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Exploring the dark side of social media and the human psyche, LoveClub takes the reader on a twisted journey into the mind of a sexual predator, and the dark world of LoveClub. The streets of Hungary are being hunted... When a string of gruesome suicides are suggested to be the work of a serial killer, Lili, a young and aspiring journalist, wants to expose the details of the case to the public after one of her friends turns up a victim. The Budapest Police Department bring on renowned criminal psychologist David Lengyel to aid their investigation, but some are wary of his presence when they learn of his past. All of them, however, are thrust into a world of sex, drugs, and death. They enter the digital world of LoveClub.

Fulfill yourself! This could easily be the popular Hungarian writer, Levente Lakatos’s life motto. The twenty-seven-year-old author has been mesmerized by the magic of books and the literary world since his childhood but it wasn’t until his adult years that he finally put pen to paper and wrote his first novel. He spent his years studying to be an actor, working as a journalist and later becoming known as a television presenter before he fell in love with the art of storytelling. He’s been referred to as the Hungarian Bret Easton Ellis; his style has been compared to that of Quentin Tarantino and critics found his latest erotic thriller more exciting than Fifty Shades of Grey.

In his book Levente introduces you to the New Adult thriller genre and gives you a more intense treat than you have ever experienced.
Release dateAug 6, 2013

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    LoveClub - Levente Lakatos

    What is sex for you? For me, it’s a kind of shelter, a burning hot burrow where I can hide away from the world’s critical gaze. Where I can truly be myself, and in a way, be divinely perfect. Sex is where I can free myself from all the masks that society demands us to wear. To be simply naked. Sex is a place where there are no more vicious tongues to whip me with criticism. It is a place where I can be praised; where my desires are more likely to be a virtue, rather than a shameful bit of human waste. Where a slap isn’t an act of hate.



    Wednesday, 17th of August

    10:13 pm

    The bar-pianist at the Juliet was playing a painfully mushy, joyous melody. This is the end! Lili felt vulnerable, but in a way, she didn’t really mind. Although she hated it, Lili secretly missed this feeling, the same way she missed the boy who had lured it out of her. Despite her self-respect constantly whispering that what she’s doing is absolutely crazy, she was unable to say no to herself. Had she skipped the last two glasses of red wine, she could have perhaps taken control of her desires, but being rather tipsy, it was out of the question. She was enjoying herself, greedily glancing at the boy who ruined her life eight months ago.

    I need his cock! Back at home, she wanted Bence’s dick as a trophy. Now, here, she wanted it differently. What’s such a small amount of wine doing to me? I’m totally going to swing outside myself. She started to fantasize, and almost even felt his hand crawling up her thigh, pulling her legs apart. She imagined his body pushed up against hers, and while kissing, becoming one.

    Come on Lili, put on your most rigid look! She was afraid that soon it would become obvious to Bence that she… well, wasn’t that indifferent about him. Stay mysterious!

    I’m really happy that you came, Bence said to her. He seemed brainwashed with his timid, innocent smile. 

    He came across quite respectful, considering what a dick – actually, what a complete asshole – he had been before. Lili was musingly staring at him. Her gaze kept being drawn to his meaty lips, though they didn’t give the impression of a hardcore kisser. His green eyes, long lashes, and perfectly arched eyebrows gave him a passionate, warm look. The summer sunshine lent his hair a bleached feel and a bronze like tan to his skin. Yet, behind that angelic look, there was a sextremist. He was one of those dominant types, and it was in his nature to rule over others. As a teenager, he constantly tried to escape from the expectations of his wealthy family. As a consequence, he became set against, but never really managed to shake, the upper-class bourgeois values which were instilled within him from the moment of his birth. He really did enjoy being able to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. When Lili managed to put her pride aside for once and had to be honest with herself, she realized that she had fallen in love with the boy’s pompous style. At first his pride had angered her. Then she tried to resist it, but before she knew it, she had fallen victim to it.

    The boy unexpectedly held Lili’s hand. His clammy touch made her realize that he was nervous too. But why would he be? He probably really wanted something from her, because he pretty much used all the tricks you could find in a ‘Dating for Dummies’ book: Take the girl to a ridiculously expensive place… dress fucking neat… be stupidly kind. Yet, he still didn’t make his intentions clear. This just wasn’t like him at all. Maybe he’s ill? Maybe he’s got me infected with some sort of disease that I haven’t realized yet?

    Lili finally forced a smile on her face, and carefully pulled her hand away. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t have reacted more keenly in this sort of situation. She still couldn’t get her head around what was happening. What am I doing here? She had, nonetheless, been seeking a good excuse from the moment Bence suddenly appeared a week ago, and invited her out to dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. Her first reaction to his phone call was frustration; had he asked her face-to-face, he would have most certainly received a vicious slap across the face. However, Lili’s anger soon gave way to thoughts of revenge, and so she immediately began to plot her villainous scheme.

