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Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide
Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide
Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide
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Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide

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With approximately 44,000 users in the U.S. and Canada, as well as 42,000 in Europe, IDEA software has become a leading provider of data analysis software for use by auditors and accountants. Written to provide users with a quick access guide for optimal use of IDEAScript, Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide is IDEA's official guide to mastering IDEAScript, covering essential topics such as Introducing IDEAScript, Understanding the Basics of IDEAScript Editor, Designing Structured Applications, Understanding IDEA Databases and much more. For auditors, accountants and controllers.
Release dateMar 29, 2011
Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide

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    Mastering IDEAScript - IDEA


    Most people want to perform tasks faster because, let's face it, time is precious and you'd much rather spend your time doing something other than sitting at your desk waiting for the computer to complete a task. That's where IDEAScript comes into play. By using IDEAScript, you can automate tasks. You can tell the computer to accomplish tasks and let you know when the work is finished. Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide is your window to IDEAScript. It helps you understand how IDEAScript works and how you can use it to do amazing things with IDEA, all without having to sit at your desk to observe the computer doing it. If that sounds interesting, read on!

    About This Book

    Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide is designed to help the complete novice develop the skills required to write simple applications using IDEAScript. The overall goal of this book is to make it possible for you to automate all of those tasks that you used to perform manually. Of course, you still have to start the task and interpret the results—even the best automation can't do that for you.

    Automation is one of those terms that's used a lot, but is never quite explained by anyone. For the purposes of this book, automation means that you'll be able to write an application that follows a procedure you create—the same procedure you use every day to perform tasks. It's just that simple. Instead of you spending time filling in forms and answering questions, you give all the required information to the computer as part of your application and let it do the work. The result is that you become more productive and spend less time sitting in that chair bored stiff.

    The techniques in this book go further, though. Let's say that you have an assistant and want the assistant to help with some of the work. You can write an application that asks the assistant very simple questions and then automates the rest of the task for the assistant so you don't have to help as much. The result is that your assistant also becomes more capable and efficient. By using forms and other techniques described in this book, you make it possible for less-skilled helpers to perform a task using the same approach you do, making the result look the same as if you had done it.

    IDEAScript provides a wealth of capabilities and Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide tells you all about them. For example, you might want to remotely control an external application without having to work too hard to do it. Using IDEAScript, you create the code required to perform the manipulation one time, and then let the computer perform the task for you from then on.

    Finally, this book tells you about a few unique tasks you can perform using IDEAScript. Do you have an external file that doesn't quite want to import using the normal techniques provided by IDEA? Well, you can define an application using IDEAScript that makes it possible to import just about anything into IDEA. This book tells you how to accomplish this kind of task.

    How This Book Is Organized

    This book discusses IDEAScript starting from simple topics and moving on toward more complex topics. The initial topics also focus on tasks that you perform more often. As you progress through the book, you start to discover tasks that are less used, but extremely useful in many situations. In fact, this book may present you with some new ways of accomplishing tasks that you hadn't considered when using the GUI. Here's a list of the chapters in this book:

    Chapter 1: Introducing IDEAScript. This chapter helps you understand what automation can help you do. It presents you with the concepts behind using macros and helps you set reasonable goals for working with IDEAScript.

    Chapter 2: Creating Your First IDEAScript Application. This chapter begins by helping you understand the two kinds of macros you can create with IDEA: IDEAScript and Visual Script. It then presents you with the editors used to create each macro type. This is also the first chapter where you write an application—something very basic that you can use as a starting point for other applications in the book.

    Chapter 3: Understanding the Basics of the IDEAScript Editor. This chapter provides you with the details of using the IDEAScript Editor.

    Chapter 4: Designing Structured Applications. This chapter helps you understand the basic parts of an application. You discover how to write code quickly and efficiently by copying it from the help file or from IDEA's history. In addition, you learn how to use the Macro Recorder to create complete applications without writing any code at all. Finally, this chapter shows you how to add your application to an IDEA toolbar or menu so that you can access it quickly.

