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Quantum Meaning: A Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory
Quantum Meaning: A Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory
Quantum Meaning: A Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory
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Quantum Meaning: A Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory

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About this ebook

The problems of indeterminism, uncertainty and statistics in quantum theory are legend and have spawned a wide-variety of interpretations, none too satisfactory.The key issue of discontent is the conflict between the microscopic and the macroscopic worlds: How does a classically certain world emerge from a world of uncertainty and probability? To attempt to solve this riddle, we must first understand the nature of atoms.

What If Atoms Are Not Things But Ideas?

In the Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory atomic objects are treated as symbols of meaning. The book shows that if atoms are symbols, then describing them as meaningless objects would naturally lead to problems of uncertainty, indeterminism, non-locality and probability.

For example, if we analyze a book in terms of physical properties, we can measure the frequencies of symbols but not their meanings. Current quantum theory measures symbol probabilities rather than meanings associated with symbol order. Unless quantum objects are treated as symbols, the succession or order amongst these objects will remain unpredictable.

Is Quantum Theory a Final Theory of Reality?

Quantum Meaning argues that the current quantum theory is not a final theory of reality. Rather, the theory can be replaced by a better one, in which objects are treated as symbols, rendering it free of indeterminism and probability. The Semantic Interpretation makes it possible to formulate new laws of nature. These laws will predict the order amongst symbols, similar to the notes in a musical composition or the words in a book.

How This Book Is Structured

Chapter 1: Quantum Information—discusses the quantum physics - classical physics conflict and connects it to the historical divide between primary and secondary properties. The consequences of introducing semantic information into physics are described.

Chapter 2: The Quantum Problem—surveys the "quantum weirdness" including issue such as discreteness, uncertainty, probability, wave-particle duality, non-locality and irreversibility.

Chapter 3: Developing the Intuitions—an informational view of nature is motivated by analyzing the problems that arise when symbols are treated as classical objects. The connection between problems of meaning and Godel's Incompleteness and Turing's Halting Problem are discussed and certain foundational notions such as semantic space and quantum spacelets are introduced.

Chapter 4: The Semantic Interpretation—interprets standard constructs in the quantum formalism such as statistics, uncertainty, Schrodinger's equation, non-locality and complementarity. The chapter shows how these constructs cease to be problematic when quanta are treated as symbols.

Chapter 5: Advanced Quantum Topics—extends the ideas in the previous chapter to interpret quasi-particles, antiparticles, spin, the weak force, decoherence and the constant speed of light. The chapter discusses a semantic path to Quantum Gravity.

Chapter 6: Comparing Interpretations—compares the Semantic Interpretation with some well-known interpretations of quantum theory such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Ensemble Interpretation, the Many Worlds Interpretation, the Von Neumann/Wigner Interpretation, the Relational Interpretation, and the Objective Collapse Interpretation.

The book concludes by arguing that the quantum wavefunction—which is currently treated physically—can also be treated semantically. Much like a word can be understood as a sound vibration, but also has meaning, the quanta can also be treated as phonemes that symbolize meanings.

PublisherShabda Press
Release dateNov 17, 2014
Quantum Meaning: A Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory

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    Quantum Meaning - Ashish Dalela


    Quantum theory presents such an unintuitive picture of reality that it has now become customary to supplant the mathematics in the theory with a philosophical interpretation about its real meaning. No other scientific theory has had such a wide variety of interpretations as quantum theory, which tells us that the theory is not as easily understood as other theories. And yet, despite many interpretations, we aren’t any closer to comprehending the real meaning of quantum theory today than we were a hundred years ago when interpretations began. Interpretations underscore our need to understand what is really out there rather than what is just being described by the theory. This human need to go beyond what is empirically proven and can be said unambiguously through mathematics can prove frustrating for some physicists. They would rather insist that we shut up and calculate, as Feynman once supposedly said.

    At the root of this stance is the idea that there is no scientific merit in interpreting the theory because the theory is final. Rather than try to understand what it means in terms of other concepts, we might as well get used to the quantum concepts. The scientific need for interpretations thus boils down to just one question: Is the present quantum theory a final theory of reality? If it is, then the sooner we get used to quantum ideas, the better it is for everyone. If it isn’t, then the engaging debates about the nature of quantum principles are indeed useful stepping stones to a better theory.

