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Adult Christian Life: 3rd Quarter 2015
Adult Christian Life: 3rd Quarter 2015
Adult Christian Life: 3rd Quarter 2015
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Adult Christian Life: 3rd Quarter 2015

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Adult Christian Life contains Sunday school material for people ages 25 and older. The exposition of the Scripture, with life-centered insights, is preceded by an introduction to the lesson designed to help learners gain a greater understanding of the text under discussion relative to context, content, and meaning for life.
Release dateMar 1, 2015
Adult Christian Life: 3rd Quarter 2015

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    Adult Christian Life - Ricky A. Woods







    Vol. 119, No. 3

    Lesson material is based on the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Outlines, copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education, the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and is used with permission.

    Scriptures taken from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Adult Christian Life (USPS 006-480)  (ISSN 1947-6604), copyright © 2015 by R.H. Boyd Company, 6717 Centennial Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37209-1017. Adult Christian Life is published quarterly by R.H. Boyd Company. Periodicals postage paid at Nashville, Tennessee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Adult Christian Life, R.H. Boyd Company, 6717 Centennial Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37209-1017.

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    Adult Christian Life contains Sunday school material for people ages 25 and older. The exposition of the Scripture, with life-centered insights, is preceded by an introduction to the lesson designed to help learners gain a greater understanding of the text under discussion relative to context, content, and meaning for life.

    Know Your Writer

    DR. RICKY A. WOODS was named senior minister of First Baptist Church-West in 1995 and has worked tirelessly not only to serve as minister to the church’s members, but also to help the church serve as a community beacon of social justice. He is often asked to speak throughout the city, state, and country. He formerly served as the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Senior Mentor at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, helping scores of ministers throughout the nation receive doctoral degrees. A graduate of North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro with a Bachelor of Science in economics, Dr. Woods graduated cum laude with a Master of Divinity from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology of Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia, and then earned the Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in Dayton. Dr. Woods is also a member of the Baptist World Alliance, serving on the World Aid Committee. He is a member of the Academy of Homiletics, which is a professional organization comprising persons who teach preaching in North America. Dr. Woods is married to the former Laura Annette Hill, and they are the proud parents of one daughter, Lauren Adelle, a student at Hampton University.

    A Message from the President/CEO . . .

    As we welcome a new quarter, R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation would like take the opportunity to present a preview of the lessons in the quality literature that has upheld this company for 119 years. This quarter promises to be both powerful and inspiring as the importance of social justice as preached by Old Testament prophets as well as the genesis of the early Church are addressed.

    For the first month in this quarter, the lesson focus will be on the importance of social justice as revealed in the book of Micah. The nation of Israel was overrun by those who were treating the disenfranchised of society unjustly, and God’s patience had been exhausted. This study offers a candid view of how God protects the least in society.

    Then in August, the theme of justice continues with a look at five biblical prophets and their messages regarding social justice. Passages from Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Malachi will provide the background for these studies.

    Closing out the third quarter is a study of the first chapters from the book of Acts. This study will focus on the unification of the early Church in its mission of building God’s Kingdom.

    Through the years, a driving force behind our work has been a commitment to uplift the Church and the African-American community through Christian literature and resources. We believe this quarter will be a radiant example of that commitment, and we are confident you will receive greater insight into God’s power and love for His people. Because of His saving grace, He is worthy to be continually praised.

    In His Service,

    Dr. T. B. Boyd III



    The first two units of this quarter focus on social justice and injustice. These investigative lessons from the books of Old Testament prophets reveal the perpetrators of injustice, the nature of injustice, and the victims of injustice. The lessons steadily move the student toward repentance, redemption, and restoration. The third unit of the quarter is a study from the book of Acts. Each lesson takes a different look at how the Christian community was birthed.


    Unit I, Micah Calls for Justice Among Unjust People, is a four-lesson study about God’s judgment for injustice. Lesson one focuses on social and moral injustice. Lesson two looks at the injustice of corrupt leaders. The next two lessons discuss what God requires for justice and how God dispenses mercy to restore justice.


    Unit II, Advocates of Justice for All, continues the study on justice with lessons from five prophetic books. In lesson five, Isaiah prophesied that God would come as a Redeemer, bringing righteousness and justice to Israel. In lesson six, Jeremiah described the corruption in the temple, resulting in God’s punishment. In lesson seven, Ezekiel called for confession and repentance in order to build a healthy faith community. In lesson eight, Zechariah gave God’s clear instructions for showing kindness, mercy, and justice to others. In lesson nine, Malachi informed the people that God requires justice and faithfulness and will bestow bountiful blessings in proportion to what His people are willing to give.


    Unit III, Seeds of New Growth, is a four-session study of some of the ways people in the early Church community lived and shared their faith in Jesus, thus paving the way for the future growth of the Church movement. In lesson ten, the Apostles prayed with boldness, demonstrating the power of prayer for change and effective ministry. In lesson eleven, the early Christians willingly shared their possessions with one another. In lesson twelve, the Apostles bravely taught about the Messiah in spite of opposition. In lesson thirteen, Stephen stood before the Jewish council and reminded the Jews of God’s faithfulness.

    Features of Our

    Adult Christian Life

    The Adult Christian Life quarterly (large print) has many features that appeal to Sunday school students ages 25 and older. It includes a number of elements to enhance their total learning experience. This quarterly is designed to help students regard their lessons as more than simply a Sunday morning Bible study experience.

    Printed Scripture Passages: The King James Version and the New Revised Standard Version are listed side by side so students can easily compare a traditional and contemporary translation of God’s holy Word.

    Suggested Opening Exercises: This feature, standard to all Sunday school quarterlies published by R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation, remains a popular feature in all of our Sunday school resources for students and teachers.

    Quarterly Overview: This gives a general description of the lessons to be studied during the quarter.

    Main Thought: The passage of Scripture most central to the text is featured prominently at the bottom of the lesson.

    Online Extras: This feature offers activities, quizzes, and additional resources for outside study via the R.H. Boyd webpage,

    Living the Lesson: This feature contextualizes the lesson truths to stimulate additional questions, interest, or action on the part of the students.

    Questions on the Lesson: These questions are designed to help students consider the people involved in the Bible story as they reflect on their own lives.

    Home Daily Devotional Readings: This is a traditional favorite feature of our Sunday school books, formerly known as Home Daily Devotional Readings.


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