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Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management
Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management
Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management
Ebook1,078 pages9 hours

Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management

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The book describes how interference can be managed so that radio systems co-exist, without harmful mutual effects, within a finite amount of spectrum.  This is timely in view of the increasing proliferation of wireless systems.  It covers both the processes, such as regional or international coordination, as well as the engineering principles.  Written by an author with extensive experience in the industry, it describes in detail the main methodologies for calculating or computing the interference between radio systems of the same type, and also between radio systems of different types
Release dateApr 13, 2016
Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management

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    Interference Analysis - John Pahl


    We were on the lookout for ice.

    I was in a 32 foot sailing yacht with writer and explorer Tristan Gooley, undertaking a double-handed sail from Scotland through the Faroes up to 66° 33′ 45.7″ N and the midnight sun. Now sailing out of the Arctic Circle we were approaching Iceland from the north, heading for the Denmark Straits, where ice flowed south. The Admiralty Pilot warned of bergs but the ice charts we had sailed with were over a week old. We needed an update.

    So I reached for the Iridium satellite phone and rang a number in Greenland. A polite voice reassured us that as long as we kept within 50 nm of Iceland we should be okay.

    Though I’d never had need of a satellite phone before that call, it was a technology I’d been involved in for nearly 20 years. It was by working on one of the other non-GSO mobile-satellite systems that I learnt the techniques and engineering principles of interference analysis. It turned out that there was a lot to cover: dynamics, antennas, link budgets, service objectives, thresholds, methodologies, modulations, coverage and much, much more.

    On that voyage we didn’t get to see any icebergs but the following year would make up for it when I sailed from Iceland over to Greenland and then down its east coast to Tasiilaq, passing close to the one in the photo on the previous page.

    A berg like this drifted into the Atlantic in 1912 to sink the RMS Titanic, which radioed in distress for a rescue that was to come too late. Just a few months after this disaster, the International Radiotelegraph Conference in London was spurred to agree on common frequencies, and this led to what we now call the Radio Regulations.

    I would have to learn about those too, first studying the ITU-R Regulations, Recommendations and Reports, then writing some of my own, getting them approved within the ITU-R, understanding the processes and, where necessary, chairing meetings.

    Interference analysis involves engineering and regulation, and this book will by its nature cover both.

    My hope is that it will assist those who want to learn about these topics and help others to avoid some of the potential icebergs.

    John Pahl



    All radio systems share the same electromagnetic spectrum. This means that each radio receiver is detecting not just its wanted signal but all other signals transmitted at the same time anywhere – not just on this planet, but anywhere, even in space. If there are aliens out there using radio technology, their signals will also be added to the mix.

    But it is rare for us to experience interference into our communication devices – such as radios, televisions and mobile phones – on a day-to-day basis. This is not an accident but the result of years of hard work by radio engineers and regulators to ensure that the signals from one user of the radio spectrum do not degrade significantly another user or, as is more commonly described, cause interference into the receiver.

    Interference analysis is the study of how one or more radio systems can degrade the operation of other users of the radio system. It includes techniques to predict the level of interference and whether that could be tolerated or would represent a serious degradation, otherwise known as harmful interference.

    This subject builds upon other specialist topics, such as antenna design and propagation, and often involves analysis of scenarios that includes different types of radio system. Therefore when undertaking interference analysis, it is necessary to become familiar with a wide range of other topics plus mathematical modelling techniques, statistics and geometry.

    The objective of this book is to be useful to anyone involved in interference analysis – to help understand the various techniques and methodologies that could be used in studies. The approach in this book is to give an integrated view of interference analysis, describing all the key issues necessary to generate results. It will consider different types of interference and metrics to determine whether the interference could be accepted or would be considered harmful.

    1.1 Motivations and Target Audience

    There are different motivations for undertaking interference analysis, in particular:

    System design: to optimise a radio system to allow the maximum service while reducing interference, whether within the system, to other systems or from other systems

    Regulatory: to identify what radio services can share with other radio services and hence allow them to be included in the tables of allocation used by spectrum managers

    Frequency assignment: to determine if a regulator can issue a new licence (e.g. to a taxi company) without it causing or suffering harmful interference

    Coordination: during discussions between two radio system operators (or countries) to identify ways to protect each other’s receivers from the other’s transmissions.

    This book is aimed at anyone with an interest in interference between radio systems, in particular those operating with frequency above about 30 MHz. This could include:

    A member of a national spectrum management regulator is meeting with representatives from a neighbouring country to make a bilateral agreement that can be used to protect each country from interference. What would be a suitable interference threshold level to agree and how would it be checked/calculated?

    A mobile operator’s spectrum management team wants to open up new bands for next generation broadband. They need to argue at an international level, in particular at the International Telecommunication Union, that such an introduction would be the most effective use of the scarce radio spectrum.

