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A Severed Wasp: A Novel
A Severed Wasp: A Novel
A Severed Wasp: A Novel
Ebook595 pages9 hours

A Severed Wasp: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A retired musician returns to performing in this “soul-satisfying” novel from the award-winning author of A Wrinkle in Time (Norman Lear).

Now in her seventies, Katherine Vigneras, née Forrester, has returned to New York City after a successful career touring as a concert pianist in Europe. Much has changed for Katherine: She is widowed and retired, and has lived through the harrowing years of World War II.
But when she encounters an old face from her youth in Greenwich Village, Katherine finds herself agreeing to perform at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, an endeavor that proves to be unexpectedly rewarding—and challenging.
Touching and thought-provoking, A Severed Wasp explores the ebbs and flows in the life of an artist, and continues the story of the singular character who began Madeleine L’Engle’s accomplished career as a writer in her debut novel, The Small Rain.
This ebook features an illustrated biography of Madeleine L’Engle including rare images from the author’s estate.

Release dateFeb 7, 2017

Madeleine L'Engle

Madeleine L’Engle (1918–2007) was an American author of more than sixty books, including novels for children and adults, poetry, and religious meditations. Her best-known work, A Wrinkle in Time, one of the most beloved young adult books of the twentieth century and a Newbery Medal winner, has sold more than fourteen million copies since its publication in 1962. Her other novels include A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, and A Ring of Endless Light. Born in New York City, L’Engle graduated from Smith College and worked in theater, where she met her husband, actor Hugh Franklin. L’Engle documented her marriage and family life in the four-book autobiographical series, the Crosswicks Journals. She also served as librarian and writer-in-residence at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in Manhattan for more than thirty years.  

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A long life, several mysteries, art & thought : a concert pianist’s thoughtful journey.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I think I have finished my last book for 2023: A Severed Wasp by Madeleine L.Engle. The book tells the story of Katherine Forrester, now Madame Vigneras, who is in her 70s, still performing and looking back on her life. She has returned to New York after living in Paris after the war. I read the first book--The Small Rain earlier this year--where we meet Katherine as a child just coming into her own as a pianist, taking after her famous mother. I enjoyed the first book but the second one was remarkable with interwoven stories that lead to a shocking twist that ties them together at the end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Satisfying! A novel of unceremonious surprises, saying what it needs to say without saying every little thing. I should have figured it would be about so much more than Madame Vigneras's "retirement." I'd been waiting to read it ever since I read The Small Rain, and it was quite worth the wait. It hit me as a lover of literature, an artist, and a writer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book was slow to get me interested, but by the end I could not put it down. The characters were well developed that I felt comfortable with them and did not want to see them go. (Even if I didn't like a bunch of them!) I would recommend this book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I thought my adult life would be more like this.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love Madeline L'engles writing. I love her characters and I am at home in her books. It is a pleasure to read them. I was disappointed with the end of the book and with some of the details of the story. Character is always more important to me than story though so despite my disappointment, I was mostly happy.

Book preview

A Severed Wasp - Madeleine L'Engle

The Cathedral


The very size of the Cathedral was a surprise. The old woman looked around at the columns rising up into shadows, at the vast nave sweeping the full length of a city block. Despite a sudden, unseasonable heat wave that had turned April into summer, she relaxed into a strange coolness of space and height, of soft light filtering through the stained glass of the high windows.

She could sense deep love in the retired bishop’s voice as he propelled her farther into the nave. I’ve never known a cathedral more beautiful than St. John the Divine, and I’ve preached and visited in many. The fact that the building started out Romanesque and got changed to Gothic in midstream doesn’t matter. Somehow, the mishmash of architecture works.

Katherine turned slowly, enjoying the coolness that seemed to breathe from the stones. The soft light shimmered against the columns so that they shone like mother-of-pearl.

The bishop said, I suppose you’re familiar with most of the great cathedrals in Europe.

Felix, I’m a pianist. I work hard. I’ve had little time for sightseeing.

He smiled slightly. There are other reasons for going to a cathedral than sightseeing.

She laughed. "Touché. You’ve obviously changed since our non-churchgoing days. I haven’t."

Somewhat stiffly, the old bishop said, I realize you thought my way of life was—

Casual, she supplied.

Thank you. That is a most generous way of putting it. I’m not certain that one is capable of much basic change. You might say that my priorities have shifted.

She put her hand lightly on his arm. I’m not sure I was even aware your cathedral existed before you called me last week.

