Their Angry Creed: The shocking history of feminism, and how it is destroying our way of life
Women's Liberation Movement
Gender Roles
Legal System
Struggle for Equality
Power of Propaganda
Dangers of Groupthink
Feminist Movement
Coming of Age
Political Intrigue
Historical Fiction
Search for Identity
Dystopian Society
Manipulative Villain
Gender Equality
Social Change
Sexual Morality
Women's Rights
Men's Rights
About this ebook
Opening with a startling revelation in 2014 by Mallory Millett, sister of Kate Millett - a mentally-ill Marxist apologist, and probably the prime mover in the women's liberation movement around 1970 - Their Angry Creed is a detailed exposé of what she and her co-conspirators were planning from the start.Â
The author shows how these activists influenced a generation of women - many of whom are now in prominent and powerful positions - to seek a seismic shift in the power balance between women and men by dividing society along the fault line of gender.
Feminism has never been about equality for women. It is cultural Marxism, whose principles uphold matriarchy - the social superiority of women - which is to be achieved through the destruction of marriage, the re-engineering of the family, moving women en masse out of the home and into the workforce, and the disruption of society as we know it.Â
Describing how these activists have already secured unreasonable and unfair privilege for women and girls, he points to the demonisation of manhood, men's effective social emasculation, the invasion of men's social spaces to the point of harassment, and the relentless excision of fathers from families.Â
He ends by warning of a coming backlash from men.
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Book preview
Their Angry Creed - Herbert Purdy
Title Page
Chapter One - Revolution!
Chapter Two - The Swinging Sixties
Chapter Three - An Angry Generation
Chapter Four - Making the Personal Political
Chapter Five - Feminism
Chapter Six - On Patriarchy
Chapter Seven - Marxism and 'The Woman Question'
Chapter Eight - The Psycho-Social Aspects of Feminism
Chapter Nine - Institutionalised Feminism
Chapter Ten - The Social Outcomes of Feminism
Chapter Eleven - The Feminist Fifth Column
Chapter Twelve - The Line, It Is Drawn
The shocking history of feminism,
and how it is destroying our way of life.
Herbert Purdy
lps publishing
Publisher’s note:
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This edition first published 2016.
Copyright © 2016 Herbert Purdy. The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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ISBN: 978-0-9571688-6-2
Cover design by Des Reynolds
It is almost half-a-century since women’s liberationists first laid down their challenge to the world, chanting ‘Women demand equality,’ and ‘I’m a second-class citizen’, and the feminist narrative of the historically victimised woman, needing to strive heroically for her rights in a male-dominated society, is a theme that has become burnt into our social consciousness. The entire paradigm is so politically charged - so politically correct - that no politician of any hue would dare have an all-male cabinet, anymore than a large company would contemplate having an all-male board of directors; and this is causing women to be pushed, promoted, and inserted into every walk of life simply because they are women, which amounts to naked preference, bordering on positive discrimination.
Moral panics about rape and domestic violence are rife, and a plethora of women’s help agencies exist to meet the perceived demand for women’s aid. Most of them are funded by central government, with ring-fenced budgets, and they feed a constant stream of propaganda about men as potential rapists or wife beaters to the press. Mostly it is patently untrue, but, like all propaganda, it is effective in embedding these false social narratives, which, in a feedback loop, justifies the existence of these agencies and secures their funding. Our universities are now hotbeds of gender politics, where free speech is all but closed down, not least because of the strident demand of millennial women students that they must not have their feelings hurt or be made to feel unsafe. In response, many universities are providing ‘safe spaces’ for women students, free from their male counterparts; such is the degree to which this hysteria is gripping our campuses.
An alleged pay gap is constantly being promoted by feminist-dominated ‘think tanks’, politicians, and even heads of state such as the President of the United States, Barack Obama, who couch their message in terms of women being forced to work effectively for nothing from 9th November until the end of the year. This is always portrayed as discrimination, despite the fact that an average woman in her lifetime will undoubtedly earn less than an average man, simply because she is likely to have children, and that causes her to make work-life balance decisions. However, feminist campaigners will not allow these explanations, insisting that women are being actively discriminated against.
Even inadvertent slips of the tongue about women, let alone honest attempts to speak about the changing role and place of women in society, are instantly met with a storm of hysterical protest from prominent feminists, such as female MPs, women’s advocacy groups, and women in the media, who allege sexism and misogyny with an anger that seems to know no bounds of reasonable behaviour. Character assassination and premature career termination - even of highly eminent people - await anyone foolhardy enough to speak truth to the power in the land that feminism has now become, and this has created such a climate of fear that it has closed down rational social discourse as effectively as any totalitarian regime of the past. As Kevin Alfred Strom once said, ‘To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.’
However, this book does just that. It is an analytical, sometimes polemical account of the historical development of feminism: its precepts, dogma, and its social outcomes. It is an honest attempt to bring clarity and truth to what is actually happening to our society under this deeply divisive totalitarian ideology, which, like a wrecking ball, is tearing us apart; dividing us along a fault-line of ‘gender’. My principal thesis is that despite feminism claiming as its credentials the liberal Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality of opportunity, it is a masquerade beneath which lies a much darker agenda: one that is being worked out by an ideologically driven elite, and which is anathema to everything Western democracies stand for. In 1970, Germaine Greer said this,
‘Women’s liberation, if it abolishes the patriarchal family, will abolish a necessary substructure of the authoritarian state, and once that withers away Marx will have come true, willy nilly, so let’s get on with it.’ (‘Revolution’ The Female Eunuch 1970)
Influenced by academics such as Greer, who have colonised our campuses, turning them into madrassas of radical feminist theory, a small but influential cadre of highly politically motivated former Women’s Liberationists has succeeded to a remarkable degree in implementing what she was expressing. For more than 40 years, through politics, the media, and other key social institutions, these ideologically-driven women (and, it has to be said, men of the same persuasion) have been at work behind the scenes, gaining control of the levers of social and political power, and inexorably changing social policy, the law, and ordinary people’s lives in order to conform us all to their dogma.
