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Easy Herbal Homemade Soap Recipes: Homemade Soap Making for Beginners
Easy Herbal Homemade Soap Recipes: Homemade Soap Making for Beginners
Easy Herbal Homemade Soap Recipes: Homemade Soap Making for Beginners
Ebook30 pages8 minutes

Easy Herbal Homemade Soap Recipes: Homemade Soap Making for Beginners

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Tired of spending money on chemically laced soaps? It is time to understand the power of homemade soaps. Here is a homemade soap recipe book to ensure you are able to make your own with ease.

Herbal homemade soap recipes are great for beauty and health related issues. 

Samantha Roberts will teach you how to create soaps such as Honey & Dandelion Soap. Apple Cider Soap, and many more!

Release dateJul 16, 2015
Easy Herbal Homemade Soap Recipes: Homemade Soap Making for Beginners

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Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    May 6, 2018

    First time soap makers using lye at percentages?!?! A recipe for disaster for sure. She provides some recipes in ml but leaves a lot chance with the ones only listing %s

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Easy Herbal Homemade Soap Recipes - Samantha Roberts


Soaps are used in every household and not just as a cleansing agent but also something that imparts a beautiful fragrance. When people buy soaps for their fragrance, they go for synthetic and chemical based soaps that are proven to be toxic and not suitable to be used in the long run. Most of the commercially available soaps are made of chemicals and we are well aware of the harmful effects of these artificially created products.

Is there an alternative? Yes, there is. You can make wonderful smelling soaps right in your kitchen without the help of anyone else and they smell and work amazingly well. But is soap making complicated? Not at all! Soaps are extremely simple to make not only because the process is easy but because the ingredients that go into the making are easily available and are found in every household or a nearby supermarket.

In this eBook, there are several kinds of soap making recipes that you test with literally no help from anybody.

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