Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics
About this ebook
Chapters 1 and 2 are devoted to the mathematics of classical physics. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 — the backbone of the book — cover the theory of vector spaces. Chapter 6 covers analytic function theory. In chapters 7, 8, and 9 the authors take up several important techniques of theoretical physics — the Green's function method of solving differential and partial differential equations, and the theory of integral equations. Chapter 10 introduces the theory of groups. The authors have included a large selection of problems at the end of each chapter, some illustrating or extending mathematical points, others stressing physical application of techniques developed in the text.
Essentially self-contained, the book assumes only the standard undergraduate preparation in physics and mathematics, i.e. intermediate mechanics, electricity and magnetism, introductory quantum mechanics, advanced calculus and differential equations. The text may be easily adapted for a one-semester course at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level.
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Reviews for Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics
17 ratings1 review
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars4/5This book is a decent resource when it comes to graduate level physics. I used it to suppliment my quantum mechanics course. Before purchasing the book, make sure you have a solid calculus and physics foundation.
Book preview
Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics - Frederick W. Byron
In this chapter we shall review informally the properties of the vectors and vector fields that occur in classical physics. But we shall do so in a way, and in a notation, that leads to the more abstract discussion of vectors in later chapters. The aim here is to bridge the gap between classical three-dimensional vector analysis and the formulation of abstract vector spaces, which is the mathematical language of quantum physics. Many of the ideas that will be developed more abstractly and thoroughly in later chapters will be anticipated in the familiar three-dimensional setting here. This should provide the subsequent treatment with more intuitive content. This chapter will also provide a brief recapitulation of classical physics, much of which can be elegantly stated in the language of vector analysis—which was, of course, devised expressly for this purpose. Our purpose here is one of informal introduction and review; accordingly, the mathematical development will not be as rigorous as in subsequent chapters.
Fig. 1.1 Three equivalent vectors in a two-dimensional space.
In elementary physics courses the geometric aspect of vectors is emphasized. A vector, x, is first conceived as a directed line segment, or a quantity with both a magnitude and a direction, such as a velocity or a force. A vector is thus distinguished from a scalar, a quantity which has only magnitude such as temperature, entropy, or mass. In the two-dimensional space depicted in Fig. 1.1, three vectors of equal magnitude and direction are shown. They form an equivalence class which may be represented by V0, the unique vector whose initial point is at the origin. We shall gradually replace this elementary characterization of vectors and scalars with a more fundamental one. But first we must develop another language with which to discuss vectors.
An algebraic aspect of a vector is suggested by the one-to-one correspondence between the unique vectors (issuing from the origin) that represent equivalence classes of vectors, and the coordinates of their terminal points, the ordered pairs of real numbers (x1, x2). Similarly, in three-dimensional space we associate a geometrical vector with an ordered triple of real numbers, (x1, x2, x3), which are called the components of the vector. We may write this vector more briefly as xi, where it is understood that i extends from 1 to 3. In spaces of dimension greater than three we rely increasingly on the algebraic notion of a vector, as an ordered n-tuple of real numbers, (x1, x2, · · ·, xn). But even though we can no longer construct physical vectors for n greater than three, we retain the geometrical language for these n-dimensional generalizations. A formal treatment of the properties of such abstract vectors, which are important in the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, will be the subject of Chapters 3 and 4. In this chapter we shall restrict our attention to the three-dimensional case.
There are then these two complementary aspects of a vector: the geometric, or physical, and the algebraic. These correspond to plane (or solid) geometry and analytic geometry. The geometric aspect was discovered first and stood alone for centuries until Descartes discovered algebraic or analytic geometry. Anything that can be proved geometrically can be proved algebraically and vice-versa, but the proof of a given proposition may be far easier in one language than in the other.
Thus the algebraic language is more than a simple alternative to the geometric language. It allows us to formulate certain questions more easily than we could in the geometric language. For example, the tangent to a curve at a point can be defined very simply in the algebraic language, thus facilitating further study of the whole range of problems surrounding this important concept. It is from just this formulation of the problem of tangents that the calculus arose.
It is said of Niels Bohr that he never felt he understood philosophical ideas until he had discussed them with himself in German, French, and English as well as in his native Danish. Similarly, one’s understanding of geometry is strengthened when one can view the basic theorems from both the geometric and the algebraic points of view. The same is true of the study of vectors. It is all too easy to rely on the algebraic language to carry one through vector analysis, skipping blithely over the physical, geometric interpretation of the differential operators. We shall try to bring out the physical meanings of these operators as well as review their algebraic manipulation. The basic operators of vector analysis crop up everywhere in physics, so it pays to develop a physical picture of what these operators do—that is, what features they measure
of the scalar or vector fields on which they operate.
One of the most important aspects of the study of vectors is the resolution of vectors into components. In fact, this will remain a central feature in Chapter 5, where we deal with Hilbert space, the infinite-dimensional generalization of a vector space. In three dimensions, any vector x can be expressed as a linear combination of any three noncoplanar vectors. Thus x = αV1 + βV2 + γV3, where α, β , and γ are scalars. If we denote the length of a vector x by |x|, then α|V1|, β|V2|, and γ|V3| are the components of x in the V1, V2, and V3 directions. The three vectors V1, V2, and V3 need not be perpendicular to each other—any three noncoplanar vectors form a base, or basis, in terms of which an arbitrary vector may be decomposed or expanded. But it is often most convenient to choose the basis vectors perpendicular to each other. In this case the basis is called orthogonal; otherwise it is called oblique. We shall deal almost exclusively with sets of orthogonal basis vectors.
