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About This Book
- Improve your JavaScript code for better maintainability and performance
- Discover how to implement scalable application architecture with JavaScript
- Learn to use JavaScript behind the browser, including its command-line tools, desktop apps, and native mobile apps
Who This Book Is For
JavaScript Unlocked is for those JS developers who want to see just how far they can push their favourite language through practical insight and techniques.
What You Will Learn
- Make your code readable and expressive by using simple syntax of JavaScript
- Grasp existing JavaScript collections such as arrays and array-like objects
- Develop abstract data types in most effective way to extend JavaScript into a more flexible and powerful programming language
- Examine the pros and cons of JavaScript by implementing real-time code examples
- Flourish real-time mini-projects by using JavaScript on server side to develop desktop as well as mobile applications
- Work on parallel tasks with asynchronous JavaScript
- Improve code maintainability and readability and boost apps performance through JavaScript
In Detail
JavaScript stands bestride the world like a colossus. Having conquered web development, it now advances into new areas such as server scripting, desktop and mobile development, game scripting, and more. One of the most essential languages for any modern developer, the fully-engaged JavaScript programmer need to know the tricks, non-documented features, quirks, and best practices of this powerful, adaptive language.
This all-practical guide is stuffed with code recipes and keys to help you unlock the full potential of JavaScript. Start by diving right into the core of JavaScript, with power user techniques for getting better maintainability and performance from the basic building blocks of your code. Get to grips with modular programming to bring real power to the browser, master client-side JavaScript scripting without jQuery or other frameworks, and discover the full potential of asynchronous coding. Do great things with HTML5 APIs, including building your first web component, tackle the essential requirements of writing large-scale applications, and optimize JavaScript’s performance behind the browser. Wrap up with in-depth advice and best practice for debugging and keeping your JavaScript maintainable for scaling, long-term projects. With every task demonstrated in both classic ES5 JavaScript and next generation ES6-7 versions of the language, Whether read cover-to-cover or dipped into for specific keys and recipes, JavaScript Unlocked is your essential guide for pushing JavaScript to its limits.
Style and approach
This practice-oriented cookbook is packed full of code examples put in the form: problem, classical solution, and methods to optimize webpage in both JavaScript ES5 and ES6 language editions. But this thorough guide is best-suited to those who like to “learn by doing” as the topics are covered using real-life examples and tutorials.
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JavaScript Unlocked - Sheiko Dmitry
Table of Contents
JavaScript Unlocked
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1. Diving into the JavaScript Core
Make your code readable and expressive
Function argument default value
Conditional invocation
Arrow functions
Method definitions
The rest operator
The spread operator
Mastering multiline strings in JavaScript
Concatenation versus array join
Template literal
Multi-line strings via transpilers
Manipulating arrays in the ES5 way
Array methods in ES5
Array methods in ES6
Traversing an object in an elegant, reliable, safe, and fast way
Iterating the key-value object safely and fast
Enumerating an array-like object
The collections of ES6
The most effective way of declaring objects
Classical approach
Approach with the private state
Inheritance with the prototype chain
Inheriting from prototype with Object.create
Inheriting from prototype with Object.assign
Approach with ExtendClass
Classes in ES6
How to – magic methods in JavaScript
Accessors in ES6 classes
Controlling access to arbitrary properties
2. Modular Programming with JavaScript
How to get out of a mess using modular JavaScript
Cleaner global scope
Packaging code into files
Module patterns
Module standards
How to use asynchronous modules in the browser
Pros and cons
How to – use synchronous modules on the server
Pros and cons
JavaScript's built-in module system
Named exports
Default export
The module loader API
Transpiling CommonJS for in-browser use
Bundling ES6 modules for synchronous loading
3. DOM Scripting and AJAX
High-speed DOM operations
Traversing the DOM
Changing the DOM
Styling the DOM
Making use of attributes and properties
Handling DOM events
Communicating with the server
Fetch API
Storing data in web-browser
Web Storage API
FileSystem API
Boosting performance with JavaScript workers
Creating the first web component
Learning to use server-to-browser communication channels
Server-Sent Events
Web Sockets
5. Asynchronous JavaScript
Nonblocking JavaScript
Error-first Callback
Continuation-passing style
Handling asynchronous functions in the ES7 way
Parallel tasks and task series with the Async.js library
Event handling optimization
Writing callbacks that don't impact latency-critical events
6. A Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture
Design patterns in JavaScript
Understanding concern separation in JavaScript
Using JavaScript MV* frameworks
7. JavaScript Beyond the Browser
Levelling up the coding of a command-line program in JavaScript
Building a web server with JavaScript
Writing a desktop HTML5 application
Setting up the project
Adding the HTML5 application
Using PhoneGap to make a mobile native app
Setting up the project
Building the project
Adding plugins
8. Debugging and Profiling
Hunting bugs
Getting the best from a console API
Tuning performance
JavaScript Unlocked
JavaScript Unlocked
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First published: December 2015
Production reference: 1011215
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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ISBN 978-1-78588-157-2
Dmitry Sheiko
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Aparna Bhagat
About the Author
Dmitry Sheiko is a passionate blogger and the author of Instant Testing with QUnit.
Dmitry got hooked to computer programming in the late '80s. For the last 18 years, he has been in web development. His very first open source contribution was an XSLT-based CMS in 2004. Since then, he has been contributing quite a lot to FOSS. You can find Dmitry's latest works at https://github.com/dsheiko. Currently, he is working as a web developer in the lovely city of Frankfurt am Main at Crytek GmbH.
