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Our Amazing Sun: Exploring Space
Our Amazing Sun: Exploring Space
Our Amazing Sun: Exploring Space
Ebook36 pages15 minutes

Our Amazing Sun: Exploring Space

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About this ebook

When you look up what do you see? Blue skies, clouds and of course the Sun! Without the Sun, there would be no Earth – not an Earth that you and I could live on. Just a frozen globe with no life at all!

The Sun is really a star that gives off enormous amounts of energy. An area of the Sun's surface as tiny as the size of a postage stamp shines with the power of 1,500,000 candles! We feel the heat of the Sun on our faces even though the Sun is 93 million miles away from Earth. So far away that the heat from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach us, travelling at the speed of light.

Compared to the Earth, the Sun is huge. It would take 1.3 million Earths to fill up the Sun.

This book answers all kinds of questions you may have about our amazing Sun.

Questions like… How was the Sun born? How old is the Sun? What is the Sun, and what is it made of? Is the Sun going to burn forever? What do we get from the Sun besides sunshine? How hot is it? What is a Sunspot and a Sun Dog? What is a Solar Eclipse? And many more…

Uncover some of the mystery about our own star in the sky, the Sun.

Let’s go explore this giant at the center of our Solar System.

Filled with color images and interesting facts about the Sun. Ideal for smart young readers ages 6 and above…

TJ Rob —

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Book Contents:

1. Why do we want to learn about the Sun?

2. What is the Sun made of?

3. How hot is the Sun?

4. How far is the Sun from Earth?

5. How big is the Sun compared to Earth?

6. How big is the Sun compared to other Suns?

7. How old is the Sun?

8. Will the Sun burn forever?

9. Does the Sun rise and set?

10. Does the Sun circle around something larger?

11. Fun Sun Facts

12. What is the Solar Wind?

13. How are the Auroras created?

14. What would life on Earth be without the Sun?

15. What does the Sun do for us?

16. What is a Solar Eclipse?

17. Solar Space Missions

18. Solar Wonders - Sunspots

19. Solar Wonders - Solar Flares

20. Solar Wonders - CME

21. Solar Wonders - Sun Dogs

22. More Fun Sun Facts

23. Please leave a review and Other EXCITING books by TJ Rob

PublisherTJ Rob
Release dateMar 10, 2017
Our Amazing Sun: Exploring Space

TJ Rob

The old adage that "knowledge is power" seems to resonate more so than ever today. Reading and learning gives kids that power, and in today's increasingly competitive world, the more knowledge kids have at their fingertips, the more prepared they will be to meet the challenges of our modern world. I wish to pass on my love of reading and exploring the world around us to all those new younger readers. So join me on my many voyages of discovery, learning about the many incredible things, people and creatures that make our world such a fascinating place. TJ Rob

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