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Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #4
Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #4
Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #4
Ebook64 pages47 minutes

Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #4

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Volume 4 of Geneset - Target Earth contains chapters 10, 11 & 12.

Chapter 10 - A Strange Confirmation

   The Jules Verne Connection.

   The Theosophical Society.

   A clear sign appears.

   Clue is a meteor.

   A strange marriage.

   Satan's Fort.

   Valhalla & the Valkyries.

   A proven link.

Chapter 11 - Confirmation of the Seed 


   The powerful alignment.

    The separation of the seeds.

   The triangle of Arques.

   Pech Cardou becomes the pivot.

   The divisions of the Meridian.

   Poussin's Ark.

   The 681 triangle.

   The R.L.C triangle.

Chapter 12 - In the Beginning.

   Learning to SEE Mathematics.

   The 'WILL' of God.

   The Mind at work.

   Man 'evolves' 

  The MitochondrialMan as a slave.

   Genetic Engineering.

   Man as a slave.

   The Super-sub-conscious.



PublisherGeneset Books
Release dateSep 19, 2016
Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #4

Ian Campbell

There was piece of advice that I had before I started writing and that was 'write what you know about'. My first Crime Thriller was about a reasonably young man being taken for a very expensive ride by his wife and he uses his skills learned in his former employment to commit fraud and recoup the money that it cost him. The necessary skills were those of a studio photographer, a printer and the operational side of Travellers Cheques. I had those skills and employed them in the novel. In the reviews of my book, it is the details of these processes that make the story real.

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    Geneset - Target Earth - Ian Campbell

    Nothing comes easily

    In order to produce this Special Edition of the Geneset Dossiers I have had to re-read and re-type every word of the original book and although this has been a slog it has given me a new insight into how incredible my friend and co-author was; the breadth of his knowledge and his incredible insights due to his interests as disparate as the occult and nuclear physics. David Wood, in my eyes was a polymath and you do not come across them very often.

    When we were writing Geneset we often used the secondary or tertiary meaning of words and sometimes, to make the reader aware, would put them in single quotation marks or bold them. This was purely to alert the reader so that they didn't take the word at face value, but needed to think about the other uses and meanings of a word. I remember our editor refusing to accept the manuscripts which were written like that and we had to struggle to get him to accept our point of view.

    The English language is probably the most comprehensive language on the planet. It certainly has the most words because our language has borrowed words from other languages over the years and this makes it possible to usually be able to use words with a laser-like precision. When we couldn't do so, we resorted to the techniques outline above. This reminds me of a case in point.

    Our friend, Henry Lincoln, attended a forum about our subject in Bristol where the speakers on the subject whom I shall refrain from naming, took Henry to task without having the decency of inviting him to the event where he would have been able to defend himself. Evidently, having endured the event in silence, he waited until the Q & A session at the end of the presentation before he announced his presence. Of course, there was embarrassment on the platform, the result of which was the arrangement of a return match at the University of Sussex some time later. I was invited to the event and at the end of the on-stage duel between Henry and his opponents, a member of the audience sought my opinion.

    I explained that although all three participants used the same language, they had a different understanding of some of the words. One of Henry's opponents was a physicist, the other a mathematician. Henry of course, is an actor, writer, director, film-maker and raconteur extraordinaire and when Henry talks about his measurements being 'exact' and to the millimeter, the physicist and mathematician raise their eyebrows because they do not share the same concept of the word. The physicist especially would never say 'exact' but rather he would specify a measurement with an error of +/- a certain percentage. He knows there will always be an error. So, unless Henry learns the physicist's meaning of the words used and unless the scientist and mathematician learn the artistry of someone like Henry, then they never will agree.


    I was asked to co-author Geneset - Target Earth by David Wood in 1991, shortly after the great flood which nearly destroyed Rennes-les-Bains, the twin village of Rennes-le-Château. By that time, I had known him for some six years and had spent much of the time testing the claims he had made in his first book, Genisis - the First Book of Revelations. During that time I recognized that he was a polymath and absolutely brilliant in a whole range of subjects from the occult and Ancient Egypt to nuclear physics. He was constantly being approached by people who didn’t have the intelligence to realize that they were in the presence of greatness. He was surrounded by fools and suffered them not too wisely.

    I remember my first meeting with him and our first session which lasted fifteen hours where he tossed me a calculator and said ‘follow me’ as he performed mathematical gymnastics on his machine. He also used a self-handicapping system for these

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