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Self-Healing 101 Seven Experiments in Self-healing You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer 2nd Edition
Self-Healing 101 Seven Experiments in Self-healing You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer 2nd Edition
Self-Healing 101 Seven Experiments in Self-healing You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer 2nd Edition
Ebook334 pages2 hours

Self-Healing 101 Seven Experiments in Self-healing You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer 2nd Edition

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About this ebook

A practical, timeless manual of language and exercises for self-healing. People can do much more self-healing than even recently thought. Self-heal methods exist at all skill levels. Wherever you are is a good place to start. You can start NOW.

Not everyone has a life appointment to be a health practitioner, seeing clients. However everyone has something to heal. If you practice using self-healing tools, at any skill level, you will improve.

Looking to go deeper into self-healing? Looking to deepen your practice of Energy Medicine? Are you teaching self-healing to others? Here are seven original experiential exercises cultivating:
- Self-acceptance, self-love,
- Prayers of self-protection,
- Self-sensitivity, safety, self-trust,
- Permission to try just one more experiment comfortable for you.

Most people begin their own Hero’s Journey of self-healing by choosing a method that appeals or piques their curiosity. They perform simple, little experiments, at a rate and depth, of their own choosing.

Learn--then do just one more experiment. That’s all there is to walking the Hero’s Journey of self-healing.

Any attempt at self-healing is a “Yes,” for self-development. This connects self-healing with Goethean Science, the science most allied with cell-level-intelligence. Any experiment where you intend to grow as a person, is both self-healing’ and Goethean Science.

No penalty for failure, none at all. If you learn one thing—the experiment was a success. The only wrong way to experiment is--attempting nothing at all.

Self-healing experiments are by far the most-practiced Goethean Science activity today.

Ex. 1 ~ Ask for a Column of Light for yourself

Ex. 2 ~ Measure invisible things on a scale of 1-10

Ex. 3 ~ Find and use your Inner Thermometer
Experiments with your Inner Thermometer

Ex. 4 ~ Inner contracting~expanding as measuring tool
Navigating by the “seat of your pants”
Contract-expand as happy~unhappy
Inner testing
Contract~expand as a binary language
Expand~Contract as Liking~Disliking
Preferring is measuring
Liking~Disliking exercises

Ex. 5 ~ Asking the Light to go to others
Working “smart” not “hard” with Light

Ex. 6 ~ Your Symbol of Peace and how to use it
Five easy-common symbols of peace to choose from
How to use your symbol of peace9

Ex. 7 ~ First language lessons with your inner child: safety, trust, permission conversations with your immune-system-self.

Self-healing 101 exercises promote awareness of how your body responds to explicit questions. They
complement, augment and strengthen practice all modes of Energy Medicine:
- Touch for Health,
- Immunics,
- Theta Healing,
- BodyTalk,
- Emotion Code,
- Peace Theological Seminary Masters & Doctorate programs,
- Soul travel,
- etc.

Conventional medicine provides significant access to physical symptoms. Energy Medicine provides access to invisible energetic causes, for those looking for them.

Since 1990 the converging of multiple holistic techniques has produced the most effective access to unresolved issues yet seen on Earth. Psych-K, Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, EFT, Immunics, Theta Healing, and PTS Masters & Doctorate programs, all took off after this convergence.

Wonderful as this is, many students and lay persons still need a lower-slower more gentle “ramp” to experiment with the middle, transitional skill on the Energy Medicine Skill Ladder, self-muscle-testing. Self-healing 101 is a more compassionate and organic “ramp” of basic—not simplistic--exercises, to assist people towards energetic competency.

As a Waldorf-trained school teacher, the challenge of sequencing curriculum for Self-healing always interested me. Comments invited!
Author Bruce Dickson's most advanced work is in Holistic Brain Balance. He's been supporting clients profe

PublisherBruce Dickson
Release dateSep 19, 2014
Self-Healing 101 Seven Experiments in Self-healing You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer 2nd Edition

Bruce Dickson

Thanks to his mother, Bruce is a second generation nutrition-health-metaphysical researcher. Since 2001 he worked professionally as a Health Intuitive. He has lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more. He's visited 25 US Waldorf school communities. He's MSIA, PTS, Waldorf, USM, NVC trained and IFS-educated. He recently studied Iain McGilchrist's new brain-lateralization topics and wrote a REader's Digest version for friends.. He's self-published several series of books-booklets: - Best Practices in Energy Medicine, - Holistic Brain Balance, - Best Practice in Group Process, - Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection Booklet series: - Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection (5 short volumes) - Group Process as an Art-form (3 books) - Holistic Brain Balance (7 books-booklets) - Best Practices in Energy Medicine (20 books-booklets) - Book series: Group Process as an Art-form (3) - Book series: Best Practices in Energy Medicine all others - Book series: New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance (7) - Team Human, a theme for Waldorf K-12's second 100 years (5) ONLINE Gift initial sessions available by phone-Zoom if you have not worked with me professionally before.

