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The Secret Language of Synchronicity: Deciphering the Words & Wisdom of Meaningful Coincidence
The Secret Language of Synchronicity: Deciphering the Words & Wisdom of Meaningful Coincidence
The Secret Language of Synchronicity: Deciphering the Words & Wisdom of Meaningful Coincidence
Ebook193 pages3 hours

The Secret Language of Synchronicity: Deciphering the Words & Wisdom of Meaningful Coincidence

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A scrap of found paper. A cookie's fortune. An overheard comment. A TV ad...the WORDS you happen upon answer some pressing need.

You've probably had this experience--come across "chance" information that feels custom-made for you. An uncanny message that makes you wonder. A meaningful message that's both helpful and pertinent.

The Secret Language of Synchronicity is about how the Universe answers different people through different types of coincidence. Depending on our favored sense, usually sight or sound, it often communicates through written or spoken words. Once we discover our unique style, it is easier to understand these personal signs and benefit from their meanings.

The book covers why words, whether literal or symbolic, are so important in coincidence, and our different perception preferences. Characteristics of each perception type with typical chance events are given. It explores the essential link between our intuition and flow, that wonderful stream of ongoing serendipity offered by the Universe.

It delves into the how to--attracting, understanding, and responding to this higher wisdom. And our potential to be transformed when we do. And the biggie--the best benefit of all--happier, more meaningful lives.

Jenna Moore Fuller has studied metaphysics for many years, with a focus on synchronicity and intuition. She has recorded her own meaningful incidents for much of this time. Dozens of her stories plus those of family and friends are included here. Share Jenna's quest to decipher the secret language of synchronicity. And discover your own unique style--the magical and mysterious way the Universe speaks through coincidence to you!

Release dateMar 4, 2017
The Secret Language of Synchronicity: Deciphering the Words & Wisdom of Meaningful Coincidence

Jenna Moore Fuller

Jenna Moore Fuller, a former vintage books dealer, has studied metaphysics for many years, with a special interest in coincidence. She has written for websites and magazines, and kept longtime journals of her own synchronicities, along with those of family and friends. After seeing the importance of words in coincidence, she focused on understanding the language and discovered the different styles through which the Universe seems to speak to different people. Her first book, The Secret Language of Synchronicity, is an exploration of these types of guiding messages. Jenna continued her research, resulting in learning how meaningful coincidence can guide our writing, and her second book, Writing—by Coincidence. She learned there is always more to explore about the big U’s symbols and signs. The Curious Coincidence of Found Paper flowed from these discoveries, via signs and happenchance clues that insisted upon being read and shared.

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    The Secret Language of Synchronicity - Jenna Moore Fuller


    February 2007, Salem OR: The morning is clear and unseasonably warm, and a bit of a breeze from slightly open backseat windows gently cools my face. I am driving through downtown traffic, enjoying the pleasant weather, and also thinking about something else. The subject of synchronicity, to be exact, or meaningful coincidence, as it is sometimes called. That fascinating phenomena of outward signs or circumstances that seem to somehow answer inner needs and wants.

    I’ve long been intrigued by the occurrences, particularly the WORDS synchronicity uses to convey highly personal messages. And I want to know more. More important, to me anyway, is synchronicity real? Does some Universal force pay attention to our everyday concerns and desires, standing by to help us out? And does it answer us through meaningful coincidence via symbolic or literal words of insight?

    So I decide to try a little test. Right then and there while coasting along, I put my questions out to the ethers – Is synchronicity real? and Are signs available to guide us whenever we ask? Then I try to open my mind to receive, well, whatever.

    Approaching an intersection of streets, I pull up to a red light. Simultaneously in the adjoining lane, a van stops alongside. Its side panel advertising, flashy and bold, grabs my attention. Signs of all types made to order, it boasts, sounding much like cosmic reassurance that this message-making business is no big deal. Jiminy! What just happened here? Is this thing valid? Talk about instant messaging. Just a second or two between my questions and their seeming answers!

    The whole thing seems a bit much – maybe only a fanciful fluke or product of my imagination. Still I wonder, what would happen if I asked again? So I do, and as if on cue another van speeds across the intersection in the opposite direction. Signs! Signs! Signs! its advertising shouts out, and my heart skips a beat or two at that. I don’t have time to read the small print, but it doesn’t really matter. I get the message. Right there, right then, synchronicity rings true for me. It feels powerful, yet it is puzzling, and I want to learn all I can about it.

    Fast forward to 2012. During the previous five years, I’ve often been amazed and impressed by the eclectic variety of meaningful coincidences I’ve experienced. I’ve pondered them, deciphered them, and kept careful records of them in my journal. I’ve acted on them and benefited from studying their symbolism. But important questions still remain. Namely:

    Do different types of personalities experience different types of coincidence?