    A satellite operator is meeting with another satellite operator to ensure that neither causes harmful interference into the other. At the coordination meeting they will agree the signal levels that can be transmitted on each satellite beam: what should they propose and how can they check the suggestions from the other company?

    A consultant is working for the aeronautical community to help identify bands that can be used to provide broadband services to commercial aircraft. They must undertake sharing scenarios and convince regional bodies, such as Europe and North America, that these will be safe.

    The national spectrum management regulator receives a request for a new licence to provide a service (e.g. land mobile or fixed link). How can they check it would not cause or suffer interference to/from existing licensees?

    Students studying electrical engineering, communication systems or simulation techniques, who wish to learn more about interference analysis and modelling radio systems, together with academics undertaking research on these topics.

    1.2 Book Structure

    The book is structured as follows:

    Chapter 2. Motivations: considering the reasons why people undertake interference analysis, including the regulatory framework, international organisations and working methods.

    Chapter 3. Fundamental Concepts: covers the basics of radio engineering, including modulations, access methods, antennas, noise calculations, the underlying geometry and dynamics, link budgets and their attributes.

    Chapter 4. Propagation Models: the model of how radio waves propagate between transmitter and receiver (whether wanted or interfering) can make a huge difference to the results, so it is important to understand the various propagation models that are available and when they should be used.

    Chapter 5. The Interference Calculation: how to use the concepts above to calculate interference, including aggregation effects, polarisation adjustment, co-frequency vs. non-co-frequency, thresholds, interference apportionment and possible mitigation techniques.

    Chapter 6. Interference Analysis Methodologies: the complexity of the analysis can vary from static analysis, where the answer is a single number, to dynamic, Monte Carlo and area analysis, each with strengths and weaknesses. To help explain each of the different approaches, worked examples will show how they can be used to analyse sharing between:

    A deployment of base stations of a Long Term Evolution (LTE) network into satellite Earth stations in parts of C-band

    A non-GSO mobile-satellite service (MSS) system and point-to-point fixed links.

    Chapter 7. Specific Algorithms and Services: some services and sharing scenarios have well-defined publically available algorithms to calculate performance including interference analysis. Examples would be broadcasting, private mobile radio, white space and satellite coordination.

    1.3 Chapter Structure and Additional Resources

    Each chapter is structured starting with a summary of its contents and ending with pointers for further reading. Within each chapter are examples of the calculations involved to, as far as possible, allow the reader to reproduce the analysis undertaken. There are also available additional resources to increase understanding of the topics being analysed. These include:

    Spreadsheets to support standard calculations, such as link budgets and geometry conversions

    Example simulation files configured for the scenario under discussion.

    These can be found by following the link on the Wiley web site page for this book.

    Wherever possible the international system of units are used for all calculations.

    1.4 Case Study: How to Observe Interference

    It is generally hard to accidentally create interference between different types of consumer radio systems. It should be noted that deliberately causing interference into another’s radio system is considered a criminal offence in most legal systems and so should not be attempted. But you could try observe the impact of interference into one of your own radio receivers in a licence exempt band and see if you can detect any change in behaviour.

    A good frequency band to experiment with is the one used by Wi-Fi at around 2.4 GHz as this has a range of different uses including microwave ovens. These are shielded to reduce emissions outside the device but there is usually some leakage that can be used as a source of interference into communications equipment. In particular, this can lead to issues for sensitive services such as radio astronomy. In 2015 the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia investigated unusual signals it classed as ‘perytons’ and the source was discovered to be an on-site microwave oven emitting pulses at 1.4 and 2.4 GHz (Petroff et al., 2015).

    For example, consider the two set-ups in Figure 1.1 where a smartphone was configured with an application to test the speed of the broadband link accessed via a Wi-Fi connection. Initially in case A the smartphone was positioned 0.5 m from a microwave oven and about 5 m from the access point. The Wi-Fi access point was configured to use the 2.4 GHz band rather than other frequencies (e.g. those around 5 GHz).

    Diagram of domestic test set-up for detecting interference, with smartphone positioned 0.5 m from a microwave oven and 5 m from WiFi access point (case A) and vice versa (case B).

    Figure 1.1 Domestic test set-up for detecting interference

    The throughput was tested twice for each of the cases when the oven is on or off with results as in Table 1.1.

    Table 1.1 Results of tests for case A: Smartphone by microwave oven

    a The smartphone did not complete the speed test reporting ‘Network Communication Issues’.

    In case B the smartphone was moved to be located 0.5 m from the access point and about 5 m from the microwave oven. The corresponding results are shown in Table 1.2.

    Table 1.2 Results of tests for case B: Smartphone by Wi-Fi access point

    From these tests the following results can be deduced:

    The microwave oven can degrade the performance of the smartphone’s communication link

    The degree of degradation varies depending upon the distances from the smartphone to the Wi-Fi access point and microwave oven.

    You could try this yourself at home, though you are likely to get different numbers depending upon equipment types and broadband link. Note that no electronic device should be placed inside a microwave oven.

