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MySQL for Python
MySQL for Python
MySQL for Python
Ebook983 pages8 hours

MySQL for Python

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About this ebook

This is a practical, tutorial-style book that includes many examples to demonstrate the full potential of MySQL for Python. Every chapter starts with an explanation of the various areas for using MySQL for Python and ends with work on a sample application using the programming calls just learned. All complicated concepts are broken down to be very easy to understand. Everything in the book is designed to help you learn and use MySQL for Python to address your programming needs in the fastest way possible. This book is meant for intermediate users of Python who want hassle-free access to their MySQL database through Python. If you are a Python programmer who wants database-support in your Python applications, then this book is for you. This book is a must-read for every focused user of the MySQL for Python library who wants real-world applications using this powerful combination of Python and MySQL.
Release dateSep 21, 2010
MySQL for Python

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    Book preview

    MySQL for Python - Albert Lukaszewski

    Table of Contents

    MySQL for Python


    About the Author

    About the Reviewers


    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support




    1. Getting Up and Running with MySQL for Python

    Getting MySQL for Python

    Using a package manager (only on Linux)

    Using RPMs and yum

    Using RPMs and urpm

    Using apt tools on Debian-like systems

    Using an installer for Windows

    Using an egg file

    Installing egg handling software

    Using a package manager (Linux)

    Without a package manager (Mac, Linux)

    On Microsoft Windows

    Installing MySQL for Python from an egg file

    Using a tarball (tar.gz file)

    Importing MySQL for Python

    Accessing online help when you need it



    Connecting with a database

    Creating a connection object

    Creating a cursor object

    Interacting with the database

    Closing the connection

    Multiple database connections


    2. Simple Querying

    A brief introduction to CRUD

    Forming a query in MySQL


    * (asterisk)



    ; (semicolon)

    Other helpful quantifiers







    Passing a query to MySQL

    A simple SELECT statement

    Modifying the results

    Using user-defined variables

    Determining characteristics of a database and its tables

    Determining what tables exist

    Assigning each table a number

    Offering the options to the user

    Allowing the user to detail a search query

    Changing queries dynamically

    Pattern matching in MySQL queries

    Putting it into practice

    Project: A command-line search utility

    Preparing a database for searching

    Planning your work, then working your plan

    Develop a well-abstracted search functionality

    Specifying the search term from the command-line

    Implementing and incorporating the other functions: -t, -f, and -o

    Including an option for an output file

    Room to grow


    3. Simple Insertion

    Forming a MySQL insertion statement



    Table name

    Column names


    ; (semicolon)

    Helpful ways to nuance an INSERT statement




    Passing an insertion through MySQL for Python

    Setting up the preliminaries

    A simple INSERT statement

    More complex INSERT commands

    Using user-defined variables

    Using metadata

    Querying the database for its structure

    Retrieving the table structure

    Changing insertion values dynamically

    Validating the value of name

    Validating the value of price

    Querying the user for a correction

    Passing fish and price for validation

    Essentials: close and commit

    In need of some closure

    What happened to commit?

    Why are these essentials non-essential?

    Project: A command-line insertion utility

    The necessary modules

    The main() thing

    Coding the flag system

    Testing the values passed by the user

    Try to establish a database connection

    Showing the tables

    Showing the table structure, if desired

    Accepting user input for the INSERT statement

    Building the INSERT statement from the user input and executing it

    Committing changes and closing the connection

    Coding the other functions

    valid_digit() and valid_string()



    Calling main()

    Room to grow


    4. Exception Handling

    Why errors and warnings are good for you

    Errors versus warnings: There's a big difference

    The two main errors in MySQLdb



    Warnings in MySQL for Python

    Handling exceptions passed from MySQL

    Python exception-handling

    Catching an exception from MySQLdb

    Raising an error or a warning

    Making exceptions less intimidating

    Catching different types of exceptions

    Types of errors







    Customizing for catching

    Catching one type of exception

    Catching different exceptions

    Combined catching of exceptions

    Raising different exceptions

    Creating a feedback loop

    Project: Bad apples

    The preamble

    Making the connection

    Sending error messages

    The statement class

    The __init__ method

    Storing the statement type

    Forming the statement

    Execute the MySQL statement

    Handling any fallout

    The main() thing

    Try, try again

    If all else fails

    Room to grow


    5. Results Record-by-Record

    The problem


    Computing resources

    Local resources

    Web applications

    Network latency

    Server-client communications

    Apparent responsiveness

    Pareto's Principle


    The fetchone() method

    The fetchmany() method

    Iteration: What is it?

