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2,001 Most Useful German Words
2,001 Most Useful German Words
2,001 Most Useful German Words
Ebook305 pages4 hours

2,001 Most Useful German Words

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • German Language

  • Family

  • Grammar

  • Seasons

  • Vocabulary

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Misunderstandings

  • Pride & Prejudice

  • Travel

  • Food & Drink

  • Colors

  • Emotions

  • Animals

About this ebook

The ideal travel companion and at-home reference, this volume features more than 2,000 common German words, each accompanied by a brief definition, a sentence in German demonstrating proper usage, and a translation. These up-to-date terms cover 21st century digital technologies and consumer electronics, and a convenient reference section offers greetings and words related to directions, restaurant orders, and other everyday activities, plus helpful tips on vocabulary and grammar.
Release dateApr 10, 2013
2,001 Most Useful German Words

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Feb 13, 2022

    Lovely explanations, vocabulary applied in examples. You can enrich your german a lot!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Nov 25, 2019

    I really want to say "thank you" to you. This is a very interesting book and you are one of the best.

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2,001 Most Useful German Words - Joseph W. Moser



This book contains over 2,000 useful German words intended to help beginners and intermediate speakers of German acquaint themselves with the most common and frequently used German vocabulary. Travelers to German-speaking Europe will also find this book useful, as it introduces many words they will encounter while in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and other German-speaking regions. The reader can either go through the book alphabetically or skim here and there and enjoy picking up new German words and phrases. Unlike English, German nouns are divided into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Nouns in this book are followed by the abbreviations m., f., and n. to designate the gender. The plural ending for each noun follows in parenthesis, unless the stem-vowel changes in the plural form, in which case the reader will find the entire plural noun form in parenthesis. If the noun only exists in a plural form, the abbreviation pl. will follow the word. No reference to a plural form signifies that the singular and plural forms are identical; note that the article changes to die for all plural words. All German nouns are capitalized no matter where they are placed within a sentence. German word order allows for emphasized items in a sentence to be placed first. Only the verb has a required word order position as the second element in any sentence, therefore the reader will find that the word order in many of the German sentences differs from English, which requires the subject-verb word order in most sentences.

The first section of the book provides German words along with the English translation as well as a German sentence using each word followed by the English translation of the sentence. The second part of the book lists common words by categories and includes a brief primer on German grammar. English and German are related Germanic languages, thus many of the high-frequency English words of Anglo-Saxon origin are similar to their German equivalents. The second part of the book also shows examples of cognates and words that are almost identical. When English speakers learn German, they should keep in mind that identifying similarities between the two languages will accelerate language acquisition. German and English grammars are also related, however, German retained many complex features that no longer exist in English, such as noun gender and case declentions.

Many of the example sentences are simple in order to allow the reader to quickly understand the context. Please note that many of the words have additional meanings, and thus the emphasis of this book is on the most common usages of a word. Of course, several of the words listed may also have other meanings in different contexts.

German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union and, with around 100 million speakers, is the native language of more Europeans than English, French, Italian, or Spanish. Given the economic strength of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, many important companies across the world are operated by native German speakers, adding to the international significance of the language. The standard version of German is High German, or Hochdeutsch, which is the only accepted written form of modern German. Spoken German, however, differs regionally from the standard written form. There are many regional dialects, and it can be a lot of fun to pick up one of these dialects after spending an extended period of time in a particular region. Of course, High German is understood everywhere in German-speaking Europe, and in some areas of Western Germany, dialects have even been in decline. Regardless, dialects still remain strong in Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and among German minorities living in other European countries such as Alsace and Lorraine in France as well as South Tyrol in Italy.

German Pronunciation Guide

German words are spelled more phonetically and systematically than English words, thus it is fairly easy to read and pronounce German words correctly.


Vowels in German have the following sounds:


Many German consonants are similar to those in English except for:


Special German letters

Alphabetical Section


ab      down, off, starting from

Ab heute kostet das Benzin wieder mehr.