Greer looked forward to a time when the patriarchal family - the nuclear family - would be abolished. That time has come. Patriarchal families, cemented together by the institution of marriage, have been the bricks in the wall of our society for centuries, but the entire edifice is now in ruins because of Marxist-inspired feminist revolution. Greer’s reference to Marxism (echoed, incidentally, by most of the early women’s liberation movers and shakers) can be traced back to the 1848 Communist Manifesto, in which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels openly stated that the aim of the communists was to abolish the ‘bourgeois’ institution of marriage and create a legalised community of women.
The process is simple. If you remove the interdependence of men and women, you will destroy the institution of lifelong marriage as ‘one flesh’. If you destroy that then the fall of the patriarchal family will automatically follow. Then the way is clear for a new social order to be constructed – in Marx’s case it was communism – and that is precisely what the Women’s Liberationists and their fellow travellers and acolytes, now called ‘third wave feminists’, continue to seek in what is undoubtedly a sustained campaign to bring about permanent social change. This is what our society looks like after 45 years of feminism:
Marriage, once the committed union for life of a man and a woman, and the key institution that guaranteed social stability, has been de-constructed, re-defined, and all but destroyed. Today, in what amounts to a tidal wave of divorce, initiated by women three times as often as men, half of all marriages will fail, and their median expectation of lasting is only 11 years, according to the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Marriage has been replaced by a legally uncommitted union of two ‘equal partners’ (another Marxist dogma), in which technically illegitimate children are being born wholesale, and which has an even worse prognosis of lasting than marriage
The social role of the mother has been changed. Once the bearer and nurturer of young children until their emerging viability as ’teens, women now combine career with child-bearing and upbringing, attempting to reconcile an impossible set of roles, and often unable to give their best to any of them – least of all to themselves
The ready provision of maternity leave and the increasing provision of child care allowances from state funding is manoeuvring mothers into leaving their children’s upbringing, in their most crucial formative years, to strangers
Politically correct child-minders, operating in what amount to state-funded nurseries, are taking over the role of shaping and forming our future generations according to broader societal values, rather than the values of their own families. This is what totalitarian states do
Under successive interventions from governments of all political hues - joined only by a common acceptance that feminism is a good thing - women have been co-opted into the means of economic production (another communist principle). They have been turned into wage-slaves, just like men have always been, and they emulate precisely the women in socialist-communist states
In fact, women are now working harder for less, as figures released by the ONS show. Although they are roughly half the workforce, they still only contribute about 28% of all income tax, compared to men's 72%. Women en masse are being used as working drones, most of them earning pittances, while their privileged sisters argue about the glass ceiling, the pay gap, and women’s representation in the boardroom
Elite feminists, with their social agendas, have even reworked the idea of what constitutes a normal family. For example, Harriet Harman, as far back as 1990, in a report which she co-authored with Patricia Hewitt, another prominent Labour feminist, said, ‘It cannot be assumed that men are bound to be an asset to family life or that the presence of fathers in families is necessarily a means to social cohesion'. This is now widely accepted dogma amongst the political classes
The most effective way to bring about a revolution is to perform a coup d’etat: you take out the head of state, and the best way to destroy the family is to do the same to its head - the father. That is the true meaning of the feminists’ attack on what they call ‘patriarchy’, which literally means the ‘rule or authority of the father’. Feminists hate patriarchy. Everything they do is designed to overthrow it, because the rule of the father represents the social power of men, and the startling reality is that after just four decades they have largely succeeded in achieving their aim. Today, a father as head of the family – as the leader, provider, and protector of his kin – is laughed at as passé: a total anachronism.
This has resulted in a significant social shift to single parenting - which really means the mother - and which, effectively, creates another aimed-for Marxist-feminist principle – a matriarchal society – one in which women effectively rule everything, and around whom everything revolves. And that is not the end of it. Feminists in power are overseeing the systematic removal of fatherhood from our entire society, not least through the family courts, through which their ideology, disguised as political correctness, works like a virus in its operating system. Every day in Britain and the developed nations across the world, draconian decisions about fathers’ access to their children are made that serve only to eliminate fathers from those children’s lives. In the weasel-worded name of ‘doing what is best for the child’, countless thousands of fathers are being separated from their children – often for good.
But what is more, those children are being systematically deprived of the only rightful source of their ultimate protection: their father, to have him replaced by a ‘new dad’, or, more likely, no dad, and all of this is underpinned by a state apparatus that stands ready to step in and fulfil the role of the father whenever it becomes necessary. The social changes that feminism has brought upon us are deep and damaging – especially to children – and that damage is before us, hidden in plain sight:
According to Sir Paul Coleridge, retired senior judge of the Family Courts Division, a third of all British children are currently caught up in the family justice system. This amounts to approximately 3.8 million, a figure that is very close to the 3.2 million children who are living in poverty (as estimated by the United Kingdom Department for Work and Pensions). This is the outworking of the new one-parent matriarchies
Children are being passed like parcels, often between warring ex-spouses, who are pursuing their individual careers, their care and upbringing being parcelled out to whomever has the time or the inclination to care for them
Former wives are routinely flaunting access granted to fathers, and judges turn blind eyes to it, sitting on their hands when it comes to enforcing their own orders
Hundreds of thousands of children now live in so-called ‘blended families’, often thrust against their wills into a jumble of step-parents, half-brothers and sisters and assorted non-blood relatives; and all too often permanently deprived of their natural kin on their father’s side of the family
Approximately one-fifth of children caught up in this mess will lose all contact with their fathers for good, according to NatCen, the research group funded by the Government’s Economic and Social Research Council, and that figure has been put at around a third by the family law department of Mishcon de Reya, a leading family law specialist. This is estimated to represent between 130,000 and 213,000 fathers at any given time
These children are losing their rightful patriarchal inheritance, which is not only financial but also cultural
No one should be in any doubt that a human tragedy of gigantic proportions is being worked out before our very eyes because of our love affair with feminism and women’s rights. Feminism is a form of totalitarianism that is being foisted on all of us in the name of fairness and equality for women, and it is being driven by ideologues across the political spectrum, in government and the institutions. At least those who are on the political left, such as Harriet Harman, are relatively open about their ideology. However, even Conservative politicians declare themselves to be followers of this deeply divisive angry creed. Theresa May, for example, the current British Home Secretary - and a Conservative - is not ashamed to be photographed wearing a T-shirt with the slogan ‘this is what a feminist looks like’, emblazoned across her front. Under the pretence of fairness and equality, these feminists, and their fellow travellers, present a clear and present danger to us all. They are actively undermining the very basis of our Western civilisation by perpetuating a one-sided struggle for power by women against men, and, collectively, they represent the biggest threat to the stability and social cohesion that our nation has seen since the Second World War.