    Generating loops

    while...if loops

    The for loop


    Illustrative iteration

    Iteration and MySQL for Python


    Using fetchone() in a generator

    Using fetchmany() in a generator

    Project: A movie database

    Getting Sakila

    Creating the Sakila database

    The structure of Sakila

    Planning it out

    The SQL statements to be used

    Returning the films of an actor

    Returning the actors of a film

    Accepting user data

    A MySQL query with class

    The __init__ method: The consciousness of the class

    Setting the query's type

    Creating the cursor

    Forming the query

    Executing the query

    Formatting the results

    Formatting a sample

    Formatting a larger set of results

    The main() thing

    Calling main()

    Running it

    Room to grow


    6. Inserting Multiple Entries

    The problem

    Why not a MySQL script?

    Lack of automation

    Debugging the process

    Inefficient I/O

    Why not iterate?

    A test sample: Generating primes

    Comparing execution speeds

    Introducing the executemany() method

    executemany(): Basic syntax

    executemany(): Multiple INSERT statements

    executemany(): multiple SELECT statements

    executemany(): Behind the scenes

    MySQL server has gone away

    Command-line option configuration

    Using a configuration file

    More than 16 MB is often unnecessary

    Project: Converting a CSV file to a MySQL table

    The preamble

    The options

    Defining the connection

    Creating convert

    The main() function

    Calling main()

    Room to grow


    7. Creating and Dropping

    Creating databases

    Test first, create second

    CREATE specifications

    Specifying the default character set

    Specifying the collation for a database

    Declaring collation

    Finding available character sets and collations

    Removing or deleting databases

    Avoiding errors

    Preventing (illegal) access after a DROP

    Creating tables

    Covering our bases

    Avoiding errors

    Creating temporary tables

    Dropping tables

    Playing it safe

    Avoiding errors

    Removing user privileges

    Doing it in Python

    Creating databases with MySQLdb

    Testing the output

    Dynamically configuring the CREATE statement

    Dropping databases with MySQLdb

    Creating tables in Python

    Verifying the creation of a table

    Another way to verify table creation

    Dropping tables with MySQLdb

    Project: Web-based administration of MySQL

    CGI vs PHP: What is the difference?

    Basic CGI

    Using PHP as a substitute for CGI

    CGI versus PHP: When to use which?

    Some general considerations for this program

    Program flow

    The basic menu

    Authorization details

    Three operational sections of the dialogue

    The variables

    Planning the functions

    Code of each function

    Connecting without a database

    Connecting with a database

    Database action

    Table action

    Query action


    The HTML output

    Basic definition

    The message attribute

    Defining header()

    Defining footer()

    Defining body()

    Defining page()

    Getting the data

    Using CGI

    Using PHP

    Defining main()

    Room to grow


    8. Creating Users and Granting Access

    A word on security

    Creating users in MySQL

    Forcing the use of a password

    Restricting the client's host

    Creating users from Python

    Removing users in MySQL

    DROPping users in Python

    GRANT access in MySQL

    Important dynamics of GRANTing access

    The GRANT statement in MySQL

    Using REQUIREments of access

    Using a WITH clause

    Granting access in Python

    Removing privileges in MySQL

    Basic syntax

    After using REVOKE, the user still has access!?