    She wanted vengeance for being used, for him acting like a prick, and for opening up the old wounds he had left behind. While she schemed and carefully selected the various physical and psychological tortures that she would inflict upon him, a curiosity arose within her. She wanted to know what happened on New Year’s Eve, when the boy suddenly disappeared from her life without any notice. Why did Bence leave her all alone, haunted with doubt? If he wanted to end their relationship, then why didn’t he just tell her straightforward? Why couldn’t he just say to her Lili, my dear, it’s over? She wanted answers. On her way to the lavish restaurant, the courage to get the answers she so desired raged within her. This won’t be a date; this will be an execution. However, when she finally arrived to the Juliet, she caught glimpse of the boy standing and waiting in a suit, holding a bouquet of roses. In an instant, all her evil little plans for revenge vanished into thin air. Bence’s look alone had disarmed her. She felt like someone had poured a whole bucket of warm love all over her. By the time they sat down inside the restaurant, she already had seamlessly drifted away with the flood, and was looking forward to hitting land.

    She waited.

    And waited.

    But nothing in the goddamned world happened. Not even a word passed their lips while they were dining. They were careful not to make the slightest mistake, as to avoid upsetting each other. The only thing they achieved with this, though, was that they just didn’t say anything to each other. The conversation was hardly blooming. The questions seemed foolish and the statements were insulting. They seemed apathetic toward one another, acting as though they had to listen to each other’s boring stories everyday for years. Lili was lucky, because there was a large detailed painting hanging on the wall behind the boy that she could look at. However, she could not imagine what Bence found so interesting about the old women sitting at the other table. She even thought it might be funny to ask Bence if he wanted the old women’s phone number, but decided to keep her mouth shut. She couldn’t trivialize the situation; seeing as she’s the one who has been insulted, the boy should be scraping hard to get some sort of good atmosphere flowing.

    You look fantastic tonight, Bence’s discreet look started to dissolve, as he slowly gazed towards her décolletage.

    Here we go! Lili scowled and naively took a deep sigh – so deep that the cocktail dress she had borrowed almost tore apart at the bust. Clothes such as this normally made her feel uncomfortable, but Bence’s choice of restaurant demanded this kind of elegance. Seeing as her wardrobe was missing all basic elements of formal wear, she had to settle for her roommate Carmen’s size smaller, and in any case already tiny, red dress. She felt like a tied ham, not to mention the killer nine inch stilettos that were crushing her toes terribly. She felt like one of those floozy bimbos hanging around the bar, waiting for some rich, married businessmen hiding their wedding rings in the bottom of their jacket pockets. Or just like one of those characters out of Sex and the City who’s not that shy about getting laid on the first date with a fresh escort – who of course, isn’t as perfect as he first seemed at the murky bar. Maybe it’s the same gloominess making Bence appear so attractive?

    The time was passing by in awkward silence. The discreet playing of the pianist somewhat raised the ambience of the place, but the recently opened and super hyped Juliet turned out to be fairly boring. Normal, everyday people seem to think that the rich are always enjoying life, living the dream, and are constantly throwing money away. The latter is true enough, but the marble-floored lounge looked more like a luxury crypt than a pleasant restaurant. This was probably because most of the guests there were suit and dress wearing business people, who hardly had anything on their minds other than new investments or stock exchange rates. Lili felt uncomfortable with the sterile environment and Bence was visibly uneasy with it, too. Although his family was part of the upper class, the boy never actually felt like he belonged to the luxurious lifestyle. He still maintained the look of a little puppy surrounded by the top dogs (which, as a matter of fact, he still was.)

    Lili was hoping that Bence hadn’t intended on impressing her with the Juliet, because not only had he then failed, but had once again proved how much he actually misjudged her. She would have been much happier visiting one of the local bars and just talking about the latest buzz and gossip. Eat a burger, have a couple of beers. Barely audible, Lili started drumming with her fingers on top of mahogany table.

    A waiter came over to them and collected their empty plates. Bence had pasta, while Lili was satisfied with a simple salad. Her stomach had knotted up because of all the excitement anyway, and it wouldn’t have been such a great idea to have an abundant feast wearing that tight cocktail dress. Not to mention that all the female guests were pretty much just pecking at their food like chickens, so it would have been unseemly to order anything more than a half portion of nothing.

