ABC of Change for Doctors: Books for Doctors
About this ebook
ABC of Change for Doctors is an A to Z guide that promotes a healthy work life balance for medical professionals. The book is in an easy to read and straightforward style and contains many practical steps for personal development. Suitable for doctors at all levels and specialities and for others who want to make changes.
It is energising reading for doctors at all levels and specialties, medical mentors, teachers and trainers, and also careers advisors and counsellors.
The Author, Susan Kersley, is a retired Doctor and Life Coach.
Susan Kersley
Susan Kersley has written personal development and self-help books for doctors and others, and books about retirement and novels. She was a doctor for thirty years and then left Medicine to be a Life Coach.. Now retired, she is updating her books and writing more. Please visit her website If you enjoyed this book, please take a moment to leave a review. Reviews are so important for independent authors.
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ABC of Change for Doctors - Susan Kersley
Foreword to second edition - 2021
After a strange pandemic and lockdowns and huge strain on health and medical professionals, I am delighted to offer you the second edition of ABC of Change for Doctors.
Originally published as a series of articles in the British Medical Journal and then adapted as a self-help book for doctors, the apparent random collection of words connected to letters of the alphabet have ongoing relevance today.
I invite you to incorporate some of the ideas presented in this book into your life and make the changes you want, because:
‘Life is like a spreadsheet, when you change one thing everything else changes!’ Susan Kersley
There’s nothing special about doctors. If you cut us, do we not bleed? We are just human beings, like everyone else on the planet. But all too often we don’t behave as if this were true. Few other professionals have to deal with the traumatic, upsetting, and distressing problems that affect their fellow humans in the same way that we do. When others face these problems, they are likely to get support, an opportunity to unload, and even counselling. Doctors don’t.
Doctors often feel trapped by their altruism, unable to express how hurt they feel, how difficult they find the work, how unhappy they are with their lives. It doesn’t have to be this way. I remember when I first started to work in my practice, I realised that I was likely to work in that self-same room longer than I had lived – and so it has worked out. But if you keep on doing what you always did, you’ll keep on getting what you always got. And change is the key to our sanity. Whilst it is all too easy to feel sucked into a downward spiral, feeling yourself to be a powerless victim in the never-ending cycle of NHS and societal change, this will be a recipe for an unfulfilled and damaged life.
Susan Kersley’s beautifully straightforward and logical book shows any doctor how to take back the control. You may not be able to change the NHS, but you can change your life. I’m all too aware that this sentence sounds much like the worst form of psychobabble, but the simple fact is that it really is true. Even the simplest of steps can make a difference.
A few years ago, I realised that I started almost every day in a negative frame of mind. As a natural optimist this puzzled me. And then I realised that listening to the Today programme on Radio Four with its constant undertone of haranguing cynicism was not the best recipe for contentment. Switching to Radio Five – the same news, many more laughs, and too much football made a real difference. A ridiculous example? Maybe.
But taking such tiny steps, analysing what is wrong with your life, taking control rather than persisting in habitual behaviour, seeking advice, owning up to the fact that you – the person, the human, and not the doctor – really do matter, can make a remarkable difference to how you face today and the rest of your life.
I am delighted that Susan Kersley has written this book which can help you make the changes you currently only dream of. As the old cliché goes, ‘life isn’t a dress rehearsal’. You’re on the real stage. Act now.
David Haslam CBE General Practitioner, Cambridgeshire, National Clinical Adviser to the Healthcare Commission Former Chairman of Council of the RCGP September 2005
This book evolved from a series of articles called ‘The ABC of Change’ which originally appeared in the British Medical Journal during 2004. A huge thank you to Rhona MacDonald, former editor of BMJ Career Focus, for her incredible support and encouragement. Thanks also to the readers of the articles who encouraged me with their positive comments. Thank you to my coaching clients who keep me informed of the present state of medical life, and to workshop participants who are willing to discuss and look at their lives differently. As always, thanks to my husband Jonathan for his continuing love and support for my writing adventures.