    Note that while there was a degradation of the communication service from around 9.4 to 6–7 Mbps, this data rate could still be considered usable. One of the key questions about interference analysis is what counts as an acceptable level and what would be ‘harmful interference’.

    This is an example of using measurement to detect how interference can degrade a communication service: the objective of this book is to describe tools and methodologies that can predict whether interference would or would not occur.

    Important Note

    All the systems and their parameters used in this book are for illustration purposes only. Any study based upon ideas in this book should check references, in particular for more recent developments.



    This chapter considers the question of the motivations for interference analysis. It puts the subject in its context and describes the framework within which interference analysis is often undertaken, in particular the work of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

    It begins by considering why we analyse interference, the drivers that lead to requirements for interference analysis and the different types of interference analysis and then looks at the international and regional regulatory organisations. Given the importance of these institutions, there is a description of the working methods involved and how the results of studies documented in input papers are handled.

    2.1 Why Undertake Interference Analysis?

    In the 1920s, in the United States, there was a boom in commercial radio stations so that by 1926 there were 536 stations transmitting but only 89 channels available. With such congestion, each would turn their power up to maximum to drown out their competitors. The result was chaos, with radio becoming ‘a tower of Babel’, and according to the New York Times, all you could hear was something like ‘the whistle of a peanut stand’ (Goodman, n.d.).

    It was a classic example of the tragedy of the commons (Wikipedia, 2014c), a concept developed by the economist Garrett Hardin in which if a resource that has value is freely available, it will be over-utilised to the point at which it becomes unusable. In this case, the radio spectrum had value, as it permitted the radio broadcasters to operate: indeed their business model would fail without it. The problem was that uncontrolled use led to interference between radio systems, which meant that the operators were unable to achieve their required quality of service (QoS).

    The solution was to develop a regulatory framework to control access to the radio spectrum. In the United States, this led to the Radio Act of 1927, which created a government agency, the Federal Radio Commission (FRC), with the authority to manage the radio spectrum by ensuring that transmissions are licensed, and these licences are issued in a way that allows each operator to meet their requested QoS, in particular by limiting interference. Similar legal structures and spectrum management organisations were created around the world integrated into the international framework of the ITU’s Radio Regulations (RR).

    A founding principle of these regulatory structures is the need for spectrum efficiency, i.e. to use the limited natural resource of the radio spectrum as efficiently as possible. Often the limiting factor on its utilisation is interference, and so the need to understand, predict and manage interference is central to spectrum management for organisations, nations and the global community.

    There is an alternative to interference analysis – measurement. Rather than predicting interference levels using complex calculations and algorithms, it is possible to make field measurements of the actual levels of interference and use these instead.

    This is indeed possible in some cases and is used to support interference analysis – in particular by verifying the predictions – but is not generally used, because:

    Measurement is much more expensive than prediction. In a few minutes using standard software tools on a PC, it is possible to calculate interference levels over a large area, including possibly thousands of test locations. To do this by deploying equipment, transmitters and receivers would be prohibitively expensive, particularly for satellite systems

    Measurement can be very time-consuming. For example, terrestrial point-to-point links, used for backhaul, often require high availability, with an average annual availability of 99.999% not uncommon. This clearly would require at least a year’s worth of measurements with as many as 2,000,000 measurement samples to ensure statistical significance, and it is unlikely the operator wanting the link would be prepared to wait that long.

    For this reason, in most cases, it is much more efficient in both time and money to undertake interference analysis rather than make measurements.

    2.2 Drivers of Change

    The main reasons to undertake interference analysis tend to relate to the introduction of new radio systems, and it is worth noting the different types of forces of change behind this. It is well known that the telecommunications industry is in a period of unprecedented rapid development and that it is continually finding new and innovative ways of using the radio frequency spectrum. Change can result from many external pressures including:

    Economic: as mass production reduces the price of equipment, it becomes possible to introduce new services or, as countries develop and their GDP increases, they can afford new advanced systems

    Technological: the movement towards higher frequencies, the use of constellations of non-GSO satellites and the development of the web or machine to machine (M2M) communications

    Market: as users request new services, higher data rates or increased mobility or need new types of scientific measurements

    Data: as the behaviour of radio waves and equipment are better understood, how they are characterised in propagation models can be improved.

    While these are the ‘big picture’ pressures driving the industry, there can be more personal motivations. The mobile satellite system Iridium was in part inspired due to a question asked by the wife of Motorola executive Bary Bertiger. While on holiday in the Bahamas, Karen Bertiger asked whether he could devise a way for her to phone home wherever she was – even on holiday on a remote island. It was a good time to ask such a question as there were rapid technological changes that would soon allow systems to be designed to provide such a service.

    While usually there are one or more organisations that instigate change, there may be many more who are affected by the changes proposed or have alternative, conflicting, suggestions.