    Just as usual with Bence nearby, Lili’s thoughts automatically started wandering to sex. What is happening to me? Her body was revolting against her common sense. It wasn’t really much of a surprise as it had been a long time since she last had any physical contact with a man. She had only been with two guys since Bence disappeared, but neither of them had the spark she needed. There is a difference between an orgasm and an orgasm. She would rather wait for that spark, unlike all the other girls in her world, who would easily get laid with any nice stranger. However, in her abstinence, Lili had become a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. The only consolation she had was a plastic, vibrating friend. Should she feel ashamed about this? She’s passed nineteen! It’s totally normal for her to get excited from even the thought of sex, and it is the most natural thing for her to get fired up when she's around someone who’s pushing the limits of handsomeness. Yet, her craving for Bence surely could not be natural. Not after the way he used her and treated her like a worn out blowup doll. Nonetheless, lots had changed since then, and now it was Lili’s turn to take advantage of the boy’s body.

    Only sex.

    She smiled. This was her first honest smile of the whole evening.

    So, still journalism… Bence wanted to start this off as a question, but thanks to two annoying beeps, his sentence turned into a statement.

    A couple of people wearing suits turned their heads around with an unpleasant glare, as though some sort of Marilyn Manson gig was kicking off at the table. Lili didn’t give a damn though. She didn’t care about what those pricks thought and that she might have violated some of their basic principles. A text from Carmen lit the screen of her phone, and at that moment, she felt like her roommate was her savior. Lili never felt bored around her. Their views on life were entirely different, but somehow, they completed one another. Carmen with her vivid pink hair, colorful clothes, strong make up and extravagant style just adored life. All the wild parties seemed to find her, and her artistic soul demanded passion. Carmen was in love with freedom, so when the summer holidays arrived, she became even more intense. Sometimes there were occasions that she went to, let’s just say too hardcore parties, but she never really said much about those to Lili. She preferred to stay mysterious and enigmatic.

    "I’m going to go and paint the town red. Nicole’s gone to bed, her head hurt. Look after yourself, Princess! Ps: Tell Mr. Softcock that the room is mine. LOVE"

    Almost everyone had a nickname in their group of friends. These were the names they called each other, and these were the ones – well, some of them – used for chatting over the internet. Those who are not really immersed in the world of cyber living cannot really imagine how many people out there take part in risqué and naughty little conversations on the multitude of different chat sites. Lili only found out about this sort of thing when Carmen showed her a couple of gems from her own lets-get-to-know-each-other emails. The web is being slowly taken over by youngsters who are often considered to be eccentric in real life. They take advantage of all the opportunities the internet provides, and even the word sexuality has now got a whole new meaning to it. The borders seem to disappear; even the most harmless kitten can evolve into a bloodthirsty saber-tooth tiger with the help of cyberspace. Online relationships encourage self-expression, there is no one in control, and all of this can be deleted in a flash with the help of a single click.

    Let’s take Nicole for example, the girl from Carmen’s text. She’s a discreet looking girl on the outside, but with the help of the internet, she managed to make bawdy drawings that would turn on almost any man with ease. Her works probably weren’t inspired by her own imagination: dirty men motivate her. There’s nothing really unbelievable about this, since all men have some sort of perversion. Bence wasn’t an exception either, and Lili knew this more than anyone.

    The boy had a little black book, which listed all the extreme places where he wished to have sex. There were quite a few they had already ticked off the list together. I wonder if he still keeps a record of it?

    Lili was just about to reply to Carmen’s message, but she got distracted by Bence gently clearing his throat. The boy had an inquiring look on his face that stopped Lili from smiling. She quickly fell back into her question filled reality. Forcing her mouth shut, she managed to keep her questions to herself. Why on Earth did you invite me here? She refused to initiate anything. No way! It was advisable for her to be careful with the questioning. The more she sought answers, the more Bence would hide away. Even in the past the best way they had understood each other was when they were moving their bodies instead of their mouths. Would bodily communication be the best bet again?

    Yes, I’m still interested in journalism, she said, helping Bence out a bit. She quickly realized her slip in keeping distance and strongly restricted her next sentence. "Not long ago, I got a chance at becoming a freelance writer for News."