    I believe that current quantum theory is not a final theory for the following three reasons. First, the application of quantum principles to macroscopic objects leads to a variety of problems, including the famous measurement problem. Quantum theory applies even to the macroscopic world although we tend to selectively apply it only to atomic objects. Without solving the measurement problem, and giving a quantum explanation to the macroscopic world, we cannot call quantum theory a complete theory. Second, we need a clear conception about the nature of atomic objects which leads to unintuitive (relative to classical physics) ideas such as non-locality, wave-particle duality, and the uncertainty principle. Without understanding the nature of these particles, and why they behave differently from classical particles, we cannot make progress in quantum theory. Third, based on this understanding of quantum particles, we need to formulate an understanding of change. The classical idea about change as motion has collapsed in quantum theory, although a new picture about what we mean by change has not emerged. The classical picture of motion assumed immutable particles that changed state without changing identity. This is no longer sustainable in quantum theory because the state and the identity cannot be distinguished; a new state is now a new particle. Particles don’t move in quantum theory; they are transformed into new particles. A new notion of change is needed to explain this.

    To solve these problems, we need to provide an intuitive picture of reality for both macroscopic and atomic phenomena. This picture must explain change, but in a way different from the classical notion of motion. It must also explain the reason why quantum particles behave non-locally, exhibit wave-particle duality, and their state is governed by uncertainty relations. I believe that a theory that fulfills these objectives will have to discard many assumptions made in classical physics. If quantum theory is such a theory, then it cannot be an incremental progress on classical physics but a fundamentally different type of theory. Everyone recognizes that quantum theory is different from classical physics although the task of interpretation dwells only upon the gaps vis-à-vis classical physics, while retaining most classical dynamical concepts and notions about causal laws. My approach to interpretation differs in this respect because I believe that quantum theory provides a view of reality radically different from classical physics. This view of reality is indicated by quantum problems but not captured by the current interpretations.

    This new view of reality must be drawn from a different part of everyday experience than which science has considered so far. I am referring to the phenomenon of meaning. Not the fact that science describes knowledge of reality but that we can represent knowledge in matter. These representational capabilities are exhibited when we treat the material world as symbols of meaning. To represent knowledge, matter must have properties that allow us to embed information about reality within reality. Classical physics studies this information in terms of material properties such as mass, charge, momentum and energy which is like studying a book in terms of its weight or speed. The same world can be described as symbols instead of physical properties in which meaning will gain prominence over the physical form of the symbol—e.g. size, weight, shape, etc.

    This radically changes the nature of causality. For instance, changes in objects will not be about the motion of particles but about the evolution of knowledge. Motion is continuous, but the evolution of knowledge is discontinuous. Classical particles are dimensionless points, but symbols have a finite size. Physical properties can be defined in relation to universal measuring standards, but meanings are defined always in relation to other symbols in a collection. Classical particles are independent of each other, but meanings are defined in opposition to other meanings, or not at all. For instance, it is impossible to define ‘hot’ without defining ‘cold’. These two meanings are mutually ‘entangled’ even though separate.

    My interpretation of quantum theory starts from the idea that we have made a mistake in classical physics by treating the world as things rather than symbols. Things we currently consider unintuitive or bizarre about quantum theory can be addressed by revising our view of reality from particles to symbols. An interpretation that explains the current set of problems in terms of unaccounted features in reality presents a distinct scientific advantage over interpretations that view it as a final theory. If matter can hold meanings, then matter has additional properties that have not been conceived in science so far. This work argues that the meaning of quantum theory is that it is a theory about meaning. The bizarre aspects of the theory arise because we describe symbols in terms of classical physics which deals with objects without meaning. The bizarreness in quantum theory is then only apparent, and can be resolved when matter is understood in terms of its representational and computational properties. This requires a rethink of quantum principles. The present work is thus entitled Quantum Meaning rather than The Meaning of Quantum Theory. I believe that the former is a scientific problem while the latter is merely a philosophical problem.