    Changes can be minor – for example, a parameter of a propagation model is updated to reflect new measurements. Or a change can dominate the ITU for years, such as the development of IMT-2000 standards or the proposals for non-GSO fixed-satellite service (FSS) such as Teledesic and SkyBridge.

    Whether the instigator or respondent, either way, it is essential to be sure that proposed changes do not harm your organisation. With billion-dollar industries dependent upon assured access to the radio spectrum, the cost of not analysing interference can be very high indeed.

    2.3 The Regulatory Framework

    To manage the many types of changes, a complex regulatory framework has been developed that comprises both national and international components. To get an idea of the scale of the framework, one of the key documents is the ITU’s RR, which comprises four volumes:

    Articles (436 pages)

    Appendices (826 pages)

    Resolutions and Recommendations (524 pages)

    Recommendations incorporated by reference (546 pages).

    There are in total 2,332 pages in the 2012 English version of the RR, and this is only one of the regulatory texts that must be considered – though admittedly it is one of the most important documents.

    One way to give an initial feel of the main concepts is by considering an example of a private mobile radio (PMR), sometimes called business radio (BR), such as those that might be used by a transportation company to keep in touch with its drivers. It has an existing network of base stations operating at around 420–430 MHz, and it wishes to install another to extend its coverage, as shown in Figure 2.1.

    Schematic diagram illustrating deployment of new base station, depicting the existing and new base stations and other networks in country A on the left with dashed arrow linking to country B on the right.

    Figure 2.1 Deployment of new base station

    What is the process by which the PMR operator gains authorisation to transmit at the new base station?

    The first steps are taken by the operator of the planned new base station. They must determine the characteristics of the system, such as its location and power and whether it could operate on the same frequency as existing base stations or require a new channel. This would require interference analysis to be undertaken as part of the system design. When the PMR operator is happy with a set of parameters, they can be submitted to the national regulator of the relevant country, in this case A, as a licence application.

    Each country is responsible for the radio systems operating in its territory and must check these systems would meet its own national rules and also those agreed internationally. National rules are likely to include constraints on what frequency bands can be used by PMR systems and to ensure that the new licence would not cause or suffer unacceptable degradation into or from existing licences. The selection of the frequency to be assigned to this licence is therefore likely to include interference analysis.

    In addition the new system could cause or suffer interference with radio systems in neighbouring Country B. There is likely to be a process called international coordination by which such new assignments can be assessed as to whether there could be a problem – this too could include interference analysis.

    If all these steps are passed successfully, then the operator will be issued a licence for the new base station on a specific frequency (either proposed by the operator or selected during the frequency assignment process, as in Figure 2.12).

    As can be seen, this process involved a whole series of checks:

    That the new base station would not cause harmful interference into another of the operator’s radio systems

    That the frequencies involved had been allocated to the land mobile service (LMS)

    That the frequencies proposed or selected would not cause interference that would unacceptably degrade this or other assignments

    That the new base station would meet agreed coordination agreements with neighbouring countries.

    But how are frequency bands allocated to specific services and how do countries define coordination agreements? These two regulatory instruments will be the result of years of study, which is likely to involve extensive interference analysis. Furthermore the assignment methodology used by the national regulator, which involved interference analysis, will have had to be developed, again a process that could have taken many years.

    The principle regulatory instruments in this case were:

    The definition of services (e.g. LMS)

    The national table of allocations (e.g. in the United Kingdom, the 420–430 MHz band is available to fixed and mobile including some programme making and special events)

    The international table of allocations (e.g. 420–430 MHz to fixed and mobile except aeronautical mobile)

    Frequency assignment methodology (e.g. in the United Kingdom, the MASTS algorithm described in Section 7.2)

    The coordination method to be used with neighbouring countries, which could involve bilateral agreement(s), a regional process (such as the Harmonised Common Methodology (HCM) Agreement) or the use of the process described in Article 9 of the RR.

    These various instruments are described in more detail in the following sections.

    2.4 International Regulations

    2.4.1 History and Structure

    The ITU is the oldest of the UN’s specialist agencies. It was founded on 17 May 1865 as the International Telegraph Union, set up to standardise rules on handling telegraphy between countries (ITU, n.d.). Initially the ITU’s bureau operated from Bern in Switzerland and incidentally was there during the time Einstein worked at that city’s patent office, until it was moved to Geneva in 1948 where it remains to this day.

    Early in the twentieth century, a series of events pointed to the need for the regulation of radio waves and telegraphic systems. Firstly when Prince Henry of Prussia was returning from a visit to the United States, his courtesy radio message was rejected as his ship’s radio equipment was of a different type and nationality from that used on shore. Another more serious incident was the sinking of the RMS Titanic, where the nearest ship, the SS Californian, was not keeping radio watch, leading to heavy loss of life.

    In response, the International Radiotelegraph Conference of 1912 (and other such meetings) created the framework that is still used to this day, namely, the RR and the concept of agreed wavelengths for particular services. In 1932 it was agreed that the organisation’s name should be changed on 1 January 1934 to the ITU.