He reached for her hand. His skin was dry and felt crumply, like old leaves. Remember—we used to come uptown to see the old French and Russian movies at the Thalia. But, as you say, we weren’t thinking about church then. How I’d have laughed if anyone had told me I’d end up as Bishop of New York, and that this gorgeous monstrosity of St. John’s Cathedral would be my true home.

He moved on down the nave. He wore a long, loose, off-white robe: a what? a caftan? That was not it, but she could not remember the right word. She knew that priests wore this kind of garb on occasion even now; it was, perhaps, coming back into style after all the years of clergy being more secular than the congregation. It was belted with a knotted silk rope from which dangled some kind of wooden beads, a long string of them, with a cross at the end. Not a rosary. All in all, it was a becoming costume.

What do you call your caftan, or whatever it is?

Cassock. Katherine, my dear, you are kind indeed to come all this way up to meet me this evening. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.

She would not tell him she had accepted his invitation simply out of curiosity. The idea that Felix Bodeway, that lightweight young man she had known half a century ago when they were both living in the Village, should have ended up a bishop struck her as hilarious. Felix? Had he experienced some kind of conversion, then? She was at loose ends, back in New York, widowed, retired—why not see what had happened to Felix?

Was it just that one is never quite aware of one’s own age that made her feel that he looked older than she? He had shrunk, but not inordinately, and he still had most of his hair, although it was yellowish white. His eyes were a faded blue.

And now he was a bishop, frail, more stooped than she, but not doddering, like many of their contemporaries. That was a relief. She glanced at him again, at ease enough now to look to see if she recognized the old Felix and, if so, if he would still awaken the long-ago pain which had been part of the past to which Felix belonged. But so much deeper pain had come in the intervening years that all she felt was a vague nostalgia for her youthful anguish.

Brilliant sound startled her, a vivid calling of trumpets, red and blue and gold like the great stained-glass windows, she thought, and then came the mighty strains of a Bach fugue pouring from the organ.

Felix looked toward the choir loft. Ah. Llew Owen is practicing. Since his wife’s death he sometimes plays till two, three in the morning. I’d hoped he might be here this evening.

Without thinking, she shook off his hand and stood absolutely still, listening. Light and music wove and interwove; stone and sound became one. She stood absorbing, participating, until the last note of the fugue moved slowly along the length of the nave.

Well? Felix demanded.

She turned to him, incomprehending.

What do you think of it—Llew’s playing?

He’s superb. Although I’d guess he’s fairly young, isn’t he?

Around thirty, I suppose. How did you know?

I’m a musician. How did his wife die?

In childbirth. The baby, too. Doesn’t happen often in this day and age, and he almost went mad with grief.

He’ll be all right, she said with authority. His music will see to that. While I was listening to him play, I realized how futile it is to try to transcribe that fugue for the piano.

I’ve heard you play it, and magnificently.

Don’t flatter me, Felix.

I often flatter, I suppose. His voice was rueful. But not you, Katya, never you. The old nickname still sounded strange to her, so long was it since it had been used. On the phone, when you realized who I was, you called me ‘window cleaner.’ I was deeply moved that you remembered.

I have a good memory, Felix. —Too good. Is becoming a bishop a way of becoming a window cleaner?

Becoming a priest. That was my hope. He sounded weary, and sad. He turned as they heard footsteps coming toward them, and raised his hand in greeting to an armed guard. Evening, Steele.

Evening, Bishop. You all right?

Yes, fine.

Mr. Owen is up there practicing.

Yes, we heard him. Everything quiet this evening?

So far, the guard said, nodded at them, and walked on.

The music started again, Messiaen now, and Katherine sat in one of the folding chairs which were lined in neat rows across the nave, with no fixed pews, as in most European cathedrals, or, at any rate, the only one she knew at all, the cathedral in Munich. She regarded the bishop in his light caftan—no, cassock—and thought that he looked pale and lonely and, despite his thinness, not as lightweight as he had been in his youth. Life had taken him a long way from the feline young man she had known for no more than a year. He had represented for her the cheapest part of la vie de Bohême, or hippiedom, or whatever it was called now, and she had tried to forget him as quickly as possible. She had not thought of him in all these years, until he had called her, less than a week after she had left the house in Paris and flown to New York, to her house on Tenth Street.

The stiff cathedral chair was uncomfortable. She rose, pushing herself up with the ivory-handled cane which she carried largely because she felt that it helped her get the service and consideration that she demanded in her old age. She did not want to need the cane. Her back was still straight, and though she likened her fingers to gnarled carrots, they were nearly as strong and nimble on the piano as ever. She practiced daily, and if it was not for as many hours as it used to be, it was a minimum of four. All right, Felix. You’ve got me all the way up here for something. What is it? The organ had stopped now, but almost immediately began again, the gentle sound of one of the more meditative chorale preludes.