A particularly useful set of basis vectors is the Cartesian basis, consisting of three mutually orthogonal vectors of unit length which have the same direction at all points in space. We shall denote unit vectors by the letter e in this chapter; accordingly, the Cartesian basis is the set (e1, e2, e3) shown in Fig. 1.2. Such a set of base vectors is called orthonormal, because the vectors are orthogonal to each other and are normalized (have unit length). We shall not distinguish between a basis
and a coordinate system
in this treatment.
Fig. 1.2 Right-handed Cartesian basis or coordinate system.
The basis (or coordinate system) in Fig. 1.2 is right-handed, i.e., if the fingers of the right hand are extended along the positive x1-axis and then curled toward the positive x2-axis, the thumb will point in the positive x3-direction. If any one of the basis vectors is reversed, we have a left-handed orthogonal basis. A mathematical definition of handedness
will be given in Section 1.5.
An arbitrary vector may be expressed in terms of this Cartesian basis as x = x1e1 + x1e2 + x1e3. The ei, or ith, component of x with respect to this basis is xi, for i = 1, 2, 3. There are a great many other orthonormal bases, such as those of cylindrical and spherical and other curvilinear coordinate systems, which can greatly simplify the treatment of problems with special symmetry features. We shall deal with these in Section 1.7.
The scalar (inner
or dot
) product of two vectors x and y is the real number defined in geometrical language by the equation
where θ is the angle between the two vectors, measured from x to y. Since cos θ is an even function, the scalar product is commutative:
Moreover, the scalar product is distributive with respect to addition:
This equation has a familiar and reasonable appearance, but that is only because we automatically interpret it algebraically, where we usually take distributivity for granted. The reader will find it instructive to prove this by geometrical construction.
If x·y = 0, it does not follow that one or both of the vectors are zero. It may be that they are perpendicular. Note that the length of a vector x is given by
since cos θ = 1 for θ = 0. In particular, for Cartesian basis vectors, we have
where δij is the Kronecker delta defined by
If we expand two arbitrary vectors, x and y, in terms of the Cartesian basis,
Here we have used the distributivity of the scalar product;
This last expression may be taken as the algebraic definition of the scalar product.
. This equation provides an independent way of associating with any vector, a number called its length. We see that the notion of length need not be taken as inherent in the notion of vector, but is rather a consequence of defining a scalar product in a space of abstract vectors. Thus in Chapter 3. we shall study abstract vector spaces in which no notion of length has been defined. Then, in Chapter 4 we shall add an inner (or scalar) product to this vector space and focus on the enriched structure that results from this addition.
We shall now introduce a notational shorthand known as the Einstein summation convention. Einstein, in working with vectors and tensors, noticed that whenever there was a summation over a given subscript (or superscript), that subscript appeared twice in the summed expression, and vice versa. Thus one could simply omit the redundant summation signs, interpreting an expression like xiyi to mean summation over the repeated subscript from 1 to, in our case, 3. If there are two distinct repeated subscripts, two summations are implied, and so on. In a letter, Einstein refers with tongue in cheek to this observation as a great discovery in mathematics,
but if you don’t believe it is, just try getting along without it! (Another story in this connection—probably apocryphal—has it that the printer who was setting type for one of Einstein’s papers noticed the redundancy and suggested omitting the summation signs.)
We shall adopt Einstein’s summation convention throughout this chapter. In terms of this convention we have, for example,
The last equation defines xi the component of x in the ei direction, x·ei is also called the projection of x on the ei axis. The set of numbers {xi} is called the representation (or the coordinates) of the vector x in the basis (or the coordinate system) {ei}.
We shall now consider the relationship between the components of a vector expressed with respect to two different Cartesian bases with the same origin, as shown in Fig. 1.3. Any vector x can be resolved into components with respect to either the K or the K′ system. For example, in K we have
where we are using the summation convention. In particular, if we take x (i = 1, 2, 3), we can express the primed set of basis vectors in terms of the unprimed set:
Fig. 1.3 Two different Cartesian bases with the same origin. The vector x can be expressed in terms of either basis.
The nine terms aij defined by Eq. (1.5), are the directional cosines of the angles between the six axes. These numbers may be written as the square array,
R is known as the rotation matrix in three dimensions, since it describes the consequences of a change from one basis to another (rotated) basis.
Note that in defining the matrix elements by the equation
Almost all authors use the convention of Eq. (1.7a), but this is an arbitrary choice; a completely consistent development of the theory is possible based on the definition (1.7b). In fact, in abstract vector space theory, matrices are usually defined by a convention consistent with Eq. (1.7b) rather than by our rule, Eq. (1.7a). However, by replacing aij by aji in Eq. (1.6) and the equations we shall derive presently—thus interchanging rows and columns or transposing the matrix R—we may shuttle back and forth between conventions. In chapter 4 we shall reconsider these issues in a more general setting that permits an easy and complete systematization.
It is apparent that the elements of the rotation matrix are not independent. Since the basis vectors form an orthonormal set, it follows from Eq. (1.5) that
Equation (1.8) stands for a set of nine equations (of which only six are distinct), each involving a sum of three quadratic terms. It is left to the reader to show (by expanding the unprimed vectors in terms of the primed basis and taking scalar products) that we also have the relation
The expressions (1.8) and (1.9) are referred to as orthogonality relations; the corresponding transformations (Eq. 1.5) are called orthogonal transformations.
