180 Tips and Tricks for New Teachers
Classroom Management
Time Management
Professional Development
Overcoming Adversity
Overcoming Obstacles
Power of Education
Teacher-Student Relationship
School Setting
Overcoming Challenges
Office Politics
Teacher's Guide
Teaching Strategies
Work-Life Balance
Technology in Education
Online Learning
About this ebook
Based on real advice gleaned from thousands of writing critiques, 179 Ways to Save a Novel is more than a collection of ideas for troubleshooting your work-in-progress (though it holds plenty of practical writing advice). This inspiring guide doubles as a thoughtful examination of the writing lifeand not just with respect to writing, but to the reading habits and thought processes of writers.
The 179 meditations in this book are grouped under six headings:
- Substance
- Structure
- Style
- Symbol, Myth & Metaphor
- Soul
- and Other Matters
Dip into the book at random when in need of nonspecific advice, inspiration, or criticism. Or read it straight through for a deeper examination of the writing life. However you encounter them, these meditations are guaranteed to challenge, inspire, provokeand occasionally to tickle or annoy. But most of all they'll awaken a deeper awareness of the fiction writer's many challenges and thorny choices.
Melissa Kelly
Melissa Kelly, MEd, is a secondary school teacher, instructional designer, and the author of The Everything New Teacher Book: A Survival Guide for the First Year and Beyond. Melissa has wide-ranging classroom experience spanning more than two decades. She has taught middle and high school social studies, government, and economics in advanced placement, honors, and virtual school classrooms. As an instructional designer, Melissa has re-developed more than twenty courses for Florida Virtual School, including AP US History and World History. She has also led instructional design for several Pamoja Education courses.
Read more from Melissa Kelly
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Reviews for 180 Tips and Tricks for New Teachers
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Book preview
180 Tips and Tricks for New Teachers - Melissa Kelly
Establish a good relationship with students and their families
Get the most out of limited resources
Learn the ins and outs of administration and build rapport with other teachers
Melissa Kelly
9781598696561_0002_005Copyright © 2008 Simon and Schuster.
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Published by
Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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ISBN-10: 1-59869-656-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-59869-656-1
eISBN: 978-1-44051-542-2
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Contains material adopted and abridged from The Everything® New Teacher Book by Melissa Kelly, Copyright © 2004 Simon and Schuster.
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Part One
Growing the Teacher Within
Part Two
Classroom Management 101
Part Three
Organizational Know-How
Part Four
Make the Most of Your Teaching Time
Part Five
Dealing with the Unexpected
Part Six
Assessments, Grading, and Testing, Oh My!
Part Seven
Technology and Online Learning Today
Part Eight
Stress, Illness, and Substitutes
Part Nine
Be a Team Player Without Being Exploited
Part Ten
Recipes for Success: First Days and Beyond
Your Personal Mentor
Teaching is a fascinating and at the same time extremely complicated profession. As a teacher, you will have the opportunity to affect the lives of thousands of young people. Think back to your elementary, middle, and high school days. Are there teachers that you still fondly remember? Did one or more profoundly change the way you look at life? Are there some who had a negative impact on you? Just answering these questions will help you see the impact you will have on those you teach.
The prospect of teaching students and having such an effect on their future can seem scary. The goal of this book is to give you practical tips and sources of inspiration to guide you on your rewarding career in education. Look at it as your mentor that you can turn to while you work through some of the major issues you will be facing as you teach. While no book can replace actual teaching experience, the strategies and guides presented here will alleviate some of the concerns you have while making your life easier and your time teaching more productive.
You will hear a lot of discussion about the troubles facing the state of education in the United States today. While there are a lot of improvements that can be made in the realm of education, there is also a lot of good that is occurring each day in classrooms across the nation. Trite though it might sound, the solution can really begin with you, one class and one student at a time.
1. Face Your New Reality
2. Anticipate Your Students’ Expectations
3. Learn the Ingredients for Success
4. Keep a Positive Attitude
5. Be Consistent
6. Make Sure to Follow Through
7. Learn to Be Fair
8. Start Each Day Fresh
9. Be Flexible
10. Keep Your Expectations High
11. Shed Those Biases
12. 9 Methods to Communicate Expectations
13. Learn How Students Respond to Goals
14. Accomplish Your Own Goals
15. Develop a Vision
16. Don’t Be Afraid to Succeed!
17. If You Make a Mistake . . .
18. Develop a Teaching Style All Your Own
Part One
Growing the Teacher Within
Teaching is a unique profession in that there is not one right way to teach a class of students. In fact, if you compared two effective teachers you would probably find that they differed from each other in many ways. Yet, at their core these effective teachers share certain key skills that they use to help their students learn and grow. Recognizing and cultivating these skills will help you grow as an educator while increasing your connection with your students.
1 Face Your New Reality
Effective teachers are truly dedicated professionals. A teacher’s day typically starts early and ends late. Your day will probably begin with some planning time that allows you to make last-minute preparations for the students. Once the students arrive in the classroom, you cannot expect another moment of quiet until your next planning period or the end of the day.
