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Courseology: A Proven Step-By-Step System to Launch Your Online Course in 3 Days!
Courseology: A Proven Step-By-Step System to Launch Your Online Course in 3 Days!
Courseology: A Proven Step-By-Step System to Launch Your Online Course in 3 Days!
Ebook120 pages48 minutes

Courseology: A Proven Step-By-Step System to Launch Your Online Course in 3 Days!

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About this ebook

Courseology takes you through a 3-day, proven, step-by-step system that transforms your idea into a sellable online course using real life examples and allowing you to replicate the process behind other successful courses, proving you that you can earn a steady, passive income online.

PublisherBogdan Vaida
Release dateJul 8, 2016
Courseology: A Proven Step-By-Step System to Launch Your Online Course in 3 Days!

Bogdan Vaida

Bogdan Vaida burst onto the training scene in 2009 using extremely old Powerpoint presentations. Luckily, 2 years later he switched to experiential trainings and learning by doing, methodologies that he practiced devotedly into all of his trainings. Known for his no-nonsense approach to getting results, Bogdan has been told that he helps participants get their own “insanely practical insights”. What does he do? He travels around the world doing experiential trainings in fields ranging from time management to personality typologies and trainer training. While doing this he also manages his online courses that have over 7624 students from all over the world. In 2015 he beat the record for total time spent in airports. If you want to see what he is teaching just do one of the tests on the Online Personality Tests page:

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    Book preview

    Courseology - Bogdan Vaida


    The author and publisher have provided this book for your personal use only. You may not make this book publicly available in any way. Copyright infringement is against the law. If you believe the copy of this book you are reading infringes on the author’s copyright, please notify the author at [email protected] .

    Editor: Violeta BISCHOFF


    A proven step-by-step system to launch your online course in 3 days!




    Get ready, steady, learn!

    How it all fits together

    Will 3 days be sufficient to launch the course?


    Chapter 1: identify a much needed, highly sought, easily sold topic for your course

    The SDP Questionnaire

    The 4 U’s Approach

    Teaching Platforms

    Chapter 2: Determine tangible outcomes for your students

    The MNS Questionnaire

    Chapter 3: Prepare an interactive curriculum that enthralls your audience

    The Curriculum Autopilot Template

    Delivery Styles

    BONUS: Test it out: get real feedback from potential students


    Chapter 1: Who are you? Build an inspiring bio

    The BIOdiversity Template

    Chapter 2: Create highly engaging content that mesmerizes your market!

    The 3 Presentation Styles

    The Script Autopilot Template

    The Meta Project

    Chapter 3: Convert visitors into loyal customers with a great course presentation

    The Course Presentation Template


    Chapter 1: Set up a cheap but effective recording studio

    Technical Equipment

    Recording Guidelines

    Chapter 2: 3, 2, 1, Action!

    Deliver Great Content

    The Dazzling Effect

    Chapter 3: Publish your magnum opus!

    The Perfect Price Challenge



    Get ready, steady, learn!

    Hi, my name is Bogdan Vaida and in this book I’m going to offer you Courseology- a proven, step-by-step system that transforms your idea into a sellable online course in only 3 days.

    This book started out as a workbook complementary to my online course with the same name, but after adding entire chapters based on the questions my students asked, it became much more.

    Now, it contains the complete system used by me and many others to launch online courses in the shortest time possible while not subtracting from their quality. It is a standalone product that empowers you to build an online course from scratch, without any prior knowledge or experience.

    If you are interested in the online course which features video examples, scenarios, case studies and other multimedia materials, check out the presentation page for Courseology - A proven step-by-step system to launch your online course in 3 days! at .

    My motto is "I teach students how to become their own teachers!". So this book is not about me, it’s about you and how you can get the results you want.

    Please email me at [email protected] for any questions, corrections, suggestions or any other kind of feedback you may have. I love interacting with my students and that would also help me keep the content up to date.

    How it all fits together

    While creating the book I had a very big challenge.

    On one side, I had to make the process as straightforward as possible, but on the other, I also had to provide you with a great system that would double the effectiveness of each part of the process.

    Therefore, I divided each section into mandatory steps and optional steps.

    If you wish to create your course over the weekend, just stick to the mandatory steps, but if your goal is to launch an amazing course that will inspire your audience, then I suggest you use the whole workbook. For those of you who aim to customize, feel free to choose what best fits your personality.

    My students and I have created courses over a weekend using only the mandatory steps. Examples of such courses are The Secrets of Habits ( and Learn Photoshop by example ( But once we had done this one or two times, we realized that we wanted to give so much more. As a result, we created a compendium of techniques (all of which comprised in this book) and thus, delivered to impress. We added templates and bonuses, Wow! effects, we upgraded our toolbox and we launched engaging courses like Test Your Personality Using The DISC Assessment Tool ( and Active Reviewing ( These types of courses took a bit longer to create- the maximum for me being 2 months: 1 month of co-writing the content with my editor and one month of producing and editing the videos.

    However, if this is your first course, follow the mandatory steps and finish it by the end of the weekend. After that, go ahead and launch it so you can get real feedback from your audience (instead of guessing what else is needed). In your following courses, feel free to use the optional steps presented in the workbook to deliver a more immersive experience.


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