In an n-dimensional space, the rotation matrix will have nconditions, as the reader can verify. Thus
of the aij are left undetermined. In a two-dimensional space this leaves one free parameter, which we may take as the angle of rotation. In a three-dimensional space there are three degrees of freedom, corresponding to the three so-called Euler angles used to describe the orientation of a rigid body.
Equation (1.5), together with the orthogonality relations, tells us how one set of orthogonal basis vectors is expressed in terms of another rotated set. Now we ask: How are the components of a vector in K related to the components of that vectors in K′, and vice versa?
Any vector x may be expressed either in the K system as x = xjej or in the K′ . Let us first express the xj the components of x with respect to the basis ej
, the components of x
. Using Eq. (1.5), we have
Now, since the basis vectors are orthogonal, we may identify their coefficients in Eq. (1.10):
(More formally, if αiei = βiei, then (αi − βi)ei = 0. Since this is a sum, it does not follow automatically that αi = βi. However, taking the scalar product with ei gives (αi − βi)δij = 0, whence αi = βj.)
To derive the inverse transformation, one could, of course, repeat the above procedure, substituting for the unprimed vectors. That is, instead of using Eq. (1.5), one could use the corresponding relation for the unprimed basis vectors in terms of the primed:
However, using the orthogonality relations, we can derive this result directly from Eq. (1.11). Multiplying it by akj, summing over j, and using Eq. (1.8), we have
which gives the primed components in terms of the unprimed components.
In summary, we have
It should be understood that these equations refer to the components of one vector, x, as expressed with respect to two different sets of basis vectors, ei . Thus unprimed basis vectors can be expressed in terms of the other (primed) basis. Thus aij is the j
, expressed with respect to the unprimed basis, and aji is the jth component of ei expressed with respect to the primed basis.
Fig. 1.4 Rotation in two dimensions, or rotation in three dimensions about an axis, xaxes.
Example 1.1. The two-dimensional rotation matrix. We have defined the elements of the rotation matrix in , for i, j =1, 2. From Fig. 1.4 it is clear that
The first subscript of aij labels the row and the second subscript labels the column of the element aij. This rotation matrix tells us what happens to the components of a single vector x when we go from one basis, ei by rotating the basis counterclockwise through an angle (+ φ). From Eq. (1.13), the components xi of a vector x relative to the ei
or written out in full,
Here xi refer to the components of a single vector with respect to two bases. The vector x sits passively as the basis with respect to which it is expressed rotates beneath it.
But there is another way to interpret these equations. We may regard the xi as the components of one vector, xas the component of another vector, x′, obtained from x by rotating x through the angle (−φ). Let X ≡ {ei
denote the basis obtained by rotating X through the angle (+ φ). Then the components of x′ referred to X are numerically equal to the components of x referred to X′. The idea behind this is actually quite simple; the difficulties are largely notational and can best be bypassed by drawing a diagram. The rotation of a vector through an angle (−φ) produces a new vector with components in the original fixed basis equal to the components of the original vector, viewed as fixed, with respect to a new basis obtained from the original basis by rotating the original basis through the angle (+φ).
Thus the equations that describe the active transformation of one vector into a new vector, rotated with respect to the original vector through an angle (+φ), are obtained by substituting the angle (−φ) into Eq. (1.15a), which gives
Here the xi refer to the components of two vectors with respect to a single basis. Note that Eqs. (1.16a) may be written as
where the aij are defined in Eq. (1.14a).
If we had defined the rotation matrix as the transpose of (aij), that is, if we had used Eq. (1.7b), then we would have
replacing Eq. (1.14a);
replacing Eq. (1.15a) for the components of a single vector in two different bases, and
replacing Eq. (1.16b), for the components of a transformed vector with respect to a single basis.
We may extend the rotation matrix (Eq. 1.14a) to the three-dimensional case of a rotation of basis vectors about the x3-axis. Denoting this rotation matrix by R(φ), we have
Example 1.2. The three-dimensional rotation matrix . Suppose that we want to transform to a coordinate system in which the new z
, is in an arbitrarily specified direction, say along the vector V in
axis through an angle φ. This gives
where the aij are given by Eq. (1.17). Now we rotate clockwise through an angle θ, that is, counterclockwise through the angle (−θ-axis is
, are given in terms of the primed ones by
Fig. 1.5 The vector, V, which determines the z-axis of a rotated coordinate system.
Therefore, using Eq. (1.18), we have
To go directly from the unprimed system to the doubly primed system we must know the coefficients cik in the equation
Knowing these coefficients is equivalent to knowing the three-dimensional rotation matrix. From Eqs. (1.20) and (1.21), we see that
Using this result and the matrices (1.17) and (1.19), we may compute the elements cik. The resulting rotation matrix is
This rotation matrix contains the matrix R(φ) [Eq. (1.17)] as the special case θ = 0; thus R(φ, 0) = R(φ). Equation (1.22) is a special case as the general operation of matrix multiplication which will be treated fully in Chapter 3. The components of a vector x relative to the ei-basis and the components of that same vector x -basis are related according to
The rotation matrix R(φ, θ-axis. This third rotation about an axis is described by the rotation matrix
And the grand rotation of rotations,
that may be achieved by compounding the three rotations about axes, through φ, θ, is described by the rotation matrix whose elements are
The reader may verify that the resulting matrix is
The angles (φ, θ) are called the Euler angles. Their definition varies widely— the probability is small that two distinct authors’ general rotation matrix will be the same. Note that R(φ, θ, 0) = R(φ, θ) and R(φ, 0, 0) =R(φ). The reader might note in passing that the determinant of R(φ, θ
) (and all the other rotation matrices), has the value one. We shall prove this in Chapter 4.