    The difference between a physical property and meaning is that between quantity and type. The reinterpretation of physical properties as meanings requires objects to be seen as denoting types rather than having quantities. A sign such as $ has a shape, but it denotes a type associated with a meaning. The observable remains the same in the two cases, but the observable is perceived in two ways—percept and concept—rather than just one (percept). Indeed, even the percepts must now be defined in terms of concepts (e.g. color in terms of concepts like ‘red’, ‘yellow’, and ‘blue’) rather than quantities (such as the frequency of a wave). Both percepts by which we detect symbols, and the meaning associated with those symbols, therefore, become concepts. The implication of this new way of thinking is that causality is attributed to concepts rather than quantities. These concepts include both sense-observable percepts but also the mentally perceivable meanings. Semantics introduces new forms of causality quite different from classical causality.

    For instance, semantically it is possible to explain why people stop at a red light even though a theory based on the frequency of light itself cannot explain this fact. Reinterpreting physical states as meaning doesn’t change observables although it changes the causal explanation of behaviors. By changing causality, many things that we cannot explain using classical forms of causality can now be explained. The semantic view therefore ushers in a new type of causal explanation that is not possible in current physics. A semantic view of quantum reality also helps us understand why a classical treatment of semantic states will suffer from indeterminism, probability, uncertainty, wave-particle duality and non-locality. For instance, the redness of light doesn’t always mean stop. In some cases, it can mean danger, which would imply running away. This illustrates the idea that a theory that reduces semantic states to physical states will be incomplete because it will not be able to explain whether redness denotes stopping or running away.

    The formal mathematical theory of semantic information is not developed here, although a sketch of a formalism where meaning is represented via extended forms within space is described. This requires us to view spatial extension—length and position—as semantic rather than physical properties. The present interpretation sets up insights and intuitions about a newer way of thinking about space, which can lead to a new mathematical description of quantum phenomena. The development of a full-fledged mathematical theory about meanings in symbols, however, requires a solution to the problems of semantics within mathematics, which are not addressed here. I have, however, discussed these in Gödel’s Mistake, which describes paradoxes in logic and mathematics and connects these paradoxes to the nature of meanings in ordinary language.

    If the quantum world is a world of symbols, atomicity is the limit to the divisibility of information in material symbols. Information must come to us in chunks; the smallest bit of data is the most elementary idea and the smallest algorithm is the most elementary operation. Chunks of information are bits that make up the universe. We can liken these bits to letters that form propositions. In current physics, physical properties are causally relevant but semantic properties are not. Quantum theory can be completed if semantic properties have causal effects. This is like how we decode the information in a book not in terms of its weight and length, but in terms of a language in which physical tokens are viewed as symbols of meaning. Explanatory gaps can be bridged if the theory accounts for what quanta represent in addition to what they are.

    The Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory is the view that meaning is part of the universe but not described by any fundamental theory of physics. Meaning is not an epiphenomenal property of macroscopic objects—brains, computers, etc. It is rather a property of the fundamental atomic objects themselves. If quanta are capable of being symbols, then nature has fundamental representational and computational properties, unknown to physical theories so far. Postulating the existence of meaning to complete quantum theory does not make it a hidden variable theory because meanings are derived from the same empirical facts as current physics. Semantics rather helps us understand why a non-semantic theory must have probabilities, uncertainty, non-locality and wave-particle duality.

    My goal therefore is not to interpret the current quantum formalism in a way that rationalizes its problems—as is the case with the current interpretations. My goal is rather to provide an interpretation that shows why the quantum bizarreness exists so that we can conceive an alternative theory of nature based on meaning. The general purpose of interpretations is to take the symbols of a theory for granted and provide a meaning to them. My interpretation will rather not take the symbols for granted; I will rather aim to show that this theory is not just incomplete, but it is wrong in the sense that it carries forward classical assumptions in which matter and mind were separated as two ‘substances’. My claim is that there aren’t two substances to contend with. There is just one type of reality, but it is symbolic; so, it has a physical existence in the sense that we can observe it, but it also has meaning. The physical existence is also described in terms of types rather than quantities. So, we are dealing with a reality that comprises many types, and the causality is no longer in the quantities but in the types. Once we redefine the nature of causality, we can redefine the natural laws. Current quantum theory is therefore a vista to a revolution. The revolution involves an overhaul of thinking about the world.