He continued down the nave, stepping like a child around large, circular bronze insets. The Pilgrim’s Pavement, he murmured. We have St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s towers completed, and are doing well with the transepts thanks to a completely unexpected bequest. However …

She stiffened. When he had urged her to meet him at the Cathedral, he had promised not to ask her for money.

My job in my retirement is to work with the Cathedral Arts Program. I want you to give a concert, a benefit concert for us.

She shook her head definitely. I am retired. You know that.

You gave a concert in Paris less than six months ago. And I’m retired and still working and you’re younger than I am.

Felix, my feet hurt on this stone. I’m hungry. What about that dinner you promised me?

In a minute. I want to show you the ambulatory.

Her voice was sharper than she intended. I’m tired. I’m still on French time, and it’s past my dinner hour.

All right. I never could say no to you. I hope you won’t say no to me, though you were always good at that. But this time … Come, we’ll go out by St. James chapel and you’ll at least get a glimpse of the ambulatory.

Still cross, but trying to soften her tone, she asked, What’s an ambulatory?

More or less what it sounds like. It’s a half circle behind the high altar, and off it are rayed seven chapels. My idea is for a series of distinguished chamber-music concerts in St. Ansgar’s chapel. Acoustically it’s excellent for the piano, and we’ve been given a particularly fine Bösendorfer. He offered her the bait with eager anxiety.

Fine pianos were nothing new. Dinner, she said firmly, before I faint.

He jingled his bunch of keys. I thought it would be more pleasant to take you home for a quiet meal than to go to a restaurant. Dinner’s all ready, waiting in the fridge. Vitello tonnato and a bottle of Frascati.

"Allons y, alors."

Reluctantly he led her to an elaborately grilled iron gate, to the right of which stood an antique carved chest the size of a small coffin, with a hand-lettered sign reading DONATIONS.

Does it ever get filled? She smiled slightly at the size of the chest.

We have to empty it every day, because of thieves and vandals, but you’d be amazed at how much gets put into it in a day, widow’s mites, mostly, but it mounts up. He selected a key from the ring that was attached to his belt, on the other side from the beads—were they prayer beads of some kind? —opened the gate and led her up the shallow steps. Everything gets locked up at five, but I still have the keys to the kingdom, and now that we’re well into spring it’s light till late. He pointed. Look on your left for a glimpse of the ambulatory.

Obediently she turned her head and saw a curve of shadows and paneled wood holding paintings which in the twilight appeared to be early Renaissance. To the right were more grilled gates and a feeling that everything was reaching up, soaring to the vaulted ceiling. Felix opened another door, a wooden one this time, and they were out on a landing, leading to a steep flight of iron steps. The door closed on the notes of the organ. Careful, Felix warned. Hold on to the rail. We’re still working on the south transept. I’ll go first. He started down, leaning heavily on the iron rail. I’ve hardly shown you anything. He sounded like a disappointed child. We haven’t gone near the Stone Yard—but of course it’s closed for the night. Next time—you will come again? The Close is at its most beautiful right now.


The grounds, he answered. All this loveliness.

She looked around at the flowering trees, the young green grass. Everything was spring-fresh, and this first premature wave of heat was bringing all the buds into quick bloom. The thermometer was well into the eighties but the heat was not oppressive; the buildings had not yet absorbed the heat as they would during the long summer. She was grateful that she had come home in the spring rather than into the sweltering humidity of New York in summer.

Haven’t you read any Trollope lately? Felix was asking.

No, and I’m not sure I’ve ever been this far uptown before. I’ve tended to stay close to Tenth Street and Lincoln Center when I’ve been in New York.

People are often amazed at this island of beauty in what is surely not one of the cleanest parts of our fair city. He paused to wave to two young mothers, one pushing a stroller, the other carrying her infant in a bright blue baby sling. They both returned his greeting, smiling. This is a happy place, Felix said, in an often unhappy city. People come here to play, to pray, to cry, to sing. All this green space is one of the greatest gifts we have to offer in an overcrowded metropolis. You will come again, won’t you?

We’ll see. And then, because she did not enjoy being unkind, she added, We both do rather well in our old age, don’t we?

You do. Better than I. I tend to get tottery if I’m overtired. Come. These are the flying buttresses. I’m enormously fond of them.

She looked at the great curved stone reinforcements, heavy to bear the adjective of flying, and jumped as a raucous scream cut across the air.

