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Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance: Healing & Manifesting
Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance: Healing & Manifesting
Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance: Healing & Manifesting
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance: Healing & Manifesting

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GROW RICH - MANIFEST ABUNDANCE 5 Book Bundle Set includes:


The 10 Dynamic Laws of Creation for manifesting abundance. 

Find out how to use and practice each of the 10 Dynamic Laws of Creation to create the results you desire in life. 

Breakthrough unconscious patterns of resistance, blocks and self sabotage that prevent you from achieving your desired results.. 

Transcend the limiting Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect that governs third dimensional thinking and material reality. 

Tap into infinite possibility thinking.

Learn the supreme mystical law of creation that supersedes all the other laws of creation and how to activate it in your own life. 


One of the simplest and easiest ways to attract and create fulfillment of your most cherished desires and dreams is to tap into the power of the moon's monthly cycles. 

You'll be given instructions for how to create powerful new and full moon rituals. 


1) One New Moon and a New Moon Meditation 

2) One Full Moon and a New Moon Meditation 

3) The 21-Day Manifesting Guide. 


Practiced for thousands of years to promote healing and regeneration, as well as to transform negative emotional patterns mantras are therapeutic tools for improving all your sensory perceptions. 

Learn six of the most powerful Sanskrit Mantras practiced since ancient times to harmonize and align your chakra energy system and your auric energy field with the power of universal life force energy. 

Find out the physical and psycho-emotional benefits of using mantras and experience the healing influence of using them first hand. 


Get ready to learn how to use your kundalini energy for manifesting and creating exactly what you want. 

Learn the most important elements of manifesting with your chakra energy system, including: 

How you manifest through your 7 major chakras? 

Guided meditation to clear and balance your 1st chakra (money & wealth). 

Guided Wealth Manifesting Meditation. 


Tap into the amazing power of your brain to attract and create exactly what you want. 

How to automate your beautiful mind to work for you 24/7 through the power of image. 

Simple ways to stop self sabotage right now! 

"KG Stiles' 30 years of experience combined with her passion to assist and facilitate the personal growth and wellness of all is unsurpassed!" -Eldon Taylor, Ph.D., New York Times Best-selling Author, 'Choices and Illusions.' 

About the LoveNotes brand: LoveNotes are short reads and summary books created with the intention to inspire and support you to create the truly satisfying life you desire. Each LoveNote focuses on a specialized topic of interest and is created to help you save valuable time and get to the heart of what's most important to you quickly! 

Hope you love your LoveNotes as much as I enjoy creating them for you! 

Love & blessings to you, 

-KG Stiles, Author 
Metaphysician & Coach 

Release dateDec 24, 2015
Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance: Healing & Manifesting


KG Stiles is a Metaphysician, Energy Healer, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and founding director of PurePlant Essentials aromatherapy company. She is a best-selling author and the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Oregon (South) Director and a NAHA Approved Continuing Education Provider.

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    Book preview

    Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance - KG STILES

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Grow Rich - Manifest Abundance (Healing & Manifesting)

    Dynamic Laws of Creation

    Manifesting with the Moon

    Mantras for Manifesting & Healing

    Manifesting Abundance

    Your Creative Power | to Manifest

    Sign up for KG STILES's Mailing List

    Further Reading: Aromatherapy Home Study Course & Exam

    Also By KG STILES

    About the Author


    Manifest Abundance

    By KG Stiles, BA, LMT, CBT, CBP

    Metaphysician & Coach

    Dynamic Laws of Creation

    Manifesting Abundance


    Find out about the 10 Dynamic Laws of Creation for manifesting abundance.

    Find out how to use and practice each of the 10 Dynamic Laws of Creation to create the results you desire in life.

    Learn about the supreme mystical law of creation that supersedes all the other laws of creation and how to activate it in your life.

    How to stop the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect that governs third dimensional thinking and material reality from operating in your life.

    The 10 Dynamic Laws of Creation

    Though there are numerous laws governing material and spiritual realities here are 10 principles of creation that are the key fundamental building blocks you must know for creating your desired results in life.

    Review these laws regularly for several months, daily would be ideal - first thing in the morning and again at night before bed, to develop your awareness and understanding about the laws and begin working with them consciously in your daily life.

    You may wish to keep a journal of the events that start occurring in your life that coincide with beginning a practice of working with the 10 Dynamic Laws of Creation.

    1 - Law of Consciousness - The first Law of Manifestation

    Material reality exists first in consciousness, in your mind. What you think about consistently generates feelings and e-motions, or energy in motion.

    You will literally manifest anything you continually think about into reality.

    Repeating affirmations like, I love you. Or I love myself, within your self or out loud helps transmit a positive vibration of emotional energy for attracting your desired results.

    The science supporting this is compelling and supports your commitment to becoming aware moment to moment of your thoughts and level of consciousness.

    What’s in your awareness? Where is your attention and focus? You get the results you want when you focus on what you want!

    We all have a consciousness that we project in terms of our expectations. Your consciousness creates the blueprint for your reality. Focus on what you have and give thanks. Keep your focus off what you lack.

    Affirmations, visualizations, active imagination and dream boards are all excellent tools for focusing your consciousness and generating the kinds of thoughts and emotions for attracting and creating what you want.

    Focus on an image of what you want and imagine an optimistic outcome as if it is happening now. Activate your own feeling of worthiness for what you desire. See with clarity the  results you desire in your mind’s eye, then release it to the universe.

    What you manifest will be exactly like your mental image.

    2 - Law of Expanding Influence

    Every time you have a negative or positive idea you are sowing seeds for expanding and influencing the effects of your thoughts, ideas and imaginations. Your energetic contributions vibrate or resonate with other like vibrations in the universe.

    The quantum field or zero point field is a non local energy. Hate adds to the collective field of hate in the world. Love adds to the field of love in the world. Synchronistic events happen spontaneously to attract what you desire into your life experience. What you sow, so shall you reap.

    You don’t have to know ‘how’ things will happen. Your vision for what you want to create will attract all the resources you require. Take appropriate action as opportunities and intuitive guidance come to you and move forward toward your desired outcome.

    3 - Law of Intention

    Whatever you think about, or focus your attention on is what you will attract and create. In other words to manifest your vision for yourself you must persistently think the thoughts and assume the behaviors and postures that are consistent with the kind of person you want to become and the kind of life circumstance you desire to live as if it is already happening in the present

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