    Using REVOKE in Python

    Project: Web-based user administration

    New options in the code

    Adding the functions: CREATE and DROP

    Adding CREATE and DROP to main()

    Adding the functions: GRANT and REVOKE

    Adding GRANT and REVOKE to main()

    Test the program

    New options on the page

    Room to grow


    9. Date and Time Values

    Date and time data types in MySQL


    Output format

    Input formats

    Input range

    Using DATETIME in a CREATE statement


    Output and Input formats

    Input range


    Input of values


    Defaults, initialization, and updating


    Two-digit YEAR values

    Four-digit YEAR values

    Valid input



    Invalid values

    Date and time types in Python

    Date and time functions





    DATE_SUB() and DATE_ADD()





    Project: Logging user activity

    The log framework

    The logger() function

    Creating the database

    Using the database

    Creating the table

    Forming the INSERT statement

    Ensure logging occurs

    Room to grow


    10. Aggregate Functions and Clauses

    Calculations in MySQL






    The different kinds of average




    Trimming results



    Specifying the delimiter

    Customizing the maximum length


    Server-side sorting in MySQL



    Using a universal quantifier

    Sorting alphabetically or from low-to-high

    Reversing the alphabet or sorting high-to-low

    Sorting with multiple keys

    Putting it in Python

    Project: Incorporating aggregate functions

    Adding to qaction()

    New variables

    New statement formation

    Revising main()

    Setting up the options

    Changing the HTML form


    11. SELECT Alternatives

    HAVING clause

    WHERE versus HAVING: Syntax

    WHERE versus HAVING: Aggregate functions

    WHERE versus HAVING: Application




    LEFT and RIGHT joins

    OUTER joins

    INNER joins

    NATURAL joins

    CROSS joins

    Doing it in Python




    Project: Implement HAVING

    Revising the Python backend

    Revising qaction()

    Revising main()

    Revising the options

    Revising the HTML interface

    Room to grow


    12. String Functions

    Preparing results before their return

    CONCAT() function

    SUBSTRING() or MID()


    Basic syntax






    Accessing and using index data


    INSTR() or LOCATE()



    Nuancing data





    Project: Creating your own functions




    The function definition

    Calling the function

    Defining the function in Python

    Defining the function as a Python value

    Sourcing the MySQL function as a Python module

    Sourcing the function as MySQL code

    Room to grow


    13. Showing MySQL Metadata

    MySQL's system environment


    The most popular engines


    Specifying the engine

    ENGINE status





    SHOW system variables

    Accessing database metadata


    Using the USE command

    Accessing metadata about tables



    Showing columns from a table



    Accessing user metadata



    Project: Building a database class

    Writing the class

    Defining fetchquery() and some core methods

    Retrieving table status and structure

    Retrieving the CREATE statements

    Define main()—part 1

    Writing resproc()

    Define main()—part 2

    The preamble

    Modules and variables

    Login and USE

    Closing out the program

    Room to grow


    14. Disaster Recovery

    Every database needs a backup plan

    Offline backups

    Live backups

    Choosing a backup method

    Copying the table files

    Locking and flushing



    Unlocking the tables

    Restoring the data

    Delimited backups within MySQL

    Using SELECT INTO OUTFILE to export data

    Using LOAD DATA INFILE to import data

    Archiving from the command line


    Viewing the backup file

    Other options

    Restoring the data


    Backing up a database with Python



    MySQL for Python

    MySQL for Python

    Copyright © 2010 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: September 2010

    Production Reference: 1160910

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    32 Lincoln Road


    Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-849510-18-9

    Cover Image by Vinayak Chittar (<[email protected]>)



    Albert Lukaszewski


    Swaroop C H

    Andy Dustman

    Geert JM Vanderkelen

    Acquisition Editor

    Steven Wilding

    Development Editor

    Wilson D'souza

    Technical Editors

    Prashant Macha

    Charumati Shankaran


    Hemangini Bari

    Editorial Team Leader

    Aanchal Kumar

    Project Team Leader

    Priya Mukherji

    Project Coordinator

    Prasad Rai


    Aaron Nash

    Production Coordinator

    Shantanu Zagade

    Cover Work

    Shantanu Zagade

    About the Author

    Albert Lukaszewski is principal consultant for Lukaszewski Consulting Services in southeast Scotland. He has programmed computers for 30 years. Much of his experience has related to text processing, database systems, and Natural Language processing (NLP). Currently he consults on database applications for companies in the financial and publishing industries.

