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Nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul: 30 Days of Self-Care
Nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul: 30 Days of Self-Care
Nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul: 30 Days of Self-Care
Ebook51 pages33 minutes

Nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul: 30 Days of Self-Care

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About this ebook

This is a book about implementing self-care for the heart, mind, body, and soul on a daily basis. It is a support to anyone wanting to take their health and well-being to the next level and want to thrive, not just survive their lives. Sustainable lifestyle changes happen by taking small, doable, incremental steps. This booklet is designed to support you in creating a foundation of self-care that lasts beyond 30 days and becomes a way of life, so that you can live the life you were made for!
Release dateMay 26, 2016
Nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul: 30 Days of Self-Care

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    Nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul - Michele Pedersen


    30 Days of Self Care

    Self-care seems to be a challenge to come by these days. Our days seem filled to the brim with commitments, obligations, and responsibilities. Our list never seems complete and the non-stop doing into the wee hours of the morning, while waking too early without enough rest, eventually takes its toll. No amount of caffeine can compete with this schedule. Instead of an energy boost it just leaves our nerves feeling jagged and our emotions on edge. When is there ever going to be enough time for me, you ask? When you decide you are worth the time you so desperately need and give yourself permission to exist in your own life? Are you going to choose to wait until you get too sick or are too tired to lift your head off the pillow, end up with a chronic illness, or have an accident because you are way too sleep deprived to drive, concentrate, and make good judgements, and don’t know how to slow yourself down? The Universe has a way of taking the reins if you do not. You have a choice: you can be proactive about this or wait until any of the above scenarios take place, rendering you without a choice in the matter. For me, I had to get deathly ill, first. After that I didn’t have a choice, if I wanted to live; really live. Self-care was mandatory if I ever wanted get out of bed and function again. I am writing this because this does not have to happen to you. Our body speaks to us softly and if we do not listen the voice gets louder and louder. What was a headache once a month becomes a migraine several times a week. What was a back ache once in a while, becomes debilitating until we are in too much pain to get up. What was once fatigue, is now so debilitating we cannot get out of bed on time, and cannot stay awake on the drive to or from work. What was once blood sugar swings, mood swings and cravings is now full blown diabetes. You get the picture. Our bodies are impermanent; they break down, they need fuel, high quality fuel, just like a car, so they can perform at their best. Without this they break down and cannot continue to support and serve us, so that we can continue to support and serve others. I have decided to create this self-care booklet to lay out in a clear way, how to begin and what some of your options are in initiating self- care and incorporating more of it into your life. Self-care needs to become a way of life, not something you do once

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