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Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family: Toxic Foods to Avoid
Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family: Toxic Foods to Avoid
Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family: Toxic Foods to Avoid
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family: Toxic Foods to Avoid

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We all live busy lives with little or no time to find the right food or eat the most nutritious meals. When trying to find finely cooked food we may eat out at restaurants where we may not know how the meal was prepared and with what ingredients. Or worse we go to fast food places in an attempt to quickly feed our hunger. Then we attempt at buying our meal supplies & food at grocery stores to make the food ourselves in an attempt to know what we are eating but then we have to go through the process of actually reading the labels of each product to know what is actually in the processed foods we are trying to buy such as cans and packaged meals etc. The challenge is that at times when we go grocery shopping, we are either hungry, tired, sleepy, with no time to read any labels, or distracted by our kids or a combination of these. So we just pile whatever is visually appealing or whatever our stomach tells us is tasty based on either past choice or a recommendation from someone. Keep in mind that whatever is considered 'tasty' may not be healthy for us but our conditioning is that the instant gratification satisfaction makes it okay to eat something which may not be healthy for us. So as we progress in life with our not so good choices above, our children model our choices and habits and the next thing you know you have a series of generation of people with the same habits which are not helpful to your health. When we are buying something to eat and we ask ourselves 'how many people have touched this product which I am planning to eat'? You will see that the more processing done to the food the more people have touched what you are going to eat. The more processing done to the food to keep it longer on the shelf means more additives to keep the food longer without going bad or rotten. Your can of beans or tomatoes may have been made a long time ago and you may be eating it today.
Release dateAug 26, 2016
Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family: Toxic Foods to Avoid

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    Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family - Josh Havan

    Copyright © 2016 Josh Havan. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication maybe replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein. Josh Havan, London, United Kingdom

    Table of Contents

    Title Page


    MSG – Monosodium Glutamate

    GMO - Genetically Modified Organism


    Food Coloring

    Sodium Nitrate


    Hydrogenated Oils

    Artificial Sweeteners

    Canned Tomatoes

    Non-Organic Potatoes

    Milk with Artificial Hormones


    Table Salt

    Microwave Popcorn

    Refined Soy Beans

    Finally, In Your Hands


    We all live busy lives with little or no time to find the right food or eat the most nutritious meals. When trying to find finely cooked food we may eat out at restaurants where we may not know how the meal was prepared and with what ingredients. Or worse we go to fast food places in an attempt to quickly feed our hunger. Then we attempt at buying our meal supplies & food at grocery stores to make the food ourselves in an attempt to know what we are eating but then we have to go through the process of actually reading the labels of each product to know what is actually in the processed foods we are trying to buy such as cans and packaged meals etc. The challenge is that at times when we go grocery shopping we are either hungry, tired, sleepy, with no time to read any labels, or distracted by our kids or a combination of these. So we just pile whatever is visually appealing or whatever our stomach tells us is tasty based on either past choice or a recommendation from someone. Keep in mind that whatever is considered ‘tasty’ may not be healthy for us but our conditioning is that the instant gratification satisfaction makes it okay to eat something which may not be healthy for us.

    So as we progress in life with our not so good choices above, our children model our choices and habits and the next thing you know you have a series of generation of people with the same habits which are not helpful to your health. When we are buying something to eat and we ask ourselves ‘how many people have touched this product which I am planning to eat’? You will see that the more processing done to the food the more people have touched what you are going to eat. The more processing done to the food to keep it longer on the shelf means more additives to keep the food longer without going bad or rotten. Your can of beans or tomatoes may have been made a few years ago and you maybe eating it today. That noodle or meat piece floating in your can of noodle soup with vegetable is a few years old.

    We all take varying degrees of risk in our lives. Eating good food, bad food, and the ugliest foods. Where do we stop poisoning ourselves and our family? Where do we start to be healthy? How can I make your life easier by highlighting and providing the ugliest and dangerous foods you should never eat as it is poisoning you and your family?

    After being sick and with consistent headaches, I was so frustrated with the whole body of lies by the food industry to not be honest with the consumers about what is actually in the food we are eating. The social hypnosis is that we automatically put up with what is going on and just go on with our lives suffering in silence while getting sick with the slow poisons the food industry is feeding all of us. However, we can take a stand and say I am not going feed myself and my family/friends with these slow poisons to put an end to it. Your kids trust you and have the faith in you to give them what is healthy for them. Don’t you owe it to them to know and identify these foods and stop giving it to them? For your sake and their sake?

    So WHY do you need to go thru this quick guide? Knowledge is power but actionable knowledge where you know exactly what to avoid so you can avoid slowly poisoning yourself and your family is even better. You can stop the suffering you go through and your family goes through without realizing that your suffering either in body or mental health is due to these toxic foods. I have personally experienced many of my friends / family who avoided these foods and have seen a significant difference in the way they feel and most importantly avoided painful headaches and other allergies. Please consult your medical doctor for any health issues as suggestions in this book are meant as a guide and a complimentary awareness to your hunger to find more about toxic foods which are harmful to yourself and your family. .

    How can we avoid the toxic foods mentioned here in this book? My intention is not to cause fear in you but to inform you so you can make informed choices for yourself and your family. The worst thing is when you buy something as part of your groceries or you eat something at a restaurant and not knowing what is in the food/ingredients. When you are informed, you can read the label for specifics to look for so you can identify the ingredients and avoid using them in your recipes and avoid the suffering for days or more because you ate the toxic food. You also want to know what to ask for in restaurants before you order or eat when you want to avoid the allergic /toxic foods.

    Why do you need to avoid the toxic foods mentioned here? I have listed the dangers of each toxic foods in the appropriate section for each of the toxic foods. This way you will know the degrees of risk you are taking if you continue to take them. Life is all about our choices whether its financial choices of where to invest, career choices of which job to do, relationship choices of who to date or marry, and then of course food choices of what to put in our body. When you have the key information to make the right choices for the food you eat then you are far better off than the rest of the people who do not have this information and they will continue to drift along to the social /media hypnosis the food industry is keeping us in – by allowing lies and deception in food labels so we would not know what we are eating and feeding our family with.

    Thank you for your support with this book and now over to you and best of luck with your healthy food choices to avoid these toxic foods from poisoning yourself and your family

    All the pre-made sauces in a jar, and frozen and canned vegetables, processed meats, and cheeses which are loaded with artificial ingredients and sodium can get in the way of a healthy diet. My number one advice is to eat fresh, and seasonally.

    -Todd English -

    MSG – Monosodium Glutamate

    There are five basic types of tastes, salt, sour, bitter, sweet and umami. The word ‘umami’ is a Japanese word meaning ‘delicious flavor’ and this flavor is due to monosodium glutamate

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