    Chapter 5: Working with Data. This chapter helps you understand what variables and constants are (essentially they're a sort of storage container) and how to use them within your application. This chapter introduces data types, a method of categorizing data stored in variables and constants. Finally, you discover some basic techniques for working with variables and constants.

    Chapter 6: Using Conditional Statements and Loops. This chapter begins building on the basic structures you learned about in Chapter 4. In this case, you learn how to perform tasks conditionally using any criteria you want and how to perform tasks multiple times (either a specific number of times or until the application meets certain specifications). This chapter also helps you understand what to do about errors that occur in your application.

    Chapter 7: Understanding IDEA Databases. This chapter introduces databases from an IDEAScript perspective. You discover how databases are put together and learn how to open databases for processing. After the introductory material, this chapter provides you with the information you need to perform basic tasks, such as indexing, sorting, and closing your database.

    Chapter 8: Working with Databases. This chapter takes the next step after basic database management. You discover how to perform some intermediate level tasks, such as comparing databases and exporting them. Finally, this chapter shows you how to work with fields, records, and tables in a database.

    Chapter 9: Considering the CaseWare IDEA Object Model. This chapter introduces you to the concept of objects, which are a representation of something in your application. Think of objects as they appear in the real world and you have the basic idea. Once you have the basics of objects down, this chapter introduces you to a number of IDEAScript objects, especially those used to perform tasks.

    Chapter 10: Performing Mathematical Tasks. This chapter helps you understand how to perform math tasks using IDEAScript. You'll also see details on using a couple of the analysis-related tasks provided by IDEA.

    Chapter 11: Interacting with Arrays. This chapter demonstrates how to use arrays, which provide a method of storing like or associated values together for easy access.

    Chapter 12: Creating Interactive Dialog Boxes. This chapter presents techniques for working with complex dialog boxes. IDEAScript lets you create dialog boxes of any complexity so that you can ask the user questions, have the user fill out forms, or interact with the user in other ways. As part of this chapter, you learn how to use the various graphical elements used to create dialog boxes.

    Chapter 13: Locating Information in Databases. This chapter helps you learn how to find information within databases. These search techniques can make it quite easy to find any data within the database, even if you aren't quite sure what you're trying to find. IDEA makes it quite easy to perform complex searches without a lot of work on your part—IDEAScript makes things even easier by automating some tasks associated with common searches.

    Chapter 14: Importing and Exporting Data. This chapter shows you how you can obtain data from other applications and send IDEA data to other applications. The ability to import and export data is essential in today's world of connected computers. You want to have a number of solutions available to make data accessible for further analysis or for sharing with other people.

    Chapter 15: Working with Files. This chapter describes how to work with external files of all types. You can use external files to store other information or import data from external files that IDEA might not support directly. In addition, you can use external files to hold configuration information or even use them to log application errors. In short, external files are really important when creating moderately complex IDEAScript applications.

    Chapter 16: Working with Other Applications. This chapter describes how to make other applications work with IDEA in a number of ways. In this chapter, you discover specifically how to use IDEA with both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, but the techniques shown will work with other applications, too. Once you complete this chapter, you can create multi-application scenarios and automate data manipulation tasks even further.

    Chapter 17: Performing Data Analysis Tasks. This chapter discusses advanced database manipulation tasks that you may not use very often, but will find essential to accomplish certain goals. The examples in this chapter discuss advanced database manipulation tasks such as working with pivot tables and finding gaps within data sequences.

    Chapter 18: Working with Charts and Graphs. This chapter describes how to create graphical presentations of data within a database. Graphics are exciting and usually the best way to present complex information. In addition, by using charts and graphs, you can help others see patterns in data and present a specific message with your data that isn't possible using other means.

    Chapter 19: Defining Reports. This chapter describes how to create nicely formatted reports using database data. In many cases, the way you present data will affect how the viewer receives it, so this chapter is essential if you want to create output with a certain level of fit and finish.