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    Self-Healing 101 Seven Experiments in Self-healing You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer 2nd Edition - Bruce Dickson


    Self-Healing 101

    Seven Experiments in Self-healing

    You Can Do at Home

    To Awaken the Inner Healer


    Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    100 level material

    Tools That Heal Press ~


    The thing we are looking for,

    is the thing we are looking with.

    ~ Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science

    The future is already here;

    it’s just not very well distributed yet

    ~ William Gibson, author, Neuromancer

    eBook Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the publisher and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    To Learn More:

    Bruce also recommends

    Self-Healing 101; Seven Experiments in Self-healing; You Can Do at Home To Awaken the Inner Healer; 2nd Ed.

    Copyright 2014 Bruce Dickson

    Published on Bruce Dickson on Smashwords

    Repackaged First Edition


    Other publisher inquiries welcome

    [email protected]

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    eBook Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the publisher and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    Table of Contents

    Cover Page

    Title page


    Tools That Heal Press book titles

    COVER IMAGES at end of this book

    Balance on All Levels PACME+Soul

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    Chapter 1

    Why self-healing, why now?

    Thank you’s

    About the author

    I was a born again muscle tester

    Origin of this book

    Self-healing replaces enlightenment for many now

    Looking down, looking up on the way Home

    Self-healing is NOT a super power

    Healthcare naturally begins and ends with self-healing

    If I pray daily, do I still need a self-healing technique?

    Energy Medicine as Goethean Holistic Science

    When mice are better experimenters than human beings

    Exercise-experiments I’ve not seen elsewhere

    Chapter Two

    Self-sensitivity is your best friend

    Practice > self-trust > Intuition

    Some of us have more thoughts; some of us have more feelings

    Self-assessment thinking~feeling

    Breaking and taming horses

    Two paths to greater self-sensitivity

    Matching thoughts and feelings?

    Chapter Three

    A generous Big Tent for psychology

    What about Positive Psychology?

    Three Selves model as possible Big Tent in psychology

    Chapter Four - Self-healing means…

    Self-healing means be more curious about what bothers you

    Self-healing means tell the truth quicker

    Self-healing means testing for therapeutic direction

    ...means exercise your Imagination, Intuition, and Inspiration

    ...means ask, ask, ask

    ...means asking for a get out of jail free card

    ...take advantage of operators standing by 24/7

    ...means worth doing even poorly or incompletely

    ...means healing you first

    ---means being sick and tired of being sick and tired

    ...means releasing unnecessary thoughtforms

    ...means releasing trapped emotions

    Self-healing means acknowledging unresolved disturbances

    Self-healing means anti-aging for your body

    ...means check willingness to heal first

    Self-healing means each person heals uniquely

    ...means communicating with and liberating your Little Artist

    ...means more self-sensitivity

    ...means more self-trust

    ...means getting outside your box

    Self-healing is like a Rubik’s Cube puzzle

    Self-healing means improvising

    Exploring new inner aspects and landscapes

    What are the ‘primary causative factors’?

    Self-healing means practicing good energetic hygiene

    ...means you don’t have to be clairvoyant

    Self-healing means putting Choice Theory to work

    intellect differs from intelligence

    Self-healing means only two kinds of problems exist

    ...means you don’t have to know; you only have to ask!

    The paradoxical nature of all growth

    ...means awareness can be healing in and of itself

    From ego to empathy

    Delta --> theta --> alpha --> beta

    The Goldilocks dilemma and solution

    Self-healing means creating new social forms

    ... balancing adding with subtracting"

    In Self-healing the muddy pond metaphor is useful

    How do you redecorate a living room?