    To those who consider quantum theory a revolution over classical physics, I can only say: the revolution is incomplete. We have taken the classical physical concepts and defined new mathematical relations between them, rather than adopt a new set of concepts. It was important for the founders of quantum theory to maintain a sense of continuity with classical physics, which is unnecessary. This need arose from the presumption that the macroscopic world is described adequately by classical physics, and we need a new theory of the microscopic. I would instead argue that even the macroscopic objects—e.g. books, painting, musical compositions, or drama—are incompletely described when we view them as classical physics. We don’t need to maintain continuity with classical physics; we rather need to reject it completely in favor of a wholesome theory that doesn’t distinguish between the nature of big and small.

    A physical theory cannot be a victim of sizes—which are relative to our perceptual apparatus. Who is to say, for example, that something is small or big? It completely depends on our senses. If we had the senses that could perceive the microscopic, then it would be macroscopic. So, to pretend that we need a separate theory for the atomic world is to assume that nature’s theories are dependent on our perceptual apparatus, something we should aim not to. Thus, the belief that classical physics is adequate for the macroscopic world is not only inadequate when we look at macroscopic symbols, but it is also misleading in making us think that atomic theory is about the microscopic. These mistakes can be corrected by breaking away from the classical physical notion about matter and its properties.

    Ashish Dalela

    1: Quantum Information

    How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.

    — Niels Bohr

    Setting the Scene

    Quantum theory is now more than a century old. When, in 1900, Max Planck presented his landmark paper on black body radiation, which introduced the idea of a quantum of energy, most prominent physicists did not believe in the existence of atoms let alone sub-atomic particles. Matter was supposed to be this infinitely divisible and continuous substance whose properties got smaller and smaller in magnitude as we divided it into more and more granular pieces. So, the initial idea that matter may not be in fact infinitely divisible was itself a major revolution in the physics community. But today, most of modern technology including communications, electronics, space exploration and biotechnology depend on it. Quantum theory is the most successful and valuable theory science has ever built.

    Notwithstanding its many successes, the fundamentals of quantum theory are still quite mysterious. In fact, they are as mysterious today as they were when the theory was originally formulated. Early founders of the theory including Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Born, Heisenberg and Schrödinger debated the meaning of quantum tenets and their exact significance. It was important for them to understand the theory and its wider philosophical implications. But in the last sixty years, physics teachers like Richard Feynman and Freeman Dyson have replaced the quest for meaning with the computation of numbers. Quantum theory, in this view, does not need an interpretation if it can make correct predictions. Although there are occasional papers interpreting the theory’s meaning, writing about the philosophy of quantum theory isn’t the most respectable professional choice for physicists. It is still a respectable professional choice for philosophers, although what a philosopher says does not make headlines in the physicist’s world.

    Physicists widely believe that speculating upon the meaning of quantum theory is unnecessary. It is only necessary to understand the rules by which the game of quantum theory must be played. After all, we wouldn’t waste time trying to understand why a football field has a certain size, or why a tennis ball must be of a certain diameter. The rules of quantum theory are no more meaningful than the rules of other games. The quantum formalism is a mathematical theory that makes predictions. The methods by which we compute these measurable outcomes don’t need to have ulterior meanings.

    Underlying this widespread view is the belief that an interpretation of a theory does not add value to the theory itself. There are many ways you can look at a theory, which are all consistent with the mathematics. These views are basically different models of the theory. As an example, suppose that you were asked to interpret the equation ‘A + B = C.’ Depending upon how you look at it, this equation has either no meaning or several meanings. It can represent the outcome of adding 5 apples and 5 oranges to get 10 fruits. It can also represent the total number of people in the world if the count of people below the age of 50 is A and the count of people above 50 is B. Countless other interpretations of this formula can be created because A and B can be made to refer to many different types of entities. The act of interpreting creates one particular way of understanding the formula—sometimes called a model of the theory—although it is not necessary to have models. Physicists similarly believe that interpretations of quantum theory will not change the theory itself and each interpretation is one type of model by which we could understand the theory although no one view will eliminate other ways of understanding. Critics of interpretations thus believe that the mathematical theory is compatible with all interpretations, and an interpretation is our view of how we want to think about the theory, without impacting the theory itself.