Felix laughed at her startled reflex. One of our peacocks. They’ve become a tradition. They came with— He paused, pondering. When Donegan was Diocesan, or Moore? Anyhow, we’ve had several generations of them. They have become, as you might say, part of our image.

She glanced back at the great buttressed bulk of the cathedral looking, she thought, like many cathedrals in many cities where she had given concerts. Perhaps this was larger; Americans always wanted to make everything larger than everything else, as though that would make it better. She sighed lightly, thinking, —But I am an American. And I have always been small.

Come look here. Felix prodded her, and they walked around to the front of the building, which had a façade of Greek columns, strangely in contrast to the prevailing Gothic architecture. It used to be an orphan asylum, if I remember correctly, and it’s now our museum. We have some very fine pieces. He turned again, leading her toward an open area of grass, trees, flowering bushes, azaleas just beginning to bud. To their left and ahead of them were grey stone buildings, their severity softened by spring plantings. The bishop looked around, sniffing appreciatively. The Close runs from Amsterdam to Morningside, and from 110th to 113th Street. Ah, Katya —he used the nickname he had picked up from her stepmother, her beloved Aunt Manya, and as he smiled she saw for a moment the young Felix— you are as lovely as the Close—as strong as the stone of the buildings and as new as the spring—I would have recognized you anywhere. But then I’ve come to hear you every time you’ve played in New York.

Have you, then?

Your hair turned white early, as I remember, but then black hair usually does.

Felix, if you’ve come to hear me play over the years, why haven’t you come backstage? Why wait till now to get in touch?

He lifted one slender shoulder slightly. Our paths have diverged radically. I thought I should not remind you of a time that surely was not happy for you. But now I want something.

He paused at the head of a short flight of stone steps. She stopped beside him. Felix, she reminded him, I’ve told you I’m retired.

Wait. This is Cathedral House on our left, designed after a French château. Diocesan House is ahead of us, just down these steps and along the path. The library is there, and the diocesan offices, and my own little office. Several of the canons have apartments upstairs. Most of the married priests live off the Close.

She turned toward him. Married priests?

Katya, St. John the Divine is an Episcopal church, not Roman Catholic. I thought you realized.

She traced a vague gesture with one hand. I hardly knew that there were Episcopal cathedrals—or Episcopal bishops.

He took her hand and pressed it. I told you our paths had diverged.

She looked at the beautifully kept gardens, smiling to see a group of young people, probably college students, dancing morris dances on the spring-green lawn, while one played a mandolin, another a recorder. Yes. Sorry, Felix, you must know more about my path than I do yours, since you’ve come to my concerts. I’ve been rather isolated in the world of music.

And your family.

Yes. Of course. My family.

He looked across at the grey stone building he had called Diocesan House. Since I’m long-retired, I’m more than grateful that I have my tiny office in this building where there’s an elevator. Allie has been—is—extraordinarily kind to me.


Alwood Undercroft. The sixteenth Bishop of New York; I was fifteenth. I’m still moderately useful in my modest way, and being allowed to remain useful is a great and uncommon privilege. The government ups its retirement age, and the church lowers its, and out you go, arse over amice, whether you’re still in your prime or not. I’m long past my prime, but I wasn’t at retirement, and I’d die quickly if I was just turned out to pasture.

She shifted the strap of her handbag from one shoulder to the other. She had not got over the habit of carrying music manuscript around with her. Artists have no mandatory retirement age. I’m not at all sure what I’m going to do with my retirement.

You’ll play the piano, of course. Anyhow, aging isn’t done according to strict rules. One of our bishops is in his fifties and looks like Fu Manchu at ninety. He had one of those weird pneumonias a couple of years ago and he’s gone down steadily ever since. Anyhow, I’m enormously grateful to the present Bishop of New York, and I try to be as inconspicuous as possible and not get in the way.

All about them was the scent of freshly cut grass, of spring bulbs: hyacinth, daffodil, narcissus. Her ears enjoyed the shifting of leaves in the breeze, the gentle twittering of birds. Across this oasis of peace came the peacock’s scream, and a large bird stepped out from the shadows of some rhododendron bushes and crossed in front of them, screaming again, something which sounded extremely rude, then spread its magnificent tail, quivering with iridescent color, and strutted onto the lawn.

Felix applauded. I’m glad he showed off for you, though they aren’t beasts one can get fond of.

The door of Cathedral House opened, a handsome door of glass and ironwork, clanging shut heavily, and a tall, dark-skinned man emerged, dressed in a light grey suit and clerical collar. Perhaps clerical collars were more worn in America than in Europe. Or perhaps it was an Episcopalian affectation.

