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Yin & Yang- A Study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender
Yin & Yang- A Study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender
Yin & Yang- A Study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender
Ebook38 pages30 minutes

Yin & Yang- A Study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender

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This book examines all of the stereotypes that are holding us back from realizing our true selves.....This is attained by understanding the evolutionary constant that is at work within our lower nature. A must read for the spiritual applicant on the path to Enlightenment! . . . . (Book No. 5 in a series titled 'Zer0 to Mastery in 7 Volumes')

PublisherTenzin Gyurme
Release dateJan 7, 2016
Yin & Yang- A Study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender

Tenzin Gyurme

Tenzin Gyurme is a Sound Healer and Meditation Instructor currently living in Ireland. You can contact him via email [email protected]

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    Yin & Yang- A Study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender - Tenzin Gyurme

    yin & yang

    A study of Universal Energy when applied to the Law of Gender


    Tenzin Gyurme

    Copyright @2007 by Tenzin Gyurme and Niall Nicholson

    Published In Ireland by House of Goddess,

    All Rights Reserved

    First Printing 2007

    ISBN 978-1-310-14884-2


    House of Goddess, Limerick, Ireland


    When the universe was created, however many billions of years ago, quite a few Universal laws sprang into being simultaneously. There are many to explore, and in my first book, ‘All The Universal Laws and Principles Governing Life’, I cover them all in detail. For the purposes of this book we are going to take a closer look at two of them, The Law of Polarity, and the Law of Gender.

    The first Law, the Law of Polarity states:

    This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

    This is the law that gives us electricity; this law gives us every opposite in the universe. Hot and cold, up and down, night and day, love and fear. This law can be defined as Yin and Yang.

    If we look to wikpedia for the definition of yin and yang we get:

    The dual concepts of yin and yang, or the single concept yin-yang, originate in ancient Chinese philosophy and metaphysics. This describes two primal opposing but complementary principles or cosmic forces said to be found in all non-static objects and processes in the universe. This concept is the cornerstone for Taoism and traditional Chinese medicine.

    Then when we apply The Law of Gender to the Law of Polarity, we get the masculine and the feminine. This occurs in almost every species in order to create propagation. There must be the masculine and the feminine in order to reproduce, for

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