust in me as a trained professional, to advise them on the best products to use on their

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