Originally we introduced a vector as an ordered triple of numbers. The rule for expressing the components of a vector in one coordinate system in terms of its components in another system tells us that if we fix our attention on a physical vector and then rotate the coordinate system (K→K′), the vector will have different numerical components in the rotated coordinate system. So we are led to realize that a vector is really more than an ordered triple. Rather, it is many sets of ordered triples which are related in a definite way. One still specifies a vector by giving three ordered numbers, but these three numbers are distinguished from an arbitrary collection of three numbers by including the law of transformation under rotation of the coordinate frame as part of the definition. This law tells how all vectors change if the coordinate system changes. Thus one physical vector may be represented by infinitely many ordered triples. The particular triple depends on the orientation of the coordinate system of the observer. This is important because physical results must be the same regardless of one’s vantage point, that is, regardless of the orientation of one’s coordinate system. This will be the case if a given physical law involves vectors on both sides of the equation. Now, from this point of view, the transformation rule of Eq. (1.11) and the orthogonality relations, Eq. (1.9), may be used to define vectors. This is the natural starting point for a generalization to tensor analysis.
Since the orthogonal transformations are linear and homogeneous, it follows that the sum of two vectors is a vector and will transform acccording to Eq. (1.11) under orthogonal transformations. Also, if the equation x = αy (for example, F = ma), with α a scalar, holds in one coordinate system, it holds in any other which is related to the first by an orthogonal transformation. The reader may want to carry out the proofs of these statements formally.
We now prove a simple, but very important theorem.
Theorem. The scalar product is invariant under orthogonal transformations.
Proof. We see that this statement is obviously true when we consider the geometrical definition of the scalar product, for the lengths of vectors and the angle between them do not change as the axes are rotated. The algebraic proof is less transparent, but it allows some important generalizations. We have
which completes the proof of the theorem.
Now scalars, ϕ, are invariant under rotations:
and the components of a vector transform according to
It is easy to generalize these notions and write down what is called a Cartesian-tensor of the second rank. In three dimensions, this is a set of nine components, Tij which under orthogonal transformations behave according to the rule
A vector is a tensor of the first rank and a scalar is a tensor of zeroth rank. Generalization to tensors of higher rank is clearly possible, but we shall defer further discussion of tensors to Section 1.8.
The importance of thinking of these quantities in terms of their transformation properties lies in the requirement that physical theories must be in-variant under rotation of the coordinate system. The inclination of the coordinate axes that we superimpose on a physical situation must not affect the physical answers we get. Or, to put it another way, observers who study a situation in different coordinate systems must agree on all physical results. For example, we may view the flight of a projectile (Fig. 1.6) from either the K or the K′ system. In K, Newton’s second law is F = ma, and the equations of motion are
Letting the initial (t = 0) conditions be
we find for the trajectory in K,
Fig. 1.6 The parabolic trajectory of a projectile viewed in coordinate systems K and K′.
In K′, Newton’s law is F′ = ma′, and the equations of motion become
The initial conditions become
and the trajectory is
Do the trajectories as expressed in the primed and unprimed variables describe the same physical path? They had better! Otherwise Newton’s law does not provide a frame-independent description. It is left to the reader to reassure himself that all is well.
The important question is why this all works out. Just where is frame-independence for rotated coordinate systems built into Newton’s laws? The answer is that two vectors which are equal in one frame, say K, are equal in a rotated frame, K′. The linear homogeneous character of the transformation law for vector components guarantees this. Instead of deriving the equations of motion in K′ by looking at the physical situation in the frame, we could have derived them from the equations of motion as stated for K by applying the rotation matrix directly to the relevant vectors—forces and accelerations. It is instructive to carry this out once in one’s life.
The key point is that on both sides of the equation there are vector quantities; hence under rotation of the basis vectors, both sides transform the same way. If on one side there were two numbers that remained constant under rotation (two such numbers would not be the components of a vector), while the other side was transforming like a vector, the equation would have a different form after transformation, and it would give different predictions. The world goes on independent of the inclination of our coordinate system, and we incorporate this isotropy of space into our theories from the start in the requirement that all terms in an equation be tensors of the same rank: all tensors of second rank, all vectors, or all scalars.
Another point worth noting is that since we get the same physical results in any frame, we can solve the problem in the frame where it is solved most easily—in our example, frame K. In general, we can establish a tensor equation in any particular frame and know immediately that it holds for every frame.
In summary then, the invariance of a physical law under orthogonal transformation of the spatial coordinate system requires that all the terms of the equation be tensors of the same rank. We say then that the terms are covariant under orthogonal transformations, i.e., they vary together.
Later we shall view the Lorentz transformation of special relativity as an orthogonal transformation in four-dimensional space (space-time
or Minkowski space), and again, we shall insist that all the terms of an equation be tensors (in this case, four-tensors
) of the same rank. This will ensure that the laws of physics are invariant under Lorentz transformations; that is, for all observers moving with uniform relative velocity.
The vector (or cross
) product of two vectors x and y is a vector—as we might expect—and is written z ≡ x × y. In geometrical language, we define the magnitude of the vector z by
where θ is the angle measured from x to y in such a way that θ ≤ π. z is defined to be perpendicular to the plane containing x and y, and to point in a direction given by the right-hand rule applied to x and y, with fingers swinging in the direction of θ from x to y, and the thumb giving the direction of z. If one’s thumb points up
as one swings one’s fingers from x to y, then it will point down
as one swings one’s fingers from y to x (remember that θ ≤ π). Therefore, the vector product is anticommutative:
Therefore, x × x = 0 (which is obvious geometrically, since sin 0 = 0).
