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Ebook280 pages4 hours


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Maven’s life revolves around two things, his family and sex. Convicted not only delivers the story of Maven, but also of his mother, father, brother, and the many more members of his family who all brings along plenty of drama. The newest member of Maven’s already big family is Kam. Kam is an ex-convict with a troubled past, jaw dropping presence, and is the mentee of Maven’s father. Things are bound to get interesting when Kam moves into the room directly beside Maven’s. 

PublisherTyson Anthony
Release dateJun 30, 2016

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    Convicted - Tyson Anthony

    2 - Dinner

    Maven’s father lived as comfortable as a retired veteran could live. The man was fifty years old, mostly only cared about his family, the military, and watching sports. He was a very simple man who liked things that way. Maven’s mother was ten years younger than his father, married him when she was eighteen and pregnant with Maven’s older brother by a year. His mother on the other hand was a lot more active, preferred the fun and complex parts of life, and that eventually led to their parent’s getting divorce. His mother right out of the gate started dating Pete, who started off as adventurous as her but was now no different than Cedric.

    Maven pulled up to his mother and Pete’s house. She lived in a much nicer neighborhood than Cedric, a bit far from the city, in the more middle class area. The woman was a part-time lawyer who mostly focused on malpractice cases. He got out of his car and made his way pass her much nicer silver four door and knocked on the door. His mother answered the door wearing a red sun dress and white apron that hugged her hefty figure. The moment she had stopped working full-time, she had too much time on her hands which ended up with her packing on nearly one hundred pounds.

    Vee hugged her son, Finally, some help.

    Where’s everybody else? Maven asked.

    Pete is sleeping like always and your brother is at the gym, Vee said as she loosened her grip on Maven, Come on.

    She headed towards the kitchen and Maven entered the house shutting the door. Maven was raised in the house his father owned. Vee purchased this home with Pete after they got married. Maven had his own room in this house but rarely stayed here. Ever since he was thirteen he lived with his father, because he liked the schools better. Once he became sixteen Maven was tempted to move with his mother, but most of the guys on the hookup apps were in the part of town his father lived in near the city. Sex easily trumped living with his mother, brother, and Pete. He entered into the mess his mother had made in the kitchen.

    What exactly are you cooking? Maven asked as he tried to clean up the place.

    Stuffed chicken, red rice, and a red velvet cake, Vee said, Everything Pete likes.

    Please, Maven said, That sounds like everything you like.

    Pete and I have the same palate, Vee said, That’s why I married him. Where’s your dad?

    He was shining his shoes this morning, Maven said.

    Vee mockingly yawned, So basically he’s still doing nothing with his life.

    He’s happy though, Maven said, Are you?

    Vee made sure everything on the stove was cooking at the right temperature, I guess.

    What’s wrong? Maven said, You’re usually a lot more boastful about your life.

    I’m fat, Vee admitted, You know it, I know it. I’m fat.

    I did gain a lot of weight, Maven said. A lot.

    I don’t know how, Vee said, Pete and I were hiking the trail in the park almost every day.

    And then you went part-time, Pete picked up the slack, and now he’s a zombie, Maven pointed out.

    But I don’t want to be a lawyer anymore, Vee said, Even doing part-time is too much.

    I get that, Maven said, But at the same time I don’t think you can afford to be a housewife.

    Vee rested her hands on her hips, This arrangement works fine for Monica and her husband.

    Yeah, well, you’re not Aunt Monica. Her husband is a doctor, Maven said.

    Fuck, Vee said as she pouted.

    Sadly, Vee and Monica were the worst type of sisters. They grew up spoiled by their parents, privileged, and now expected that same treatment from their husbands. Monica got lucky when she married a doctor, Vee went from a military soldier to a man who made good money managing the city dump, but not doctor money. Into the house entered a sweaty JJ carrying his duffle bag.

    JJ was just one year older than Maven, the lone two siblings from their mother and father. Unlike his mother, JJ’s life was all about keeping his body in good condition. He was always that way since high school. Maven tried to get a body as good as his brother many times, but simply lacked the motivation. JJ walked up to Maven and dapped him.

    Maven wrinkled his nose at his brother’s sweaty palms, Ugh, nigga.

    Don’t talk like that in my house, Vee said.

    Mom, chill, JJ said, What’s up Maven?

    School and more school, Maven said, Are you full-time at the gym yet?

    Almost, JJ said, I’m waiting for the current personal trainer to leave and then I’ll be full-time.

