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Adult Mentor: 1st Quarter 2017
Adult Mentor: 1st Quarter 2017
Adult Mentor: 1st Quarter 2017
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Adult Mentor: 1st Quarter 2017

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Adult Mentor (ages 36 & older).This book is for the adult learner, ages 36 and older. It is designed to increase Christian faith and biblical understanding using a variety of learning methods.
Release dateOct 23, 2016
Adult Mentor: 1st Quarter 2017

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    Adult Mentor - R.H. Boyd Publishing Corp.



    What We Believe

    Lesson Scriptures:
    Joshua 1:7–8;
    Matthew 7:24–27;
    2 Timothy 3:14–17;
    Revelation 22:18–19






    Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

    (Matthew 7:24, KJV)


    The Bible is the book of faith for the Christian believer. It provides the story of how God created the world, made provisions to care for it, and redeemed it from sin. In the Bible we have the complete story of how life began and what God has done to nourish it and cause it to flourish in light of humanity’s deliberate decision to rebel against Him. As such in the divine–human story, the Bible guides humanity to redemption from its willful attempt to go its own way. It recognizes the major characters, their actions and positions, and the proper channels and avenues each must take to bring about a resolution to the sin problem. In its pages, God’s sovereignty as Creator of all life bleeds through. He is the holy and righteous King of life whose will must be obeyed for abundant life to continue. When humanity failed to obey God’s command, it became the erring captain of its own soul and thereby sentenced itself to a life of estrangement from its Creator with no hope to restore itself. God not only assumed the responsibility for humanity’s erring ways, but provided a way out of the dilemma. The Bible is the book that reveals the secret out of the maze of sinful living, through God’s Son Jesus Christ. It is through faith in Jesus that the righteousness originally required of humanity is imputed into it. That is to say, Jesus is the necessary link that stands between God and His human creation (Heb. 2:17). The Bible gives us all the information necessary to establish this faith relationship with Jesus upon conviction by the Holy Spirit. As such it is the one resource we need in order to obtain access to God’s will and purpose for our lives and how to obtain and maintain our quest for abundant life. Three things are important in this regard. First we must affirm that all Scriptures are inspired of God and display his sovereign will. Second, Scripture is to operate as the voice of God in our world. God has provided a set of blessings for those who hold to the Bible’s commandments, and curses to those who seek to dilute it (Rev. 22:18–19). We are encouraged to take the Bible as it is given to us. Third, the biblical point is that conformity to God’s Word results in blessings. When God’s Word is carried out, it becomes a part of us and we are exceedingly blessed both inwardly and outwardly. Let us examine briefly each one of these points.


    1 The Scriptures are inspired by God as a guide for life.

    2 The teachings of Scripture have authority over our lives.

    3 Those who obey receive abundant life.


    I. The Scriptures Are Inspired by God As a Guide for Life

    The very words above from the book of Revelation announces the supremacy of the Bible. There must not be any human alteration to it. One might ask: How can this be, since humans wrote it? The answer is they wrote it under divine inspiration. The Holy Spirit was an active participant in the development of the Bible’s content and enabled them to use their experiences, talents, and skills for divine purposes. The Apostle Paul tells the young minister Timothy that all Scripture is inspired of God. Inspiration as used here means it is God breathed (2 Tim. 3:14–17). God directed the minds and thought patterns of the biblical writers so that what was written came forth from the Lord. Divine inspiration is a cornerstone of the Scriptures. We find it repeatedly used by God to convey His will and purpose to humanity. Noah was inspired to build an Ark at God’s direction, even though there was no hint of rain clouds in the sky (Gen. 6:13–22). Ezekiel was inspired to preach to a valley of dry bones that came to life as the Spirit of God quickened them (Ezek. 37). Elijah was inspired to face King Ahab and Queen Jezebel (1 Kings 18). Of course Jesus acknowledged the presence of divine inspiration in His ministry as He was led into the wilderness to be tempted of Satan (see Matt. 4:1–11; Luke 4:1–15). He was also divinely inspired to preach His initial sermon, as noted in Luke 4:16–21. Philip was also whisked away by the Spirit of God to preach in areas outside of Judea (Acts 8:26, 39–40). Paul was inspired to convert from religious terrorism and prosecution of Christians to preaching Jesus Christ Himself after his inspirational vision of the Lord calling Him from heaven (Acts 9:1–22). These examples show that divine inspiration can take hold of a person to follow divine intent and design while maintaining awareness and use of their physical faculties.



    Read the Scripture texts from Joshua, Matthew, 2 Timothy, and Revelation and determine the major point of emphasis shared between them.

    Paul highlighted divine inspiration to show the Bible is not the words of mere individuals who possessed a personal or ethical concern about life. Their

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