He waved. Felix waved back, then beckoned. Dean Davidson—

The tall man paused, shifting a briefcase from one hand to the other. Bishop. Good to see you. His voice was warm and deep. A cello.

Felix gestured dramatically toward Katherine. I want you to meet an old friend of mine from the days of my youth, Katherine Forrester, as she was then, Madame Katherine Vigneras, as she is known now.

The dean’s face lightened with a quick, open smile. He set down his briefcase and took her hand in his. This is indeed a great pleasure. I’m one of your many admirers, and we have, I think, nearly all your recordings.

The dean plays the English horn, Felix said. I’m hoping Madame Vigneras will agree to give at least one benefit concert for us. I’m trying to tempt her with our Bösendorfer.

That was unfair. It is not a good thing for an artist to go on for too long.

Again the dean gave her his brilliant smile. Don’t let the bishop bully you. For all his quiet ways, he’s a great bully.

How can you say that, Dave? Felix sounded wounded, although he continued to smile. I must now feed Katherine—Madame—or she will, she has told me, faint from starvation. Oh— He put one hand lightly on the dean’s. Here come the Undercrofts! How fortuitous! He hailed them delightedly. Bishop! Mrs. Undercroft!

The couple coming toward them were strikingly handsome, the man fair and fine-featured, the woman tall and dark, with an exotic air. But it was the man who made her reach for Felix’s arm as though giddy. His resemblance to someone she had known almost as long ago as Felix, a German officer in Paris during the Occupation, who had been in charge of the makeshift prison in which she had been interned—the resemblance was startling. Lukas von Hilpert had had grey eyes, and the young bishop’s were a bright, light blue. Otherwise, he was so like him he could have been his son. In fact, the bishop seemed somewhere near the age that von Hilpert had been when she was in his prison.

The woman beside him was tall, unusually tall even in this day of tall women, and beautifully proportioned. Her features were strong and Latin, and her eyes were so dark a brown that it was difficult to tell the pupil from the iris.

Bishop Undercroft greeted Felix with pleasure. What are you doing wandering around at this time of evening?

Felix stretched out his arms in an embracing gesture. Bishop and Mrs. Undercroft, I want you to meet an old and very dear friend, Madame Katherine Vigneras.

The younger bishop’s reaction was as swift and appreciative as the dean’s. Madame Vigneras! What an unexpected and lovely pleasure! I met Felix many years ago at one of your concerts—you were playing in San Francisco—so you were, in a way, the cause of what has been a lifelong friendship. He took her hands in both of his.

Allie was very young, Felix said tolerantly.

But I had good taste—in music, and in choosing friends—didn’t I? He dropped Katherine’s hand and deferred to his wife, calling her name lovingly. Yolande? She smiled at him, nodding, and then turned the smile to Katherine, a warm smile, but behind it, Katherine felt, there was something sad, something unresolved.

I don’t want to pressure Katherine, Felix said, "but I am hoping that she will give a benefit concert for us."

"You are pressuring me, Felix." She glanced once more at Undercroft; the memories he awoke in her were far more painful than anything Felix could evoke.

I’m so sorry, my dear. Felix took her arm in a proprietary gesture. You don’t have to give us your answer tonight, of course. And now I really must take you home and give you something to eat, mustn’t I? He slipped into a perfected ritual of farewells, then led her down the steps and turned west, past Diocesan House. As they neared another stone building, he gestured, This is Synod Hall. The bishops’ offices are here, and it’s here that we hold Diocesan Convention. She did not know what Synod Hall was, nor Diocesan Convention. She remembered vaguely that Felix was wont to give long answers to simple questions. So she said, The flowers are beautiful.

Lovely, aren’t they? Especially after some of the odors on Amsterdam Avenue.

They came to a gate in the fence which surrounded the grounds. Felix again shook his key ring until he found the key he wanted, and as he was opening the gate, two little girls in plaid school jumpers came hurrying up, one brightly pretty, with fair, curly hair and heartrending violet eyes, the other a little older, a little too fat, with brown hair strained torturously back from her face in braids which seemed to stretch her skin.

Oh, good, Uncle Bishop, the fair child called out. You can let us in. I left my gate key at home. Thanks. She made a slight, graceful curtsy in Katherine’s direction, and then caught the other child’s hand, saying, C’mon, Fatty, we’ll be late and Mrs. Undercroft doesn’t like that.

Felix clanged the gate behind them, explaining, The pretty one is Tory, the dean’s youngest. The other’s her odd friend, whose name is actually Fatima.