    I need to come down there and get in some free gym time, Maven said.

    You should, JJ said, I’m working in the morning. Bring mom.

    Vee rolled her eyes at JJ and refocused back on cooking.

    I guess you’ve been on her about her weight? Maven asked.

    I have too, JJ said, I want her to meet her grandkids someday.

    You talking like you got a girl or something, Maven said.

    I’ve been talking to this girl down at the gym, JJ said, We might start going out.

    I’m rooting for you then, Maven said.

    Aye, come upstairs for a minute, JJ said as he headed out of the kitchen, Let me tell you about this girl...the rated M version.

    Nasty, Vee said as she shook her head at JJ.

    JJ left the kitchen smirking and Maven followed him upstairs. On the way upstairs, Maven stopped and looked into his room. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he slept in his room here. Based on how clean it was compared to his current room, it had to have been a few years. He caught up with JJ and entered his brother’s room that basically looked as if he had transformed it into a weights room. JJ took off his shirt and sat on the edge of his bed.

    So, JJ said as he rested his hands against his thighs, Have you heard the news?

    What news? Maven said as he tried and failed to pick up one of his brother’s weights.

    Your little boyfriend was supposed to be coming tonight, JJ said with a giddy smile.

    JJ was the lone person in Maven’s family who was aware of his sexuality. They were always close as brothers. Maven believed being able to be his true self around JJ and speak freely about his private life, made them even more close. He never actually came out to JJ but was instead caught in the act.

    Who’s my boyfriend? Maven asked already knowing the answer.

    Shad, JJ said, still wearing a big grin.

    Maven rolled his eyes as he sat on the bad, Shad is not my boyfriend.

    I don’t know man, from what I saw you two doing you both were pretty close, JJ said.

    Do we have to have this conversation? Maven asked, dreading his brother's recap.

    Yes, JJ said, Since we first met Shad you two were all buddy-buddy. You two made me feel like I was the outsider. Shit, I always wondered why you treated Shad more like a brother than me. And then catching you together made me realize I wasn’t the problem. You two didn’t have some magical step-brother bond, but instead Shad just really liked taking it in the butt from you. If only Pete knew why you were so accepting of his son.

    It didn’t start that way geez, Maven said, And you know that. We met when we were eleven, we didn’t even know what gay was. We both just had a lot in common and you were all moody that summer we first met because you missed dad. Shad and I naturally were friends but you know...we turned sixteen.

    It was a bitter sweet memory for Maven. He had lost his virginity to Shad but at the same time tainted the bond as step brothers they had developed over five summers. Maven had always looked forward to the summers when Shad would come from the west coast to stay with Pete. He liked the idea of getting a break from one brother and having another to spend time with. JJ was always into something in the summer, so Maven didn’t really noticed that he felt outcasted. Still, Maven could never forget the moment things stopped being innocent between him and Shad.

    JJ had been given the responsibility of making sure they had stayed in the house one summer night while their parents went out to dinner. Maven had a bad habit of taking Shad to the worst parts of town and getting them into fights. JJ had just happened to be exhausted from playing football in the streets with his friends and went to bed early that night. Maven and Shad on the other hand stayed up all night watching porn.

    They started off watching some straight porn, but Maven being the sex fiend he was purposely somehow ended up on a gay porn site. Maven was hard, Shad was hard, and soon their hands were all over each other and their tongues touching. They were so into each other they had completely forgotten JJ was in his room sleeping. An already sexually active Maven when it came to oral sex, talked his way into Shad’s pants. He ended up getting his dick inside of Shad and they fucked for nearly an hour before JJ finally walked in to check on them.  They both were expecting some type of meltdown from JJ, but instead he laughed. He laughed all that night, all that next morning, all that summer, and was overall glad to have his answer to the question of why Shad and Maven always treated him like the third wheel.

    That was the last summer Maven actually saw Shad but followed him on Tumblr where he posted some very revealing pictures often as his alter ego Shade.

    So, is he coming tonight or not? Maven asked.

    Nah, JJ said, Apparently he has work or something. It’s just us, mom, and Pete tonight.

    Did you get Pete anything for his birthday? Maven asked.

    Yeah, JJ said, Me tolerating him fucking my mom.

    Maven could only laugh.

    JJ stood up from the bed, Anyways, I’m going to go shower. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.

    Maven stood up, Yeah, I’ll go listen to mom’s first world problems.

    She’s still trying to be Aunt Monica, JJ said as he rolled his eyes.