Feminism has nothing to do with equality, and it is not about fairness. Neither is it egalitarianism, nor is it born of the liberalism of the Enlightenment. Feminists are not interested in equality of opportunity, irrespective of race, colour, creed – or sex – principles that are universally accepted as right. Theirs is the communist-utopian definition of equality qua sameness: parity of numbers disconnected from achievement through merit and ability, and divorced from skills and attributes. And, like in the dystopian communities communism created, feminists are positioning themselves to be a powerful ruling elite who run society for their own benefit.
Elitist feminists are building a gigantic gravy train, for which only they have a ticket, and those who believe feminism is a good thing and that it needs to be upheld and even developed, must remove their rose-tinted spectacles and see it for the parasite it really is that is sapping the strength from our societies. They must wake up to the reality that the Achilles heel of feminism is that it cannot possibly be about equality because it seeks a one-sided solution to a concocted problem that takes no account of the other half of society – men. They must see what feminism is doing to our fathers, sons, husbands, brothers - and, yes, to our mothers, daughters, wives and sisters too.
In this book, I call for a total rejection of all that feminism represents, its dogmas and its false form of equality, and I call for right-minded people to take a stand against it wherever they encounter it, so that we can all begin the process of repairing the damage those who are pushing it are wreaking upon us. I call for the restoration of relationships between men and women that are based on mutual respect and understanding, free from the stridency and competitiveness that feminists have falsely fostered in women. I call for a return to a healed, non-contentious society: one in which the fault line of gender, which feminists have deliberately opened up, is bridged, and then closed for good. I call for a return to a society where the real family - the nuclear family - based on a heterosexual man and a woman living together in a stable marriage, based on a covenant commitment for the procreation of children to be brought up, is supported by the state, the law, and social opinion, and are thus encouraged as well as enabled to ensure that our future generations are fully equipped, fully competent, socially-engaged citizens. Especially, I call for the hearts of the fathers to be restored to the children, and the hearts of the children to be restored to the fathers.
Herbert Purdy
Sir Roger Scruton
Modern Manhood
(This article is reproduced here, by way of a foreword, by kind permission of Mr Scruton, and City Journal. It was first published in City Journal, New York, in Autumn 1999).
Feminists have harped and harpied on about the position of women in modern societies. But what about the men? The radical changes in sexual mores, patterns of employment, and domestic life have turned their lives upside down. Men now encounter women not as ‘the weaker sex’ but as equal competitors in the public sphere- the sphere where men used to be in charge. And in the private sphere, where an ancient division of labor once gave guidance to those who crossed its threshold, there is no knowing what strategy will be most effective. Manly gestures - holding open a door for a woman, handing her into an automobile, taking charge of her bags - can spark insulted rejection; displays of wealth, power, or influence are likely to seem ridiculous to a woman who herself has more of them; and the disappearance of female modesty and sexual restraint has made it hard for a man to believe, when a woman yields to his advances, that her doing so is a special tribute to his masculine powers, rather than a day-to-day transaction, in which he, like the last one, is dispensable.
The sexual revolution is not the only cause of men's confusion. Social, political, and legal changes have shrunk the all-male sphere to the vanishing point, redefining every activity in which men once proved that they were indispensable, so that now women can do the job, too - or at any rate appear to do it. Feminists have sniffed out male pride wherever it has grown and ruthlessly uprooted it. Under their pressure, modern culture has downgraded or rejected such masculine virtues as courage, tenacity, and military prowess in favor of more gentle, more ‘socially inclusive’ habits. The advent of in vitro fertilization and the promise of cloning create the impression that men are not even necessary for human reproduction, while the growth of the single-parent household - in which the mother is the only adult, and the state is too often the only provider - has made fatherless childhood into an increasingly common option. These changes threaten to make manhood redundant, and many children now grow up to acknowledge no source of love, authority, or guidance apart from the mother, whose men come and go like seasonal laborers, drifting through the matriarchal realm with no prospect of a permanent position.
The unhappiness of men flows directly from the collapse of their old social role as protectors and providers. For the feminists, this old social role was a way of confining women to the household, where they would not compete for the benefits available outside. Its destruction, they contend, is therefore a liberation- not of women only, but of men, too, who can now choose whether they wish to assert themselves in the public sphere or whether, on the contrary, they wish to stay at home with the baby (which may very well be someone else's baby). This is the core idea of feminism - that ‘gender roles’ are not natural but cultural, and that by changing them we can overthrow old power structures and achieve new and more creative ways of being.
