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The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook: Delicious Recipes For Every Taste: The Home Cook Collection, #1
The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook: Delicious Recipes For Every Taste: The Home Cook Collection, #1
The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook: Delicious Recipes For Every Taste: The Home Cook Collection, #1
Ebook92 pages23 minutes

The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook: Delicious Recipes For Every Taste: The Home Cook Collection, #1

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About this ebook

Everyone deserves to treat themselves to a beautiful breakfast or brunch...especially you! I’ve included hundreds and hundreds of recipes for the most delicious breakfast and brunch foods, vegetarian and non, including recipes for salads, quinoa, French toasts, pancakes, casseroles, drinks and sweets (yes, dessert with breakfast!) so you can indulge yourself and all the gods and goddesses in your life. Completely indexed with resources included, you will find something for every taste in The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook from The Home Cook Collection. So, what are you waiting for? Throw on an apron and get to it!

Release dateNov 30, 2015
The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook: Delicious Recipes For Every Taste: The Home Cook Collection, #1

Connor Nicolas

Connor Nicolas is the author of several bestselling cookbooks featured in The Home Cook Collection. Additionally, she developed a line of hair and skincare products featuring sustainable, easy-to-find items. Those resulting recipe books will be released by her publisher in early 2016. When not writing, crafting, whipping her kitchen into chaos or filling the bellies and hearts of those within a cookie's throw, Connor likes to read, play with her babies (skin and fur), wander the woods of California and laugh until she cries. Catch up with Connor at her website at, on Twitter at, Facebook at, Pinterest at, Tumblr at, LinkedIn at and Google+ at

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    Book preview

    The Gigantic Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook - Connor Nicolas

    Fruits And Vegetables

    Asparagus And Swiss Quiche

    Deviled Eggs With Dill

    Fruit Salad And Poppy Seed Dressing

    Hash Browns With Onions

    Honey Lime Fruit Salad

    Mushroom Crepes

    Potato Frittata With Spinach

    Spicy Roasted Potatoes

    Spinach Mushroom Quiche

    Super Veggie Omelet

    Asparagus And Swiss Quiche


    1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed and sliced into 1/2-inch pieces

    2 8-inch pie shells, unbaked

    4 whole eggs

    1 egg white, lightly beaten

    1 1/2 cups half -and-half cream

    2 cups shredded Swiss cheese

    1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    salt and black pepper, to taste


    1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C)

    2. Steam asparagus pieces over 1-inch of boiling water and cover. Cook between 2 to 6 minutes until tender, but firm. Drain and let cool.

    3. Brush pie shells with beaten egg white and pour asparagus into shells.

    4. Sprinkle cheese over asparagus.

    5. Beat eggs, cream, nutmeg, salt and pepper in bowl. Pour egg mixture on top of cheese and asparagus.

    6. Bake uncovered in preheated oven until firm, about 35 to 40 minutes. Cool a bit to set and serve.

    Deviled Eggs With Dill


    1 dozen fresh eggs

    2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

    2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

    olive oil, to taste

    salt, paprika and pinch of cayenne

    fresh dill

    1. Lay the eggs in a pan of cold water and bring to a boil. Turn down heat and

    simmer for 10 minutes.

    2. Cool eggs and peel.

    3. Cut the eggs in half and remove the yolk.

    4. Mash the yolk with the mayonnaise and the mustard until perfectly smooth. Salt to taste.

    5. Fill the whites with the yolk mixture and sprinkle with paprika and cayenne.

    6. Sprinkle with dill and drizzle good extra-virgin olive oil over deviled eggs.

    Fruit Salad And Poppy Seed Dressing


    1 banana, sliced

    1 cup plums,

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