As an example of the vector product, consider the set of orthonormal basis vectors in the right-handed coordinate system of Fig. 1.2. It follows from the definition of the vector product that these basis vectors obey the relations
where i, j, and k are any even permutation of the subscripts 1, 2, and 3. [Oddness and evenness of a permutation of (1, 2, 3) refer to the oddness or evenness of the number of interchanges of adjacent numbers needed to get to the order (1, 2, 3). Thus (3, 1, 2) is an even permutation and (3, 2, 1) is an odd permutation.] In this connection we define the symbol εijk which will be useful in much the same way as the Kronecker delta:
There is, in fact, a very useful identity relating the εijk symbol and the Kronecker delta. It is
We leave the verification to the reader. It also follows immediately from Eq. (1.29) that
The handedness of a coordinate system may now be defined mathematically: a set of basis vectors ei is said to form a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system if
The coordinate system is left-handed if ei × ej = −εijkek. Clearly, the replacement of any basis vector by its negative simply reverses the handedness of the coordinate system. We shall use right-handed coordinate systems throughout the book.
The algebraic definition of the vector product is
(Again, we have assumed that the vector product is distributive.) Thus the ith component of z is
The proofs of the familiar vector identities become very simple in this notation.
Example 1.3. In order to establish the vector identity,
we must prove that the ith components of the two expressions are equal:
Even easier is the proof of the identities
which we leave to the reader.
In Section 1.4, we derived the orthogonality relations
by considering the scalar products of the basis vectors. As we noted, these relations among the elements of the rotation matrix mean that the aij are not independent of each other. A simple way to solve the system of Eqs. (1.36) is to take components of the vector product relations among the basis vectors. The lth component of
in the primed frame is
here we are using , we have immediately
which gives any one of the aij’s in terms of the others, since upon choosing i and j there is only one term in the sum on the left.
We may use this result to prove that the vector product of two vectors does indeed transform like a vector. Suppose that two objects x and y transform as vectors under orthogonal transformations:
We must show that z = x × y also transforms as a vector, i.e., that
Using Eqs. (1.37), with suitably chosen dummy subscripts, one easily carries out the proof. We have
Although the vector product transforms like a vector under rotations, it does not behave in all respects like an ordinary
vector. After all, it is the product of two vectors. Each of the vectors that enter into the vector product changes sign when we replace all the basis vectors ei by their negatives, −ei. This is called inversion of the coordinate system.
In two-dimensional space, inversion is just rotation by 180°. In three dimensions, however, inversion is equivalent to changing from a right-handed to a left-handed coordinate system. Analogous results hold for spaces of higher dimension: In even-dimensional spaces, inversion can be achieved by a rotation of basis vectors, whereas in odd-dimensional spaces, inversion requires the reflection of the basis vectors in the origin.
Vectors like the position r and the momentum p change sign under inversion. They are called polar, or ordinary, vectors. But a vector product of two polar vectors, such as L = r × p, will not change sign under inversion. Such vectors are called axial vectors or pseudovectors. The scalar product of a polar vector and a pseudovector is a pseudoscalar; it changes sign under an inversion, whereas a scalar does not.
Just as equations in classical physics cannot equate tensors of different rank because they have different transformation properties under rotations, we cannot equate pseudovectors to vectors or pseudoscalars to scalars, because they transform differently under inversions. For example, the equation
relates the two pseudovectors, angular momentum and torque.
In order to illustrate the power and use of vector methods, we shall employ them to work out the Keplerian orbits. This treatment is to be contrasted with that based on solving the differential equations of motion found, for example, in Chapter 3 of Goldstein.*
We first prove Kepler’s second law which states that angular momentum is constant in a central force field. Differentiating the angular momentum
with respect to time, we obtain
and p are parallel. The second vector product is simply r × F by Newton’s second law, and hence vanishes for all forces directed along the position vector, that is, for all central forces. Thus L = r × mv is a constant vector in central force motion. This implies that the position vector r, and therefore the entire orbit, lies in a fixed plane in three-dimensional space. This result is essentially Kepler’s second law, which is often stated in terms of the conservation of areal velocity, |L|/2m.
We now turn to a familiar, but, in fact, very special central force, the inverse-square force of gravitation and electrostatics. For such a force, Newton’s second law becomes
where n = r/r is a unit vector in the r-direction, and k is a constant; for the gravitational case it is Gm1m2, and for the electrostatic case, it is q1q2 in cgs units.
First we note that
and using this in the definition of angular momentum, we find that
Now we consider
Here we have used the constancy of L, Eqs. (1.38) and (1.39), and the vector identity, Eq. (1.34). Since n·n . Thus we obtain
and integrating, we have
where C is a constant vector. Thus C = v × L − kn is a vector constant of the motion. It lies along, and fixes the position of, the major axis of the orbit, as we shall see after we complete the derivation of the orbit.