The feminist view is orthodoxy throughout the American academy, and it is the premise of all legal and political thinking among the liberal elite, which dissidents oppose at peril of their reputations or careers. Nevertheless, a groundswell of resistance to it is gathering force among anthropologists and sociobiologists. Typical is Lionel Tiger, who three decades ago coined the term ‘male bonding’ to denote something that all men need, and that few now get. It wasn't social convention that dictated the traditional roles of man and woman, Tiger suggests; instead, the millions of years of evolution that formed our species made us what we are. You can make men pretend to be less dominant and less aggressive; you can make them pretend to accept a subordinate role in domestic life and a dependent position in society. But deep down, in the instinctual flow of life that is manhood itself, they will rebel. The unhappiness of men, Tiger argues, comes from this deep and unconfessed conflict between social pretense and sexual necessity. And when manhood finally breaks out - as it inevitably will - it is in distorted and dangerous forms, like the criminal gangs of the modern city or the swaggering misogyny of the city slicker.
Tiger sees sex as a biological phenomenon, whose deep explanation lies in the theory of sexual selection. Each of us, he believes, acts in obedience to a strategy built in to our genes, which seek their own perpetuity through our sexual behavior. The genes of a woman, who is vulnerable in childbirth and needs support during years of child-rearing thereafter, call for a mate who will protect her and her offspring. The genes of a man require a guarantee that the children he provides for are his own, lest all his labor be (from the genes' point of view) wasted. Hence nature itself, working through our genes, decrees a division of roles between the sexes. It predisposes men to fight for territory, to protect their women, to drive away rivals, and to strive for status and recognition in the public world - the world where men conflict. It predisposes women to be faithful, private, and devoted to the home. Both these dispositions involve the working out of long-term genetic strategies - strategies that it is not for us to change, since we are the effect and not the cause of them.
The feminists, of course, will have none of this. Biology may indeed assign us a sex, in the form of this or that organ. But much more important than our sex, they say, is our ‘gender’ - and gender is a cultural construct, not a biological fact. The term ‘gender’ comes from grammar, where it is used to distinguish masculine from feminine nouns. By importing it into the discussion of sex, feminists imply that our sex roles are as man-made and therefore malleable as syntax. Gender includes the rituals, habits, and images through which we represent ourselves to one another as sexual beings. It is not sex but the consciousness of sex. Hitherto, say the feminists, the ‘gender identity’ of women is something that men have imposed upon them. The time has come for women to forge their own gender identity, to remake their sexuality as a sphere of freedom rather than a sphere of bondage.
Taken to extremes - and feminism takes everything to extremes - the theory reduces sex to a mere appearance, with gender as the reality. If, having forged your true gender identity, you find yourself housed in the wrong kind of body, then it is the body that must change. If you believe yourself to be a woman, then you are a woman, notwithstanding the fact that you have the body of a man. Hence medical practitioners, instead of regarding sex-change operations as a gross violation of the body and indeed a kind of criminal assault, now endorse them, and in England the National Health Service pays for them. Gender, in the feminists' radical conception of it, begins to sound like a dangerous fantasy, rather like the genetic theories of Lysenko, Stalin's favorite biologist, who argued that acquired characteristics could be inherited, so that man could mold his own nature with almost infinite plasticity. Perhaps we should replace the old question that James Thurber put before us at the start of the sexual revolution with a new equivalent: not ‘Is Sex Necessary?’ but ‘Is Gender Possible?’
In a certain measure, however, the feminists are right to distinguish sex from gender and to imply that we are free to revise our images of the masculine and the feminine. After all, the sociobiologists’ argument accurately describes the similarities between people and apes, but it ignores the differences. Animals in the wild are slaves of their genes. Human beings in society are not. The whole point of culture is that it makes us something more than creatures of mere biology and sets us on the road to self-realization. Where in sociobiology is the self, its choices and its fulfillment? Surely the sociobiologists are wrong to think that our genes alone determined the traditional sex roles.
But just as surely are the feminists wrong to believe that we are completely liberated from our biological natures and that the traditional sex roles emerged only from a social power struggle in which men were victorious and women enslaved. The traditional roles existed in order to humanize our genes and also to control them. The masculine and feminine were ideals, through which the animal was transfigured into the personal. Sexual morality was an attempt to transform a genetic need into a personal relation. It existed precisely to stop men from scattering their seed through the tribe, and to prevent women from accepting wealth and power, rather than love, as the signal for reproduction. It was the cooperative answer to a deep-seated desire, in both man and woman, for the ‘helpmeet’ who will make life meaningful.
In other words, men and women are not merely biological organisms. They are also moral beings. Biology sets limits to our behavior but does not dictate it. The arena formed by our instincts merely defines the possibilities among which we must choose if we are to gain the respect, acceptance, and love of one another. Men and women have shaped themselves not merely for the purpose of reproduction but in order to bring dignity and kindness to the relations between them. To this end, they have been in the business of creating and re-creating the masculine and the feminine ever since they realized that the relations between the sexes must be established by negotiation and consent, rather than by force. The difference between traditional morality and modern feminism is that the first wishes to enhance and to humanize the difference between the sexes, while the second wishes to discount or even annihilate it. In that sense, feminism really is against nature.
Yet at the same time, feminism seems an inevitable response to the breakdown of the traditional sexual morality. People readily accepted the traditional roles when honor and decency sustained them. But why should women trust men, now that men are so quick to discard their obligations? Marriage was once permanent and safe; it offered the woman social status and protection, long after she ceased to be sexually attractive. And it provided a sphere in which she was dominant. The sacrifice permanent marriage demanded of men made tolerable to women the male monopoly over the public realm, in which men competed for money and social rewards. The two sexes respected each other’s territory and recognized that each must renounce something for their mutual benefit. Now that men in the wake of the sexual revolution feel free to be serially polygamous, women have no secure territory of their own. They have no choice, therefore, but to capture what they can of the territory once monopolized by men.
