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Mastering QlikView
Mastering QlikView
Mastering QlikView
Ebook904 pages5 hours

Mastering QlikView

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About this ebook

QlikView and its new sister product, Qlik Sense, are the leading tools for BI and data discovery. They both feature the ability to consolidate relevant data from multiple sources into a single application, an associative data model to allow you to explore the data the way your brain works, and state-of-the-art visualizations, dashboards, analysis, and reports.

The book starts by reviewing the best performance-tuning techniques and then advances to help you discover strategies to improve performance and test scalability with JMeter. You will also learn dimensional data modeling and creating best-practice ETL techniques using the QlikView script and QlikView's graphical ETL tool, Expressor. Following this, you will deploy QlikView Governance Dashboard to import multiple data sources and view all the information in a single location. Finally, you will learn why virtualization is important and what are the best practices for virtualization in QlikView.

Release dateNov 26, 2014
Mastering QlikView

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    Mastering QlikView - Stephen Redmond

    Table of Contents

    Mastering QlikView


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    1. Performance Tuning and Scalability

    Reviewing basic performance tuning techniques

    Removing unneeded data

    Reducing the number of rows

    Reducing the number of columns

    Replacing text keys with numbers

    Resolving synthetic keys

    Reviewing the basics

    Generating test data

    Generating dimension values

    Generating fact table rows

    Understanding how QlikView stores its data

    A great primer

    Looking at things from a simple level

    Exporting the memory statistics for a document

    Strategies to reduce the data size and improve performance

    Optimizing field values and keys

    Optimizing data by removing keys using ApplyMap

    Optimizing performance by removing keys by joining tables

    Optimizing memory by removing low cardinality fields

    Testing chart performance for different load options

    Turning the cache off

    Examining the chart calculation time for different scenarios

    Optimizing performance by creating counter fields

    Optimizing performance by combining fact tables?