    An overview of the current structure of the ITU is shown in Figure 2.2, focussing on the parts relevant to radiocommunications.

    Block diagram illustrating the top level structure of the ITU, from member states to radio regulations and international telecommunications regulations.

    Figure 2.2 Top level structure of the ITU

    The key used for Figures 2.2 and 2.4 is given in Figure 2.3.

    Diagram presenting key elements to ITU organisation figures: conference or meeting, reference document, database, organization, and working document.

    Figure 2.3 Key to ITU organisation figures

    The most important document is the Constitution and Convention of the ITU (2011), which defines its objectives and working methods. This document is agreed at one of the ITU’s Plenipotentiary Conferences, the highest level meeting of the ITU by the member states, that is, UN recognised countries.

    It is not usually necessary for those undertaking interference analysis to get involved at this level, though it is useful to be aware of where the ITU’s structure and procedures are defined and agreed. For example, the purposes of the Union is to:

    1a)to maintain and extend international cooperation among all its Member States for the improvement and rational use of telecommunications of all kinds;

    In particular, the Union shall:

    2a)effect allocationof bands of the radio-frequency spectrum, the allotmentof radio frequencies and the registration of radio-frequency assignmentsand, for space services, of any associated orbital position in the geostationary-satellite orbit or of any associated characteristics of satellites in other orbits, in order to avoid harmful interference between radio stations of different countries.

    The objectives in this key sentence – concepts such as allocation of bands and registration of assignments as ways to avoid harmful interference – are critical to the use of interference analysis in regulatory studies and are described in more detail in the sections in the succeeding text.

    The work of the ITU is split into three sectors:

    ‘R Sector’: the radio sector coordinates work relating to radiocommunication services including international management of the radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits.

    ‘D Sector’: the telecommunication development sector works to promote best practices in emerging market's telecommunications activities, focussing on issues such as the digital divide and best corporate practices.

    ‘T Sector’: the telecommunication standardisation sector agrees the recommendations that define how services work, ranging from the Internet to voice communications.

    To support the work of the ITU, there is a general secretariat. In addition, the ITU Council ‘acts as the Union’s governing body in the interval between Plenipotentiary Conferences. ITU Council also prepares a report on the policy and strategic planning of the ITU’. The ITU also organises the ITU Telecom World convention and conference plus regional variants.

    2.4.2 The Radiocommunication Sector

    The part of the ITU that is most relevant to interference analysis is the radiocommunication sector, with key elements shown in Figure 2.4: if this looks complicated, then the reality is even more so!

    Block diagram illustrating key elements of the ITU radio sector, such as radio regulations, recommendations and reports, databases for terrestrial and space services, and rules of procedure.

    Figure 2.4 Key elements of the ITU Radio Sector

    The best way to follow the various interactions is to consider the main documents and data sets that must be managed within the ITU system:

    The RR

    The Recommendations and Reports

    Databases for terrestrial and space services

    The Rules of Procedure.

    Each of these are considered in the following subsections together with other groups and committees. The Radio Regulations

    The RR are described in more detail in Section 2.4.3 and are the main regulatory document within the international process. They hold the status of a treaty document and are binding on each of the member states of the ITU.

    The RR are agreed at a World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), often simply called the Conference, which is described as sovereign in the sense that it can make decisions without being constrained by other ITU-R bodies.

    A key document in the work of the ITU-R is the agenda for each Conference, which is agreed at the end of the previous one. It is not unknown for Conferences to discuss issues not on its agenda if there is support from member states, but it is usually felt that the Conference already has more than enough work and hence should focus on the previously agreed agenda. In addition the agenda item process allows due time for studies to be completed within the ITU-R.

    The agenda for the next Conference, which itself can require extensive discussions, is an output of each WRC and then discussed at the first Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM). This identifies the studies required to help answer the agenda items and allocates work within the ITU-R.

    The Study Groups (SGs) and their Working Parties (WPs) then analyse the issues involved in each agenda item, and this is where there can be considerable work including interference analysis. These studies are usually provided as input papers as the result of work by:

    Member States, typically the organisation responsible for spectrum management in that country, hence are described as administrations or admins

    Sector and Associate Members: the ITU provides these two routes for non-state organisations including companies and trade associations to get involved in the work of the Union. They can contribute to studies and attend WRCs but not vote on decisions.

    The results of the studies by the WPs are integrated into a single document, the CPM Report, at the second CPM, which is then submitted to the WRC. The period between WRCs is called a cycle, and it is usually dominated by the contents of the agenda. The Recommendations and Reports

    As well as the RR, additional support is available in the form of the Recommendations (Recs.) and Reports. These are advisory; resources that can be used by admins and those involved in the WPs and SGs, describing best practices, useful algorithms and methodologies, ways to describe radio systems, interference thresholds, terminology, etc.