    When to use affirmations

    ... auras & chakras are of limited use for most people

    Self-healing means stop the over-giving

    Chapter 4

    An invitation to become your own doctor

    Self-healing means you don’t have to be a practitioner

    Self-healing means no diagnosing of others

    Self-healing means no advice-giving

    Role of medical diagnosis in self-healing

    About faulty and incorrect diagnoses

    Only two kinds of problems exist

    From diagnosis to restoring balance and connecting dots

    About faulty and incorrect diagnoses

    Only two kinds of problems exist

    Chapter 5

    Start with safety, feeling safe

    From Anatomy of safety Your Child’s Self-Esteem (1970)

    The Law of Spiderman

    Law of Gentleness for healers and coaches

    Why not ask the body directly?

    How to avoid a healing crisis

    Our body is energetically equal to the first three etheric centers

    Testing solutions against the body’s wisdom

    Self-safety self-assessment

    My story of feeling safe again to feel

    Safety means safe to use your strongest senses

    Inner Child as gatekeeper of our etheric centers

    Experience your own inner anemone

    An inner Punch & Judy battle

    When topdog~underdog are at war

    Feeling safe means internal spam is quiet

    Adequate and sufficient psychic self-protection

    A prayer of protection inviting God to be your Partner

    Q: Do I have to be Christian to work with the Light?

    Chapter 6

    How much do I trust myself?

    Is it SAFE for me to get to know the bigger me?

    Goethean Science experiments as trust exercises

    Not every experiment has to succeed

    Chapter 7

    We crave ‘social permission’ before trying new behavior

    Inner energetic permissions to explore my Bigger Me

    Dowsing research on inner permissions

    Chapter 8

    Seven Self-Healing Experiments you can do at home

    Ex. 1 ~ Ask for a Column of Light for yourself

    What can I do with myself as a column of Light?

    Ex. 2 ~ Measure invisibles on a scale of 1-10

    Inverting scales to track negatives to zero

    Which comes first, my feeling or the number?

    Ex. 3 ~ Find and use your Inner Thermometer

    Experiments with your Inner Thermometer

    Ex. 4 ~ Contracting~expanding as inner measuring tool

    Navigating by the seat of your pants

    Contract-expand as unhappy~happy

    Inner testing

    Contract~expand as a binary language

    Expand~Contract as Liking~Disliking

    Preferring is measuring

    Liking~Disliking exercises

    Ex. 5 ~ Asking for Light to go to others

    Working smart not hard with Light

    Ex. 6 ~ Your Symbol of Peace and how to use it

    Five easy-common symbols of peace to choose from

    Five symbols of peace to choose from

    How to use your Symbol of Peace

    Ex. 7 ~ First language lessons with your inner child

    Safety-trust conversation with your immune-system-self

    Additional experimental questions

    More experiments you can do

    Mutual concern conversation with your immune-system-self

    Chapter 9

    Warp and woof of a Holistic Psychology 2.0

    The woof of Goethean psychology

    The narrow focus of Cartesian-Newtonian science

    Skill Ladder of Energy Medicine Methods-Techniques-Arts

    Self-healing Skill Ladder discussion

    Is all Energy Medicine equally safe to practice?

    Chapter 10

    Composing your own vision of the psyche

    Our psyche is highly patterned

    Human experience is highly patterned

    The human psyche exists on three frequency levels

    The biggest pattern in psychology, your two nervous systems

    Maryann Castellanos &

    Hourglass imagery pictures our two nervous systems

    Gut brain – Enteric NS

    Cerebral brain, spine and spinal nerves

    Evidence for an upper and lower nervous system

    ENS-CNS as self-esteem and self-concept

    Love and feeling connect top and bottom

    Difference between feelings and emotions

    Why people avoid their own bigger me

    Self-healers as Theseus in the Labyrinth


    Easiest questions for self-testing experiments

    About the Author

    Booklist Covers and Descriptions

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance

    99 cent eBooks

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    Other CLASSICS of self-healing & Medical Intuition

    Tools That Heal Press book titles

    COVER IMAGES at end of this book

    Resources for the Hero’s Journey of Self-healing; Self-healing as if soul & spirit mattered

    All books below available in PAPER with diagrams-charts; or, eBook without most images. All written with humor by a Waldorf-trained, practicing Health Intuitive.