    Optimizing your numbers

    Optimizing chart calculation times

    The QlikView calculation engine

    Creating flags for well-known conditions

    Sorting for well-known conditions

    Using Direct Discovery

    Direct Discovery restrictions

    Direct Discovery syntax

    Looking at an example Direct Query

    Testing scalability with JMeter

    Obtaining the scalability tools

    Installing JMeter

    Installing the scalability tools

    About the scalability tools

    Running an example execution


    2. QlikView Data Modeling

    Reviewing basic data modeling

    Associating data

    Automatically associating tables

    Understanding synthetic keys

    Creating composite keys

    Using string concatenation

    Using one of the Hash functions

    Using the AutoNumber function

    Realizing that facts are calculated at the level of their table

    Joining data

    Understanding Join and Keep

    Inner joins

    Left and right joins

    Outer joins

    Cartesian joins

    Understanding the effect of duplicate key values on joins

    Understanding Keep

    Concatenating rows

    Reviewing Concatenate

    Differentiating Concatenate and Join

    Mapping data with ApplyMap

    Reviewing the basic functionality of ApplyMap

    Mapping numbers

    Using ApplyMap instead of Join with duplicate rows

    Dimensional data modeling

    Differentiating between facts and dimensions

    Understanding the grain

    Understanding star schemas

    Summing with facts

    Discovering more about facts

    Transaction fact tables

    Periodic snapshot fact tables

    Factless fact tables

    Dealing with nulls in fact tables in QlikView

    Designing dimension tables

    Denormalizing dimensions and conformed dimensions

    Understanding surrogate keys

    Dealing with missing or late arriving dimension values

    Defining Kimball's four-step dimensional design process

    Selecting the business process

    Declaring the grain

    Identifying the dimensions

    Identifying the facts

    Learning some useful reusable dimension methods

    Creating a calendar dimension

    Unwrapping hierarchies

    Creating leaves with Hierarchy

    Creating parent associations with HierarchyBelongsTo

    Creating dimensional facts

    Handling slowly changing dimensions

    Taking the most recently changed record using FirstSortedValue

    Using IntervalMatch with SCDs

    Using hash to manage from/to dates

    Dealing with multiple fact tables in one model

    Joining the fact tables together

    Concatenating fact tables

    Changing the grain of a fact table

    Linking fact tables of different grains

    Drilling across with document chaining


    3. Best Practices for Loading Data

    Reviewing data loading concepts

    Getting data from anywhere

    Loading data from QlikView

    Loading similar files with concatenation

    Loading dissimilar files with Concatenate and For Each

    Understanding QlikView Data files

    Storing tables to QVD

    Using QVD files

    Understanding why you should use an ETL approach

    Speeding up overall data loading

    Reusing extracted data in multiple documents

    Applying common business rules across multiple documents

    Creating conformed dimensions

    Provisioning a self-service data layer

    Using an ETL approach to create QVD data layers

    Creating a StoreAndDrop subroutine

    Extracting data

    Creating an extractor folder structure

    Differentiating types of scripts

    Executing the extractors

    Transforming data

    Creating a transformer and model folder structure

    Executing transformers

    Loading data

    Creating a UserApp folder structure

    Executing the load step

    Mastering loading techniques

    Loading data incrementally

    Establishing the script for the basic process

    Running an incremental load when data is only added

    Loading incrementally when data might be modified

    Handling deletions from the source system

    Handling situations where there is no modify date

    Partially reloading only one part of the data model

    Replacing a table

    Adding new rows to a table

    Managing script execution in partial reloads

    Loading the content of another QVW

    Using QlikView Expressor for ETL

    Introducing Expressor

    Understanding why to use Expressor for ETL

    Understanding workspaces, libraries, projects, and artifacts

    Creating a workspace

    Managing extensions

    Working with libraries and projects

    Understanding artifacts

    Configuring connections

    Configuring a File connection

    Connecting to a database

    Creating a QVX Connector Connection

    Configuring types and schemas

    Adding additional Atomic types

    Creating Composite types

    Configuring a schema

    Creating and packaging a basic dataflow

    Understanding the dataflow toolbox





    Creating the dataflow

    Configuring a Read File operator

    Adding a Transformation operation

    Creating a QVX output

    Packaging the dataflow


    4. Data Governance

    Reviewing basic concepts of data governance

    Understanding what metadata is

    Structural metadata

    Descriptive metadata

    Administrative metadata

    Establishing descriptive metadata

    Adding document-level information

    Documents without any additional metadata

    Document Properties

    Management Console

    Naming and renaming fields

    Guidelines to rename fields


    Key fields


    Renaming fields using As

    Using Qualify

    Renaming fields using Rename

    Using a mapping table to rename fields

    Tagging fields

    Using the Tag statement to tag a field

    Tagging fields using a mapping table

    Hiding fields

    Hiding fields automatically based on prefix or suffix

    Using tagging to hide fields

    Adding field comments

    Renaming and commenting on tables

    Commenting in charts

    Commenting dimensions

    Entering an expression comment

    Automatically renaming qualified fields

    Extracting metadata

    Exporting the structure

    Extracting from QVD files

    Extracting from QVW files

    Deploying the QlikView Governance Dashboard

    Managing profiles

    Configuring the Dashboard options

    Reviewing operational information

    Analyzing application information


    5. Advanced Expressions

    Reviewing basic concepts

    Searching in QlikView

    Searching for text

    Wildcard search

    Normal search

    Fuzzy search

    Associative search