    What I will present in this book significantly differs in this respect. I will describe an interpretation that, like any other interpretation does due diligence of explaining the meaning of uncertainty, probability, non-locality, quanta, and other concepts in quantum theory. But my goal is not to create yet another model of quantum theory. My goal is rather to create a model of reality, which can be used to understand the shortcomings in the present theory. If reality is different than how we have conceived it in current physics, then an alternate picture of reality can help explain why that reality would be inadequately described by current quantum theory. The alternate picture can also be used to develop an alternate mathematical theory of nature that explains the observations in a new way. The alternate theory will not be probabilistic and causally incomplete. Rather, the new theory will produce predictions which current theory cannot because of its unavoidable probabilities.

    The interpretation of quantum theory described in this work is called the Semantic Interpretation of Quantum Theory (SI henceforth). SI has both philosophical and scientific implications. The key difference in SI vis-à-vis other interpretations of quantum theory is that probability, wave-particle duality, uncertainty and other problematic features of quantum theory are shown as limitations of the theory, not of reality. Quantum objects are not just units of matter but also units of information. Probability, uncertainty, wave-particle duality, etc., which make quantum theory mysterious vis-à-vis classical physics, are problems that arise when we think of information in terms of classical physical concepts. SI discusses how the mysteries disappear if reality includes information.

    The Quantum-Classical Conflict

    The biggest problem bedeviling our understanding of quantum phenomena is our attempt to think of quantum reality in terms of classical concepts. Since classical concepts are inadequate for describing quantum phenomena, notions such as uncertainty, probability, non-locality and complementarity have been added as conceptual addendums to the classical view. The task of interpreting the theory now expends efforts in trying to explain the addendums, given that we seem to already understand the classical worldview. Early quantum theorists were bred on classical physics and wanted to broker peace between the established classical view and the new quantum principles. A path of least resistance was thus chosen where we reuse ideas from classical physics, making quantum theory an incremental progress on classical physics. Specifically, it was very important for the early founders to show that quantum theory reduces to classical physics under some conditions. It was also important to retain classical measurements, as it seemed that these are the only way we can empirically know the world. Early quantum theorists were convinced that the macroscopic world is classical.

    While the incremental approach to explaining quantum phenomena did create a predictive framework, it also brought two problems. First, by reusing the language of classical physics, quantum theory retained the classical intuitions although their meanings were inapplicable. Second, to reconcile the disparity between classical and quantum formalisms, the theory added many unintuitive ideas making it very hard to understand. The multiple interpretations of the theory in the last century haven’t made our understanding of quantum phenomena any better, because these essentially try to create a model of the quantum theory without actually addressing the issues about uncertainty, non-locality, probability and discreteness that started the entire debate. Can we now go back in time and think about quantum principles without the prejudices of classical mechanics constraining our philosophy about nature?

    A rethink of quantum principles needs to ask a very fundamental question: Is the everyday world a classical world? Despite the many successes of classical physics, I do not believe that the everyday world is classical because it contains information—pictures, books, music and science—which cannot be described by classical physics. The phenomena of information are widespread in nature, and current physical theories neglect these phenomena. Classical physics studies matter as if it were devoid of information, and this works when information can apparently be reduced to classical properties. But there are also instances when a reduction of macroscopic objects to classical properties is not possible. In these cases, classical physics is bound to fail, even at the level of macroscopic objects.

    The genesis of the informational problem is that classical physics describes objects in a context-independent manner whereas objects acquire meaning in relation to other objects. Some of these meanings may refer to the properties of other objects. Pictures, books, music and science are, for instance, about other things. The properties of a classical object depend only on that object, and the object describes nothing other than itself. The meanings of a symbol on the other hand depend on other objects and a symbol can describe other objects or even other symbols. These two basic differences make classical physics an inappropriate theory for symbols.

    A universe of classical particles is devoid of knowledge because the universe can only be itself and not be a representation. If the universe were only composed of classical particles, then there would only be physical properties, but no meanings. The idea that we can have information about an object without becoming that object is

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