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The Australian Disease: On the Decline of Love and the Rise of Non-Freedom
The Australian Disease: On the Decline of Love and the Rise of Non-Freedom
The Australian Disease: On the Decline of Love and the Rise of Non-Freedom
Ebook46 pages36 minutes

The Australian Disease: On the Decline of Love and the Rise of Non-Freedom

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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'Non-freedom to the Western mind is inevitably linked with images of backwardness - Soviet tractors, East German Trabants, Kim Jong Il's haircut. But non-freedom these days is also iPads, iPhones and a dazzling array of less iconic but ubiquitous consumer goods that flood our stores, our homes and which increasingly are used to define our ideas of worth and happiness. It is a full-lipped smile achieved with the aid of collagen made from skin flensed from dead Chinese convicts.'

The Australian Disease is Richard Flanagan's perceptive, hilarious, searing expose of the conformity that afflicts our public life. From Weary Dunlop to Vassily Grossman, from David Hicks to Craig Thomson, Flanagan takes us on a wildly entertaining and unsettling trip. If we are to find hope, he says, we must take our compass more from ourselves and less from the powerful.

Release dateSep 30, 2015
The Australian Disease: On the Decline of Love and the Rise of Non-Freedom

Richard Flanagan

RICHARD FLANAGAN was born in Longford, Tasmania, in 1961. His novels—Death of a River Guide, The Sound of One Hand Clapping and Gould’s Book of Fish: A Novel in Twelve Fish (winner of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Overall Best Book)—have been published in 26 countries. He also directed the feature film of The Sound of One Hand Clapping and most recently collaborated with director Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge) on the screenplay of Luhrmann’s forthcoming epic, Australia.

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    Book preview

    The Australian Disease - Richard Flanagan

    SHORT BLACKS are gems of recent Australian writing – brisk reads that quicken the pulse and stimulate the mind.


    1 Richard Flanagan The Australian Disease:

    On the decline of love and the rise of non-freedom

    2 Karen Hitchcock Fat City

    3 Noel Pearson The War of the Worlds

    4 Helen Garner Regions of Thick-Ribbed Ice

    5 John Birmingham

    The Brave Ones: East Timor, 1999

    6 Anna Krien Booze Territory

    7 David Malouf The One Day

    8 Simon Leys Prosper: A voyage at sea

    9 Robert Manne

    Julian Assange: The cypherpunk revolutionary

    10 Les Murray Killing the Black Dog

    11 Robyn Davidson No Fixed Address

    12 Galarrwuy Yunupingu

    Tradition, Truth and Tomorrow

    Published by Black Inc.,

    an imprint of Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd

    37–39 Langridge Street

    Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia

    [email protected]

    Copyright © Richard Flanagan 2011

    Richard Flanagan asserts his right to be known as the author of this work.

    Originally presented as Liberty Victoria’s Alan Missen Oration. Published in Quarterly Essay 44, Man-Made World, Black Inc., 2011.

    This edition published 2015.


    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the publishers.

    Flanagan, Richard, 1961– author. The Australian disease : on the decline of love and the rise of non–freedom / Richard Flanagan. 9781863957618 (paperback) 9781921870491 (ebook) Short blacks ; no. 1. Social psychology–Australia. Attitude (Psychology)–Australia. Conformity–Australia. Australia–Politics and government–21st century. Australia–Social conditions–21st century.


    Cover and text design by Peter Long.

    RICHARD FLANAGAN’s most recent novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North, won the 2014 Man Booker Prize.

    The Australian Disease was originally presented as Liberty Victoria’s Alan Missen Oration, doubling as the Closing Address of the 2011 Melbourne Writers’ Festival.

    Good evening. I am afraid Richard Flanagan couldn’t be here tonight and so I am here in his place. My name is Craig Thomson. You might have heard a lot in recent times about another Craig Thomson. I am not him. I am just a run-of-the-mill bloke who likes prostitutes. A lot. They’re great. Really, really great. God I’ve had some fun. You can do anything if you pay. It’s incredible. I even had a Julie Bishop once. She said, You want the stare? I said, You get what

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