Why an ABC?
To everyone who wants their life to be different; It’s as easy as ABC to change your life! If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. William Arthur Ward
This book offers you an ABC for change. You can read it from A to Z or read it at random when you have a spare minute or two. And that’s the first challenge: to find the time to have a life. Medicine can engulf you. It doesn’t have to. You can be a doctor and have a life too. Are you ready to find out ways to be a doctor and change the balance of your life? It could be as easy as ABC.
Creating an ABC liberates us from classifying things as rare or beautiful to demonstrate what we care about in the everyday. It is useful in that it levels everything, it reshuffles things and juxtaposes them in ways that surprise and make you think. This can change what we see, disperse our complacency, make things we take for granted seem new to us and encourage us to take action.
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. William James
Making a major change in your life may take you on a ‘Hero’s Journey,’ (an archetypal, mythical journey, described by Joseph Campbell), with recognisable stages.
When you think about the major changes you’ve made already in your life you may recognise the features. At every stage of the journey there is always the choice to continue, stay put or go back.
The journey begins with ‘the call’, the feeling inside you that things can’t go on as they are, that something has to change. If you decide to ignore the call, you may find it stays in you, like a chronic ache. However, if you answer it, then the journey towards your goal has begun. As you move forwards you will find some people who help and encourage you, while others will do whatever they can to dissuade you from the path you’ve chosen. Some people may try to dissuade you because they are jealous or genuinely believe you are doing the wrong thing.
Others may encourage you because they wish they too had your courage and admire what you are doing. At some stage you may find yourself confused, sure you chose the wrong path, and be plagued by self-doubt and questioning. You may feel as though you are in a wilderness or on a rough and stormy sea. It’s all part of the process for change.
However, if you hang on, you will eventually see a light at the end of the tunnel and reach your goal. When you do, you may feel a strong sense of being where you are meant to be, and that everything on the way was worth it. And yet . . . you may be surprised to find, when you reach the end of your journey, that you feel as though it is like a return almost to where you started. However, you and your life will be different, there will be similarities and connections with how things were before, but you will be happy and content instead of frustrated and overwhelmed. When this happens, the journey will have been worthwhile.
A is for Accept, Anger, Achievable, Answer, Action, Assertive, Ambition, Assumptions
Sometimes you reach a point in your life when you decide something has to change. You know there must be another way to live. There must be another way to cope with life as a doctor, so that you can have the time and energy to enjoy other things too. The big question to ask yourself is: ‘Are you ready to discover what can be changed and accept the things which cannot?’. If you really want your life to be different you have to explore this distinction. It’s easy to let your daily routines govern your life so much that you are no longer able to recognise there may be another way.
Look around and notice which of your colleagues seems to be managing more efficiently than you. Notice who goes home on time and who stays late each day. Have you ever considered talking to them about how they get through their clinic faster than you or how they cope with the administration? Doing so might give you some clues about the way you, too, might be more efficient and balance your life and work more effectively. Then you would be more able to decide what you actually want in terms of changing your life for the better. Until you know what your desired outcome is, you’ll find it difficult to decide how to achieve it. When you’ve thought about what you want to do, the next step is to weigh up the pros and cons of all the various options for making it happen. If you say that what you would like is to finish your work in the hospital or surgery on time, and not take any home with you, then you might consider whether this is really what you want. Perhaps you enjoy appearing busy when you are at home and like having an excuse not to do any domestic chores. Maybe you would be bored if you went home with an empty briefcase and wouldn’t know how to occupy yourself during the evening.
On the other hand, if you know you would be able to enjoy hobbies once again or spend time with family and friends, without worrying about a pile of work, then set your goals and decide to do whatever is needed to reach them. If you’ve been trying to change your life for some time already and, in spite of your decision and determination, nothing ever seems to change for you, then you need to look again at what you say you hope to do. Make your mind up if your goal is potentially achievable by you. If it isn’t something you feel passionately about, then you may find it difficult to make it