Poor thing. The nickname becomes obvious.

She ought to lose some of that puppy fat soon, or she’s in for trouble. She’s lucky to have someone like Tory on her side. Come. That’s my building across the street, just east of that Con Ed monstrosity. He looked at the light, which was redly flickering DON’T WALK. His voice became petulant. There’s no safe way to cross 110th. Even with the green light saying WALK, cars can swing round at you. Every few years someone is hurt or killed, and they change the lights for a month, and you begin to relax, and then they change them back, with no thought for the pedestrian. Hurry. Even when the cars don’t come at you, the light barely stays green long enough for you to cross unless you race. He broke into a bobbling trot, which slowed down, rather than speeded up, his progress.

Katherine remembered that Julie had said, a good many years ago, ‘Don’t bobble, Maman. You waste your energy going up and down instead of going forward.’ She continued to walk calmly beside Felix.


When they reached the sidewalk, he was panting, and pulled a linen handkerchief from a capacious pocket and patted his upper lip and brow. I freeze in winter and melt in summer. It’s part of growing old. —It was not that hot, she thought. Felix had overexerted himself simply crossing the street. It’s reasonably cool in the apartment, he reassured. They went in through glass doors to a vestibule filled with a formidable array of names and numbers. Felix followed her glance. What you do is find the name of the person you’re trying to visit, the apartment number, and then press the button and wait for a voice to come out of that round grille, and then you identify yourself, and your host buzzes that buzzer and the door unlatches, and you can go in. He waved through the closed doors at a uniformed guard sitting at a desk. The man rose, patting the gun conspicuous in his holster, and let them in.

Evening, Bishop.

Evening, Pio. This is my friend, Madame Vigneras.

"Buenas noches," the guard said to Katherine, who returned his greeting. Then Felix led her down a long hall to a bank of elevators.

Even in most of the best hotels in Europe, there were now self-service elevators. She had never learned to be comfortable with them, and she was glad that Felix was with her. One of the doors opened and unloaded a motley assortment of people, white, black, yellow, and in between, speaking Spanish, German, English, and a few other languages she did not understand. Felix put his arm about her to keep her from being bumped, then guided her into the elevator.

I’m on the twentieth floor, so it’s moderately quiet, and I have a pleasant view.

The elevator rose swiftly, and the door opened onto a long corridor painted institutional green. He led her past several doors and then opened one with yet another key and took her into an apartment which was cool and unexpectedly beautiful.

Felix urged her into a comfortable chair. I’ll be with you in just a moment. There are only one or two last-minute things to do.

She felt weary and irritable. She scarcely smiled when Felix put into her hand a chilled glass of pale, very dry sherry.

Why had she come? Loneliness makes people do strange things, she supposed. Loneliness and curiosity. The old Felix had given no hint that one day he might become a bishop. She had met him in the Village one night, after the theatre, and their first conversation had occurred when she was left alone with him in a rather scruffy apartment on Bank Street, while the young man she had thought to marry had gone off to buy beer with the young woman who was to take him from her.

‘Shall I tell you about myself?’ Felix had asked. Long and pallid, he had sat hunched on a yellow wooden cube, holding his nose between two fingers. A lock of drab, blondish hair fell across his forehead and over one eye. ‘I’m a window cleaner.’ He let his nose go and straightened his bow tie.

She had been informed by the young woman that Felix was a superb violinist. ‘A window cleaner and a violinist?’ she had asked as he paused expectantly.

‘No and. Music is my window cleaning.’ And he had gone on, with unexpected passion for one who seemed so languorously wan, to talk about the human isolation ‘in this fragile bag of bones, where all our windows have been so fouled with futility and folly that we can’t see out. So there have to be window cleaners.’ Artists, he said, would clean the muddied windows with the purity of their art. He was naïve, self-centered, rather pompous. Nevertheless, under the shallow surface of his words there were depths which she, too, believed. Still believed. And so, when she had realized who was behind the voice on the other end of the phone, she had said, Window cleaner!

Perhaps in a way he was a window cleaner now, still isolated in his fragile bag of bones. But real.

In the dingy, pseudo-Swedish-modern studio on Bank Street he had gone on talking about himself. Katherine, unused to this kind of immediate self-revelation, did not reply, but sat there looking at this soft young man who belonged to a world so different from hers it might have been another planet. And yet, when he talked about music, it was in a language she could understand.

But then he shifted, waving his long fingers, which were much too tapered and delicate for a piano but might be all right for a violin. ‘I’m not in the least in love with Sarah. Nor she with me. But it might be convenient for us to marry. She has enough money to support me in the manner to which I would like to become accustomed, and we get on very well.’

