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Chardin: Paintings
Chardin: Paintings
Chardin: Paintings
Ebook86 pages25 minutes

Chardin: Paintings

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Chardin was prominent French painter of domestic scenes and still-lifes remarkable for their intimate realism and tranquil atmosphere and the luminous quality of their paint. For his still lifes he chose modest objects (Le Buffet, 1728), and for his genre paintings unpretentious events (Lady Sealing a Letter, 1733). He also executed some fine portraits, especially the pastels of his last years. He was nominated to the Royal Academy of Painting in 1728. Despite the triumphs of his early and middle life, Chardin's last years were clouded, both in his private life and in his career. It was not until the middle of the 19th century that he was rediscovered by a handful of French critics, including the brothers Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, and collectors. Nowadays Chardin is considered the greatest still-life painter of the 18th century, and his canvases are coveted by the world's most distinguished museums and collections.
Release dateFeb 12, 2015
Chardin: Paintings

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    Chardin - Richard Donaldson

    Chardin: Paintings

    By Richard Donaldson

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Richard Donaldson


    Chardin: Paintings



    Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin was French painter of still lifes and domestic scenes remarkable for their intimate realism and tranquil atmosphere and the luminous quality of their paint. For his still lifes he chose humble objects (Le Buffet, 1728), and for his genre paintings modest events (Lady Sealing a Letter, 1733). He also executed some fine portraits, especially the pastels of his last years. He was nominated to the Royal Academy of Painting in 1728.

    Born in Paris, Chardin never really left his native quarter of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. Little is known about his training, although he worked for a time with the artists Pierre-Jacques Cazes and Noël-Nicolas Coypel. In 1724 he was admitted to the Academy of Saint Luc. His true career, however, did not begin until 1728 when, thanks to the portrait painter Nicolas de Largilliere (1656-1746), he became a member of the Royal Academy of Painting, to which he offered La Raie (The Skate) and Le Buffet, both now at the Louvre Museum.

    Although not yet established, he was beginning to gain a reputation. In 1731 he married Marguerite Saintard, and two years later the first of his figure paintings appeared, Dame cachetant une lettre. From then on Chardin alternated between paintings of la vie silencieuse (the silent life) or scenes of family life such as Le Benedicite (The Grace) and half-figure paintings of young men and women concentrating on their work or play, such as Le Jeune dessinateur (Young Man Drawing) and L'Enfant au toton (Child with Top, Louvre). The artist repeated his subject matter, and there are often several original versions of the same composition. Chardin's wife died in 1735, and the estate inventory drawn up after her death reveals

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