    In addition to MySQL for Python, Albert Lukaszewski has also written About Python, a column for the New York Times subsidiary,

    Many people had a hand in this work beyond my typing at the keyboard. Some contributed by their effort and others by their sacrifice. Thanks to the team at Packt for their consistent understanding and support. I am particularly thankful to Steven Wilding for help and support above and beyond the call of duty.

    Thanks also to Andy Dustman, Geert Vanderkelen, and Swaroop for their helpful review of this book and for making so many significant and helpful recommendations. This book would be much the poorer were it not for their suggestions.

    To Richard Goodrich, who first introduced me to Python, thank you for liberating me from bondage to that other P-language. Funny what a little problem can lead to.

    My heartfelt thanks and appreciation go to my wife, Michelle, and my sons, Cyrus and Jacob. The latter was born during the writing of this book and consistently brightens even the darkest Scottish weather with his smile. I appreciate your sacrifice. I could not have written this book without your support.

    Finally, my thanks to my brother, Larry, who first introduced me to the world of computing. I would probably not know anything about computer programming if you had not left me your TRS-80. So this is all your fault, and I am glad you did it.

    About the Reviewers

    Swaroop C H has previously worked at Yahoo! and Adobe, has co-founded a startup, has written two technical books (one of which is used as a text book in more than ten universities worldwide), writes a popular blog that has been consistently rated one of the top ten blogs in India, and is a marathoner. More details at

    He has written two technical books—A Byte of Python and A Byte of Vim—beginner books to Python and Vim respectively. They are freely available under the Creative Commons license on his website

    Andy Dustman ( is the primary author of MySQLdb, the MySQL interface for Python.

    The MySQL-Python project is supported and funded purely by volunteers and donations by the user community at (

    Andy has been using Python since 1997, and currently works on Django applications (using MySQL, of course) when not doing system and network administration. In his spare time, he rides motorcycles.

    I would like to thank Kyle VanderBeek, who has recently become a co-developer on MySQLdb, and has helped to push me a bit to get some things done. 12 years is a long time to be working on a project, and motivation is sometimes hard to come by.

    Ed Landa, for taking a chance on a grad school dropout, and for giving me the opportunity to release MySQLdb under an open source license.

    Laura Michaletz, who encourages me and somehow manages to make me feel like a superstar.

    And my wife, Wendy, for being there for me for three decades.

    Geert JM Vanderkelen is a member of the MySQL Support Team at Sun, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oracle. He is based in Germany and has worked for MySQL AB since April, 2005. Before joining MySQL he worked as developer, DBA and SysAdmin for various companies in Belgium and Germany. Today Geert specializes in MySQL Cluster and works together with colleagues around the world to ensure continued support for both customers and community. Geert is also the maintainer of MySQL Connector/Python.


    Python is a dynamic programming language, which is completely enterprise ready, owing largely to the variety of support modules that are available to extend its capabilities. In order to build productive and feature-rich Python applications, we need to use MySQL for Python, a module that provides database support to our applications.

    This book demonstrates how to boost the productivity of your Python applications by integrating them with the MySQL database server, the world's most powerful open source database. It will teach you to access the data on your MySQL database server easily with Python's library for MySQL using a practical, hands-on approach. Leaving theory to the classroom, this book uses real-world code to solve real-world problems with real-world solutions.

    The book starts by exploring the various means of installing MySQL for Python on different platforms and how to use simple database querying techniques to improve your programs. It then takes you through data insertion, data retrieval, and error-handling techniques to create robust programs. The book also covers automation of both database and user creation, and administration of access controls. As the book progresses, you will learn to use many more advanced features of Python for MySQL that facilitate effective administration of your database through Python. Every chapter is illustrated with a project that you can deploy in your own situation.

    By the end of this book, you will know several techniques for interfacing your Python applications with MySQL effectively so that powerful database management through Python becomes easy to achieve and easy to maintain.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Getting Up and Running with MySQL for Python, helps you to install MySQL for Python specific software, how to import modules into your programs, connecting to a database, accessing online help, and creating a MySQL cursor proxy within your Python program. It also covers how to close the database connection from Python and how to access multiple databases within one program.

    Chapter 2, Simple Querying, helps you to form and pass a query to MySQL, to look at user-defined variables, how to determine characteristics of a database and its tables, and program a command-line search utility. It also looks at how to change queries dynamically, without user input.