    Advanced search

    Searching numeric fields

    Numeric search

    Automatic interpretation of searches

    Multiple values search

    Searching in multiple listboxes

    Understanding bookmarks

    Saving a bookmark

    Managing bookmarks

    Using variables in QlikView

    SET versus LET

    Using variables to hold common expressions

    Using variables with Dollar-sign Expansion

    Limiting calculations

    Sum of If

    Flag arithmetic

    Calculations using variables

    Data islands

    Set Analysis

    Explaining what we mean by a set

    Set identifiers

    Set modifiers

    Understanding Dollar-sign Expansion

    Following the two-step process

    Following the steps in the script debugger

    Following the steps in a chart expression

    Understanding when the steps happen in chart expressions

    Using parameters with variables and Dollar-sign Expansion

    Using variables in expressions

    Using advanced Set Analysis

    Identifying the identifiers

    Understanding that modifiers are sets

    Set arithmetic

    Using searches in Set Analysis

    Using Dollar-sign Expansion with Set Analysis

    Comparing to other fields

    Direct field comparison

    Using Concat with Dollar-sign Expansion

    Using the P and E element functions

    Set Analysis with Alternate States

    Using Alternate States as identifiers

    Comparing fields between states

    Calculating vertically

    Using inter-record and range functions

    Applying the Total qualifier

    Creating advanced aggregations with Aggr

    Using Aggr to calculate a control chart

    Calculated dimensions

    No to nodistinct


    6. Advanced Scripting

    Reviewing the basic concepts

    Using Table Files Wizard

    Using relative paths

    Delimited files

    Fixed width files

    XML files

    HTML files

    QVD/QVX files

    Connecting to databases

    Using the Connect button

    Understanding the Connect To statement

    Explaining the Force 32 Bit option

    The Select wizard

    Counting records






    Loading data quickly

    Understanding compression settings

    Optimal loading from QVD

    Using an Exists clause

    Preloading fields into QVDs

    Applying variables and the Dollar-sign Expansion in the script

    Examining common usage

    Holding dates

    Holding paths

    Examining variable values during reloads

    Nesting Dollar-sign Expansions

    Passing parameters to variables – macro functions


    Using control structures

    Branching with conditional statements

    If … Then … ElseIf

    A note about conditional functions

    Switch … Case

    When and Unless

    Looping in the script


    For … Next loops

    For Each … Next loops



    Do … Loop


    Exiting the script

    Exiting other constructs

    Using variables for error handling



    ScriptErrorCount and ScriptErrorList

    Examining advanced Table File Wizard options

    Enabling a transformation step







    Using the Crosstable wizard

    Looking at data from different directions

    Putting things first



    Looking backwards



    Reusing code


    7. Visualizing Data

    Reviewing the history of data visualization

    Beginning the story

    Analyzing geometry

    Grecian influences

    French discord

    Telling stories with diagrams

    Educating with charts

    Inventing new charts

    Creating infographics

    Using data visualization to persuade

    Bringing the story up to date

    Following the leaders

    Edward Tufte


    Robert Kosara

    Alberto Cairo

    Andy Kirk

    Enrico Bertini and Stefaner Moritz

    Mike Bostock

    Understanding the audience

    Matching patterns

    Counting numbers

    Estimating numbers

    Understanding picture superiority

    Drawing conclusions

    Designing effective visualizations

    Understanding affordances

    Grading your screen's real estate

    Nielsen's F

    The Gutenberg diagram

    Preference for the right

    Positioning screen elements

    Charts on the left

    Listboxes on the right

    Dates on top

    Using the layout grid

    Thinking quantitatively

    Understanding the SFW question

    Designing dashboards

    Choosing charts

    Categorical comparison

    Trend analysis

    Comparing measures

    Low cardinality, part-to-whole comparison

    Tabular information

    Using color

    Color should have meaning

    What does RAG mean?

    The ink-to-data ratio

    Color blindness

    Using maps



    Mastering QlikView

    Mastering QlikView

    Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: November 2014

    Production reference: 1191114

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78217-329-8



    Stephen Redmond


    Ralf Becher

    Gert Jan Feick

    Miguel Ángel García

    Barry Harmsen

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    Manu Joseph

    Cover Work

    Manu Joseph

    About the Author

    Stephen Redmond is the CTO and Qlik Luminary at CapricornVentis (—a QlikView Elite Partner. He is the author of several books, including QlikView for Developers Cookbook and QlikView Server and Publisher, both published by Packt Publishing. He is also the author of the popular DevLogix series for SalesLogix developers.

    In 2006, after many years of working with CRM systems, reporting and analysis solutions, and data integration, Stephen started working with QlikView. Since then, CapricornVentis has become QlikView's top partner in the UK and Ireland territories, and with Stephen as the head of the team, they have implemented QlikView in a wide variety of enterprise and large-business customers across a wide range of sectors, from public sector to financial services to large retailers.

    In 2014, Stephen was awarded the Luminary status by Qlik in recognition of his product advocacy. He regularly contributes to online forums, including the Qlik Community. His QlikView blog is at, and you can follow him on Twitter at @stephencredmond where he tweets about QlikView, BI, data visualization, technology in general, and occasionally, on marathon running.

    As always, thanks to my family for their constant support—I couldn't do this without them.

    Thanks to the technical reviewers—they helped me remain honest and make this a better publication.

    Special thanks to Colman Walsh of for his permission to reuse his photograph that so well represents a Donald Door—I have been using it for several years in presentations and I am delighted to be able to use it here.