    Chapter 20: Considering Database Security. This chapter discusses the difficult topic of security in a very simple manner. When you finish this chapter, you'll be able to create a relatively secure application without a lot of work. Because security is such an important topic today, you'll want to read this chapter if you plan to share your application with anyone else or if you routinely work on sensitive data.

    Chapter 21: Debugging Your Application. This chapter presents methods for finding errors in your application and fixing them. Most applications have errors at some point in their lifetime. Fixing these errors makes the application more reliable, easier to use, more efficient, and definitely a pleasure to work with as well.

    Chapter 22: Performing Project Management Tasks. This chapter helps you understand how to work with your application in a larger company environment. In many cases, you'll find that your application becomes popular after you show it to other people. In other cases, you might find yourself working with other people to create a database management solution in the form of an application. It's important to know how to work with IDEAScript in a group environment.

    Chapter 23: Converting Visual Script to IDEAScript. This chapter demonstrates how to convert your Visual Script macro into an IDEAScript macro. Visual Script can be a little limiting because you don't have good control over every feature the application can do. Using IDEAScript is more flexible and makes it possible to perform advanced database management.

    What You Need to Use This Book

    This book doesn't assume that you have any knowledge about programming or have any programming skills. In fact, it assumes that you don't have either programming knowledge or skills. However, you do need to know the basics of working with Windows and you must at least be familiar with using IDEA. This book doesn't tell you how to perform tasks such as working with a mouse and it assumes that you know how to use IDEA to perform at least simple tasks such as extracting a database.

    You won't need any special equipment or software to use this book. All you need is your copy of IDEA. If you want to perform some advanced tasks, such as working with other applications, you do need the other applications. For the purposes of this book, if you have a copy of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word handy, you'll be able to work with the examples in Chapter 16.

    Conventions Used in This Book

    This book doesn't use many conventions. It emphasizes simple text for most purposes. You'll see special terms in italics on first use, followed by a definition of that term. Website URLs, all code, file/folder names, and file/folder locations appear in Courier New font type. In procedural text, Bold is used for user interface elements and text you need to enter. This book also provides three special kinds of text as follows:

    Notes are additional information that doesn't fit within the flow of text. You might find the information useful because it augments the information found in the paragraphs. In some cases, notes provide sources of additional information or help you understand a concept more clearly. In almost every case, you can skip a note without losing any essential information, but whenever possible, stop to read the notes to get the special information they contain.

    Tips provide you with insights on how to do something more efficiently, faster, or with less work. Often, tips provide best practices for working with IDEAScript. Even though tips aren't essential reading, you'll want to read tips whenever possible to get the most out of this book and IDEAScript.

    Warnings tell you about things you should avoid doing. In many cases, warnings tell you about situations that will cause data loss or at least cause your application to crash. You should always pay special attention to warnings. In fact, you should note warnings that especially affect you and go back to them later when writing your application. Never skip warnings.

    In addition to these three special kinds of text, this book does use a special format for code. You'll see both code snippets (short sections of incomplete code) and code listings (longer sections of complete examples) in the following format:

    ' This is a comment.

    MsgBox This is code


    Thanks to my wife, Rebecca, for working with me to get this book completed. I really don't know what I would have done without her help in researching and compiling some of the information that appears in this book. She also did a fine job of proofreading most of my rough draft.

    Matt Wagner, my agent, deserves credit for helping me get the contract in the first place and taking care of all the details that most authors don't consider. I always appreciate his assistance. It's good to know that someone wants to help.

    Finally, I would like to thank Andrew Coles, Vanessa Muckleston, Andy Sloman, Christine Dahlgren, and the rest of the editorial and production staff for their assistance in bringing this book to print. It's always nice to work with such a great group of professionals.

    Chapter 1

    Introducing IDEAScript

    You've just completed the same analysis for the fiftieth time and wonder if there isn't an easier way to get the job done. Yes, using IDEA is fast and easy, but there must be a way to make things faster still. Of course, you can try to find some way to improve your own efficiency or try to perform the analysis a few less times, but there are limitations to that approach and they often require additional work on your part. Why not have someone else, or more importantly, something else, do the work for you? That's what scripting is all about. This book tells you everything you need to know in order to make the computer work for you, rather than you work for it. In this chapter, you discover just how much benefit you can obtain by spending a few hours learning to tell the computer what to do. As you go through this chapter, you learn how to:

    Understand how automation can make working with IDEA easier.