    Chapter 3, Simple Insertion, shows forming and passing an insertion to MySQL, to look at the user-defined variables in a MySQL insertion, passing metadata between databases, and changing insertion statements dynamically without user input.

    Chapter 4, Exception Handling, discusses ways to handle errors and warnings that are passed from MySQL for Python and the differences between them. It also covers several types of errors supported by MySQL for Python, and how to handle them effectively.

    Chapter 5, Results Record-by-Record, shows situations in which record-by-record retrieval is desirable, to use iteration to retrieve sets of records in smaller blocks and how to create iterators and generators in Python. It also helps you in using fetchone() and fetchmany().

    Chapter 6, Inserting Multiple Entries, discusses how iteration can help us execute several individual INSERT statements rapidly, when to use or avoid executemany(), and throttling how much data is inserted at a time.

    Chapter 7, Creating and Dropping, shows to create and delete both databases and tables in MySQL, to manage database instances with MySQL for Python, and to automate database and table creation.

    Chapter 8, Creating Users and Granting Access, focuses on creating and removing users in MySQL, managing database privileges with MySQL for Python, automating user creation and removal, to GRANT and REVOKE privileges, and the conditions under which that can be done.

    Chapter 9, Date and Time Values, discusses what data types MySQL supports for date and time, when to use which data type and in what format and range, and frequently used functions for handling matters of date and time.

    Chapter 10, Aggregate Functions and Clauses, shows how MySQL saves us time and effort by pre-processing data, how to perform several calculations using MySQL's optimized algorithms, and to group and order returned data by column.

    Chapter 11, SELECT Alternatives, discusses how to use HAVING clauses, how to create temporary subtables, subqueries and joins in Python, and the various ways to join tables.

    Chapter 12, String Functions, shows how MySQL allows us to combine strings and return the single, resulting value, how to extract part of a string or the location of a part, thus saving on processing, and how to convert cases of results.

    Chapter 13, Showing MySQL Metadata, discusses the several pieces of metadata about a given table that we can access, which system variables we can retrieve, and how to retrieve user privileges and the grants used to give them.

    Chapter 14, Disaster Recovery, focuses on when to implement one of several kinds of database backup plans, what methods of backup and disaster recovery MySQL supports, and how to use Python to back up databases

    What you need for this book

    The content of this book is written against MySQL 5.5, Python 2.5.2, and MySQL for Python 1.2.2. Development of the examples was done with MySQL 5.0, but everything was confirmed against the 5.5 documentation. As for operating systems, any of the main three will do:  Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Mac. Any additional requirements of modules are discussed in the book as they come up.

    Who this book is for

    This book is meant for intermediate users of Python who want hassle-free access to their MySQL database through Python. If you are a Python programmer who wants database-support in your Python applications, then this book is for you. This book is a must-read for every focused user of the MySQL for Python library who wants real-world applications using this powerful combination of Python and MySQL.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text are shown as follows: We can include other contexts through the use of the include directive.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    import MySQLdb

    mydb = MySQLdb.connect(host = 'localhost',

                          user = 'skipper',

                          passwd = 'mysecret',

                          db = 'fish')

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    >>> print results ((1L, 'tuna', Decimal('7.50')), (2L, 'bass', Decimal('6.75')), (3L, 'salmon', Decimal('9.50')), (4L, 'catfish', Decimal('5.00')),

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: clicking the Next button moves you to the next screen.

    Reference to a particular section or chapter are shown in italics.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

    Reader feedback

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book—what you liked or may have disliked. Reader feedback is important for us to develop titles that you really get the most out of.

    To send us general feedback, simply send an e-mail to <[email protected]>, and mention the book title via the subject of your message.

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    Chapter 1. Getting Up and Running with MySQL for Python

    It may seem rather unnecessary to start a book on MySQL for Python with a chapter on setting it up. There are, in fact, several ways to get MySQL for Python in a place such that your local Python installation can use it. Which one you use will depend as much on your familiarity with your operating system and with Python itself, as it will on which operating system and version of Python you are running.