Now we form the scalar quantity
using Eqs. (1.35) and (1.40), where θ is the angle measured from C to r. Solving for r, we obtain
This equation is the polar form for a conic section with one focus at the origin, where θ is measured from the constant vector C (which we may take to be the x-axis) to r, and ε represents the eccentricity of the conic section; depending on its values, the conic section is a hyperbola, parabola, ellipse, or circle. The eccentricity is easily determined in terms of the constants of motion:
Now |v × L|² = υ²L² because v is perpendicular to L. Using Eq. (1.41), we obtain
where E is is the constant energy of the system. We can now write out in full the orbit equation known as Kepler’s first law:
The vector C lies along the major axis in a direction from the focus to the perihelion, and its magnitude is
This is most easily seen by considering its value at the perihelion. Note that this vector vanishes for a circle (ε = 0) since there is no unique major axis. The existence of a further integral of the motion (besides energy and angular momentum) is due to degeneracy of the motion associated with potentials of the Coulomb form, k/r.* This degeneracy is perhaps more familiar in the analogous quantum-mechanical problem, the hydrogen atom, than in classical orbit theory. The above vector treatment is based on the existence of this special integral of the motion and is therefore not a general substitute for the usual methods based on the differential equations of motion.
If to each point xi (i = 1, 2, 3) in some region of space there corresponds a scalar, φ(xi), or a vector, V(xi), we have a scalar or a vector field. Typical scalar fields are the temperature or density distribution in an object, or the electrostatic potential. Typical vector fields are the gravitational force, the velocity at each point in a moving fluid (e.g., a hurricane), or the magnetic-field intensity. Fields are functions defined at points of physical space, and may be time-dependent or time-independent.
Table 1.1.
In this section we shall define various differential operations on scalar and vector fields—the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian—and examine the form these operations take in general curvilinear coordinate systems. We shall also consider the aspect of the field that each of these operators measures.
If we know what information the different operations extract from given fields, we shall be able to understand more intuitively the physical content of the basic equations of classical physics.
For the solution of certain physical problems, spherical, cylindrical, or still other coordinates are often superior to Cartesian coordinates. For example, the problem of finding the electrostatic potential between two charged concentric spherical shells is much simpler in spherical coordinates than in Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates, because in spherical coordinates the potential can be expressed as a function of one of the three coordinates alone, namely, r.
It is possible to proceed formally from the definitions of the various differential operators in Cartesian coordinates and the coordinate transformation equations to expressions for these operators in the other coordinate systems. Alternatively, one can derive the required expressions from coordinate-free, geometrical definitions. We shall take the latter course, giving general derivations valid for any set of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates qi related to the distance ds by the line element or metric
If only one of the three orthogonal coordinates q1, q2, q3 is varied, the corresponding line element may be written
The three most common (and one less common) systems are shown in Table 1.1.
The Gradient
The gradient is a differential operator defined on a scalar field φ. The gradient of a scalar field, written grad φ, is a vector field defined by the requirement that
where dφ is the differential change in φ corresponding to the arbitrary space displacement ds. From this we see that
where θ is the angle between the vector grad φ and the displacement vector ds. Thus it is clear that the rate of change of φ is greatest if the differential displacement is in the direction of grad φ, when θ = 0 and cos θ has its maximum value, 1. This defines the direction of the vector grad φ at a point in space: It is the direction of maximum rate of change of φ from that point, i.e., the direction in which dφ/ds is greatest. It also follows from Eq. (1.47) that the magnitude of the vector grad φ is simply this maximal rate of change, i.e. the rate of change |dφ/ds| in the direction in which φ is changing most rapidly.
We may summarize this by saying that the gradient of φ is the directional derivative in the direction of the maximum rate of change of φ. For example, let φ be the elevation from sea level of points on the surface of a mountain, and therefore proportional to gravitational potential. The equipotentials are the lines of constant φ or constant altitude. Displacements along equipotentials produce no change in φ (dφ = 0), but displacements perpendicular to equipotentials are in the direction of most rapid change of altitude, and dφ takes on its maximum value. The vector grad φ is always perpendicular to equipotential lines or surfaces.
The general form of the ith component of the gradient vector follows from the definition of the gradient, Eq. (1.46), and Eq. (1.45). We have
We shall use the abbreviation
In Cartesian coordinates, where hi = 1, this becomes
and consequently
where summation from 1 to 3 is implied. This equation is often written in terms of the symbolic vector operator, ∇, called the del
operator; it is defined in Cartesian coordinate systems by
In terms of the del operator, we have, in Cartesian coordinate systems,
The ∇ symbol is often used to denote the grad operator irrespective of the type of coordinates, in which case we have
where ei is the unit vector corresponding to qi, in the positive qi-direction; ∇ is an operator and should not be thought of as a vector. It differs from a vector just as d/dx differs from a number; ∇ acquires meaning only when operating on a scalar or vector function. Taken alone, it has no magnitude; however, it does transform properly under rotations, so it is sometimes treated formally as a vector.
The Divergence
The divergence is a differential operation defined on a vector field V. The divergence of a vector field, written div V, is a scalar field. It is defined at a point xi in coordinate-free form as
where Δτ is the volume enclosed by the surface σ, and dσ = n dσ, where n is the outward-directed unit vector normal to the infinitesimal
element of surface dσ surrounding the point xi. We omit the demonstration that this definition is independent of the shape of Δτ.
The physical meaning of the divergence of a vector field can be determined straight from this definition. The divergence at a point measures the flux of the vector field through an infinitesimal surface per unit volume, or the source strength per unit volume at a point.
We shall give some specific examples as soon as we informally prove Gauss’s theorem. This result is almost immediately apparent from the definition, Eq. (1.56). We form the integral of div V over a finite volume τ. This region can be subdivided into arbitrarily many, arbitrarily small subregions, Δτi. Each infinitesimal surface element dσ belonging to a subregion Δτi in the interior of τ appears in two integrals (over two adjoining subregions). But since n is oppositely directed in these two internal surface elements, the integrals over them cancel. The only surface elements over which the integrals are not canceled by integrals over adjoining subregions lie on the surface σ of the finite volume τ. Thus we obtain Gauss’s theorem:
We now discuss an important example of the divergence operator which illustrates its physical meaning.
