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As A Man Thinketh & As A Man Thinketh in the 21st Century
As A Man Thinketh & As A Man Thinketh in the 21st Century
As A Man Thinketh & As A Man Thinketh in the 21st Century
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As A Man Thinketh & As A Man Thinketh in the 21st Century

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"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Psalms 23:7
"As A Man Thinketh" was first published in 1903. James Allen described this work as an essay about "the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy and beautiful issues. I have tried to make the book simple, so that all can easily grasp and follow its teaching, and put into practice the methods which it advises. It shows how, in his own thought-world, each man holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into his life, and transform his circumstances. The price of the book is only one shilling, and it can be carried in the pocket."
Jane Allen felt the early 1900's language made the timeless concepts difficult to understand, and put them into language that can be easily understood int he 21st century.

PublisherJane Allen
Release dateDec 24, 2015
As A Man Thinketh & As A Man Thinketh in the 21st Century

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    Book preview

    As A Man Thinketh & As A Man Thinketh in the 21st Century - Jane Allen

    As A Man


    James Allen


    As A Man


    In the 21st Century

    Jane Allen



    © Copyright 2011

    All Rights Reserved

    This book may not be reproduced in full or in part and may not be used in any way whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher—except for use of brief quotations in a book review

    Published in the United States of America

    First printing 2012

    Library of Congress Control Number:

    ISBN-13: 978-0692606667

    ISBN-10: 0692606661

    As A Man Thinketh

    James Allen

    Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,

    And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes

    The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,

    Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills:—

    He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:

    Environment is but his looking-glass.



    CHAPTER 1 13


    CHAPTER 2 18


    CHAPTER 3 38


    CHAPTER 4 43


    CHAPTER 5 48


    CHAPTER 6 55


    CHAPTER 7 62



    This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that—

    They themselves are makers of themselves

    by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.

    James Allen




    The aphorism, As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

    As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called spontaneous and unpremeditated as to those which are deliberately executed.

    Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry.

    "Thought in the mind hath made us.

    What we are

    By thought was wrought and built.

    If a man’s mind

    Hath evil thoughts, pain come on

    Him as comes

    The wheel the ox behind

    If one endure

    In purity of thought, joy follows him

    As his own shadow – sure."

    Man is a growth by law, and not a creation by artifice, and cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things. A noble and Godlike character is not a thing of favour or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with Godlike thoughts. An ignoble and bestial character, by the same process, is the result of the continued harbouring of grovelling thoughts.

    Man is made or unmade by himself. In the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection. By the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master.

    Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this -- that man is the master of thought, the moulder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny.

    As a being of Power, Intelligence, and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills.

    Man is always the master, even in his weaker and most abandoned state; but in his weakness and degradation he is the foolish master who misgoverns his household. When he begins to reflect upon his condition, and to search diligently for the law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues. Such is the conscious master, and man can only thus become by discovering within himself the laws of thought; which

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