    Okay, so there was a little exaggeration in what she said. In the summer, she started an apprentice job at the nationwide newspaper, News. She had to write all those insignificant articles that people don’t really read, and she had to attend boring press conferences. Sometimes she’d sit in front of the editors’ telephone answering calls from all the unhappy readers while taking notes of all the crap they told her. In the beginning, there were ten of them working at this unforgiving summer job, but as time passed, people had left, leaving her and her classmate Szabo the only ones left. However, it was true that their editor offered them a huge opportunity a couple of days back. The veteran media executive found them quite talented, so he offered to employ them as freelance writers. They would be paid in cash if they succeeded in getting a couple of good headliners before the start of the new semester. The icing on the cake was that their names would be mentioned, too, right under the articles, just like real journalists. Lili was so delighted about this that she had cried. She had come a long, long way chasing her childhood dream, and now, after all the energy, blood and sweat she put in, everything finally looked promising for her. At last she could show people who didn’t think she was capable that she had finally made it. Her dad, some childhood friends, and Bence were all part of this group. To be honest, though, the boy never really did put his concerns into words. It made Lili much more upset that he didn’t say anything. It didn’t matter if she told him cheerfully or miserably about her life at the university; he just didn’t seem to care.

    Really? His eyes lit up and he poured some wine into their glasses. We must make a toast! So, what are you working on now?

    His movements were like that of an animal carefully circling its prey. Let’s tame him!

    I’m sorry, but I can’t reveal any information. If I did, I’d have to kill you... Lili smiled firmly, tilting her head slightly to one side, freeing her neck. She knew it would provoke him. 

    Bence leaned forward a bit. Lili could smell his strong Armani perfume that she had missed so much.

    No need to worry, I can keep a secret, whispered the boy, lifting his index finger in front of his meaty lips.

    Even though the flirting was obvious, Lili still tried to keep her distance. She knew that if she let the seduction to continue, they would soon end up in some kind of massive sex-battle. Not that she’d mind, but there was something more precious to her than Bence’s cock. She wanted him to overcome his pride and apologize for all the things he did. She wasn’t going to accept one of those lousy, quick apologies that are just for the sake of taking her to bed: she wanted him to give her an honest and meaningful apology that came straight from his heart. This meant that she had to take his mind off sex. This could be accomplished, for example, with the help of such exciting topics as the work she’s been doing as a journalist….

    In the past two months there had been an alarming number of suicides committed by young girls around the area. I know about three people, all under twenty-five, she said, taking a sip from her wine.

    The alcohol was doing its job. She had just enough to loosen her tongue. Not to mention that Bence’s sexy and – finally – interested look was also helping her feel confident. It might be time to stop drinking, or it could be the right time to have another.

    Do you think there’s a connection between the cases?

    The girl nodded, and after she struggled to force another gulp down her throat she continued.

    I think it’s some kind of new drug on the market.

    The boy quietly hummed. Clearly he was giving the Lili’s theory a go.

    How do you know they all took drugs? Did you know them? Did you do any research on them? he asked harmlessly.

    Nope, not yet, as soon as it was revealed that Lili had hardly done any investigation, she quickly added. It could also be related to a new cult.

    Immediately, that good old arrogant look appeared on the boy’s face, which made Lili’s stomach turn. It’s quite unusual for one’s sex appeal to be the same as one’s most annoying characteristic. In the past, Lili found this to be quite a turn on, but when it became his trademark of cruelty, she tried to think of it as the only reaction a cocky little punk could do.

    I think you’ve read too many crime stories. This is Hungary for God’s sake; there are no new drugs or cults with suicidal tendencies here.

    Lili felt her temper rise. Her sense of judgment took a dive, and her emotions were bouncing up and down like a yoyo.

    Do you think I’m stupid or what? she asked with her eyes set to kill.

    No, I only think it’s a waste of time and energy to play about with this topic. If it was as interesting as you say, then the professionals would be all over it and the police would’ve already started investigating, The boy was talking politely, but the grimace still remained on his face.

    Okay, that’s enough!

    I’d rather put some effort into my job, than to spend all my energy on a dickhead! Lili smiled. Or, do you think I should do my research on boys who fuck off in the middle of New Year’s Eve from the apartment they rent?

    Bence acted like he was deaf. His eyes were moving left to right, looking for anyone who might hear them. With that kind of family background, it would’ve been especially unpleasant for him to end up in a noisy row right in the middle of the Juliet. Being driven by a sudden idea, Lili lifted her leg up to the boy’s crotch under the table. She’d never done anything like this before, and had no idea where she got the courage to do it. It might have been the wine. 

    This finally made the grimace disappear off Bence’s face, leaving a new, naughty look. He enjoyed the vehemence she had. What a little lecher!

    Now, it’s my turn to ask questions. What are we doing here? Just so she could emphasize her question, she carefully pushed her foot against the boy’s genitals, the way people push down on a gas pedal.

    Bence got tense.

    I wanted to see you, he replied, and took another sip of wine before he continued.

    Lili wasn’t too satisfied with the answer, so she pushed her foot in between his legs again. With slightly more force, of course, which almost made the boy spit his wine.

    I was curious about you! he cried.