    In this chapter we will cover the following:

    Where you can get MySQL for Python

    Installing MySQL for Python

    Importing the module into your programs

    Accessing online help about the MySQL for Python API and its accompanying modules

    How to connect to a database

    How to create a MySQL cursor proxy within your Python program

    How to close the database connection from Python

    How to access multiple databases within one program

    Getting MySQL for Python

    How you get MySQL for Python depends on your operating system and the level of authorization you have on it. In the following subsections, we walk through the common operating systems and see how to get MySQL for Python on each.

    Using a package manager (only on Linux)

    Package managers are used regularly on Linux, but none come by default with Macintosh and Windows installations. So users of those systems can skip this section.

    A package manager takes care of downloading, unpacking, installing, and configuring new software for you. In order to use one to install software on your Linux installation, you will need administrative privileges.

    Administrative privileges on a Linux system can be obtained legitimately in one of the following three ways:

    Log into the system as the root user (not recommended)

    Switch user to the root user using su

    Use sudo to execute a single command as the root user

    The first two require knowledge of the root user's password. Logging into a system directly as the root user is not recommended due to the fact that there is no indication in the system logs as to who used the root account. Logging in as a normal user and then switching to root using su is better because it keeps an account of who did what on the machine and when. Either way, if you access the root account, you must be very careful because small mistakes can have major consequences. Unlike other operating systems, Linux assumes that you know what you are doing if you access the root account and will not stop you from going so far as deleting every file on the hard drive.

    Unless you are familiar with Linux system administration, it is far better, safer, and more secure to prefix the sudo command to the package manager call. This will give you the benefit of restricting use of administrator-level authority to a single command. The chances of catastrophic mistakes are therefore mitigated to a great degree.


    More information on any of these commands is available by prefacing either man or info before any of the preceding commands (su, sudo).

    Which package manager you use depends on which of the two mainstream package management systems your distribution uses. Users of RedHat or Fedora, SUSE, or Mandriva will use the RPM Package Manager (RPM) system. Users of Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-derivatives will use the apt suite of tools available for Debian installations. Each package is discussed in the following:

    Using RPMs and yum

    If you use SUSE, RedHat, or Fedora, the operating system comes with the yum package manager. You can see if MySQLdb is known to the system by running a search (here using sudo):

    sudo yum search mysqldb

    If yum returns a hit, you can then install MySQL for Python with the following command:

    sudo yum install mysqldb

    Using RPMs and urpm

    If you use Mandriva, you will need to use the urpm package manager in a similar fashion. To search use urpmq:

    sudo urpmq mysqldb

    And to install use urpmi:

    sudo urpmi mysqldb

    Using apt tools on Debian-like systems

    Whether you run a version of Ubuntu, Xandros, or Debian, you will have access to aptitude, the default Debian package manager. Using sudo we can search for MySQLdb in the apt sources using the following command:

    sudo aptitude search mysqldb

    On most Debian-based distributions, MySQL for Python is listed as python-mysqldb.

    Once you have found how apt references MySQL for Python, you can install it using the following code:

    sudo aptitude install python-mysqldb

    Using a package manager automates the entire process so you can move to the section Importing MySQL for Python.

    Using an installer for Windows

    Windows users will need to use the older 1.2.2 version of MySQL for Python. Using a web browser, go to the following link:

    This page offers a listing of all available files for all platforms. At the end of the file listing, find mysql-python and click on it. The listing will unfold to show folders containing versions of MySQL for Python back to 0.9.1. The version we want is 1.2.2.


    Windows binaries do not currently exist for the 1.2.3 version of MySQL for Python. To get them, you would need to install a C compiler on your Windows installation and compile the binary from source.

    This is outside the purpose of the present book, but tips for how to do this are contained in the README file that accompanies the 1.2.3 version.

    Click on 1.2.2 and unfold the file listing. As you will see, the Windows binaries are differentiated by Python version—both 2.4 and 2.5 are supported. Choose the one that matches your Python installation and download it. Note that all available binaries are for 32-bit Windows installations, not 64-bit.

    After downloading the binary, installation is a simple matter of double-clicking the installation EXE file and following the dialogue. Once the installation is complete, the module is ready for use. So go to the section Importing MySQL for Python.