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance

    New, shorter booklets

    1) Holistic Neurology, Our Two Nervous Systems, Head-spine and enteric (gut) brains, Neurology for purposes of personal growth, Physiological basis for Self-esteem and Self-concept

    2) Our Four Brain Quadrants

    3) Reactivity Is Our Best Friend

    4) Forgive from Your Soul, Slow-Motion Self-Forgiveness, the Missing Manual (99 cents)

    5) Inner Sunshine and How to Make More; Assessing neurotransmitter production with self-testing; The simple complexity of our unconscious

    6) Practical Epigenetics, Best Practices in Belief Change Work,

    7) Self, Others, World, God, Our Four Categories of Relationship and Support Support

    Balance on All Levels PACME+Soul

    Finally, a comprehensive holistic theory; and, general holistic experimental method; The Three Sciences we use everyday; Holistic Psychology 2.0. Available as one giant book (paper, eBook), or divided into ten chunks of about equal size, one to four chapters each (eBook only).

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    Meridian Metaphors, Psychology of the Meridians and Major Organs (a best selling totle in this series).

    The NEW Energy Anatomy: Nine new views of human energy; No clairvoyance required (a best selling totle in this series).

    Self-Healing 101! Seven Experiments in Self-healing, You Can Do at Home to Awaken the Inner Healer, 2nd edition.

    Shadow Hero Workbook, Lessons to purify the Hero archetype in you; Healthy vs. Unhealthy Hero behavior; Unconscious Patterns 201

    Adequate and Sufficient Psychic Self-protection; For Healers and Energy Medicine Practitioners

    Expanding Human Senses from 5 to 12; Rudolf Steiner’s 12 Senses to VAKOG to KAVOG

    Muscle Testing for Success; Muscle-testing exercises applied to success topics. Simultaneously published as Success Kinesiology, Dowsing for Success and Muscle Testing for Success.  All editions virtually the same except for unique covers.

    Unconscious Patterns 101, Tools for the Hero’s Journey of Self-healing. Picking up where NLP metaprograms left off, expanding the topic in the context of ‘God is my Partner.’

    Inner Family + Inner Court, The Four Archetypes of Our Gut and Head

    Muscle Testing as Spiritual Exercise; Building a Bridge to Your Body’s Wisdom. Muscle testing training redesigned with ‘God as your Partner’

    Breast Cancer & Over-giving; Therapeutic Metaphors for Women’s Issues (99 cent long article)

    Your Habit Body, An Owner’s Manual Our habits are our best friends; why then, do we make the same errors over and over again?

    "Willingness to heal is the pre-requisite for all healing" revised edition coming 2014

    Radical Cell Wellness—Especially for women! Cell psychology for everyone; A coherent theory of illness and wellness

    The Five Puberties, Growing new eyes to see children afresh

    How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick? Including 35 better, more precise questions on wellness and healing, answered by a Medical Intuitive

    You have FIVE bodies PACME; Spiritual Geography 101

    The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book, Cross-referencing illness and issues

    Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel in Story Form Topics include the TWO Jesus children and the active participation of the Buddha in the Christ event.


    Chapter 1

    Why self-healing, why now?

    Perhaps one of these applies to you:

    - You may be curious about what investment self-healing calls for;

    - You may have a pressing health concern and want more control over your own care and destiny,

    - You may want to deepen your professional holistic practice;

    Any of these are good reasons. Generally if you practice anything, you become more skilled at it.

    Q: I’m already a professional practitioner. Why self-healing for me?

    A: Counselors and wellness practitioners benefit equally from attending to their own self-healing because:

    - You have background to grasp new ideas faster,

    - New techniques-methods workable for you will enter into your client practice,

    - As you heal and refresh, your greater inner clarity admits more tangible results with your clients,

    - On-going self-care education for clients is increases retention and attracts new business,

    - Practitioners are in greatest danger of either burning out (over-giving); or, going stale (losing track of your own evolving needs as you grow. This is why continuing education is a requirement for so many specialities). If you lose your way forward as a practitioner, these are issues self-healing addresses.

    Thank you’s

    I owe a deep debt of gratitude to one of my coaches and mentors in Medical Intuition, Maryann (Mimi) Castellanos ( for holding my hand, inspiring and guiding me, in how to clear myself so I could get out of the way to allow Spirit to come thru more. Sweet blessings to you, Maryann.

    I recognize Bertrand Babinet ( for his seminal insights into reactivity the Inner Family and the convergence of TCM with the Three Selves.

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