Hyrdoacoustic Ocean Exploration: Theories and Experimental Application
About this ebook
The only book that offers a comprehensive and fully up-to-date coverage of hydroacoustic ocean exploration, this work deals with the diagnostics of non-uniformities in a water medium using the hydroacoustic parametric antenna. The non-uniformities of the water medium in the study are of geometrically regular shape, i.e., the shape of a sphere, a cylinder, and a spheroid. An account is given of theoretical and experimental studies of wave processes that occur in the event of the scattering of non-linearly interacting acoustic waves at a sphere, a cylinder, and a spheroid. Scattering problems are formulated; solutions to the inhomogeneous wave equation are found in the first and second approximations using the successive approximations method.
For the first time, high-frequency asymptotic expressions of acoustic pressure for all spectral components of the secondary field are obtained for the nonlinear scattering problem. The scattering diagrams are calculated and plotted, and then analyzed and compared. Results of experimental studies of the parametric acoustic antenna field scattering at solid
steel spheres are presented. Experimental scattering diagrams both for the parametric antenna pump waves and for the secondary field waves including the difference frequency wave, the sum frequency wave, and the second harmonic wave are presented. 3D modeling of wave processes is also considered.
A must have for researchers and specialists in nonlinear hydroacoustics and ocean acoustics; it also may be of use for postgraduates and students specializing in hydroacoustics and ocean exploration.Related to Hyrdoacoustic Ocean Exploration
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Hyrdoacoustic Ocean Exploration - Iftikhar B. Abbasov
Exploration of the world ocean involves an extensive use of hydroacoustic systems, which utilize parametric radiating antennas. Ambient medium is one of the key factors for the formation of parametric acoustic antenna fields; therefore, differences between perfect and actual working conditions should be taken into account. In actual working conditions, a water medium always features non-uniformities of different origin. These include both local non-uniformities of the medium as it is and non-uniformities of a biological and artificial nature.
Sound propagation in water is a nonlinear process. Westervelt [Westervelt, 1961] shows that if two high-intensity sound beams propagating in a medium coincide the nonlinearity of the medium brings about the generation of new propagating sound waves whose frequencies are equal to the sum and difference of the initial frequencies of the interacting fields. The difference frequency is especially attractive for technical applications due to the fact that its use involves formation of a rather narrow sound beam at a relatively low frequency.
Sound waves of new frequencies are generated over the entire zone of intensive interaction of the initial beams; therefore, it may be safely suggested that what occurs here is a volumetric distribution of secondary wave sources, which is essentially referred to as "acoustic parametric