    Maintenance of the Recommendations and Reports is one of the prime tasks of the SGs and WPs along with providing input text into the CPM Report.

    Some Recommendations are required to support the work of the Conference (and could be incorporated by reference into the RR), some are used to support equipment type approval, while, as will be seen, many others are helpful in interference analysis.

    New Recommendations and Reports or their revisions are the result of input contributions and are approved either by correspondence or by the Radiocommunication Assembly (often just called the Radio Assembly or RA). The Terrestrial and Space IFICs

    One of the key tasks for the ITU BR is to maintain a register of radio assignments for both terrestrial and space systems. An assignment recorded with a favourable finding in its Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) gives it a degree of regulatory protection from harmful interference from any future assignments. The principle is that the first to file is protected from future assignments from other countries, and each new application submitted to the BR is circulated to all admins to allow them the opportunity to identify any potential problems. This coordination process is described in more detail in Section 2.10.

    The data is distributed to admins in two International Frequency Information Circulars (IFICs):

    The Terrestrial IFIC

    The Space IFIC.

    These databases are updated on a regular basis as new filings are submitted to the BR from administrations.

    The BR will follow the process in the Rules of Procedure (described in the following subsection), which will include checks that the assignment is in conformity with the RR. The Rules of Procedure

    Whereas the RR contains regulations, these must be converted into day-to-day procedures to handle filings of radio assignments submitted from administrations to the BR. This task is the responsibility of the Radio Regulations Board (RRB), as identified in Article 14 of the Constitution of the ITU:

    2. The duties of the Radio Regulations Boardshall consist of:

    a) the approval of Rules of Procedure, which include technical criteria, in accordance with the Radio Regulations and with any decision which may be taken by competent radiocommunication conferences. These Rules of Procedure shall be used by the Director and the Bureau in the application of the Radio Regulations to register frequency assignments made by Member States. These Rules shall be developed in a transparent manner and shall be open to comment by administrations and, in case of continuing disagreement, the matter shall be submitted to the next world radiocommunication conference. Other Groups and Committees

    In addition to the bodies and documents described earlier, other groups and committees include:

    Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG) among other things provides guidance for the work of the SGs and recommends measures to foster cooperation and coordination with other organisations and with the other ITU sectors

    Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) ensures there is consistency with vocabulary, including abbreviations and initials and related subjects (e.g. units).

    Note that Figure 2.4 does not include all the interactions between these and other groups and committees and that there can be changes to this structure. For example, prior to 2015 the RA had established a Special Committee (SC) on Regulatory/Procedural Matters, as described in Resolution ITU-R 38 (suppressed at RA-15).

    2.4.3 Radio Regulations

    The RR is not a boxed set you can read from cover to cover. However they are crucial so it is worth getting familiar with as much of the content as possible, or at least, the way it is structured. This section covers the key topics, but nothing beats flipping through reading regulations, which relate to bands where your organisation has an interest.

    The RR are updated soon after each WRC, so the three most recent are:

    RR 2004 (ITU, 2004)

    RR 2008 (ITU, 2008)

    RR 2012 (ITU, 2012a).

    Most of this book is based upon the RR of 2012 with, where appropriate, comments regarding changes at WRC-15. Principles, Terminology and Services

    The RR starts with some principles, in particular:

    Article 0.2: to ensure efficient use of spectrum by limiting ‘the number of frequencies and the spectrum used to the minimum essential to provide in a satisfactory manner the necessary services’.

    Article 0.3: This is because ‘radio frequencies and the geostationary-satellite orbit are limited natural resources’.

    Article 0.4: Furthermore all ‘stations, whatever their purpose, must be established and operated in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference’.

    Then there is a definition of the key terms and services, in particular the following three terms highlighted in bold:

    1.16allocation (of a frequency band): Entry in the Table of Frequency Allocations of a given frequency band for the purpose of its use by one or more terrestrial or space radiocommunication services or the radio astronomy service under specified conditions. This term shall also be applied to the frequency band concerned.

    1.17allotment (of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel): Entry of a designated frequency channel in an agreed plan, adopted by a competent conference, for use by one or more administrations for a terrestrial or space radiocommunication service in one or more identified countries or geographical areas and under specified conditions.

    1.18assignment (of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel): Authorization given by an administration for a radio station to use a radio frequency or radio frequency channel under specified conditions.

    The concepts of allocation, allotment and assignment are fundamental to the process of spectrum management.

    The table of allocations (discussed in the next section) allocates frequency bands to specific services. These services have been selected because studies, in particular interference analysis, showed that they are compatible, that is, that actual radio systems (e.g. assignments) could be introduced in a way that avoids harmful interference, most likely subject to a defined process or set of constraints. An assignment process could involve interference analysis of the specific scenarios involved, such as for the land mobile example in Section 2.3. As the scenario has been defined in advance (via the table of allocations), a procedure or algorithm can be defined to determine if specific assignments are compatible.