That was Felix, a combination of idealism and pragmatism, the pragmatism, at least back then, winning over the idealism. But perhaps he had become a window cleaner after a fashion.

Now, in his apartment across from the Cathedral Close, he puttered about, bringing things in from the kitchen. An oval rosewood table was placed in readiness in front of a window which looked east across the city to the river. He set out silver dishes of food, opened a bottle of wine. His living room was small but uncluttered and everything in it was beautiful.

When he was satisfied with the table, he sat on a small stool at her feet (reminiscent of the pose on the yellow cube) and raised his glass of sherry. To the renewal of a friendship I bitterly regretted losing.

—Why, then, has he waited so long before trying to renew it? How much has he changed? How far have I come from the naïve adolescent unprepared for love or pain?

She noticed that his fingers were moving rhythmically over the chain of wooden beads. Is that a rosary?

His fingers paused. Not exactly, though occasionally I use it as one. They’re Russian prayer beads, given me by an old Orthodox priest, so they have been well prayed with. I don’t suppose you use a rosary?

He sounded, she thought, hopeful. She shook her head. I have one. Also given me by someone I admired and loved—or, rather, they were given me after his death.

Who? he asked with open curiosity.

You may have heard of him. He was a great friend of Justin’s and mine. Cardinal von Stromberg.

But of course I’ve heard of him! he cried. I have all his books which have been translated into English. How did you and Justin happen to know him?

Wolfi was a lover of music. We were very fond of him.

Katya, dear Katya. He drained the small crystal glass, rose, and led her to the table. He lit the candles, adjusted a single iris in the bud vase. China and crystal gleamed. He did not pull out her chair for her, but stood at his own place opposite her. She started to sit, then realized that he was in the process of saying grace. Benedictus, benedicam. Amen. He crossed himself and sat.

The food was superbly prepared and she was hungry.

He watched her eating and smiled, slightly smugly. I always thought I’d be a good cook, given a chance. Katya, why didn’t you keep your maiden name professionally? Why are you Vigneras instead of Forrester?

She took a sip of wine, which was dry enough for her definite taste; Justin had taught her about wines. Forrester was my mother’s name, and I spent a good bit of my life in her shadow. Forrester meant Julie Forrester, not Katherine.

He demurred. Surely not now. You saw how both the dean and the bishop reacted.

No, not now, but definitely when I was starting out. My mother made an indelible name for herself in a very short time. Her records are collector’s items, going for enormous prices. They still teach me. And then—my husband wanted me to use his name.

I thought he was a pianist himself.

Her voice was chill. He was. His career was cut off abruptly, sooner than my mother’s.

The bishop, ignoring her coldness, leaned across the polished surface of the table. What happened?

The Nazis. Among other things, they broke his hands. They mended well enough for all normal purposes. Not for the piano. She tried to lighten her voice. The Second World War is old-hat now. Not many young people have even heard of Hitler. But for those of us who were caught up in it, it has had lasting aftereffects.

Yes. He winced slightly, as though in pain. So your Justin fulfilled himself in you? He pushed back from the table and padded to the kitchen, which was little more than an alcove off the dining area.

He was no Svengali. Again, Katherine’s voice was brusque. We worked extraordinarily well together. And then he did a great deal of composing.

I know. Felix turned, asking gently, Do you still miss him very much?

I do.

There was naïve curiosity but no malice as he asked, Was it the perfect marriage all the articles and interviews would have led the public to believe?

She laughed. The press tend to believe that any couple who stay together as long as we did must have a perfect marriage, but there is no such thing. We had some very bad times. But as marriages go, it was, in its own way, good. Very good. She added simply, I will always miss him.

Her memory had stored in it a series of film clips (as it were) for her to take out and look at as needed. A treasured one was of a brief vacation in Chamonix, when they had skied in the morning, and in the afternoon had skated, waltzing to a loudspeaker that poured forth nostalgic dance music. Katherine, always clumsy at sports, staying on the beginners’ slopes in skiing while Justin went off for magnificent jumps and grand slaloms, was unexpectedly graceful on skates, and the waltzing with Justin was sheer joy, as the early night fell between the Alps and the stars came out. It was a glorious kind of intercourse, the two of them moving as one, skating to the accelerating tempo of the music so that it was almost as though they were flying among the stars.

And then, back to earth, to the simple physical pleasure of hot chocolate heaped with whipped cream, and crunchy pastries, served at long tables at the side of the skating rink.

It was good. It was very good.