It was one of the great discoveries of civilization that men do not gain acceptance from women by brashly displaying their manhood in aggressive and violating gestures. But they do gain acceptance by being gentlemen. The gentleman was not a person with feminine gender and masculine sex. He was through and through a man. But he was also gentle - in all the senses of that lucent word. He was not belligerent but courageous, not possessive but protective, not aggressive to other men but bold, even-tempered, and ready to agree on terms. He was animated by a sense of honor—which meant taking responsibility for his actions and shielding those who depended on him. And his most important attribute was loyalty, which implied that he would not deny his obligations merely because he was in a position to profit from doing so. Much of the anger of women toward men has come about because the ideal of the gentleman is now so close to extinction. Popular entertainment has only one image of manhood to put before the young: and it is an image of untrammeled aggression, in which automatic weapons play a major part, and in which gentleness in whatever form appears as a weakness rather than as a strength. How far this is from those epics of courtly love, which set in motion the European attempt to rescue manhood from biology and reshape it as a moral idea, needs no elaboration.
It was not only the upper classes that idealized the relation between the sexes or moralized their social roles. In the working-class community from which my father’s family came, the old mutuality was part of the routine of domestic life, encapsulated in recognized displays of masculine and feminine virtue. One such was the Friday-night ritual of the wage packet. My grandfather would come home and place on the kitchen table the unopened envelope containing his wages. My grandmother would pick it up and empty it into her wallet, handing back two shillings for drink. Grandfather would then go to the pub and drink himself into a state of proud self-assertion among his peers. If women came to the pub they would linger in the doorway, communicating by messenger with the smoke-filled rooms inside but respecting the threshold of this masculine arena as though it were guarded by angels. My grandfather’s gesture, as he laid down his wage packet on the kitchen table, was imbued with a peculiar grace: it was a recognition of my grandmother’s importance as a woman, of her right to his consideration and of her value as the mother of his children. Likewise, her waiting outside the pub until closing time, when he would be too unconscious to suffer the humiliation of it, before transporting him home in a wheelbarrow, was a gesture replete with feminine considerateness. It was her way of recognizing his inviolable sovereignty as a wage earner and a man.
Courtesy, courtliness, and courtship were so many doors into the court of love, where human beings moved as in a pageant. My grandparents were excluded by their proletarian way of life from all other forms of courtliness, which is why this one was so important. It was their opening to an enchantment that they could obtain in no other way. My grandfather had little to recommend him to my grandmother, other than his strength, good looks, and manly deportment. But he respected the woman in her and played the role of gentleman as best he could whenever he escorted her outside the home. Hence my grandmother, who disliked him intensely - for he was ignorant, complacent, and drunk, and stood across the threshold of her life as an immovable obstacle to social advancement - nevertheless loved him passionately as a man. This love could not have lasted, were it not for the mystery of gender. My grandfather’s masculinity set him apart in a sovereign sphere of his own, just as my grandmother’s femininity protected her from his aggression. All that they knew of virtue they had applied to the task of remaining to some measure mysterious to each other. And in this they succeeded, as they succeeded in little else.
A similar division of spheres occurred throughout society, and in every corner of the globe. But marriage was its pivotal institution, and marriage depended upon fidelity and sexual restraint. Marriages lasted not only because divorce was disapproved of but also because marriage was preceded by an extended period of courtship, in which love and trust could take root before sexual experiment. This period of courtship was also one of display, in which men showed off their manliness and women their femininity. And this is what we mean, or ought to mean, by the ‘social construction’ of gender. By playacting, the two partners readied themselves for their future roles, learning to admire and cherish the separateness of their natures. The courting man gave glamour to the masculine character, just as the courting woman gave mystery to the feminine. And something of this glamour and mystery remained thereafter, a faint halo of enchantment that caused each to encourage the other in the apartness that they both admired.
The Taming of the Shrew and Romeo and Juliet, Jane Austen and George Eliot, Henry James and Charlotte Bronté, all have matchlessly described all that, as has D. H. Lawrence (in its lower-class version) in his stories. This literature shows what is missing from sociobiology. Marriage does not merely serve the reproductive strategies of our genes; it serves the reproductive need of society. It also serves the individual in his pursuit of a life and fulfillment of his own. Its capacity for ordering and sanctifying erotic love goes beyond anything required by our genes. As our Enlightenment morality rightly insists, we are also free beings, whose experience is through and through qualified by our sense of moral value. We do not respond to one another as animals but as persons - which means that, even in sexual desire, freedom of choice is essential to the aim. The object of desire must be treated, in Kant’s famous words, not as a means only, but as an end. Hence true sexual desire is desire for a person, and not for sex, conceived as a generalized commodity. We surround the sexual act with constraints and interdictions that are in no way dictated by the species, precisely so as to focus our thoughts and desires on the free being, rather than the bodily mechanism. In this we are immeasurably superior to our genes, whose attitude to what is happening is, by comparison, mere pornography.
Even when the sacramental view of marriage began to wane, mankind still held erotic feelings apart, as things too intimate for public discussion, which could only be soiled by their display. Chastity, modesty, shame, and passion were part of an artificial but necessary drama. The erotic was idealized, in order that marriage should endure. And marriage, construed as our parents and grandparents construed it, was both a source of personal fulfillment and the principal way in which one generation passed on its social and moral capital to the next. It was that vision of marriage, as a lifelong existential commitment, that lay behind the process of ‘gender construction’ in the days when men were tamed and women idealized. If marriage is no longer safe, however, girls are bound to look elsewhere for their fulfillment. And elsewhere means the public sphere—for it is a sphere dominated by strangers, with clear rules and procedures, in which you can defend yourself from exploitation.