    Does one personality type experience mostly synchronicities involving written words; another type, spoken words? If so,

    Will recognizing and understanding our special personal type of coincidental messages lead us to a happier and more meaningful life?

    A concurrent dream seems to address my questioning. It features a common symbol, an unexplored house, an image I am familiar with and recognize from previous dreams. In this adventure, I am excited to remember that my house has an enormous upstairs level that I have never completely explored. There is a good feeling of anticipation, as I know it may hold a trove of beautiful and valuable things. I plan a dream-time party to share the treasure hunt with others, and to celebrate our discoveries.

    I am happy to recognize this encouraging message which seems to refer to the treasure hunt I am anxious to begin into synchronistic words and their wisdoms, as well as human upstairs treasures of mind. The dream leaves me with a happy sense of expectation. It feels like a nocturnal nod and a wink – a kind of confirmation of this beckoning project.

    My goals for this book are simple: to record and share my exploration of the phenomena and to serve as a possible catalyst in your own journey of self-discovery. I hope you will join me on this quest to decipher the secret language of synchronicity – the mysterious, the wise, ever personal words of meaningful coincidence.


    The What, Why, How, Who & When of Synchronicity

    The What

    Back in the 1950s, when Swiss psychologist Carl Jung originated the term synchronicity, many people had never heard of him or his research. Most folks, however, were probably aware of unusual instances of his subject of study happening in their own lives. For Jung, synchronicity was a principle in which events happened simultaneously but not causally. The experience often consisted of an inner and outer event, somehow linked, but not as cause and effect. And to the recipient, if felt meaningful. With that sense of significance the episode revealed itself to be far more than happenstance – a true synchronicity.

    It seems the events of meaningful coincidence often happen at the same time or close to it. Though there usually isn’t much of a gap between them, the understanding of their significance is sometimes delayed. Whether this understanding is intuited instantly or later, however, the perceiver’s feeling that these inner and outer events are somehow intertwined and meaningful, is always there.

    What are these inner events that can trigger synchronicity? Pretty much any mental state that we as humans experience: thoughts, feelings, visions and dreams. By some means these states spontaneously match up with outward events in the forms of information and circumstances that respond, it appears, in answer.

    Typical examples that most of us have experienced include times when we have focused on something physical, maybe a desired object or activity, only to have it quickly and literally show up in our lives. Or a person we think or talk about, who suddenly shows up or communicates with us in some way.

    Many of the most fascinating instances of common synchronistic experiences involve the receipt of messages – the exact information we need to answer a question or solve a problem. We might discover a new book, receive a letter, talk to a friend, or overhear the conversation of strangers. In each case the physical things or information we receive will be a perfect fit for our personal requirements. My husband Eric reminds me of this example:

    Spring 2012, Salem OR: This happened during the time I was an active backpacker. I loved everything about it back then – the scenery, the peacefulness, the exercise, the necessary supplies. In fact, keeping up with quality stuff was such an important part of my enjoyment that I was pretty much always on the lookout for some improved piece of equipment or tool to handle a backpacking task a little better. Which brings us to the coincidence.

    He continues, "It was spring, and I had been going through my supplies, reviewing needs for upcoming hikes. I wanted to buy and compare an internal frame backpack to the external frame ones I already had. IF I could find one at a bargain. Like for $50, I remember saying, maybe at a yard sale.

    This discussion was going on as we rode with my sister, who was taking us to some event or other in town. The words were barely out of my mouth when we rolled by an enormous outdoor sale. ‘Stop the car!’ I exclaimed. She did and we all piled out to investigate the wares. Turned out there was a fantastic find for me, an internal frame backpack for sale, coincidentally priced at $50!

    Or another occasion, a simple coincidence of precisely relevant information received through the spoken word.

    March 2010, Salem: I am having lunch with my sister-in-law Naomi at a buffet. The restaurant’s selection includes a good assortment of salad ingredients as well as several pre-made dishes. One labeled wasabi salad, looks interesting. What’s wasabi? Naomi asks. I have a vague concept of it being an ingredient of Japanese cuisine, but though I love international menus I have seldom eaten that type of food.

    Some kind of seaweed? I venture. We’ll have to look it up later. We try some of the salad with our meals and it is delicious. I promptly forget about our question though. Until the next day when my son Jason calls to chat. I ask what fun he’s been up to lately and he mentions going out for sushi – and wasabi. I feel a quick little tickle of amusement at that, and of course ask him about the word. He explains his understanding, that dishes named for the ingredient are flavored with some kind of pungent root used as a condiment. Clarification information that turns out to be more accurate by far than my seaweed conjecture.