    She shouldn’t want to be, Maven said, Monica's might have the hotter husband, but at least Pete isn't an egomaniac.

    I’ll trust you on that one, JJ said, It’s your field of expertise.

    Maven smirked and headed downstairs to help his mom in the kitchen. As he helped her, she mostly stressed about her minor problems as he predicted. He helped her set the table, plate the food, and eventually they were joined by JJ who pitched in. After everything was set, Vee headed upstairs to wake up the birthday boy. Maven accepted Pete as his step-father, he was a good man, never yelled at them, and did his best not to bad mouth their father. After a decade you would expect two grown men to become civil with each other but that had yet to happen.

    Vee arrived downstairs accompanied by a tired looking, scruffy bearded, Pete, Happy Birthday!

    JJ and Maven perked up as they turned their attention to Pete, Happy Birthday!

    Pete, who wore a faded Dallas Cowboys t-shirt and gym shorts, cracked a smile, I woke up at the right time.

    Vee pulled out a chair for him, Have a seat, birthday man.

    They all waited until Pete was seated before taking their seats.

    How old are you man? Maven asked.

    Forty-one, Pete said, But I feel one hundred.

    Damn, you work that hard? Maven asked.

    People in Phenix are wasteful, Pete said, But it pays for this house.

    Vee just sat looking guilty. She cleared her throat, Anybody want to say grace?

    Pete picked up his fork, Lord, I love you. Amen, let’s eat.

    Maven and JJ laughed while Vee looked as if she wanted to toss her plate at Pete. They all dug in and enjoyed the food. Pete ended up telling a bunch of stories about his childhood and updated them on Shad. Every time he mentioned Shad’s name JJ glanced over to Maven and smirked. Maven really wished his brother would let the situation between him and Shad fade away, but instead JJ thought it was the funniest thing ever. But things could’ve turned out much worse, Maven figured.

    Vee went and fetched the cake. She put a piece on everybody’s plate minus hers, Eat up.

    Pete furrowed his brows at her, You don’t like cake anymore?

    I love it, Vee said, But I feel as if it’s time to make a change. I want to lose weight.

    Good, JJ said, as he bit into his piece of cake.

    And I want a baby, Vee revealed.

    Pete nearly choked on his cake, What?

    You’re losing weight and then trying to gain it back? Maven asked confused.

    I’m forty and I know some women who had children at forty-two. I want a baby with Pete.

    Pete blew out a sigh, I mean, it’s expensive, but I’ve never tried to control you. I’ll do my best to get you pregnant.

    Maven wrinkled his nose at the sight of the couple having sex, Yeah, well, on that note. I gotta go.

    Now? JJ asked.

    Yeah, I promised a friend I would stop by, Maven said, Mom, good luck on this odd journey, Pete, once again, happy birthday.

    Maven dapped his brother and left the house. He had no issues with his mom having a baby, sure this was some last minute plan of hers to have an excuse to stay home. It completely contradicted her weight loss goal. But Maven had his own life to worry about. He took out his phone and sent Sean a text letting him and Eric know that he was on the way.

    3 - Previous Engagement

    Maven’s night only was getting longer but he was used to this type of constant hustling and bustling during the weekends. Plus, he was having a great night so far. He got a good meal in his stomach, learned he would be a big brother if his mom’s crazy plan to get pregnant was a success, and now he got to cap it all off with his two favorite people and turn the absent marking he got in class earlier today into a present. Heading over to Sean’s place required him driving back toward the main part of Phenix. Sean lived in a high rise apartment building that he only could afford because of his dual income with Eric. Maven parked and headed up to the fourth floor of the building and knocked at Sean’s door.

    Sean answered the door holding a beer in his hand and wearing just a t-shirt and grey sweat shorts. You came.

    Yeah, and I’m thirsty, Maven said.

    Sean adjusted his glasses and passed Maven the beer in his hand, Finish mine.

    Maven grabbed the beer from Sean’s hand and sipped it, Ugh, it taste like pumpkin pie. What is this?

    Sean shrugged, It’s imported and was on sale at Costco’s.

    Maven loved how tech savvy and modern Sean’s apartment was. The Adobe professor simply couldn’t have a normal picture frame, but instead the digital ones. His kitchen was state of the art with not only an ice machine but a blender installed in the refrigerator door. A lot of Sean’s original graphic designs were framed and hung all over the walls. Maven definitely wanted Sean to design his apartment whenever he got his own place. Sean turned off the television as he crashed down to his couch that had a very abstract, multi-colored checkered design.