Starting today, the price of gasoline is going up again.

Abend(-e) m.      evening

Am Abend geht Markus mit Freunden ins Kino.

In the evening, Markus goes to the movies with friends.

Abendessen n.      dinner

Zum Abendessen fahren wir heute ins Gasthaus.

Today we are going to a restaurant for dinner.

Abenteuer n.      adventure

Unsere Reise um die ganze Welt war für uns ein großes Abenteuer.

Our trip around the world was a big adventure for us.

aber      but

Vielen Dank für das Angebot, aber das kann ich mir nicht leisten.

Thanks for the offer, but I can’t afford it.

Abfahrt(-en) f.      ground vehicle departure

Die Abfahrt des Intercity-Zuges nach Linz verspätet sich um 20 Minuten.

The departure of the intercity train to Linz will be delayed by twenty minutes.

Abflug(Abflüge) m.      airplane departure

Alle Abflüge innerhalb Europas gehen vom Terminal C am Wiener Flughafen ab.

All departures from the Vienna Airport to destinations within Europe leave from Terminal C.

abholen      to pick up

Die Mutter holt die Kinder von der Schule ab.

The mother is picking up her children from school.

Abitur n.      high school final exam in Germany

Wenn man das Abitur erfolgreich besteht, darf man in Deutschland studieren.

If you succesfully pass the high school final exam, you may study in Germany.

abkühlen      to cool off

An einem heißen Sommertag kann man sich mit einem Eis abkühlen.

You can cool off with an ice cream on a hot summer day.

abmessen      to measure

Ich kenne meine Schuhgröße nicht, also muss ich meinen Fuß abmessen.

I don’t know my shoe size, so I will need to measure my foot.

abnehmen      to lose weight

Peter ist sehr glücklich, denn er hat mit seiner Diät 25 Kilo abgenommen.

Peter is very happy because he lost twenty-five kilos on his diet.

abschalten      to turn off

Hier ist es sehr hell, also werde ich das Licht abschalten.

It is very bright in here, so I will turn off the light.

Abschied(-e) m.      farewell, goodbye

Der Abschied tut oft weh.

Goodbye often hurts.

achtung      attention, beware

Achtung auf Gleis 2! Zug fährt ein.

Attention on Track 2! A train is arriving.

adoptieren      to adopt

Die Wicherts von nebenan adoptieren ein Kind.

The Wicherts from next door are adopting a child.

Adoption(-en) f.      adoption

Jede Adoption eines Kindes muss von den Behörden bewilligt werden.

Every adoption of a child must be approved by the authorities.

ahnen      to forsee

Er hat geahnt, dass das nicht gut gehen kann.

He forsaw that this could not go well.

Ahnung(-en) f.      idea

Werner hatte keine Ahnung, dass die Steuern fällig waren.

Werner had no idea that taxes were due.

aktuell      current

Im Radio habe ich die aktuellen Nachrichten gehört.

I heard the current news on the radio.

Album(Alben) n.      album

Von unserer Reise in die Türkei habe ich ein Fotoalbum angefertigt.

I made a photo album of our trip to Turkey.

alle      everyone

Alle waren bei der Geburtstagsfeier.

Everyone was at the birthday party.

Allerlei pl.      all kinds of

In diesem Kaufhaus findest du allerlei Geschenkideen.

You will find all kinds of gift ideas in this department store.

Almanach(-e) m.      almanac

In einem Almanach kann man nützliche Informationen finden.

You can find useful information in an almanac.

Alpen      Alps

Die Alpen erstrecken sich von Frankreich bis nach Österreich.

The Alps stretch from France to Austria.

Alptraum(-träume) m.      nightmare

In der Nacht habe ich schlecht geschlafen, weil ich einen Alptraum gehabt habe.

I slept poorly last night because I had a nightmare.

also      so, thus

Es regnet heute, also müssen wir zu Hause bleiben.