Oh, my dear— Felix came back to the table bearing a silver coffeepot.

But Katherine had risen. Felix, I must go.

No coffee, my dear?

No, thanks. I have long been too old for coffee at this time of night—even decaffeinated.

He set the pot on a trivet and came round the table to her, taking her hands in his. I may keep in touch?

If you wish.

You will consider my request?

I will consider it, Felix, but please don’t be optimistic. I heard Paderewski’s last concert.

I know, he said quickly. I was there with you listening to the radio.

People laughed.

Oh, Katya, Katya, you still play as well as ever, you know that. Come. I’ll see you to a taxi.

Don’t bother. I can manage.

You don’t know this neighborhood. Taxis are almost impossible to come by on Amsterdam. We’ll have to go to Broadway.

She put her hand lightly on his. I’m capable of going to Broadway on my own. As you said, Felix, you tend to get tottery.

You will be careful?

Of course. I am well aware that the streets of New York are not safe, but then there is no longer any place in the world which is safe. One cannot live in perpetual fear. One has to be as prudent as possible, and get on with life. Don’t worry about me.

He sighed, In the old days I’d have called one of the guards to get a cab for you. But now—there’s so much vandalism and petty thievery, we can’t spare a guard for even a few minutes. Anyhow, the Church becomes more and more a business and can’t spare time for Good Samaritan acts. Let me at least see you across the street.

He kissed her lightly after they had crossed Amsterdam, the bishop still bobbling, she walking calmly. She was certain he had never kissed her before. Auld Lang Syne does strange things.

She felt she ought to wait to see that he got safely back across the dangerous intersection and to his building, but decided that would be discourteous, so she walked west without looking back. Swinging her cane loosely, she walked at a brisk pace. She had long held a theory that if you looked vague, at any age, or old and frail, you stood a good chance of being mugged. But if you moved along as though you knew where you were going and what you were doing, you were apt to be let alone.

Gutters and sidewalks were littered with papers, broken bottles, dog turds (in disregard of signs), general filth. A shadow moved swiftly across a pile of garbage; a rat, she thought. She shuddered. She had a horror of rats. There was a pervasive, unpleasant stench of decay. Just as she was beginning to despair of getting a taxi, she felt a light touch on her arm and looked down to see a young boy.

Want a taxi, lady?

His skin was a clear olive, his eyes huge and lashed with a thick, dark fringe. There was something endearing about him, and she would be glad of his help. Yes, and they all seem to be filled.

Topaze will get you one. Topaze can do lots of things. You want to know anything?

She looked at him with amusement. She suspected that he was small for his age, and wise with the ways of children of the street, though he was less grubby than most, and his dark curls were clean. All I want at this moment is a taxi to take me home.

He was scanning the street. You don’t want to know anything about anybody? Anybody at the Cathedral? I could tell you lots.

She continued to search for a taxi with the roof light lit. Why would I want to know anything about anybody at the Cathedral?

Saw you with Bishop Bodeway. The peacock came and spread out his tail for you. Saw you talk to the dean, and to the other bishop, too. So you want to know anything?

What was this? No, thanks, Topaze.

My sister and I know lots. She knows who goes to St. Martin’s chapel to make confession to who.

Katherine turned her eyes from the street to look at the boy, who was gazing up at her with large, innocent eyes, like a Renaissance angel. That’s nobody’s business.

Sez who?

His cynicism was distressing to her. Topaze, if you can get me a taxi, I’ll be glad to give you a quarter.

Mrs. Bishop gives my sister a dollar.

She looked at him severely. I’m looking for a taxi, not information.

Hey, lady, don’t be mad. I was just trying to help.

At that moment an empty taxi came by and she waved at it. Topaze sprang forward to open the door. She took a quarter out of her change purse, gave it to him, and gratefully got in. There was no reason to be disturbed by the child. Small children all over the city picked up money any way they could, standing with soapy sponges at the entrances to bridges, waiting to wipe windshields, selling wilted flowers that had probably been filched, running errands—it was surely better than groups of children, many of them no older than Topaze, who mugged and sometimes killed the old and weak.

She directed the taxi driver to her home downtown.

Tenth Street



Home was arbitrary, the place she had designated as home, the house on Tenth Street, rather than the farm in Connecticut, or the house in Paris; New York, rather than France, where she and Justin had shared so many years of their married life.

As soon as she had been able to afford it, she had bought the brownstone on tree-lined Tenth Street where she had lived briefly with her mother. It was as close to roots as she could get, this building she had lived in when she was a child, closer to roots than the old farmhouse which she had inherited from her Russian stepmother, and where she

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