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Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies
Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies
Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies
Ebook46 pages24 minutes

Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies

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About this ebook

Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies contains concepts and ideas designed to inspire parents to make nutritious, homemade food for their babies. Challenging the daunting perception that homemade means time-consuming, readers will find time-saving tips and tricks that are easy to incorporate, as well as mistakes to avoid, from a fellow parent. This is a not a recipe book, rather a guide, for busy parents and care givers. By following the "teach them to fish" philosophy, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating delicious meals the smallest critics will love.

Release dateAug 2, 2016
Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies

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    Book preview

    Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies - Francine Freise, MBA

    Healthy Eating Alternatives for Babies

    A Quick Read for Busy Parents, No Cooking Experience Required

    By Francine Freise, MBA

    Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Working Mom


    This book is dedicated to my husband Dan, who has never doubted my potential since the day we met, and gave me a beautiful son who inspired this book.

    Table of Contents


    In the Beginning

    First Foods




    Protein & Legumes


    Mash Ups



    Additional Tips and Tricks

    Final Prep Pointers



    You are ready to be discharged. The announcement that you are now able to leave the hospital with your baby brings relief to some and panic to others. As much as you look forward to the comforts of home, there is rising anxiety about being fully responsible for this tiny, little person.

    Somehow you manage to survive those first few months of no sleep and you are finally in a routine. In the blink of an eye, you reach a major milestone which requires you to dig out the high chair you were gifted at your baby shower. You know…the one you vaguely recall registering for before you could envision a time where your baby would eat real food.

    By this point, you may be back to work or juggling competing priorities. Every second of your day is budgeted. Who knew laundry, errands, and thank you cards were so time consuming? The old adage that it takes a village to raise a child is an understatement. You are humbled by parents of twins, often looking upon them with sympathy.

    As busy parents, our time is precious. Whether you are employed full-time or you are a full-time parent, you are reading this book because your child’s diet and ultimately, their well-being, are important to you. In an

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