    Consider the ways in which you can use automation.

    Decide which forms of automation to pursue first.

    Determine how your skills can help you use automation best.

    Understanding Automation

    The computer community will use all kinds of technical terms you don't understand to describe scripting. In fact, the word scripting itself sounds foreign and technical. What this book really describes is automation, and you use automation every day. When you go to the gas station and fill your car with gas, you're using automation. After all, you don't have to pump the gas from the storage tank yourself—you let the gas pump do the work. When you go to the store, the cashier uses a cash register and scanner to total the amount of money you owe for food—no one uses pen and paper any longer. The cashier is employing yet another kind of automation. You get home and click a button—the garage door opens. The garage door is yet more automation. In fact, it won't take long for you to find automation everywhere in your life. Why not automate IDEA as well?

    All forms of automation rely on some kind of control. When you pump gas, you press buttons or tell the gas pump to begin pumping in some other way. Controls inside the gas pump automatically stop the flow of gas. At the store, the act of clicking a few keys on the cash register and scanning the items provides control over the adding process. The garage door opens when you click a button on its control. Likewise, scripting is a form of control over IDEA that you exercise using special words and phrases. As you can see, scripting isn't anything new—you've already been exercising control over things all your life.

    Scripting is a little more complex than pumping gas, scanning groceries, or opening a garage door, but it also does a lot more for you. The complexity comes in the form of a procedure you must write. Of course, you've already been doing that task for a long time too. Any time you have someone stay at your house to water the plants or ask a coworker to perform a task, you write a procedure for them—you tell them what you want them to do and when to do it. Automating tasks in IDEA is no different. You use control words to write a procedure that IDEA performs for you. This procedure is called a macro and you use macros to tell IDEA how to automate tasks for you. The following sections describe the benefits of automating tasks in IDEA in more detail.

    How Does Automation Benefit You?

    The main reason you're reading this book is to gain a new skill that benefits you in some way. After all, why bother to learn something that isn't going to help you in some way? The following list outlines the benefits you should consider as you read this book:

    You can perform work faster.

    The results you obtain will contain fewer errors.

    Any analysis is performed more consistently.

    Your work becomes more interesting because you can focus on unique tasks.

    You don't have to remember how to perform complex procedures because the procedure is contained in the macro.

    It's easy to justify actions you take based on the consistency of your macros.


    There are many ways in which learning to script will benefit you that this book can't cover. For example, if you know how to script and none of the other people in your organization do, you'll likely find that your job security is greater and you'll receive promotions more often. Many people are afraid of scripting, but you're brave enough to give it a try. You'll find that scripting is actually quite easy and straightforward as the book progresses.

    How Does Automation Benefit Others?

    Believe it or not, your new skill will also benefit others. When you know how to create macros, you become an important asset to others who don't know how to perform this task or simply want to benefit from what you've learned. The following list outlines the benefits others will receive from your macros:

    People can use your macros to obtain the same benefits you obtain.

    Your organization can perform analysis in a consistent fashion, making the analysis easier for everyone to understand.

    The reports and other output you generate will make it easier to see trends.

    It's possible to create a workflow (a standard method of performing a task) for the entire organization.

    A single employee absence won't mean that work stops.

    Best Practices for Using Automation

    Given the benefits of automation, you may be tempted to use automation all the time. However, automation isn't always the answer; you must use some discretion in employing automation. For example, you wouldn't want a completely automated plane—having a pilot is important for safety reasons. The following list provides best practices you should follow when considering automation:

    Always choose tasks that you'll repeat. The more often you need to repeat a task, the better a candidate it is for scripting.

    Always choose well-defined tasks. In order to write a procedure, you must understand the task completely.