First, I would like to thank my family for the continuous support and letting me to realize my potential. A special thank you to my father, who took me to an industrial computer center when I was 3 years old. In I decade after this, with the advance in PCs, I realized that computers mean games, and after a while, I became curious enough to understand how the games are built. This is how I started learning programming.
Thank you to my team at Crytek, who compliantly follow all the practices described in the book and adapt to the constantly evolving technologies to keep up with the pace I set.
About the Reviewer
Durgesh Priyaranjan is a senior software developer who has been working on various technologies. However, he loves JavaScript programming and interaction design the most. He is currently based in Bengaluru (India) and is working as a UI engineer for one of the Indian e-commerce giants, Flipkart.
He loves trying out different technologies without any bias. Of late, he can be found tinkering around with Raspberry Pi.
I'd like to thank my loving wife for her continuous support of my work and work-related hobbies.
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JavaScript was born as a scripting language at the most inappropriate time—the time of browser wars. It was neglected and misunderstood for a decade and endured six editions. And look at it now! JavaScript has become a mainstream programming language. It has advanced literally everywhere: in large-scale client-side development, server scripting, desktop applications, native mobile programming, game development, DB querying, hardware control, and OS automating. JavaScript acquired a number of subsets such as Objective-J, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and others. JavaScript is marvelously concise and an expressive language. It features prototype-based OOP, object composition and inheritance, variadic functions, event-driven programming, and non-blocking I/O. However, to exploit the true power of JavaScript, we need to have a deep understanding of language quirks. Moreover, while developing in JavaScript, we will become aware of its numerous pitfalls, and we will need a few tricks to avoid them. The project formerly known as EcmaScript Harmony, was just recently finalized in the specification named EcmaScript 2015, which is more often referred to as ES6. This not only brought the language to the next level, but also introduced a number of new technologies that require attention.
This book aims to guide the reader in understanding the upcoming and existing features of JavaScript. It is fully packed with code recipes that address common programming tasks. The tasks are supplied with solutions for classical JavaScript (ES5) as well as for the next generation language (ES6-7). The book doesn't focus only on in-browser language, but also provides the essentials on writing efficient JavaScript for desktop applications, server-side software, and native module apps. The ultimate goal of the author is not just to describe the language, but also to help the reader to improve their code for better maintainability, readability, and performance.
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Diving into the JavaScript Core, discusses the techniques to improve the expressiveness of the code, to master multi-line strings and templating, and to manipulate arrays and array-like objects. The chapter explains how to take advantage of JavaScript prototype without harming the readability your code. Further, the chapter introduces the magic methods
of JavaScript and gives a practical example of their use.
Chapter 2, Modular Programming with JavaScript, describes the modularity in JavaScript: what modules are, why they are important, the standard approaches for asynchronously and synchronously loaded modules, and what ES6 modules are. The chapter shows how CommonJS modules are used in server-side JavaScript and how to pre-compile them for in-browser use. It elaborates how asynchronous and synchronous approaches can be combined to achieve a better application performance. It also explains how one can polyfill ES6 modules for production by the means of Babel.js.
Chapter 3, DOM Scripting and AJAX, introduces Document Object Model (DOM), shows the best practices to minimize browser reflow, and enhance application performance while operating with the DOM. The chapter also compares two client-server communication models: XHR and Fetch API.
Chapter 4, HTML5 APIs, considers the persistence APIs of the browser such as Web Storage, IndexDB, and FileSystem. It introduces Web Components and gives a walk-through of the creation of a custom component. The chapter describes server-to-browser communication APIs such as SSE and WebSockets.
Chapter 5, Asynchronous JavaScript, explains the nonblocking nature of JavaScript, elaborates the event loop and the call stack. The chapter considers the popular styles of chaining asynchronous calls and handling errors. It presents the async/await technique of ES7 and also gives examples of running tasks in parallel and in sequence using the Promise API and the Async.js library. It describes throttling and debouncing concepts.
Chapter 6, A Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture, focuses on code maintainability and architecture. The chapter introduces the MVC paradigm and its derivatives, MVP and MVVM. It also shows, with examples, how concern separation is implemented in popular frameworks such as Backbone.js, AngularJS, and ReactJS.
Chapter 7, JavaScript Beyond the Browser, explains how to write command-line programs in JavaScript and how to build a web server with Node.js. It also covers the creation of desktop HTML5 applications with NW.js and guides the development of native mobile applications with Phongap.
Chapter 8, Debugging and Profiling, dives into bug detection and isolation. It examines the capacities of DevTools and the lesser-known features of the JavaScript console API.
What you need for this book
It's enough if you have a modern browser and a text editor to run the examples from the book. It maybe helpful, however, to use a browser tool similar to Firefox Scratchpad (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Scratchpad) to edit the sample code directly in the browser. The books also contains ES6/ES7 code examples that rely on features not yet available in browsers. You can run these examples in Babel.js's online sandbox available at https://babeljs.io/repl/.
You will find detailed instructions of how to set up your development environment and install the required tools and dependencies in the chapters where we refer to Node.js, NW.js, PhoneGap, JavaScript frameworks, and NPM packages.
Who this book is for
This book is for the developers who are already familiar with JavaScript and want to level up their skills to get the most out of the language. The book is practice-oriented and would be helpful for those who are used to the "learn