The advantage of inhabiting this sphere needs no explaining to a girl whose abandoned mother lies grieving upstairs. Nor do her experiences at school or college teach her to trust or respect the male character. Her sex-education classes have taught her that men are to be used and discarded like the condoms that package them. And the feminist ideology has encouraged her to think that only one thing matters—which is to discover and fulfill her true gender identity, while discarding the false gender identity that the ‘patriarchal culture’ has foisted upon her. Just as boys become men without becoming manly, therefore, so do girls become women without becoming feminine. Modesty and chastity are dismissed as politically incorrect; and in every sphere where they encounter men, women meet them as competitors. The voice that calmed the violence of manhood - namely, the female call for protection -has been consigned to silence.
Just as the feminine virtues existed in order to make men gentle, however, so manliness existed in order to break down the reserve that caused women to withhold their favors until security was in sight. In the world of ‘safe sex,’ those old habits seem tedious and redundant. In consequence, there has arisen another remarkable phenomenon in America: the litigiousness of women toward the men they have slept with. It seems as though consent, offered so freely and without regard for the preliminaries once assumed to be indispensable, is not really consent and can be withdrawn retroactively. The charges of harassment or even ‘date rape’ lie always in reserve. The slap in the face that used to curtail importunate advances is now offered after the event, and in a far more deadly form—a form no longer private, intimate, and remediable, but public, regimented, and with the absolute objectivity of law. You might take this as showing that ‘safe sex’ is really sex at its most dangerous. Maybe marriage is the only safe sex that we know.
When Stalin imposed Lysenko’s theories upon the Soviet Union, as the ‘scientific’ basis of his effort to re-mold human nature and form it into the ‘New Soviet Man,’ the human economy continued, hidden away beneath the mad imperatives of the Stalinist state. And a black sexual economy persists in modern America, which no feminist policing has yet succeeded in stamping out. Men go on taking charge of things, and women go on deferring to the men. Girls still want to be mothers and to obtain a father for their children; boys still want to impress the other sex with their prowess and their power. The steps from attraction to consummation may be short, but they are steps in which the old roles and the old desires hover at the edge of things. Hence nothing is more interesting to the visiting anthropologist than the antics of American college students: the girl who, in the midst of some foulmouthed feminist diatribe, suddenly begins to blush; or the boy who, walking with his girlfriend, puts out an arm to protect her. The sociobiologists tell us that these gestures are dictated by the species. We should see them, rather, as revelations of the moral sense. They are the sign that there really is a difference between the masculine and the feminine, over and above the difference between the male and the female. Without the masculine and the feminine, indeed, sex loses its meaning. Gender is not just possible, but necessary.
And here, surely, lies our hope for the future. When women forge their own ‘gender identity,’ in the way the feminists recommend, they become unattractive to men—or attractive only as sex objects, not as individual persons. And when men cease to be gentlemen, they become unattractive to women. Sexual companionship then goes from the world. All that it needs to save young people from this predicament is for old-fashioned moralists to steal unobserved past their feminist guardians and whisper the truth into eager and astonished ears—the truth that gender is indeed a construct, but one that involves both sexes, acting in mutual support, if it is to be built successfully. In my experience, young people hear with great sighs of relief that the sexual revolution may have been a mistake, that women are allowed to be modest, and that men can make a shot at being gentlemen. And this is what we should expect. If we are free beings, then it is because, unlike our genes, we can hear the truth and decide what to do about it.
‘Movements born in hatred very quickly take on the characteristics of the thing they oppose.’
J. S. Habgood
‘Women’s revolution is necessarily situationist: we cannot argue that all will be well when the socialists have succeeded in abolishing private property and restoring public ownership of the means of production. We cannot wait that long. Women’s liberation, if it abolishes the patriarchal family, will abolish a necessary substructure of the authoritarian state, and once that withers away Marx will have come true, willy nilly, so let’s get on with it.’
Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch 1970, ‘Revolution’.
A remarkable thing happened on 2nd September 2014. Forty-five years after women’s liberationists first laid down their challenge to society, Mallory Millett, younger sister of Kate Millett, arguably the prime mover and shaker in the early women’s movement, finally lifted the lid on feminism. In just 1,200 words of sisterly betrayal, published as an article on, she disclosed to the world what was really going on behind the scenes in the movement that irrevocably changed the world. Her dramatic, seismic story should give any right-minded person deep cause for concern. Here is an extract from Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives:¹
During my junior year in high school, the nuns asked about our plans for after we graduated. When I said I was going to attend State University, I noticed their disappointment. I asked my favorite nun, ‘Why?’ She answered, ‘That means you’ll leave four years later a communist and an atheist!’ What a giggle we girls had over that. ‘How ridiculously unsophisticated these nuns are,’ we thought. Then I went to the university and four years later walked out a communist and an atheist, just as my sister Katie had six years before me.
Sometime later, I was a young divorcee with a small child. At the urging of my sister, I relocated to NYC after spending years married to an American executive stationed in Southeast Asia. The marriage over, I was making a new life for my daughter and me. Katie said, ‘Come to New York. We’re making revolution! Some of us are starting the National Organization of Women and you can be part of it.’ I hadn’t seen her for years. Although she had tormented me when we were youngsters, those memories were faint after my Asian traumas and the break-up of my marriage. I foolishly mistook her for sanctuary in a storm. With so much time and distance between us, I had forgotten her emotional instability.
And so began my period as an unwitting witness to history. I stayed with Kate and her lovable Japanese husband, Fumio, in a dilapidated loft on The Bowery as she finished her first book, a PhD thesis for Columbia University, ‘Sexual Politics’. It was 1969. Kate invited me to join her for a gathering at the home of her friend, Lila Karp. They called the assemblage a ‘consciousness-raising-group,’ a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Maoist China. We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in [Sic] Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:
‘Why are we here today?’ she asked.
‘To make revolution,’ they answered.
‘What kind of revolution?’ she replied.
‘The Cultural Revolution,’ they chanted.
‘And how do we make Cultural Revolution?’ she demanded.
‘By destroying the American family!’ they answered.
