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Heritage Village
Heritage Village
Heritage Village
Ebook41 pages18 minutes

Heritage Village

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About this ebook for a full description of the Heritage Village concept.

The Heritage Village project at Mimi, Anguilla, British West Indies is a model concept that can be embraced by any community or country that seeks to recapture, safeguard or pass on its rich cultural heritage while, at the same time, creating job, investment and entrepreneurial opportunities for its youth, adults and elderly.

We invite readers everywhere to download and scrutinize our concept; and, by so doing, help crowdfund it; and, thereby, help us get it up and running.

PublisherGeorge Hodge
Release dateDec 8, 2015
Heritage Village

George Hodge

Born in Anguilla in the Caribbean in 1942, I have been lover of words from very early, playing with them in the dirt, on sand and on all types of paper, including brown cement bag.During my university years (1963-66) in Barbados, I was lucky to get short stories published in the leading newspaper. Titles include “The crane lift which was to be his last” and “The day the topless came to town”.In 1970, I completed a full novel with the same name; and, proceeded to write the play shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, both manuscripts were lost in a hurricane.If you google Anguilla Spoken Word, from 1:42 into the video, you will see me, in my golden years, breaking my public speaking phobia, I being the second guest presenter.I invite you to read and enjoy my salvaged poetic pieces. If you feel satisfied, please spread the word; and, also look out very soon for my biography and other works.

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    Book preview

    Heritage Village - George Hodge

    Heritage Village

    By George Hodge






    Managing the Heritage Village

    Compiling old time cuisine menus

    Compiling folkloric stories

    Booths – types and requirements

    Requirements of booth operators

    Temporary booths

    Modern day booths

    Big tent proposal

    Own currency



    The Nature Park

    Become a sponsor


    Investment opportunities

    Cultural groups

    Old time Christmas festivals

    Photo gallery



    The concept of a Heritage Village is considered to be a great one and has been well received in Anguilla.

    The Strip – a food court in the Valley has since been put in; and, is proving to be a great success.

    This success has emphasized the need to establish the Heritage Village which will be the brain of the octopus, as it were, that is presently comprised of heritage sites.

    The Heritage Village will be as its name says – a village that showcases Anguilla’s rich cultural heritage. It will be an authentic village with people actually living there.

    Events will be organized to educate and to entertain; and, demonstrations will be daily to inform and educate locals and visitors alike.

    I appeal to you to treat your investment as a crowd funding donation towards a worthy cause; and, to try to help us develop the village to its full potential.

    The goal is to have permanent structures that chronicle the architectural phases in Anguilla. These will serve as

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