    The noise made their neighbors turn towards them, frowning. Once more, it’s those ill-mannered, lowbred youngsters who can’t keep quiet. Staring eye to eye, the girl smiled and swayed her head. She considered a change of gear instead of pushing her last question. Rather than using the soles of the uncomfortable shoes she was wearing, she thought it would be more efficient to use the heels to torture him.

    Bence made a slight hiss and painfully pointed his eyes on the table in front of him.

    There’s no need to worry, I won’t make a scene. We’ll sort this out, simply, just between you and me, she smiled.

    What do you want? Bence seemed to give in. Lili’s moment of glory has finally arrived. Did I only need stilettos to achieve this?

    Tell me you’re sorry, she said, stylishly, the pitch of her sentence enough to make her feel like she was a self-confident woman.

    Bence stared at her, expressionless.

    Who sent you the text? he finally said.

    Tell me you’re sorry! repeated Lili firmly.

    Was it your boyfriend? Bence persisted.

    Tell me you’re sorry! she stood her ground.

    Is he better than me?

    Tell me you’re sorry, unless you want me to skewer you! she said sarcastically.

    They got caught up in a grinding silence before the storm of emotions came. Lili pulled one of her eyebrows up, urging him to say something, but it was in vain. As Bence remained silent, Lili’s face turned red.

    I knew you wouldn’t have the heart to skewer me. Why would you cause damage to something you love? Bence broke the silence with his mischievous laugh, and stroked her calf under the table.

    Enough! Once again, she had lost. Just as always.

    Let go of me! she hissed, fighting her tears while pulling her leg from the soothing fingers.

    The sudden movements made the chair legs screech on the marble floor. Thanks to the sharp noise, even the waiters now had noticed that there was something going on. I’ve truly had enough of this! Lili quietly started packing her stuff, and woozily stood up from the table with the wine glass in her hand. I can’t leave like this; he has humiliated me! There’s still time for one final speech before finishing the last drop of wine.

    You haven’t changed at all! she growled, but Bence just sat there with a straight face, arms crossed and lips tightened. I only wanted an apology from you. Not some worthless flowers. You should’ve known that I hate roses anyway. I wanted words. The only thing I wanted to hear from you was that you have regretted what you had done. Nothing else. Instead, you continue tormenting me. Who the fuck are you? A nobody.

    He’s doing it again, acting like he can’t hear me. Lili wanted to force the last of the wine down her throat, but then she thought she’d do otherwise. She actually made a scene. With a single swing of her arm, she poured the last of her wine on the boy. The red wine unstoppably soaked Bence’s white shirt. He flinched back, almost falling over with his chair. He even slipped out a brief ‘fuck you’, but cut off in time to restrain himself. Everyone’s eyes were now set on the pair. Lili pulled herself together and aimed for the exit with a numb leg. I have to manage until I get out from here. The receptionist nodded and the glass door opened as Lili walked out the building. She felt satisfied. No one dared say anything, especially seeing how resolutely she held on to the wine glass.

    "I’m just on my way home, he’s an asshole! Wake me up when you’re home, we need to talk!"

    It was quite hard for her to write a text message while dodging pedestrians. The stilettos and the alcohol didn’t help much, either. The way she was clutching onto her handbag made her feel like she was some kind of a wasted whore. The last time she had such a terrible evening was when Bence disappeared. She hated herself for walking into his trap again. Carmen even warned her earlier about the meeting and said that Bence will probably only drain her energies.

    He even made fun of the ideas she had on the suicide cases.

    This was the last time I’ve dealt with this prick! Her thoughts yelled repeatedly.

    She decided to walk a block before ordering a cab. The last thing she wanted was to stay in front of the Juliet, and she was in need of some fresh air anyway. The warm summer night seemed just perfect. It was better to stay alone for a bit in a situation like this, because if she wasn’t careful, she could get all hysterical. Fortunately her self-respect kept her strong. Seeing her cry over Bence? Hell no!

    You stole a glass.

    Lili turned around in fright. To her surprise, it wasn’t a waiter wanting the glass back. It was Bence. The boy ran after her in his wine covered shirt wearing his sassy smile. Lili was going to take a swing and break the wine glass on the jerk’s head, but Bence grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close to himself. Their bodies pushed against each other’s. Lili felt weaker than ever.

    I’ve brought you here to let you know, their foreheads touched, and their lips were just centimeters apart. That I’m sorry.

    Lili weaved her hands around Bence’s neck and let the boy kiss her. The wine glass shattered to pieces on the concrete.