    Maven joined him on the couch as he forced down the beer, So, where’s Eric?

    He’s on the phone dealing with some type of emergency down at the hotel, Sean said.

    Did another guest attempt suicide? Maven asked.

    Who knows, Sean said.

    I guess nights like tonight is why he hates that job with a passion, Maven said.

    He wants to quit, but I told him not without a backup plan, Sean said.

    He’s been working there since high school, right? I can understand why he wants to get away from that place or at least take a short break, Maven said.

    I want a break from my job, everybody does, but it doesn’t work that way in the real world, Sean said.

    Out of their bedroom entered Eric hanging up his cellphone and looking as if his entire world just came crashing down. He wore a pair of black socks and matching briefs. Eric was sporting this porn star worthy mustache, had dark green eyes, and his dark hair was shaved low which made him look as if he had just left the Ft. Burg boot camp. The couple looked to be from different worlds, but from what Maven witnessed when he hung around them, they got along perfectly.

    Eric’s face lit up as he noticed Maven sitting on the couch, Alright, my night just made a u-turn.

    Sup, Eric, Maven said.

    Eric crashed on the couch, forcing himself between Sean and Maven, Well, I just got off the phone with my assistant manager who was acting as if the world was melting down because the hotel ice machine is broken. She wanted me to drive out and come bring some ice that would last until the morning. They’ll survive.

    You better hope you don’t end up getting fired, Maven said.

    Eric smirked, That would work for me. I get what I want and Sean can’t get mad at me for quitting.

    No, I’ll get mad because you purposely got fired, Sean said.

    Eric kissed Sean, You’re so rough on me.

    Sean rubbed at Eric’s crotch, Because I know that’s how you like it.

    Eric looked back at Maven as Sean rubbed at his crotch, And the first move has been made.

    Maven softly laughed, I heard you missed me, I figured plenty of moves would be made.

    Eric kissed Maven. They both made out as Sean got Eric out of his underwear, revealing his hard, shaved dick. Maven never imagined that meeting Sean would lead to him not only finding two good friends, but a two for one deal when it came to sex. Sean got up from the couch and stripped from his shorts, underwear, and t-shirt. He got down on his knees and started sucking Eric’s dick. Eric and Maven continued to make out. Maven paused and took a moment to get out of his clothes. He slipped off his camo shorts and t-shirt. Maven found himself feeling a bit hygiene conscious right now, forgetting that he skipped his shower this morning. Eric rubbed at Maven’s dick until it got hard.

    Do you want me to suck it? Eric seductively asked.

    Maven wasn’t going to reject, but hoped he wouldn’t leave a sour taste in Eric’s mouth, Yeah.

    As he continued to get his own dick sucked, Eric went down on Maven. Maven didn’t relax until he realized Eric was enjoying what he was offering. It was rare Sean ever broke away from Eric to give Maven some attention. Maven could tell Sean was the most dedicated to the relationship, Eric the free spirit and not afraid to step out of the boundaries of their bond.

    Sean licked Eric’s dick from the bottom of the shaft up to the head, Anybody wanna go to bed?

    Eric removed his lips from Sean’s dick, Definitely.

    The trio got up from the couch and headed to the bedroom. They kept the lights out, it a lot more fun to touch and kiss all over each other without knowing who was doing what. Maven was no fool to the dark, he could tell Eric was the person slobbing on his dick. He knew what Sean was up to based on the way Eric kept breathing out for him to lick on his hole.

    Hold up, Eric said as he got out of bed.

    He returned and Maven could feel a condom being slipped on his dick. Maven smirked, knowing about what time it was. Eric sat on his dick and started to ride him in the dark. Maven smacked Eric’s ass in the dark as he fed him his dick. He could hear some slurping, Eric sucking a standing Sean’s dick as he rode Maven’s.

    Shit, I’m gonna nut, Sean whispered under his breath.

    Baby hold it in, Eric said.

    I can’t, Sean said as he started to moan.

    Eric swallowed down his boyfriend's nut, it’s still good either way.

    Sean hopped from the bed and opened the door letting some light into the room. Maven now had a clear view of Eric sitting on his dick. Sean stood in the doorway as if he was expecting them to wrap things up since he was already done. Maven could tell by the look in Sean’s eyes that he wanted him to pull his dick out of Eric. He didn’t know if he should push Eric off of him or just sit back and do his best to avoid eye contact with Sean who refused to move from the doorway.

    Sean got back in bed, kissed Eric, and

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