    And then an example of one more, an uncomplicated yet relevant coincidence involving desired information delivered via the written word. Eric relates this incident to me:

    My friend Duane had once received an extremely funny cartoon over the Internet. He described it to his wife and explained how he didn’t save it then but would like to see it again now. On the other end of the synchronistic teeter-totter, things were apparently shifting. I received the same joke by email, Eric says. Completely unaware of my friend’s desires, I sent it to him the same day.

    So in spite of some differences, what do these classic cases of meaningful coincidence have in common? Do they each illustrate basic laws that explain why synchronicity happens? Let’s take a closer look at this idea.

    The Why

    Wanting to know the reasons things happen pertaining to us is important to many of us. Maybe most significant here in relation to that is that synchronicity and our ideas about it are absolutely subjective. Because its reality is linked to individual feelings, no one knows what is meaningful or real to anyone else. But by being curious and attentive, paying close attention to our own recurring experiences, we can discover coincidental guidance and events that are genuine, personal and readily available.

    The same applies to its mechanics. As a subjective experience of the self, no categorical explanation of how synchronicity works is possible. Sure, we can watch for it, study it – learn its means and ways – give the figure-it-all-out bit our best shot, (as I am doing here). But in the end it can only be proven in private, in the real life labs of its receivers. That being said, my collection of personal coincidental experiences, plus those recounted by numerous others, points to some positively feel good premises. This personal evidence shows:

    We live in a wise and responsive Universe that reacts to our thoughts, to our needs and wants. Some invisible force we experience as more powerful and knowing than ourselves supports us through coincidental guidance and helpful circumstances. Whatever happens, it seems we are never alone.

    This Universe is regulated and united. Our lives appear to be directed by designs of order and association, their events well arranged and connected. Personal inner and outer experiences are somehow joined, with no division between mental and external happenings. Life, it appears, in all its complexity, is totally interlinked.

    Things happen on purpose. Our world is full of mystery; our coincidence of meaning. Magic moves the Universe with sparkle and sense. Bottom line – every happening of our lives is of significance. For instance this nifty example, which closely followed my Signs! Signs! Signs! synchronicity, and featured an unexpected twist as sometimes is part of the Universe’s magic acts.

    A few days have gone by since the earlier experience. I am driving to the grocery store, once again thinking about coincidence. The subject is intriguing as ever, and I’m considering it as the focus of all future research and writing projects. But how wise it that? Just because I’m fascinated by the topic doesn’t mean other people are.

    So I decide to try the source, to put my question out there, and something more, to ask for a confirmation sign as well. Aloud I say, Am I on the right track with this? Focusing my work entirely on synchronicity? Then the experimental addendum, if I find a penny now, I’ll know the answer is yes.

    I pull into the parking lot and get out of my car. Though doubtful of finding anything so quickly, I dutifully scan the ground for coins while approaching the store. Nothing. Not unexpected. I mean, the question was raised just a few minutes ago, for heaven’s sakes, and this stuff must take some time. Or does it? I surely don’t know the answer to that, so just chalk the experiment up as too rushed to be indicative one way or another. And then get on with my shopping.

    Once in checkout, a cashier rings up my groceries, tells me the total. I dig into my purse, pull out some cash, hand her the bills. She studies the money for a moment, pauses, then reaches down to a little dish of coins setting on the counter. Here is a PENNY for you, she says. So you can have two quarters back in change. Her words take a second to soak in, then the surprise of what has happened washes over me. A penny? This is the requested penny! And along with it my answer. But here’s the twist – delivered in a way unlike anything I expected or even imagined. I’m left with a sense of something amazingly limitless.

    Lastly, synchronistic experiences seem to show some kind of Universal plan for our balance and blossoming. It’s as if a path is in place that when followed leads to our best, most flourishing self. This push towards highest good is expressed in a variety of helpful forms including a most important one – encouragement.

    It’s May 2013. I’m on my way across town to visit my older parents, thinking about their current circumstances. More precisely, some serious problems that must be solved regarding newly arisen needs. And solved, it turns out, immediately, just as quickly as possible. At the same time, I’m aware that I need to watch my own reactions to these issues, while looking for solutions to them. It would be easy to become pessimistic about the gravity of the whole thing, no help to anyone.

    While mulling it all over, the word focus pops into my mind. Long a personal favorite, this term has always held a positive connotation for me. Focus, a word that personally refers to concentration on feel-good wants instead of want-nots, resulting in creation of the same. The power of the mind, as I think of it, to conjure up that upon which it is centered. Our part to play in the Universe’s magic for sure, when we remember to deliberately choose our point of view.

    So with these thoughts in mind I wonder if that’s the big answer here. To continue to positively focus, imagine that good outcomes will occur, even though so far nothing has been solved? I like the simple feel of this

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