    They almost broke the door down. They fell entangled against the wall. Bence threw his tie on the floor next to Lili’s bag and keys, passionately running his fingers through her hair. Lili silently moaned, and while Bence was kissing her neck, she was enjoying the boy’s stiff cock pushing against her thighs. Desire had won. Not to mention how they were both literally eating each other in the back seat of the taxi, and seeing the boy’s wine ruined shirt, even the cabdriver couldn’t resist his jealous comment on what a wild night they’re looking forward to.

    Let’s go to my old room, Bence panted.

    Lili grabbed the boy’s ass. She loved it. She especially loved grazing it while having sex, which turned the boy on even more. She wanted to dig her nails deep into Bence’s tight flesh, not even caring about the trousers.

    There are people sleeping there, she sighed.

    The boy didn’t understand, and before he could have questioned it, Lili quickly placed her hand on his mouth and hung from his neck. Using his strong hands, the boy grabbed her legs and they finally managed to break into the room with some goofy steps. As they landed on the bed, Lili instantly started unbuttoning the red wine stained shirt, quickly freeing the boy’s strong torso which she was eager to see. The moonlight coming through the window gave his skin a velvety shine, which brought Lili’s animal instinct to the surface, biting the boy’s nipple. Spurred from the pain, he guided his hand under the red cocktail costume and pretty much tore her underwear off.

    I love you, he whispered, gazing under the dress, and in an instant he sunk his head between her legs.

    Honey. While the boy spoiled her with his tongue, Lili could taste honey inside her mouth. Sweet and sticky. The same taste as Bence has. She remembered it clearly. She grabbed onto the bed sheets, closed her eyes and clamped the boy’s head between her legs. The nimble tongue-play carried on while he was fiddling with his belt. A content smile sat on her face as she heard the crackling sound of the buckle. She wouldn’t have been fully satisfied with only the simple combination of the boy’s tongue, hot breath and fingers. She wanted to feel him. She had waited such a long time for him to come back, and now, more than anything, she wanted to be filled up…

    I need you! The confession ended up in a suppressed scream.

    The notion of someone sleeping next door made the escapade even more exciting.

    The boy climbed on top of the girl with his trousers and boxers pulled down to his ankles. The drops of sweat shining in the moonlight made his body look like a wax figure. The veins on his arms were swelling; his chest muscles were toned and he had a clearly visible six-pack. There was a thin line of hair from his bellybutton that lowered Lili’s gaze downwards. The sight made her permanently lose control. Her inhibitions were thrown away; she’s met a friend. As she sat up, she curled her fingers around Bence’s rock solid manhood, looked him in the eye, and loosened her lips. Greetings, Captain!

    As sweet as honey. She remembered it well.

    Lili waited for Bence’s – a habit she loved – hands to grab hold of her hair, and give the oral pleasure a rhythm. Lili loved to feel the boy's raging strength. He deeply penetrated her mouth, while staring and moaning towards the ceiling. Then Lili scratched his side. The trace that her nails left made him even hornier. He couldn’t hang on for much longer, so the girl quickly turned aside. It looked like it was a part taken from some sort of contemporary dance. Lying on his side he placed the palm of his hand onto Lili’s vagina and started to finger her.

    I want to feel you, Lili whispered with a kiss.

    The boy didn’t play about much. He soon balanced himself onto the girl’s body. His freed fingers were already feeling her breasts, so he pulled down her dress all the way to her waist. Her body was covered in kisses. Her nipples hardened and were waiting for some pampering. Bence was using his tongue to circle around them. Lili was sighing deeply, then she gave a wheezy, quiet, moaning sound when the boy gently bit her. The girl quietly groaned, but the boy’s palm had absorbed the sound.

    Shush, they’re sleeping, he nodded towards the slightly opened door.

    She didn’t mind seeing the boy’s pleasure loving smile that came with this. She loved it, actually, since she knew what was going to happen next. Bence’s cock pushed against the mound of her sex. For a couple of seconds they enjoyed the moment, but Lili couldn’t wait longer, and by lifting her hip, they became one.

    Thursday, 18th of August


    The sound of a door slamming woke Lili up. Within a split second she realized that someone had come home and freed herself from Bence’s naked, moist cuddle. She stepped into her wardrobe and fished out her nightgown. She remembered that earlier she had sent a message to Carmen asking her to wake her up as soon as she gets home. It wouldn’t be pleasant if she’d open the door finding them lying there bare-naked and all tangled up. However, she had probably already seen them since the door wasn’t properly closed.

    She took a hazy look at the boy sleeping between the crumpled sheets.

    What have you done, you stupid bitch? She wanted to be mad at herself and regret the evening, but instead, she found the sight heartwarming. She didn’t want to think about what could happen when Bence woke up that morning. He might disappear again, leaving nothing but a memory behind.

