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The True Magic Magazine addon #2
The True Magic Magazine addon #2
The True Magic Magazine addon #2
Ebook67 pages57 minutes

The True Magic Magazine addon #2

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About this ebook

In the addon I will present you short description of new theory of physics - "Uniform Coherent Physics" created by Russian researcher Rinat Shaimuratov. The theory gives easy explanation of strange effects of work of kacher and understanding how our thoughts can influence on a matter. And also I will give you manual how to make one more interesting generator on the basis of the theory.
The device is called “Rotator”. In difference from kacher it is safely (designing devices with thousands of volts inside you can easily be killed or kill relatives, including generating radio interferences).
The effects will be quite bright and though not the entire range of effects will be covered there will be much more interesting than from all sorts of Mobius Coils (in Succor Punch and other orgonite devices). I'm talking about a direct impact on the body.

PublisherAlex Formatt
Release dateJan 31, 2016
The True Magic Magazine addon #2

Alex Formatt

Alex Formatt is the Russian healer with more than 20 years experience. His experience has given insight to him "There are no incurable illnesses and there are incurable patients". And his colleagues subjoin "You cannot cure the patient if one does not want this". Alex Formatt had understood that you should not cure people but should teach them how to be healthy. When he’s not running Allarecurable, he’s probably hiking, gardening or traveling.

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    The True Magic Magazine addon #2 - Alex Formatt


    Addon #2

    Copyright 2015 Alex Formatt

    Published by Alex Formatt at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Content



    Muon neutrinos.Ways of use, projects of creation of applications

    Design of the deviceRotator


    < = Content = >


    In the addon I will present you short description of new theory of physics - Uniform Coherent Physics created by Russian researcher Rinat Shaimuratov. The theory gives easy explanation of strange effects of work of kacher and understanding how our thoughts can influence on a matter. And also I will give you manual how to make one more interesting generator on the basis of the theory.

    The device is called Rotator. In difference from kacher it is safely (designing devices with thousands of volts inside you can easily be killed or kill relatives, including generating radio interferences).

    The effects will be quite bright and though not the entire range of effects will be covered there will be much more interesting than from all sorts of Mobius Coils (in Succor Punch and other orgonite devices). I'm talking about a direct impact on the body.

    # # #

    < = Content = >


    Once upon a time Russian researcher Rinat Shaimuratov had met with his mentor and his mentor has advised to continue the physics, they say, own Model of the World will turn out. Inspired by his mentor Rinat during several years conducted researches and eventually he has created the Uniform Coherent Physics.

    License agreement or Copyleft by Rinat Shaimuratov

    1. All discoveries of my theory belong to all mankind free of charge and without any restrictions!

    2. Any patenting of ideas, discoveries and the device manufactured under my theory now and in future are not permitted, according to claim 1!

    3. Any designs, created on the basis of my theory shall not be classified as secret and should be available to all mankind and instantly should be made public, according to claim 1!

    4. Using of achievements of the theory for selfish or other purposes that cause harm to the earth, the nature, flora and fauna, to people, their health, as well as to tangible assets and buildings are not permitted.

    Here is his short introduction in the theory:

    This is the simplest complete model of the World, till it is on the rights of hypothesis. This is a theory about the essence of the physical vacuum, its content and consequences in the form of some physical features of the fundamental interactions in the nature, which have not been objective reflected in the contemporary physics or absolutely nonexistent.

    In fact, this disclosure of the nature of matter, the formation of time, amount, direction, length, weight, charge, 3-dimensionality of the length, mind, and the description of the physical vacuum and the material world.

    Fundamentals of Physics became truly material, unified, easily explaining the gravitation, the stability of the orbits of planets, natural satellites, braking and acceleration of the Moon's rotation around its axis, diving-jumping of the Moon and other planets, a variable period of rotation of Mercury (58-88 days).

    The Uniform Coherent Physics allows explain almost instant communication, the perpetual motion of electrons in atoms and other unexplained phenomena from point of view of modern physics including the nature of the magnetic constant of vacuum, the fine structure constant (number 137) and other constants.

    The theory explains the absence of various fields, mass defect, especial nuclear forces, the stretching - squeeze

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