    Always plan your macros carefully and completely so that the procedure works as you expect it should. The planning process begins when you separate tasks that will automate well from those that won't.

    Whenever possible, create macros that everyone in your organization can use, rather than focus on macros for personal needs. When everyone benefits, the time you use to write the macro is paid off faster.

    Whenever possible, write down the procedure you use and then test the procedure carefully. This act is no different from any other automation you use. For example, you'd expect that a cashier would receive training that relies on written and tested procedures.

    Avoid writing macros that are too complicated for your current skill level. Discover scripting a step at a time. As this chapter progresses, you'll learn tricks you can use to avoid getting in over your head.

    Never assume that the macro you write for your machine will work on another machine until you test it on that machine. Just as a procedure for one cash register may not work on another, you can't assume your macro will work on every machine. As the book progresses, you'll discover methods for testing your macros to ensure they work as anticipated.

    Understanding How You Use Macros

    Macros, the written procedures used for scripting, can perform all kinds of tasks. In fact, the number of tasks you can perform is literally limited only by your imagination. Some people have written games and done all kinds of other interesting things with macros. Of course, most people use macros for more practical purposes. The following sections describe some of the common tasks you can perform with macros.

    Interacting with Databases

    The task you perform most often in IDEA is interacting with a database of some sort. From your perspective, you're performing a data analysis. However, from the perspective of the IDEA application, you're manipulating data found in databases. Whatever the perspective, being able to get the data you need is important, and it's often repetitious. Macros that help you get the information you need are probably the singular most important kind of macro that you can write.

    Starting with Chapter 7, you begin working with databases and discover that no matter the source, databases often have similar needs and requirements when writing a macro. Chapter 8 shows you how to interact with databases, while Chapter 9 describes the model IDEAScript uses to work with databases. When working with IDEAScript, you can access two kinds of databases:

    Internal IDEA databases

    External databases such as SQL Server

    This book helps you work with both kinds of databases. The external database information starts in Chapter 14 and you see some advanced techniques in Chapter 17. In fact, you'll find that you can access data in all its forms, even an Excel document (see Chapter 16) or a text file (see Chapter 15) on your hard drive. Procedures that might seem complex when you perform them by hand suddenly become easy and fast when you use a macro to perform them.

    Customizing the IDEA Interface

    You can attach (bind) your macros to the IDEA interface. By adding buttons that access your macros, you can customize the IDEA interface to meet your specific needs. Your macros, in essence, become part of the IDEA application and make using IDEA easier. Chapter 4 tells you how to add your macros to the IDEA application interface.

    Performing Calculations

    Analysis normally includes performing comparisons and employing equations to calculate specific values. Of course, you want to be sure you perform the right comparisons and obtain the correct calculations. Fortunately, your computer is far faster and significantly more accurate in both comparisons and calculations, so this is one area that you really should let the computer take care of for you. Chapter 6 tells you how to perform comparisons, while Chapter 10 addresses math requirements.

    Designing New Application Features

    Binding macros to the IDEA interface isn't the only kind of customization you can do. In addition, you can create your own interface elements as dialog boxes. You can use dialog boxes for two purposes:

    To output information to the user.

    To obtain input from the user.

    You can do everything from telling the user of your macro the status of a calculation to asking the user for the name of the database they want to use for analysis. Chapter 12 shows you how to create interactive dialog boxes that let you do amazing things.

    Importing and Exporting Data

    Most businesses need to exchange data in some form or another. Depending on the kind of analysis you perform, you might have to obtain data from many different businesses. Unfortunately, businesses use different applications and different methodologies to store information. Trying to remember all of the methods used to access this information can prove daunting. Fortunately, macros make fast work of importing and exporting data as needed. Chapter 14 describes the resources that IDEAScript provides for importing and exporting data.

    Data comes in many forms. Normally, you'll work with databases, but that isn't always the case. Besides the database chapters in this book, you can discover how to interact directly with files in Chapter 15 and Excel in Chapter 16.