    Maybe I should take a photo… She smiled to herself, but didn’t discard the sudden idea of the thrill prank. Her plan was to assure Carmen that everything was fine, and then she could take a couple of exciting photos with her phone.

    She slipped out of the room and carefully closed the door behind her. There was light coming through the opposite room’s milk glass door. The lighting was dim and Lili thought that she saw something move at the apartment’s entrance. At first, she thought it was only sleepiness playing tricks on her, but then there was a discreet click that came from the door lock.

    What the hell is going on here?

    The bed and the sweet burden of Bence’s body were pulling her back, but curiosity wouldn’t leave her to rest.

     One day her nosiness would take her to the grave.

    Has Nicole gone out? Or is it Carmen’s friends helping the girl carry home a smashed pal? But why is the light on then? More and more questions popped up into her head, making the whole scenario more and more complex. There’s only one way to find out what’s going on. She had to go into the room.

    Okay, there’s nothing to worry about, everything’s gonna be fine once I’m inside.

    The door opened with a quiet creak, and soon, an ear-splitting sound burst from Lili’s throat.


    Dr. Lengyel

    5:00 am

    Surrounded by forensics, detectives, and dead bodies, Luca wasn’t bothered in the slightest. She sat on her web, calmly, as if this were an everyday thing. Well, that’s a spider for you. They really don’t care about anything other than eating and breeding. This black widow lived in Carmen’s room. That girl used to spend hours in front of the terrarium, admiring her pet. She found it fascinating how nature could squeeze so much wickedness into one, ugly little creature; free of emotion, living only on instinct.

    With arms crossed and in civilian wear, the broad shouldered detective carefully observed the small, red dotted arthropod with a cold look. He had seen on the Discovery Channel that this particular species was especially lethal, and that one sting was enough to kill a person. Not that long ago, they had found one at a playground in Budapest. It was a terrible thought, what could’ve happened had a curious child recklessly poked or touched it. Despite the illegality of keeping black widows in Hungary, people with an interest in such creatures could easily find them on internet based black markets.

    In the reflection of the terrarium’s glass, Kovacs watched as his forensic colleagues rummaged the room searching for fingerprints, hair and any other useful evidence. 

    The doctor had only arrived five minutes earlier. It was clear from her drained look that she was quite tired. Still, she wasn’t one to complain about the early wake up call. With an anxious look, she quickly started to examine the body. Her precise movements were those of a professional.

    They had kept the body untouched until the expert had arrived. The scene was horrifying, and the puddles of blood pooled around the corpse had started to darken and turn black. With all things said, it was going to be impossible to properly clean the carpet and the bed trim. Even if, somehow, they had managed, the memories would always remain. The young girl was in bed, her right arm hanging down towards the floor, with her fingertips barely grazing the knife that had slit her throat. Her glossy eyes were staring up at a mirror mounted on the ceiling. The thought of the poor thing having to witness her own death made Kovacs shiver. Her face had turned pale in the past couple of hours. Her colorful makeup from the night before made her corpse look even more bizarre than the past bodies. It was fortunate that they found this body in time. With the warm weather, it was horrendous to think of what the scene would’ve been like had they arrived a few hours later.

    The doctor examined the girl’s throat, and after jotting down a quick note, she proceeded to take a couple of pictures. With the camera flashing, Kovacs hoped the doctor’s expertise would lead to answers.

    For fuck’s sake, another one! said a rose scented woman as she stepped to detective Kovacs’ side.

    The perfume’s tickling aroma quickly drove out the smell of death from the room, much to Kovacs’ relief. Ignoring his partner for now, the detective looked towards the body and addressed the forty year old Dr. Gyarmatos.

    What’s happened, Ilona?

    In order to give you an accurate answer, I’ll have to examine the body much more thoroughly. But, unofficially, I would assume… the specialist sighed deeply. We’re dealing with that monster.

    Kovacs gulped.

    He knew the perpetrator’s habits well, but these circumstances were different. Not only did he deviate from is habitual two week period between killings, but the amount of violence was new. The murderer had never left his sexually abused victims at the crime scene before. Instead, he would put them on display somewhere busy; like a misunderstood artist, waiting for recognition.

    The detectives working on the case wanted to end the serial killings as soon as possible. The first victim had been found about two months ago. It seemed like a routine job at first. They had suspected that the motivation was jealousy or revenge. Even though Kinga Gáti was only seventeen years old, her death was more shocking to the police than it was surprising. Most teenage boys think they’re alpha males, so they find it difficult to cope with rejection. If things don’t work out the way they had planned, they consider it an upsetting experience. Kovacs and his team had searched for suspects, questioning the girl’s classmates, neighbors, and relatives, but they always ended up in a dead end. Two weeks later, there was another victim, then another, and finally, this was their fourth. They’d been working on the case for exactly six weeks, and not a single suspect had been caught. They were dealing with a delirious monster.