    Allotments are used to reserve channels and/or geostationary orbit (GSO) positions (slots) in advance of their actual implementation. This gives the administration involved flexibility and avoids the issue that spectrum resources could be fully utilised by early adopters leaving insufficient access to the radio spectrum for other administrations, in particular those in emerging markets. As well as reserving GSO frequency and orbital slots, the allotment process is also used for the management of terrestrial broadcasting, such as in the GE06 regional conference.

    The table of allocations identifies where various services can operate, with the services defined at the start of the RR. These include terrestrial services such as:

    Amateur service

    Broadcasting service (BS)

    Fixed service (FS)

    Mobile service (MS), plus variations such as LMS, aeronautical mobile service (AMS), maritime mobile service (MMS)

    Radiodetermination service

    Radiolocation service

    Radionavigation service plus variations such as maritime radionavigation service and aeronautical radionavigation service

    Standard frequency and time signal service.

    There are also space services, often with terrestrial equivalents, such as:

    Amateur-satellite service

    Broadcasting-satellite service (BSS)

    Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS)

    Fixed-satellite service (FSS)

    Inter-satellite service

    Meteorological-satellite service

    Mobile-satellite service (MSS) plus variations such as aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS)

    Radiodetermination-satellite service

    Radiolocation-satellite service

    Radionavigation-satellite service (RNSS) plus variations such as maritime radionavigation-satellite service and aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service

    Space operations service

    Space research service

    Standard frequency and time signal-satellite service.

    Finally there is a service that could be either terrestrial or space based:

    Radio astronomy service.

    There are variations and sub-variations of some of these services. For example, aeronautical services are often subdivided into route (R) and off-route (OR), where the former are civilian airliners flying on predetermined routes. Satellite services can be subdivided into Earth–space and space–Earth directions.

    These services are closely linked to the type of station used for that service, so that a mobile station is one operating in the mobile service, a fixed station in the FS and so on.

    Bands can also be identified for use by a particular technology, such as the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). This has no specific regulatory implication but is a marker that regulators view the band as suitable for that technology, in particular to encourage equipment manufacturers as part of harmonisation (regional or global) processes.

    It should be noted that there has been some debate about whether this classification is the most effective and where the boundary between fixed and mobile should be. For example, recently there has been significant analysis of sharing scenarios involving Earth stations on mobile platforms (ESOMPs) – in particular Earth stations on ships and aircraft. These are mobile but communicate with space stations operating within the fixed-satellite service and are also known as Earth stations in motion (ESIMs).

    One argument in favour of such blending of fixed and mobile is that a key factor in any sharing scenario is the gain patterns used, and that has been the basis of proposals for alternative approaches. Rather than distinguishing between fixed and mobile, the proposals discussed the use of directive or non-directive antennas, with a minimal gain value separating the two. There was not sufficient support for these ideas to be adopted, but it is worth noting the discussion as the ideas involved impact on many interference analysis studies.

    Of particular relevance to this book are the definitions of interference, namely:

    1.166interference : The effect of unwanted energy due to one or a combination of emissions, radiations, or inductions upon reception in a radiocommunication system, manifested by any performance degradation, misinterpretation, or loss of information which could be extracted in the absence of such unwanted energy.

    1.167permissible interference¹: Observed or predicted interference which complies with quantitative interference and sharing criteria contained in these Regulations or in ITU-R Recommendationsor in special agreements as provided for in these Regulations.

    1.168accepted interference:Interference at a higher level than that defined as permissible interference and which has been agreed upon between two or more administrations without prejudice to other administrations.

    1.169harmful interference:Interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs, or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunication service operating in accordance with Radio Regulations.

    In this book, the most commonly used of these terms will be interference and harmful interference. Table of Allocations

    The cornerstone of the RR is the table of allocations to be found in Article 5. This allocates frequency bands to services, often with allocations varying in the three ITU regions of:

    Region 1: Europe and Africa including Russia

    Region 2: Americas

    Region 3: Asia including Iran and China.

    There can also be country-specific allocations defined via footnotes.

    Services are allocated with one of at least two different priorities:

    PRIMARY: services identified in capital letters have higher priority

    Secondary: services identified in lowercase have lower priority and hence should not cause harmful interference into primary services and would have to accept interference from them.

    There can be finer resolutions: for example, there are the so-called super-primary services where there are footnotes or other regulatory text identifying that other co-primary services must provide protection against harmful interference.

    The concept of primary or secondary service will have a significant (and sometimes explicit) impact on the threshold used to identify harmful interference.

    An example of the table of allocations (ITU, 2012a) is given in Table 2.1, and it is worth noting the following:

    When the same allocations and footnotes apply to all three regions, the table is formatted with the frequency range in the left column and allocations in a combination of the central and right columns

    When there are different allocations and/or footnotes in each region, the table is formatted with the frequency at the top of the column for that region

    The units of the frequency range is given in the title, in this case MHz

    There can be significant variations in the allocations between regions in both the boundaries and services – for example, look at the mobile allocations in this extract

    In general services, prefer global to regional allocations as that assists in the harmonisation of equipment, but it is not always possible to achieve

    It is worth checking all the footnotes, just in case.