    Using an egg file

    One of the easiest ways to obtain MySQL for Python is as an egg file, and it is best to use one of those files if you can. Several advantages can be gained from working with egg files such as:

    They can include metadata about the package, including its dependencies

    They allow for the use of egg-aware software, a helpful level of abstraction

    Eggs can, technically, be placed on the Python executable path and used without unpacking

    They save the user from installing packages for which they do not have the appropriate version of software

    They are so portable that they can be used to extend the functionality of third-party applications

    Installing egg handling software

    One of the best known egg utilities—Easy Install, is available from the PEAK Developers' Center at How you install it depends on your operating system and whether you have package management software available. In the following section, we look at several ways to install Easy Install on the most common systems.

    Using a package manager (Linux)

    On Ubuntu you can try the following to install the easy_install tool (if not available already):

    shell> sudo aptitude install python-setuptools

    On RedHat or CentOS you can try using the yum package manager:

    shell> sudo yum install python-setuptools

    On Mandriva use urpmi:

    shell> sudo urpmi python-setuptools

    You must have administrator privileges to do the installations just mentioned.

    Without a package manager (Mac, Linux)

    If you do not have access to a Linux package manager, but nonetheless have a Unix variant as your operating system (for example, Mac OS X), you can install Python's setuptools manually. Go to:

    Download the relevant egg file for your Python version.

    When the file is downloaded, open a terminal and change to the download directory. From there you can run the egg file as a shell script. For Python 2.5, the command would look like this:

    sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.5.egg

    This will install several files, but the most important one for our purposes is easy_install, usually located in /usr/bin.

    On Microsoft Windows

    On Windows, one can download the setuptools suite from the following URL:

    From the list located there, select the most appropriate Windows executable file.

    Once the download is completed, double-click the installation file and proceed through the dialogue. The installation process will set up several programs, but the one important for our purposes is easy_install.exe. Where this is located will differ by installation and may require using the search function from the Start Menu.

    On 64-bit Windows, for example, it may be in the Program Files (x86) directory. If in doubt, do a search. On Windows XP with Python 2.5, it is located here:


    Note that you may need administrator privileges to perform this installation. Otherwise, you will need to install the software for your own use. Depending on the setup of your system, this may not always work.

    Installing software on Windows for your own use requires the following steps:

    Copy the setuptools installation file to your Desktop.

    Right-click on it and choose the runas option.

    Enter the name of the user who has enough rights to install it (presumably yourself).

    After the software has been installed, ensure that you know the location of the easy_install.exe file. You will need it to install MySQL for Python.

    Installing MySQL for Python from an egg file

    After installing EasyInstall, you still need to install the MySQL for Python egg. The egg files for MySQL for Python can be downloaded from the following URL:

    There you will see a list of all available files relevant to MySQL for Python.

    Which one you use depends on your operating system and your installed Python version. Currently, the only egg files available for MySQL for Python version 1.2.3c1 are for Linux running either Python 2.5 or 2.6. Mac users should use a tarball (tar.gz) file as discussed in the next section.

    To get an egg file for Windows, click on the MySQL-python directory and select the 1.2.2 version. This is the same directory used for the Windows binaries discussed earlier in this chapter. This time, however, you need to select an egg for Windows that fits either Python 2.4 or 2.5. There is no 2.6 version.

    Once you have the egg file for MySQL for Python, you simply need to invoke EasyInstall over the newly-downloaded egg file. How you do that will depend on the permissions you have for your operating system.

    With administrator permissions, you can simply call the EasyInstall binary. For Linux, it will look like this:

    shell> easy_install

    For Windows, you will use a command similar to this one:


    Note that you must have administrator privileges to do this. Otherwise, Windows users will have to install the software locally. Linux users can use sudo.

    EasyInstall will then unpack the archive, install it in your default Python installation folders, and configure it for immediate use.

    For Windows users, if you had to install setuptools locally, you may also require a local installation of Python itself in order to install MySQL for Python. See the section On Microsoft Windows under Installing egg-handling software, for help with this. If you need to go through this process, all of your configurations will be local, so you are best to use

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