Each class is a new challenge. You will find some students who love learning and some who despise it. You will present your lesson and hopefully not have more than one or two unexpected disruptions such as fire drills, announcements, unexpected visitors, and the dreaded student disruptions. Hopefully, you will also experience one or more moments that will help you remember why you became a teacher. When the day ends, you will probably have meetings to attend before you can settle down to some grading and planning for the next day. Many teachers take home grading each evening. Through all of this, it’s important to remember throughout each day to keep a sense of humor and remember that you are truly affecting future generations.
Anticipate Your Students’ Expectations 2
All people want to succeed, even if they fear success. Many students realize that they could have done a better job in their last school year. Maybe they didn’t spend enough time doing homework, or perhaps they never found time to read their texts. The new school year is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and start fresh.
Students Are as Nervous as You
Remember the last time you were in a new classroom with a teacher you had never met? Even if you had a friend or two in the class, there was most probably an element of nervousness in the air. Many of your students will feel the same.
Students will show their nervousness in a variety of ways. Most of them will probably be very quiet. Even if you try to make a joke, you might not get a lot of response. It will take some coaxing to get students out of their shells. Learning students’ names quickly can help them feel more welcome and relaxed.
A few students will come into your class on the first day with a chip on their shoulders. This too is a sign of nervousness. These students don’t feel comfortable, so they become defensive. Just knowing this can help you make better decisions on how to react to a student’s misbehavior realizing that this is not necessarily an indication of future behavioral problems. At this point, humor is the biggest tool you have in your teaching arsenal.
3 Learn the Ingredients for Success
What makes a teacher successful? Many people feel that a successful teacher is someone who is well organized and has detailed lesson plans. While many effective teachers do share these habits, they are not enough. In fact, some successful teachers are very unorganized in teaching and other areas of their lives. This does not mean that organization is not important for them too; it would make their lives easier if they were better organized and planned more detailed lessons. But this does not take away from the fact that they are effective as teachers.
So if organization and detailed lesson plans are not enough, what qualities do successful teachers possess? The ingredients for success include the following:
• Sense of fairness
• Consistent approach
• Ability to be flexible
• Positive attitude
• High expectations for yourself and your students
• Sense of humor
The first three of these are skills you practice each day. The second three should become part of your overall personality. All of these characteristics can be achieved through experience and practice. The strategies in this book will help make these attributes a part of your effective teaching repertoire.
Keep a Positive Attitude 4
Every day, you set the tone in the classroom with your attitude. You are on stage from the moment your students arrive until they rush back out the door to their next class. If you have a negative attitude, your students will also adopt this mindset, and your class will most probably not be very productive. On the other hand, if you have a positive attitude toward your students, your subject, your profession, and yourself, you will find that this optimism pervades the class. You will probably have a much more productive and enjoyable day.
The effects of a positive attitude have been widely studied. They include the following:
• Improved job satisfaction
• Better self-esteem
• Improved personal interactions
• Better health
• Greater achievement levels
• Improved overall happiness
Everyone has experienced what it’s like to be around a negative person. They usually wind up ruining the whole day. Just think how your students are going to feel after spending time with you if you are pessimistic about them or your curriculum. Some days will be harder than others but the benefits of being positive make it all worthwhile.
5 Be Consistent
Consistency in teaching basically means that your students know what to expect from you day to day. Your rules do not change. You are not strict one day and easygoing the next. There are no surprises for your kids, and they do not have to feel like they are walking on eggshells. Consistency is important if you want to earn the respect of your students.
If you spend some time in a consistent teacher’s classroom, you will find that every student knows the rules. Students know what is expected of them, and there is no question of what will happen if they fail to live up to those expectations. The teacher’s demeanor in a consistent classroom does not change from period to period or day to day. Because everyone knows the consequences, and there is no doubt about the reaction of the teacher, misbehavior is greatly reduced. Students in a consistent classroom can feel safe and can focus on what is important— not what mood the teacher happens to be in on a particular day. This is one of the main secrets that effective teachers share.
Make Sure to Follow Through 6
Another important aspect of consistency is following through. If you tell your students that you are going to do something, then you had better do it or they will lose respect for you. It is very important that you do not threaten your students with actions that you will not or cannot take.
Let’s say your class is misbehaving during a quiz, and that some students are being particularly disruptive. You threaten the class that everyone is in danger of getting a zero. This is a good example of an idle threat. Realistically, it is not something you should or even would do. For one thing, your administration might have a real problem with this action, especially after parents begin calling. Plus, there are probably some good students in the class who are not being disruptive, and punishment would be completely unfair to them.
A Day-to-Day Practice
You will have bad days as a teacher. But even if you’re having a bad day, you should try to be consistent in your actions and reactions. In fact, these days are the measure of your consistency.
Obviously, you will have moments when you react in a manner that is not truly consistent. You might lash out at a talkative student on a day you have a bad headache. But the less frequent these instances are, the more your students will respect you and the more effective you will be.
7 Learn to Be Fair
It is hard to determine whether consistency or fairness is the more important skill for a teacher. Students do not respect inconsistent teachers. However, they have a real problem with teachers they perceive as unfair. If you think back to your time as a student, you can probably remember