    Controlling Other Applications

    One of the most useful ways to use macros is to control other applications. It's inconvenient and time wasting to have to interact with more than one application at a time. If you can perform at least part of that work by using a macro, you save time and can maintain a focus on IDEA.

    Nothing limits the kinds of applications you can control. If you want to start a copy of Excel and use it to create a chart or graph, you can do so with the information found in Chapter 18. Chapter 19 shows how to control other applications, such as Word, to create reports.


    Never execute macros unless you know what task the macro performs and that the macro is safe to use. Executing a macro that you don't know about can cause damage to your data or produce unreliable results. In addition, macros can cause significant problems on your machine, such as installing a virus. The macros that are completely safe are the ones you understand and obtain from a reliable source.

    You're probably thinking that controlling another application sounds too hard, but it really isn't. The first exercise in this book is to execute a macro that starts a copy of Internet Explorer. This macro actually comes with your copy of IDEA. Just follow these steps.

    1. Open IDEA and select Tools > Macros > Open. This command displays the Open dialog box shown in Figure 1.1. IDEA automatically selects the Samples folder for you, which contains a macro named ie.iss. If you don't see the Samples folder, you can find it by locating \My Documents\IDEA\Samples in the Look in field.

    2. Select ie.iss and click Open. IDEA opens the IDEAScript Editor shown in Figure 1.2. Don't worry about the editor for now; Chapter 2 tells you how to work with it. The text you see in the right Editor pane is a macro and we're going to execute it.

    3. Click Run Script. The Run Script button is the blue right-pointing arrow on the toolbar. You can also press F5. IDEA executes the macro and opens a copy of Internet Explorer for you. Congratulations! You just executed your first macro.

    4. Close Internet Explorer. Select File > Exit in the IDEAScript Editor.

    Figure 1.1 The Open Dialog Box Lets You Choose a Macro File on Your Hard Drive

    Figure 1.2 The IDEAScript Editor Lets You Write Macros That You Can Save to Disk

    Having Things Your Way

    For many people, the idea of scripting can become overwhelming. At first, you can't quite accept that you can actually write macros, but then, once you get used to the idea, all kinds of macro ideas start coming to mind. It's nice to have things your way. Once you discover the full capability of scripting, you'll find that you can do a host of things that you didn't think were possible in the past.

    Of course, that list of ideas can become a burden, too. Make sure you write your ideas down because it's all too easy to forget something you want to do. Even if you don't know how to write the macro today, write it down. As you work with IDEAScript, your skills will improve and today's impossible task will become quite possible tomorrow. Make sure you prioritize your list. Use these criteria for prioritization:

    Skill Level: Your skill level determines the macros you can create today.

    Existing Knowledge: Macros that play to knowledge you already possess, say a math macro if you're already a math expert, should be a priority.

    Pressing Need: Personal or organizational needs can act as a great motivator to finish the macro. Some people try for a short time and then give up—finishing the macro is the only way to build the knowledge you need.

    Interest: Some projects are definitely more interesting than others. It's more likely that you'll finish a macro that interests you, so be sure to tackle these macros first.

    Considering Your Skills

    Even though macro writing is like many other things you've already done and is basically writing a procedure for IDEA to follow, it's still a skill. As you write more macros, you'll learn more about the IDEAScript language and be able to create procedures that are more complex than those you create at first. The best way to learn scripting is to start slowly and discover new commands one at a time until you become proficient.

    Some of the skills you already possess will help as you discover IDEAScript. For example, if you already have solid math skills, you'll find that writing macros that perform math tasks is significantly easier. You may even want to focus on math-related macros when you first begin scripting. Some people already know quite a bit about databases, so working on database-related macros is easier. Don't force yourself to start out with something too difficult—ease into scripting.

    You should create some goals for yourself based on the scripting needs you discover as you work with IDEA. Put these goals on your To Do list—the same as you would anything else you want to learn. When you have a little additional time or you're waiting for another task to complete, take some time to learn a new IDEAScript command and then begin employing it in your macros. It won't be long before you'll be writing complex macros without any trouble at all.