Example 1.4. Let the stationary volume τ, with surface σ, enclose a fluid of density ρ moving with velocity v. The mass in τ will be
so the time rate of change of the mass in τ will be
The mass of the fluid leaving τ per unit time can be calculated as
where we have used the divergence theorem, Eq. (1.57). Now conservation of mass requires that
For this to hold for an arbitrary volume τ, it must be true that
This is the equation of continuity, or conservation of mass. It is just a restatement of conservation of mass, which was assumed in the derivation. A similar equation holds for charge in electromagnetism: ρ is then the charge density and ρv = J is the current density.
We now obtain an expression for the divergence of a vector field in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates from the integral definition, Eq. (1.56). We must calculate the integral of the outward normal component of V, V·n, over the surface of an infinitesimal volume Δτ = ds1 ds2 ds3. Let the volume be bounded by the six surfaces
The integral of V·n over the surface of constant q1 at the point q1 = a1 + δq1 is given by
(remember that, in this case, n points in the positive q1 (direction), while for the integral of V·n over the surface of constant q1 at the point q1 = a1 we have
(here n points in the negative q1 direction). Combining these two terms, we get
Now, as δq1 becomes small, this can be written as
Finally, as we let δq2 and δq3 become small, we can replace this expression by
Analogous expressions hold for the other two pairs of surfaces. Adding these three expressions and dividing both sides of Eq. (1.57) by
we obtain a general formula for the divergence:
As must be the case, the divergence of a vector field is a scalar field. In Cartesian coordinates, Eq. (1.59) reduces to
The scalar product of the ∇ symbol and a vector field is often used to denote div V regardless of the type of coordinates, in which case,
Note that the components of grad and div considered as vector operators are not equal in curvilinear coordinates, even though the symbol ∇ is often used in writing both operations.
The Curl
The curl is a differential operator defined on a vector field V, and is written curl V. The curl of a vector field is itself a vector field, and is defined in coordinate-free form as
where Δσ is the area of the surface bounded by the closed path λ, and dλ = t dλ, where t is a unit tangent vector along λ (curl V) ·n is the component of curl V in the n-direction, i.e., normal to the surface Δσ in a direction given by the right-hand rule applied to the path of integration about λ. We omit the demonstration that surfaces of different shapes and orientations give equivalent results. The direction of curl V is given by the orientation of a plane surface, like the direction of the vector product. It will turn out that curl V is a pseudo-vector like the vector product.
Stokes’s theorem follows immediately from the definition of the curl. We simply form the integral of curl V over a finite surface σ bounded by the finite curve λ. We subdivide the surface into arbitrarily many, arbitrarily small parts, each of which can be considered an infinitesimal plane surface. For each such surface we form the integrals in Eq. (1.62), and then add them. All contributions to line integrals arising from arcs of curves interior to the bounding perimeter λ are canceled by contributions from line integrals along arcs of adjoining infinitesimal plane surfaces, since t is oppositely directed along these arcs. The only arcs along which the integrals are not canceled by pairs lie on the bounding curve λ of the finite surface σ. Thus we obtain Stokes’s theorem:
where dσ = ndσ.
We shall now illustrate the physical meaning of the curl of a vector field with several examples.
Example 1.5. Consider a bucket of water rotating with constant angular velocity ω about a central vertical axis k until the water surface stabilizes. We assume that the velocity of the water (in cylindrical coordinates) is v = ωrθ, where θ is a unit vector in the θ-direction. Let us calculate curl v from Eq. (1.62), taking a circle of radius r for the curve λ.
The component of the curl in the k-direction is twice the angular velocity. The curl of a velocity field is then a measure of the angular velocity of the fluid. If a miniature paddle wheel is placed anywhere in a velocity field, its angular velocity measures the curl of the field. If it does not rotate, the component of the curl in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the paddle wheel is zero. However, there may be curl despite straight-line flow. For example, water moving in a pipe will move more slowly along the wall of the pipe than water in the center, due to friction effects. Therefore a paddle wheel will be turned by the water even though the water always moves in straight lines. On the other hand, there need not necessarily be curl in curved-line flow. If a paddle wheel is placed in an appropriately designed whirlpool,
in which the fluid moves with a velocity given by v = θυ0(a/r) in cylindrical coordinates (where a, and υ0 are constants) the velocity field will have zero curl at all points r ≠ 0, and the paddle wheel will not rotate. To show this we compute explicitly curl v at any point in the whirlpool different from r = 0; v is the velocity field of the fluid flow. The component of curl v in the k-direction is
where A is the area of the cork-shaped region (that contains the paddle wheel in Fig. 1.7) bounded by the four arcs: l1, l2, l3, and l4. The integral about the perimeter of A may be broken up into line integrals over these four arcs. The integrals over l3 and l4 vanish because v is perpendicular to dλ at every point on these arcs. Thus
because the integrals are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, the contributions along arcs l1 and l2 canceling. The x- and y-components of curl v are clearly zero.
Fig. 1.7 The curl of a whirlpool. The flow lines are shown in boldface; the length of the lines indicates the speed of flow.
It is the purpose of streamlining to provide a surface past which air or water will flow with a minimum of curl, for motion with curl develops eddies that waste energy in heating up the air or water.
Of course a paddle wheel is appropriate only for fluid velocity fields. For electric fields, gravitational fields, etc., a generalized paddle wheel,
or curl-meter, must be visualized—one which responds to the forces associated with the particular vector field in question.