    Table 2.1 Extract from RR 2012 table of allocations 2 700–4 800 MHz

    The subcategorisations of services assist in interference mitigation. For example, it is harder to share with aeronautical services as their emissions can cover a larger area. Hence it is not unusual to see ‘mobile excluding aeronautical’ in the table of allocations. Similarly defining a satellite service as ‘space-to-Earth’ means that the Earth stations will be receiving but not transmitting, defining what type of interference scenario has to be analysed.

    The IMT sharing with satellite Earth station example in Chapter 6 considers services in this band, while Footnote 5.430A is described in Example 5.48. Note that this part of the table of allocations was significantly modified at WRC-15 (ITU, 2015) with additional mobile allocations and identification for IMT, mostly via footnote. Articles

    The table of allocation is just one article of many (though an important one). Some of the most important ones for those involved in interference are mentioned here.

    The non-interference clause of 4.4 (ITU, 2012a) is always worth remembering:

    4.4Administrations of the Member States shall not assign to a station any frequency in derogation of either the Table of Frequency Allocations in this Chapter or the other provisions of these Regulations, except on the express condition that such a station, when using such a frequency assignment, shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from harmful interference caused by, a station operating in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Conventionand these Regulations.

    In other words, you can operate a service not consistent with the table of allocations but should there be a problem, you would have no protection and would have to cease transmissions.

    Some of the other key articles can be found in the following:

    Article 9: Procedure for effecting coordination with or obtaining agreement of other administrations. In particular it is worth noting Subsection IIA on requirement and request for coordination, Articles 9.6–9.21 and also Appendix 5 discussed further in the next section

    Article 11: Notification and recording of frequency assignments identifies the procedures by which assignments can be added to the BR’s Master International Frequency Register (MIFR). This could involve coordination as described by Article 9

    Article 21: Terrestrial and space services sharing frequency bands above 1 GHz. These contain power flux density (PFD) limits that must be met by space systems and therefore involve two sets of interference analysis:

    Studies to identify what would be a suitable PFD level to protect terrestrial services from harmful interference

    Studies to determine whether a specific space system would meet or exceed the PFD levels in this article

    Article 22: Space services. There are a range of measures in this article to protect space systems, most particularly the equivalent power flux density (EPFD) metric to control interference into GSO satellite systems from non-GSO constellations (as described in Section 7.6). Again, there could be two types of interference analysis:

    Studies to identify what would be suitable EPFD levels to protect GSO satellite systems from harmful interference

    Studies to determine whether a specific non-GSO constellation would meet or exceed the EPFD levels in this article.

    Other articles could be of interest and use depending upon the service – for example, the structure of a Mayday distress signal used by maritime services as part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is given in Article 32.13C. Appendices

    The Appendices build on the articles and give regulations for specific scenarios. Some worth considering include:

    Appendix 1: Classification of emissions and necessary bandwidths. This is a format to describe carriers and is discussed in Section 5.1

    Appendix 3: Maximum permitted power levels for unwanted emissions in the spurious domain, as discussed in Section 5.3.6. These are not very stringent and most systems should operate significantly better than this, so it is usually better to look for emission masks in other documents (e.g. ETSI or 3GPP standards)

    Appendix 4: Consolidated list and tables of characteristics for use in the application of the procedures. This defines the data that must be provided to the ITU when filing an assignment, whether terrestrial or space system. It can be a good source of parameters of actual systems when undertaking interference analysis

    Appendix 5: Identification of administrations with which coordination is to be effected or agreement sought under the provisions of Article 9. This section defines when coordination is required and under what circumstances so it is well worth being familiar with its contents

    Appendix 7: Methods for the determination of the coordination area around an Earth station in frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 GHz. This is effectively an interference analysis methodology, as described in Section 7.4. As it is a coordination trigger, it is designed to be conservative so that it is more likely to show that there is a problem when there is not rather than to overlook scenarios that require further analysis

    Appendix 8: Method of calculation for determining if coordination is required between geostationary-satellite networks sharing the same frequency bands. This is a GSO to GSO satellite coordination trigger algorithm as discussed in Section 7.5

    Appendices 30, 30A and 30B: these are various plans for the BSS and FSS including feeder links, that is, frequencies and GSO slots are reserved for administrations and defined the process by which allotments can be brought into use. Resolutions

    WRCs pass resolutions to identify that work should be undertaken by the ITU. For example, Resolution 233 (WRC-12) Studies on frequency-related matters on International Mobile Telecommunications and other terrestrial mobile broadband applications initiated work with the Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 to analyse sharing between IMT and other services to identify potential frequency bands that could be used by these mobile services. The JTG received 715 input contributions containing the results of interference analysis between many different types of service.

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