    No one's asking you to memorize anything. The purpose of this book is to act as your memory. As you work through the book, you'll discover that IDEA provides a number of other useful aids to make writing macros easier. Writing macros should be something you do to improve your work experience, not ruin your mood.


    This chapter has started you on the road to a new kind of experience—scripting. The most important idea to take from this chapter is that anyone can write a macro as long as they fully understand the task at hand. While not every task is suitable for automation, many tasks are and you should make full use of this capability in IDEA to reduce your workload. The macros you create help both you and everyone else in your organization, so writing good macros is essential.

    One of the most important aspects of using automation is to employ it correctly. Of course, only you can decide when automation applies. Before you go to the next chapter, consider a few places in which automation will help you and your organization. Using the information in this chapter, write down the pros and cons of using automation for the tasks you define. Present your list and reasoning to other people and see if they agree that automation is the right choice for the tasks you list. This exercise will save you considerable time trying to automate tasks that you really shouldn't automate.

    Now that you have a list of tasks you want to automate, Chapter 2 takes the next step and begins to show how to create macros. Of course, your first macros will be very simple. You want to make scripting fun and easy to perform, so these initial steps are important. The macro in Chapter 2 is functional and you can even show it off to your friends. However, you'll create significantly more interesting macros as the book progresses.

    Chapter 2

    Creating Your First IDEAScript Application

    An IDEAScript application is a group of one or more macros that perform a specific task, such as a particular kind of analysis on a database. The application can contain dialog boxes and other user interface features that make it possible to interact with the user and create a more flexible result. You can even compile your IDEAScript application to execute it at the command line without ever opening IDEA.

    Many people experience a mental block when they attempt to perform some tasks. For example, most people have a hard time starting to write something when faced with a blank page. Writing an application can be the same way. Many people look at the blank editor screen and simply don't know what to do next. Just as book authors use a number of tricks to avoid the blank page, you can use some tricks to avoid the blank editor screen. This chapter helps you get started by showing you how to create simple applications. Often, you can start with a simple application and keep adding to it until the resulting application does everything you need.

    Before you can create a macro, however, you need to know how to perform tasks such as opening the editors and interacting with them in a meaningful way. In fact, you will learn that IDEA actually provides two different editors and you need to decide which editor to use for your application. IDEA also lets you create an executable program—one that you can start from within Windows without starting IDEA. Executables are really interesting because they let you start macros without starting the editor every time.

    Understanding the Macro Types

    A macro is always a method of creating a procedure using special control words. You execute the macro by telling IDEA to perform the procedure. However, IDEA provides two different methods for creating a macro. The first, IDEAScript, is more powerful and flexible because it lets you work with the control words directly. The second, Visual Script, is easier because you tell IDEA what you want to do using a graphical interface and then IDEA creates the control words for you. The following sections describe each macro creation method in more detail.

    Considering IDEAScript

    IDEAScript provides you with the ultimate in flexibility when creating macros for IDEA. When working with IDEAScript, you can control the entire IDEA object model, work with dialog boxes, interact with the operating system, and even control other applications. However, with this kind of power comes a certain level of complexity. Don't let the complexity overwhelm you—take things slowly and you'll find that it's quite manageable. After all, everyone who's ever written a macro has started out knowing nothing about performing this task. Even so, it will require a little time to learn how to use IDEAScript.

    You select IDEAScript when you want the best control over your application and need to perform significant tasks. IDEAScript is the right tool for anyone who has time to learn the special control words used to communicate with IDEA. Anyone reading this book falls into that category. You've already shown your interest in having the additional power over IDEA by reading this book.

    Considering Visual Script

    Visual Script provides a graphical method of creating a macro. You essentially describe what you want to see and IDEA provides it for you. Visual Script is very good for creating a macro for repeating tasks. For example, you can use it to create a macro that imports a file, runs some tasks to analyze data, and then provides results where the auditor takes over.

    Using Visual Script is incredibly easy, but it also limits what you can do in a significant way. For example, you can't create a message box describing the result of executing a task directly. You save Visual Script macros as .vscript files.

