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Yoga in Bed for All Ages
Yoga in Bed for All Ages
Yoga in Bed for All Ages
Ebook62 pages19 minutes

Yoga in Bed for All Ages

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Some of us need help waking up. Others have trouble falling asleep. Yet others are bedridden and wish to gently exercise each day. Yoga in Bed for All Ages is the perfect solution.

These poses are specifically designed to be done in a bed. There are both sitting and lying down poses. For those who cannot sit up, alternative suggestions are provided.

Study after study finds that yoga helps with lower back pain, depression, energy levels, balance, post-traumatic stress, focus, sleep, and much more. Whether you need to reset after a busy day or wish to have more joy in your daily life, yoga can help. It nurtures your body and embraces your soul.

Join us to take that first step forward into a healthier, happier you.


All author's proceeds will benefit battered women's shelters.

This book is a companion piece to my other two books - one on full-length yoga routines and the other on a quick ten-minute yoga routine. Each provides a different avenue for including yoga in your daily life.

Feel free to contact Lisa if you have any questions about her routine - she's happy to help!

PublisherLisa Shea
Release dateDec 25, 2015
Yoga in Bed for All Ages

Lisa Shea

I love writing in a variety of genres. I currently have over 300 books published in all lengths from full 500+ page novels down to short stories. I love writing series. Some are with unconnected characters, like the 14 full-length medieval novels with a sword being passed from heroine to heroine. Some have connected characters, like the 31 mini-mysteries featuring a detective in Salem, Massachusetts. All of my books are written "clean" with no explicit intimacy, no harsh language, and no explicit violence. All are suitable for teens and up.For a full listing of my books please visit:

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    Book preview

    Yoga in Bed for All Ages - Lisa Shea


    So much of our lives is spent in bed. We stretch our way awake. We toss a bit before we fall asleep at night. For those who are ill or recovering, bed allows us to heal up. With its cushion and support, bed is the perfect place to gently stretch and nurture yourself!

    This ebook is a short version of my full-length main book, which is also free. My full-length book lays out an hour-long routine meant for a traditional standing-sitting-lying combination. Many readers asked for a smaller book specifically tackling the challenges of having a yoga routine in bed.

    Some readers use this as a way to gently wake up in the morning – to get the blood flowing and energy levels rising.

    Some readers find this yoga routine is a great way to wind down after a stressful day. It allows the person to relax, release, and fall asleep more easily.

    And some readers are bedridden for a variety of reasons. They can’t stand up but they still want to keep their body as healthy as they can. Gentle bed yoga is a perfect solution.

    Whatever situation you find yourself in, there is a way to integrate yoga into your daily lifestyle. It might be that you can only do one or two of the exercises for various mobility reasons. That’s all right! Even one or two is better than nothing at all. Start slow, listen to your body, and every step helps!

    This book provides a full bed routine. You can of course truncate it down to just a few poses, based on the time you have available.

    If you have questions about the yoga, or

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