‘How do we destroy the family?’ she came back.
‘By destroying the American Patriarch,’ they cried exuberantly.
‘And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?’ she replied.
‘By taking away his power!’
‘How do we do that?’
‘By destroying monogamy!’ they shouted.
‘How can we destroy monogamy?’
Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?
‘By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!’ they resounded.
They proceeded with a long discussion on how to advance these goals by establishing The National Organization of Women. It was clear they desired nothing less than the utter deconstruction of Western society. The upshot was that the only way to do this was, ‘to invade every American institution. Every one must be permeated with ‘The Revolution"’: The media, the educational system, universities, high schools, K-12, school boards, etc.; then, the judiciary, the legislatures, the executive branches and even the library system.
It fell on my ears as a ludicrous scheme, as if they were a band of highly imaginative children planning a Brinks robbery; a lark trumped up on a snowy night amongst a group of spoiled brats over booze and hashish… I had outgrown the communism of my university days and was clumsily groping my way back to God. How could twelve American women who were the most respectable types imaginable — clean and privileged graduates of esteemed institutions: Columbia, Radcliffe, Smith, Wellesley, Vassar; the uncle of one was Secretary of War under Franklin Roosevelt — plot such a thing? Most had advanced degrees and appeared cogent, bright, reasonable and good. How did these people rationally believe they could succeed with such vicious grandiosity? And why?
I dismissed it as academic-lounge air-castle-building. I continued with my new life in New York while my sister became famous publishing her books, featured on the cover of ‘Time Magazine.’ ‘Time’ called her ‘the Karl Marx of the Women’s Movement.’ This was because her book laid out a course in Marxism 101 for women. Her thesis: The family is a den of slavery with the man as the Bourgeoisie and the woman and children as the Proletariat. The only hope for women’s ‘liberation’ (communism’s favorite word for leading minions into inextricable slavery - ‘liberation,’ and much like ‘collective’ – please run from it, run for your life) was this new ‘Women’s Movement.’ Her books captivated the academic classes and soon ‘Women’s Studies’ courses were installed in colleges in a steady wave across the nation with Kate Millett books as required reading… ‘Your sister’s books destroyed my sister’s life!’ I’ve heard numerous times. ‘She was happily married with four kids and after she read those books, walked out on a bewildered man and didn’t look back.’ The man fell into despairing rack and ruin. The children were stunted, set off their tracks, deeply harmed; the family profoundly dislocated and there was ‘no putting Humpty-Dumpty together again.’ … when those women at Lila Karp’s table in Greenwich Village set their minds to destroying the American Family by talking young women into being outlaws, perpetrators of infanticide, and haters of Western law, men and marriage, they accomplished just what they intended. Their desire — and I witnessed it at subsequent meetings till I got pretty sick of their unbridled hate — was to tear American society apart along with the family and the ‘Patriarchal Slave-Master,’ the American husband.
Those of us who were old enough at the time to be aware of current events, like Mallory Millett, wrote Women’s Liberation off as a ridiculous bunch of bolshie lesbians, a lunatic fringe who were seeking ludicrous things. It is now clear that we were hopelessly wrong. We completely misunderstood what was afoot in those days, and the purpose behind what was going on. This was a cadre of articulate, highly motivated Marxist activists, and they were deadly serious. They were plotting the total subversion of society as we know it.
Katherine Murray ‘Kate’ Millett (1934 -) was 35 years old when she sat at that table in her friend’s loft apartment in Greenwich Village in 1969. As her sister says, she was working on her doctoral thesis, which she later published as the enormously influential book Sexual Politics in which she discoursed extensively on The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884) by Friedrich Engels, the co-creator with Karl Marx of Communism. She was particularly exercised about the failure of the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union to abolish the family, a core component of communist thinking.
Stating that, ‘sex has a frequently neglected political aspect,’ her principal thesis was that the relationship between men and women should be seen as a contest for power in a politically opposed gender-based society. ‘Who in a patriarchal society has the sexual power over whom?’, she asked. Supporting this argument, she alleged that men were basically afraid of being castrated by women’s sexual power, which led them to seek to suppress women’s sexuality using social control, and all that was wrapped up in a complex system of economic and social power. The sole aim of patriarchy, she averred, was to create a society entirely for men’s benefit, and prevent women obtaining true sexual pleasure in their relations with men.
Setting her theory in the context of male literature, Millett cited writers such as D. H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, and Norman Mailer who, she said, portrayed women’s sexuality with a basic sense of disgust, their male characters being inherently sexually aggressive towards women. Taking pornography as an example, she argued that men objectify women’s bodies, using them only for their own sexual pleasure, and that this male domination could only ever be overturned by a sexual revolution in which the meaning of masculine and feminine would be redefined, and through which male and female roles would be changed, eventually bringing about a society controlled by women, not men. Humanities scholar, Camille Paglia,² has described Millett’s scholarship as ‘deeply flawed,’ adding that when Millett achieved prominence, ‘…American feminism’s nose-dive began’.
Kate Millett’s views were very much a product of the times - and of the area in which she lived. Greenwich Village, New York, was a hotbed of revolutionary fervour that had been simmering in that district for almost two decades. It was also a seething cauldron of drugs and alternative sexuality. Millett is a lesbian. She was briefly married but divorced after her repeated love affairs with other women, and although she still declares herself bi-sexual, she was forced to ‘come out’ publicly in November 1970 after being heckled by a lesbian audience at Columbia University.
She is also severely mentally disturbed. Repeatedly throughout her life she has displayed serious anger psychosis and detachment from reality, resulting in incarceration several times in various psychiatric facilities. In one famous incident at the University of California, Berkeley, after the screening of her feminist documentary film Three Lives, she totally lost her mental composure and, according to her sister Mallory, started ‘babbling and shouting incoherently’ at the audience who gradually got up one by one and left. After that she spent five days in a psychotic rage, causing her family to have to apply to a court for her legal commitment under a mental health order. She evaded it by calling on a high-powered lawyer to represent her, and defending herself robustly before the judge.