    About the Reviewers

    Ralf Becher has worked as an IT system architect and as an IT consultant since 1989 in banking, insurance, logistics, automotive, and retail sectors. He founded TIQ Solutions GmbH in 2004 with his partners. The company specializes in modern, quality-assured data management.

    Since 2004, they have been helping their customers process, evaluate, and maintain the quality of company data, helping them introduce, implement, and improve complex solutions in the fields of data architecture, data integration, data migration, master data management, metadata management, data warehousing, and Business Intelligence.

    Ralf is an internationally recognized QlikView expert with a strong position in the Qlik Community. He started working with QlikView in 2006 and has contributed QlikView add-on solutions for data quality and data integration, especially for connectivity in the Java and Big Data realms. He runs his QlikView data integration blog at

    Gert Jan Feick studied Informatics (language, knowledge, and interaction) at Technical University of Enschede (NL). He started his career as a project manager at a medium-sized software development company, specializing in requirements analysis and project management. From 2005 onward, he was responsible for the buildup of a company in the areas of software development, reporting and visualizations, and analysis. In 2011, he moved to Germany and became a management consultant at Infomotion GmbH, where he is responsible for the team that works on self-service and Agile BI as well as reporting and analysis.

    He regularly contributes to online forums (including the Qlik Community), speaks at conventions, and writes articles. You can follow him on Twitter at @gdollen where he tweets about QlikView, Agile and self-service BI, data visualization, and other topics in general.

    Miguel Ángel García is a Business Intelligence consultant and QlikView Solutions Architect, based in Monterrey, Mexico. Having worked throughout many successful QlikView implementations, from inception through implementation, and performed across a wide variety of roles on each project; his experience and skills range from presales to applications development and design, technical architecture, system administration, as well as functional analysis and overall project execution.

    He is the co-author of QlikView 11 for Developers, Packt Publishing, which was published in November 2012, and its corresponding translation into Spanish, QlikView 11 para Desarrolladores, Packt Publishing, published in December 2013. He has also worked as a technical reviewer for several other QlikView books.

    He is the cofounder of Q-On Training Center (, a place where users, developers, and enthusiasts can get access to online QlikView training, with options that cover all the skill levels.

    He currently holds the QlikView Designer, QlikView Developer, and QlikView System Administrator certifications issued by Qlik, for Versions 9, 10, and 11.

    In 2014, he was awarded the Qlik Luminary distinction in recognition for his active participation and collaboration in the QlikView ecosystem.

    Barry Harmsen is the owner of Bitmetric, a boutique consulting firm that specializes in QlikView and is based in the Netherlands. Originally from a background of traditional Business Intelligence, data warehousing, and performance management; in 2008 he made the shift to QlikView and a more user-centric form of Business Intelligence.

    Since switching over to QlikView, Barry and his team have completed many successful implementations in many different industries, from financial services to telecom and from manufacturing to healthcare. His QlikView experience covers a wide variety of roles and subjects including requirements analysis, design, development, architecture, infrastructure, system administration, integration, project management, and training.

    In 2012, he co-authored QlikView 11 for Developers, Packt Publishing. This book has quickly established itself as one of the best ways to teach yourself QlikView. He is also one of the core speakers at the Masters Summit for QlikView. This 3-day conference for QlikView developers covers advanced topics and is designed to take your QlikView skills to the next level. More information about the Masters Summit can be found at

    Barry maintains a QlikView blog at and can be followed on Twitter at @meneerharmsen.

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    This is a book about mastery. But what does this mean? What does being a QlikView master mean?

    When I wrote QlikView for Developers Cookbook, Packt Publishing, I started the preface with the sentence:

    There is no substitute for experience.

    When it comes to QlikView, experience is the thing that makes a difference. Experience is the difference between the developers who can create good applications and the consultants who can create real business solutions that solve real business problems.

    I have been working with QlikView since 2006, and in this time, I have created some fantastic solutions. I also created applications that I cringe to look at today. I like to think that I have mastered the subject, even though I am still learning.

    At CapricornVentis, I work with one of the brightest bunch of consultants; it has ever been my pleasure to work with them. I get to teach a lot but I also get to learn a tremendous amount from these guys. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of the product to get to the right solution. As a beginner in this area, I would have wanted to work for an organization like CapricornVentis, where I could really learn and grow as a consultant.

    Let's be clear; I do not know every little detail about QlikView, but I do know most of them. What I think I know, and know really well, are the important things to know about when creating QlikView solutions. This knowledge is what I have tried to distil down into this book.