It is raining today, so we need to stay home.

alt      old

Mein Auto ist so alt, dass ich ein Neues kaufen muss.

My car is so old that I need to buy a new one.

Altstadt(-städte) f.      old town

In der Altstadt von Nürnberg gibt es viele Sehenswürdigkeiten.

There are many sights to see in Nuremberg’s old town.

Alufolie(-n) f.      aluminum foil

Sie wickelt das Fleisch in Alufolie.

She wraps the meat in aluminum foil.

Amerika      America (usually in reference to North America or the United States)

Amerika ist ein Kontinent in der westlichen Hemisphäre.

North America is a continent in the Western Hemisphere.

Amerikaner m. Amerikanerin(-nen) f.      American person

Frau Hess ist Amerikanerin aus New York.

Ms. Hess is an American from New York.

amerikanisch      American

Den Deutschen gefallen viele der amerikanischen Schnellimbissketten.

The Germans enjoy many of the American fast food chains.

Amt(Ämter) n.      government office

Auf dem Amt bekommen Sie Auskunft in behördlichen Angelegenheiten.

At the government office you can obtain information on offical matters.

an      to, on

Susanne schickt eine Mail an ihre Freundin in Wien.

Susanne sends an e-mail to her friend in Vienna.

anbieten      to offer

Heute bieten wir zwei Bücher zum Preis von einem an.

Today we are offering two books for the price of one.

anfangen      to begin, to start

Wir fangen heute mit der Arbeit an.

We are starting the work today.

angeben      to show off

Uwe gibt mit seinem großen Auto an.

Uwe is showing off with his big car.

Angelegenheit(-en) f.      matter

Das ist eine heikle Angelegenheit, über die man nicht mit allen sprechen darf.

This is a delicate matter that one is not allowed to speak of with others.

angenehm      pleasant

Er hat mit seinem Nachbarn ein angenehmes Gespräch geführt.

He had a pleasant conversation with his neighbor.

angestellt      employed

Ramona ist bei einer großen Bank in Zürich angestellt.

Ramona is employed with a large bank in Zurich.

Angst m.      fear

Wenn es dunkel ist, haben manche Menschen Angst.

Some people have a fear of the dark.

anhalten      to hold on

In der U-Bahn ist es ganz wichtig, dass man sich anhält, wenn der Zug fährt.

It is very important that you hold on tight when the subway train is moving.

Anker m.      anchor

Das Schiff legt den Anker an.

The anchor was thrown out of the ship.

ankommen      to arrive

Wir kommen am Sonntag um 15 Uhr in Basel an.

We will arrive in Basel at 3 p.m. on Sunday.

Ankunft(Ankünfte) f.      arrival

Die Ankunft des Fluges aus Prag ist für 18 Uhr vorgesehen.

The arrival of the flight from Prague is expected at 6 p.m.

Anlage(-n) f.      plant

Die Schulgruppe besucht die Anlage der Firma.

The school group visits the company’s plant.

Anlass(-lässe) m.      occasion, reason

Der Anlass für die Ausstellung ist der 80. Geburtstag des Künstlers.

The reason for the exhibition is the artist’s eightieth birthday.

annehmen      to accept

Wir nehmen die Bedingungen des Vertrags an.

We accept the conditions of the contract.

anrufen      to call

Sie können mich unter dieser Nummer anrufen.

You can call me at this number.

Ansicht(-en) f.      opinion

Meiner Ansicht nach ist die neue Initiative eine gute Idee.

In my opinion, the new initiative is a good idea.

Ansprache(-n) f.      speech

Er hat bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung eine Ansprache gehalten.

He gave a speech at the opening of the exhibition.

anstrengend      exhausting

Diese Arbeit ist sehr anstrengend.

This work is very exhausting.

Antrag(Anträge) m.      application

Frau Brenner geht auf das Passamt und stellt einen Antrag für einen neuen Reisepass.

Ms. Brenner goes to the passport office

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