    One of the more important Visual Script limitations is that you can't run a Visual Script macro on IDEA Server. IDEA Server allows the users to connect to a server and run tasks on a server farm. Consequently, Visual Script isn't a very good solution for larger enterprises.

    It's possible to use Visual Script as a method for starting an IDEAScript application if you want to completely avoid the blank page issue. All you do is create the basics of your application using the Visual Script Editor and then convert the Visual Script macro to an IDEAScript macro. Chapter 23 explains how to convert Visual Script macros to IDEAScript macros.

    You aren't completely without resources when working with Visual Script. For example, you can use macros (either IDEAScript or Visual Script) that you or someone else creates using IDEAScript. Consequently, it's possible to use Visual Script as a means of gluing modules together—to hide complexity from view. With the right coding technique, you can obtain the simplicity of Visual Script matched with the flexibility of IDEAScript.


    You can't use macros that require any sort of input information other than the information that's available from a database or other external source. When you insert a macro in Visual Script, the macro is executed in its entirety. Consequently, any macros you use within Visual Script must be self-contained modules (black boxes) that require nothing on the part of the individual using it.

    Visual Script may not be the option of choice for you, but it could be an option for less skilled workers. You can create IDEAScript modules that others put together as needed to perform tasks in your organization. Consequently, you shouldn't view Visual Script from the limited perspective of a personal tool.

    Opening the Visual Script Editor

    Before you can create a Visual Script macro, you must open the associated editor. Start IDEA and then select Tools > Macros > New > Visual Script. You see the Visual Script Editor shown in Figure 2.1.

    Figure 2.1 The Visual Script Editor Lets you Create Visual Script Macros

    Unfortunately, the display looks a bit blank, but that's easily fixed. To begin a new macro, simply open a database or select a macro you want to execute. For the purpose of this example, let's assume you want to find all of the customers in the Sample-Customers database that have a credit limit equal to or greater than $10,000.00. The following steps show you how easy it is to create the macro.

    1. Select Task > Insert > File > Open Database. You'll see the Select Database dialog box shown in Figure 2.2. This dialog box shows all of the databases that you can access, which are the sample databases when you first install IDEA (found in your current working folder).

    2. Select the database you want to use (Sample-Customers in this case) and click OK. IDEA closes the dialog box and adds an entry for the database to the Visual Script Editor. Now that you have a database open, you can do something with it. For the purposes of the example, we'll create an indexed extraction.

    3. Select Task > Insert > Data > Extractions > Indexed Extraction. You'll see the Indexed Extraction dialog box shown in Figure 2.3 (which has already been filled out in the screenshot).

    4. In the Field box, select CREDIT_LIM. In the Value is fields, select >= and then type 10000. In the File name field, type 10K Customers. Each of these actions defines part of the task you want performed on the Sample-Customers database. In this case, you're telling IDEA to extract all of the records in the Sample-Customers database that have a value equal to or greater than 10000 in the CREDIT_LIM (credit limit) field and place them in the 10K Customers database.

    5. Click OK. IDEA will display a dialog box asking whether you want to perform the task now. Click No. We'll run the task later. Now, at this point, you'll probably want to close the Sample-Customers database because you don't need it anymore.

    6. Select Task > Insert > File > Close Database. Again, IDEA will ask whether you want to perform the task now. Click No. At this point, you should have a procedure completed like the one shown in Figure 2.4. That's all a macro is really—a procedure that you define for IDEA to perform.

    Figure 2.2 Choose a Database You Want to Use

    Figure 2.3 Tell IDEA What You Want to Do with the Database

    Figure 2.4 The Completed Macro Is Simply a Procedure


    The reason the task message appears is that you may need to program a task based on the output of a previous task. This feature allows you to selectively run only a single task at a time—something that you can't do using IDEAScript.

    Let's try executing the macro. Select Run > Run and you'll see the Sample-Customers database open, IDEA will create the required extraction, and then you'll see the Sample-Customers database close. At the bottom of the Visual Script Editor

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