    Laura, what did you manage to get out of them? Kovacs asked the rose scented woman.

    Not much, the girl’s still in shock, she started, adjusting her blouse. But what I did manage to find out is that we aren’t in the victim’s room. She was only a guest. The girl called her Nicole. According to the victim’s ID card, she’s called Nikolett Nádori, aged seventeen. She was a friend of the two girls renting the flat.

    Laura hated the fact that one of her duties at The homicide division was not only to do the interrogations, but to also inform the victims’ families. She’d still, however, rather do this unforgiving job than let Kovacs undertake it. Even though she considered the man to be a brilliant detective, he was lacking the nerves and ability to calm others down.

    I also found out that before the girl had discovered the victim’s body, she saw someone rush out of the apartment, Laura continued, staring at the mirror fixed over the bed.

    The ceiling – unfortunately – reflected Nikolett’s body, making it perfectly visible. The reflection made the cut on her throat look even worse. Laura started examining the corpse, searching for marks that would confirm rape. Sexual abuse was the only thing so far, which kept the victims’ relatives from talking much. The police department was lucky that most of the families understood the importance of confidentiality, not to mention that no one wanted to talk about the defloration of their daughters. Laura had some trouble with the father of the third victim. He had threatened to tell the world about what was going on with the whole freaking case unless the murderer was arrested soon. Every time he called the detective, she had to calmly listen to the man wishing her away to another fucking planet. She had to persuade Mr. Szabados over and over again that everything was under control, and that for the sake of the investigation, it was wise to keep the case out of headlines. She managed to keep him quiet for now, but she had no idea when the understandably upset father’s patience would run out. And here we go again. In a couple of hours, she’d have to stand in front of another family, making them believe that the police are in control of the case.

    So, where’s the other roommate? The one who owns this place? inquired Kovacs, who was taking a look at the layout of the tiny room.

    On the wall opposite the entrance was a window covered by red curtains. The left wall was almost fully occupied by a wardrobe, and the corner next to the door was where the terrarium stood. Next to the window was a little table, draped in a red cloth, on which there stood a red candle. Along the right hand side of the room was the bed with the mirror above it, and a computer desk stood by the window. Kovacs, however, noticed the absence of a computer. There was only a printer, and the wood carving of a dwarf with a gigantic, erected penis. The remaining spaces of the wall were scattered with band posters, artistic photos, and copies of abstract nude paintings.

    Apparently, the other roommate went out partying. Nikolett would’ve joined her, too, but she had a headache, so she stayed here, The room’s humid air made Laura wheeze at the end of her sentence. 

    Kovacs shook his head, a muscle on his thick neck twitching.

    Do you think it’s possible that the assailant is a female? Nikolett’s death is obviously not a sex murder; it’s more like a fight. Maybe Ilona’s wrong, and this homicide is totally unrelated to the others.

    Laura avoided answering.

    Sir, come, take a look at this! shouted one of the forensic assistants, rummaging through the desk drawers. He held a red paperboard folder in his hands. Kovacs and his team examined it for a couple of minutes. What they found astounded them.

    Try to get what you can of it, said Kovacs finally. We’ll take the boy and the girl in. We need to question them thoroughly. Laura, you go and see the victim’s family. Take someone with you.

    Kovacs gave his instructions. Laura just sighed. Finally, they had a clue. Even though the circumstances were different, it was the work of their serial killer.

    5:40 am

    Lili was spinning a paper cup on the hardwood tabletop. She thought coffee would make her feel better, but the caffeine only made things worse. Up until now, she only saw Bence’s haughty smile when her eyes were closed, but now, the image of Nicole’s lifeless face was haunting her.

    What the fuck is going on?

    No matter how much she was attracted to crime-journalism, or how much she tried to prepare herself mentally for the occasion of seeing a dead body, it was still a feeling she wouldn’t wish even on her worst enemy. The whole thing felt like a terrible nightmare, and instead of it ending at the police station, it only dragged on. The officers had separated her from Bence so they could question them individually. They started off with the boy, so Lili had no choice but to wait. It seemed like an eternity. She was doing better earlier on. Maybe the shock she’d been through had kept her mind in place, allowing her to close out the outside world. As time passed, though, she started to drift back to reality, which made her more and more tense. The narrow interrogation chamber made her feel like she was a dangerous convict, isolated from the public for the sake of humanity. The air conditioning wasn’t working either, despite the room seeming to have been newly renovated. The only thing circulating the trapped air in this tight space was a buzzing old ventilator. The

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