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Inner Space Connections - Shattering Illusions to Find Your True Self and Create the Life of your Dreams
Inner Space Connections - Shattering Illusions to Find Your True Self and Create the Life of your Dreams
Inner Space Connections - Shattering Illusions to Find Your True Self and Create the Life of your Dreams
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Inner Space Connections - Shattering Illusions to Find Your True Self and Create the Life of your Dreams

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About this ebook

This book illustrates the nature of the SELF and application of universal laws to create the world you desire.

PublisherTimothy Small
Release dateApr 21, 2016
Inner Space Connections - Shattering Illusions to Find Your True Self and Create the Life of your Dreams

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    Book preview

    Inner Space Connections - Shattering Illusions to Find Your True Self and Create the Life of your Dreams - Timothy Small

    1.  Introduction

    I’ve been waiting for the right moment.  That moment is now as I’ve realized that now is all there is.  In this information age, there is a lot of advice, concepts, etc. readily available to many people, and this is my contribution to the world in which I live.  This book has been written with the intention of sharing knowledge that will allow you to tap into your true potential and realize a life of happiness and wealth.  You are reading this book now because you attracted it into your life.  Within this book are explanations of the powerful effects that your thoughts and emotions have on your reality.  No matter who you are or what your role in life may be, the truths presented in this book can assist you with expanding your awareness of who and what you really are.  Some of the information serves as explanation of concepts while other information provides you with steps to take so that you can apply what you learn from this book in order to create the life you truly desire.  When I began to proactively search for ‘the meaning of it all,’ I read many books from various schools of thought.  Eventually I realized that while the answers may have appeared to come from sources such as books, ‘teachers’, etc., those external sources

    were simply reflections and affirmations of what was already inside me.  I have always gotten joy from giving of myself.  Now I am giving back to others by sharing a part of myself with others through this work.  This is my passion.  I offer what I’ve come to know as true.


    What is information?  It is something that gets you in-formation.  We live in the information age.  If you choose to allow yourself to be inundated with information and not filter out what is inappropriate for your path, then you will be put in-formation by

    other external sources of that information such as the media, politicians, etc.  If you filter information appropriately for your path, then you put yourself in-formation according to your internal direction.  Filtering the information doesn’t mean ignoring the existence of other data.  It simply means you use whatever elements best suit you.  You can set other components aside to use later or never.  It is your choice because you have free will.  The information presented in this book is a tool to assist you with realizing your individual purpose in life.

    Is this book ‘THE’ answer?  NO.  It is an answer if you want it to be for your path.  All experiences are valid.  No matter what part of the spectrum those experiences exist on, they are all valid.  If you are dying of starvation, born into poverty, war, etc.,

    that is a valid experience.  If you get out of that situation, it’s valid.  If you stay a ‘victim’ of external circumstances, it’s valid.  If you escape a bad situation for a better life it’s valid.  If you are greedy and rich, it’s valid.  If you are wealthy and giving, it’s valid. Variety is the spice of life.  The varieties of experiences created by you are colored by emotion for a full experience.  You learn not only by your own choices, but also by observing the choices of others and their situations.  You can apply lessons from others’ lives if you so choose.  No matter what your current condition may be, realize now that the condition is a residual illusion based on your previous thoughts, emotions and actions leading up to now.  You can change your condition by visualizing, feeling and believing that the new conditions and experiences you truly desire are real now.  Be thankful for


    the fact that your new conditions are real now.  The vibration of thankfulness opens you up to receiving what you desire.  Do not worry about how or when your desires will manifest.  Just have faith that your desires will come to you and a way will be made.

    I live by the universal Law of Allowance which simply means that I realize every person’s path is unique and there is no one way to find truth.  What I offer may be right for some and wrong for others.  I simply offer this so that you can take from it what you want or need.  This information can spark the flame of awareness and passion in individuals who read, digest and live the principles presented in this book.  May your journey be filled with an awareness of the amazing love, wonder, beauty, wealth, abundance and joy that permeates all existence.

    It is up to you what you do with the information presented.  The information is a guideline to assist you in moving along your own, unique path.  Remember to have fun with what you learn.

    2.  Chapter 1: Birth - The Beginning Of Your Journey On Earth


    Your history begins before birth. People spend significant time and energy supporting beliefs about what happens during life and after death. However, not much energy is spent working toward an understanding of what happened before conception and birth. When you realize that you chose to come here, you chose your parents, your initial circumstances, etc., and subsequently take complete responsibility for your life, you no longer can play the 'victim' role for anything. You cannot even say Well I didn't choose to be born poor, with bad parents.  Yes you did. You have chosen to come here and learn through experience.  As the saying goes, you have to know your history to know where you are headed. Expanding your awareness to include the history that preceded your physical life will lead you toward a more complete understanding of yourself. When you take a holistic view of responsibility for yourself and your conditions, you can

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