In direct response to Millett’s analysis of his work, Norman Mailer, himself a controversial and outspoken figure, published a rebuttal entitled The Prisoner of Sex,³ which was serialised in Harper’s Magazine in 1971. That resulted in a sustained, strident attack from Millett and other proto-feminists, which came to a head in a public meeting, chaired by Mailer, and held in Town Hall close to Greenwich Village on 30th April 1971.⁴ The event was later described by Mary V. Dearborn, Mailer’s biographer, as, ‘Surely one of the most singular intellectual events of the time, and a landmark in the emergence of feminism as a major force’. Millett wasn’t at the meeting but Germaine Greer, Diana Trilling, Jacqueline Ceballos of the National Organisation for Women (NOW) were, and so was Jill Johnston, described by William Grimes in his 2010 obituary to her in the New York Times as, ‘… a longtime cultural critic for The Village Voice,⁵ whose daring, experimental prose style mirrored the avant-garde art she covered, and whose book Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution, spearheaded the lesbian separatist movement of the early 1970s when she began championing the cause of lesbian feminism’. Johnson caused a sensation. Here is just part of what she said:
All women are lesbians, except those who don’t know it naturally. They are but don’t know it yet. I am a woman and, therefore, a lesbian. I am a woman who is a lesbian because I am a woman, and a woman who loves herself naturally who, with other women, is a lesbian. A woman who loves women, loves herself. Naturally, this is the case. A woman is herself is all woman, is a natural-born lesbian, so we don’t mind using the name. Like any name it is quite meaningless. It means naturely [Sic]. I am a woman and whatever I am, we are. We affirm being what we are, the way, of course, all men are homosexuals. Being, having a more sense of their homo: their homo-ness, their ecce homo-ness. Their ecce prince and more than master-ness … to be equal we have to become who we really are. As women we will never be equal women until we love one another. Especially from the White House. The President of the United States last night announced the appointment of a lesbian to his cabinet. We’re getting to the bottom of women’s lib. We’re going down on women’s lib… the new thing that’s happening is the withdrawal of women to give to each other their own sense of self. Until women see in each other the possibility of a primal commitment, which includes sexual love, they will be denying themselves the love and value they readily accord to men. Thus affirming their second-class status. Until all women are lesbians there will be no true political revolution…
Having exceeded the allotted time of 10 minutes for each contributor, and having refused to relinquish the podium, Mailer tried to restore order and get her to sit down, but she openly defied him. As the pressure from the audience for her to quit increased, she began to engage in sexual activity on stage with a woman who had come up on the platform. They fondled each other, first standing up, then lying down on the floor and rolling around in an overt sexual embrace. Eventually, having run the audience’s patience to its limit, and realising she was getting nowhere, she desisted.
Then, Jacqueline Ceballos got up to speak. Here is what she said, reproduced word for word, with interjections from the audience for a fuller flavour:
When Trudi asked me to be on the panellists I have to tell you frankly that I refused. She asked me to think about it overnight and I thought that it would be cowardly of me not to come here because, first of all, NOW is supposed to be fighting within the system for changes, and Norman Mailer really represents the Establishment. Of course, the liberal part of the Establishment, but still he does represent the Establishment.
I’m not interested in fighting with Norman Mailer. I really think that in his article in Harper’s Magazine he was sincerely trying to understand, and I guess that’s all we can expect from the majority of men. We are too busy doing the work we have to do to fight with the men who disagree with us. And most of us believe that, sooner or later, they’ll come along with us anyway because they won’t have any choice.
I represent that large, middle class group of women who could have all the comforts and conveniences of life. In fact I did, but I opted out. Instead, I decided to devote my time to fight for equality of women. I’d like to tell you what we do in the National Organisation for Women. This is considered the ‘square’ organisation of women’s liberation, but we’re not too square that we still don’t frighten off many, many women and men because they are afraid of the whole women’s liberation movement.
I don’t think it’s necessary to argue about whether women are biologically suited to stay home and wash dishes, can take care of men and children all their lives. I don’t think that’s important. What is important is that the world is changing and that women at last are waking to the fact that they have a right and a duty to enter into the world and change it. And work towards governing the society that governs them.
[Man heckling] We’re all people! It’s all of us, not just half of humanity!
Ceballos: Yes, that’s right ALL of humanity. My goodness, the excitement has already got started.
[Heckler]: It’s ALL humanity, not just half of humanity.
Ceballos: Alright, all of humanity. But let me speak!
[Camera cuts to Germaine Greer grinning and blowing kiss to heckler as he leaves.]
I think we are fighting for all of humanity, but I’d like to tell you, one of the reasons why we don’t divert our time fighting for the Peace Movement, or the Civil Rights Movement, or changing the environment is because we believe sincerely that the root of everything is women’s liberation. We fight on every front. First of all in employment. In spite of the fact that 40 per cent of the women are working in the United States, we all know - and I know that this is a very sophisticated audience - that women are underpaid and overworked; and there is no chance for advancement anywhere.
We now teach women how to fight discrimination against their own companies: how to sue their companies.
[More heckling from the audience]
[Man:] There’s a cop outside and I’m going to get you thrown out.
[Woman:] Why don’t you get a pay cut!
On the marriage and divorce front, we have been accused, and many women especially have been very worried that we are against marriage as an institution. What we are against is the structure of marriage, and even though the structure is changing, in spite of everything, we intend to direct it in what we think is the right direction. If women are to be married in a society that pushes them towards marriage, they should be paid for the work that they do. We believe that every person getting married should receive a booklet stating all their responsibilities in marriage. We believe that every married couple should take out marriage insurance in case the marriage breaks up, so the woman will not be subjected to