We complete our discussion of the curl operator, which up to now has been a coordinate-free treatment, by obtaining an expression for the components of the curl of a vector field in an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. To obtain the ith component of curl V, we must calculate the line integral of the tangential component of the vector field V, V·t, along the boundary of an infinitesimal area dσ perpendicular to the ith basis vector. Consider an element of area in the q2q3-plane defined by dσ = ds2 ds3 and oriented in the direction of increasing q1. The 1-component of curl V is given by the sum of the line integrals, ∫V·dλ, along the four arcs that lead around dσ from the point (q1, q3) to (q2 + dq2, dq3) to (q2 + dq2, q3 + dq3) to (q2, q3 + dq3) back to (q2, q3). Thus, in brief, we have
The reader may want to amplify this argument in the fashion of the discussion that led to the expression for the divergence. The other two components of curl V may be obtained by cyclic permutation of the coordinate indices.
In Cartesian coordinates, Eq. (1.64) and the two additional equations for the other components reduce to
so in Cartesian coordinates,
The vector product of the ∇ symbol and a vector field is often used to denote curl V, irrespective of the type of coordinates, so we may write
where ei is the unit vector corresponding to qi.
The Laplacian
The Laplacian of a scalar field is defined as the divergence of the gradient of that scalar field. From Eqs. (1.50) and (1.61), we have the following expression for the Laplacian in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates:
In Cartesian coordinates, this reduces to
where summation is implied.
Several of the most important partial differential equations of classical physics involve the Laplacian, e.g., Laplace’s equation (∇²φ = 0), Poisson’s equation (∇²φ = ρ), the heat and diffusion equations [∇²φ = K(∂φ/∂t)], the wave equation [∇²φ + (1/c²) (∂²φ/∂t²) = 0], Helmholtz’s equation (∇²φ + k²φ = 0), and others. Once we know what information the Laplacian extracts from a scalar field, we shall be able to intuit directly the physical meaning of these equations, which comprise a good part of classical physics.
To simplify the problem, we may use Cartesian coordinates without loss of generality. Let the scalar field φ have the value φ0 at a certain point which we take as the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system. Consider a cube of side a, centred at the origin. The average value of φ in the cube is
where we integrate over the interior of the cube. In order to evaluate the volume integral, we expand φ(xi) in a triple Taylor series in the three coordinates xi, which we write as
Substituting the Taylor expansion of φ(xi) into Eq. (1.70) and integrating from − a/2 to a/2, we see that the integral of any term that is linear in any xi (in fact, any term containing an odd function of xi) will vanish. The integrals of the quadratic (even) terms are easily carried out, and collecting them we obtain
with the approximation becoming better as the size of the cube (a) approaches zero. The value of the Laplacian of a scalar field at a point is therefore a measure of the difference between the average value of the field in an infinitesimal neighborhood of that point and the value of the field at the point itself.
This result provides us with intuitive physical interpretations of the equations that contain the Laplacian operator. The simplest of these is Laplace’s equation,
which governs the scalar potential of the gravitational and electrostatic fields in the absence of mass or charge. We see that the average value of such a potential in a neighborhood of a point P must be equal to its value at P. A function with this property is called a harmonic function. We shall see in Chapter 6 that the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function are harmonic functions in two-dimensional space. Laplace’s equation tells us immediately that a harmonic function cannot increase or decrease in all directions from a given point Pcould not equal φP. If φ is a local maximum at P along a given line, it must be a local minimum along some other line through P; hence P must be a saddle point.
There also exist situations in which the value of a scalar at a point differs from the average value in the neighborhood of that point by an amount which is a function of space. This is the situation described by Poisson’s equation:
The scalar function ρ(xi) measures the density of mass or charge at the point xi. about xi, from φ(xi) is proportional to the density at xi.
There are several physical processes in which the greater the difference between the value of φP , in the neighborhood of P, the greater is the time rate of change of φ needed to equalize this difference. This is expressed mathematically by an equation known as the heat equation:
where K is a constant > 0. This equation governs heat-conduction processes (then φ is the temperature) and diffusion processes (then φ is the density of the diffusing material). The temperature or density changes with time at a rate proportional to the difference between its local and average values. The heat equation is a quantitative expression of Newton’s law of cooling. Knowing what it is that the Laplacian operator does, we could go straight to an equation of the form of Eq. (1.74) if we were trying to express Newton’s law of cooling mathematically.
Finally, the deviation of a local value from the average value can be proportional to the second time derivative, as in the wave equation:
The second derivative corresponds to accelerating the value of φ , but in such a way that ∂φ/∂t
). The system moves through equilibrium and repeats its motion, like a simple harmonic oscillator.
We leave the interpretation of Helmholtz’s equation
to the reader (Problem 10).
Thus far we have regarded the Laplacian as operating only on a scalar field. it is useful to extend the application of this operator to vector fields in the following natural way. In Cartesian coordinates we define
Thus in Cartesian coordinates, the iis the Laplacian of the ith component of V, a scalar, defined in Eq. (1.69); that is
To generalize the definition of the Laplacian of a vector to orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, we prove in Cartesian coordinates the vector identity
which gives an expression for the curl of the curl of a vector field. Then we define the Laplacian of a vector in curvilinear coordinates, using Eq. (1.79), as
Since the curl, gradient, and divergence operators are all defined in curvilinear coordinates, and Eq. (1.80) holds in Cartesian coordinates, it is the natural definition of ∇²V