    You won't be a master by just reading this book. As Alfred Korzybski famously stated:

    The map is not the territory.

    This book is not an ultimate mastering guide, rather is a like a map that guides us towards our common destination—to become a QlikView master. Study the map well and you will get there.

    Qlik Sense

    During the development of this book, Qlik released their next generation product, Qlik Sense. Qlik Sense is not, currently, a replacement product for QlikView, and Qlik has announced that they will have a two-product strategy and sell QlikView for guided BI applications and Qlik Sense for self-service BI applications. A new version, QlikView 12.0, is slated for release in the second half of 2015.

    While Qlik Sense is a new product, it is built on the same heritage as QlikView. There is a new data engine, QIX, that stores the data in a format more columnar than that of QlikView. However, the inference engine is still the same (green, white, and gray). The script syntax is still the same; in fact, we can use QlikView scripts in Qlik Sense. The frontend is very different because it is based on a new web design, but the expression syntax is still the same.

    Therefore, much of what is written in this book about QlikView will still apply to Qlik Sense. Anyone who masters QlikView will be well on their way to mastering Qlik Sense.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Performance Tuning and Scalability, is where we look at understanding how QlikView stores its data so that we can optimize that storage in our applications. We will also look at topics such as Direct Discovery and testing implementations using JMeter.

    Chapter 2, QlikView Data Modeling, looks in detail at dimensional data modeling and learning about fact and dimension tables and using best practices from Ralph Kimball in QlikView. We also learn about how to handle slowly changing dimensions (SCDs), multiple fact tables, and drilling across with document chaining.

    Chapter 3, Best Practices for Loading Data, is where we look at implementing ETL strategies with QVD files. We also introduce QlikView Expressor.

    Chapter 4, Data Governance, looks at areas such as implementing metadata in QlikView and managing our implementation with QlikView Governance Dashboard.

    Chapter 5, Advanced Expressions, is where we look at areas such as the Dollar-sign Expansion, set analysis, and vertical calculations using Total and Aggr.

    Chapter 6, Advanced Scripting, looks at optimizing loads, Dollar-sign Expansion in the script, and control structures. We also introduce the concept of code reuse.

    Chapter 7, Visualizing Data, is where we look at the historical background to data visualization; we gain an understanding of the human relationship with numbers and learn some good design principles to bring to our applications.

    What you need for this book

    You need a copy of QlikView Desktop, which you can download for free from After this, you shouldn't need anything else. You can also test the examples in Qlik Sense.

    To demonstrate the different techniques and functions, I will usually get you to load a table of data. We do this using the INLINE function. For example:

    Load * Inline [

      Field1, Field2

      Value1, Value2

      Value3, Value4


    This will load a table with two fields, Field1 and Field2, and two rows of data.

    Most of the time, this type of table is enough for what we need to do. In a few examples, where I need you to use more data than that, we will use publicly available data sources.

    Who this book is for

    This is not a beginner's book. This book is for anyone who has learned QlikView or Qlik Sense—either from formal training, online resources, or QlikView 11 for Developers, Miguel García and Barry Harmsen, Packt Publishing—and now wants to take their learning to a higher level.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: In the QVScriptGenTool_0_7 64Bit\Analyzer folder there is a ZIP file called

    A block of code is set as follows:


    Load * INLINE [

      Country, Sales

      USA, 1000

      UK, 940

      Japan, 543


    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:


    Load * INLINE [

      Country, Sales

      USA, 1000

      UK, 940


      Japan, 543


    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: Click on the Execution tab.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Chapter 1. Performance Tuning and Scalability

    The way Moore's Law has benefitted QlikView is really unprecedented amongst other BI systems.

    QlikView began life in 1993 in Lund, Sweden. Originally titled QuickView, they had to change things when they couldn't obtain a copyright on that name, and thus QlikView was born.

    After years of steady growth, something really good happened for QlikView around 2005/2006—the Intel x64 processors became the dominant processors in Windows servers. QlikView had, for a few years, supported the Itanium version of Windows; however, Itanium never became a dominant server processor. Intel and AMD started shipping the x64 processors in 2004 and, by 2006, most servers sold came with an x64 processor—whether the customer wanted 64-bit or not. Because the x64 processors could support either x86 or x64 versions of Windows, the customer

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