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Devotions for Ministry Couples
Devotions for Ministry Couples
Devotions for Ministry Couples
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Devotions for Ministry Couples

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About this ebook

From best-selling authors Stan and Linda Toler, devotions designed to specifically engage and enrich the lives of couples in their relationship with each other and as they grow together as one with God! Having served in ministry together for over 30 years, Stan and Linda Toler are able to speak with compassion and wisdom to ministry couples.

Release dateJun 22, 2015
Devotions for Ministry Couples

Stan Toler

Stan Toler has spoken in over 90 countries and written over 100 books with sales of more than 3 million copies. Toler for many years served as vice president and instructor for INJOY, John C. Maxwell’s institute for training leaders to make a difference in the world.

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    Book preview

    Devotions for Ministry Couples - Stan Toler


    Fix in us Thy humble dwelling; all Thy faithful mercies crown.

    —Charles Wesley

    Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts inventory? If so, you’ve probably taken more than one. And if you’re like many others in ministry, you’ve probably been amazed at the apparent disconnect between the gifts the inventory identified and your niche of service. Perhaps they don’t appear to match.

    Why is that?

    Doesn’t God give to each of us the abilities we need to fill our role? Doesn’t he oversee the details of our lives, including where we are called to serve? Why would he send us to a place where those particular talents are not understood or appreciated?

    God knows that if we fit effortlessly into our place of service, there will be no polishing of our faith. Our gifts need to be pounded and chiseled by the hammer of ministry. We need our rough edges smoothed by the honing that comes from working with challenging circumstances and difficult people. God’s gifts are perfect, but remember that they come in human packages. Real-world ministry gives those gifts the gleam they need to shine for his glory.

    There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.

    —1 Corinthians 12:4

    Then God asks us to exercise a little creativity of our own. Rather than simply doing what we’ve always done, we sometimes need to reexamine the abilities we’ve been given and find a creative way to use them where we’re currently serving. Take a fresh look at your ministry circumstances and ask God to help you see new possibilities for using your gifts through the power of his Holy Spirit.

    faith into action

    Ask your spouse to identify the spiritual gifts you are utilizing in your ministry setting.


    Wherever you are—be all there.

    —Jim Elliot

    Details of ministry life swarm around us like mosquitoes. Their reminders dot our refrigerator doors and pop up in our electronic organizers. Usually it’s no problem to remember big priorities; it’s the minutiae of ministry that sneak up to bite us. Yet, attentiveness to the small things will carry you a long way.

    Individual words, thoughts, and attitudes matter. Not only do they shape others’ opinions of us, they also help to shape who we are and what we’re becoming in Christ. Carelessness in these areas causes spiritual lethargy. It will also hinder your ministry to others. But when we pay attention to such details in our private and public lives, we give credence to the grace that is in our souls.

    Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care.

    —1 Peter 5:2

    Be attentive also to the concerns and feelings offered by parishioners. They might seem trivial when compared to the broader scope of church life, but you can be sure that they’re a big deal to the person who took the time to share them. Church members who share personal details about their lives are offering you a window into their souls. They’re also extending you a compliment, indicating their belief that you care about them as people, not just numbers. Honor their confidence in you by listening and being attentive. You’ll probably learn something that will help you more capably minister to them as whole persons.

    The genius of an effective ministry is in the details. When the fireworks of special days and events have fizzled, people remember and appreciate those who show genuine interest in their lives. Pray for God’s help in being attentive to the small things, like managing your thoughts, attitudes, and personal interactions.

    faith into action

    Identify three parishioners that haven’t received your personal attention in a while. Contact them to ask if there is anything you can pray about with them.


    Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Live together joyfully. Sounds like a happy assignment, doesn’t it? Add the pressures of ministry and everyday life, and it might sound more like a chore. How do you do it?

    Tell Stories. Capture and retell the stories of God’s blessing in your ministry together—when he transformed a person’s life, when you received a meaningful note of affirmation, when a person you equipped took over a key ministry position. Celebrating God’s blessings regularly will strengthen your enjoyment of life as a ministry couple.

    Take a Break. Having regular times of recreation together will enhance your relationship and strengthen your ministry. Take up a sport together. Go shopping together. Take a nightly walk together. Note the key word: together. Find a hobby you both enjoy and go for it.

    Live joyfully with the wife whom you love.

    —Ecclesiastes 9:9 NKJV

    Relax. Ministry is stressful. Build time into your schedule to relax together. Maybe you’ll invest in a couple of rocking chairs and put them on the front porch with a table to hold a tall glass of iced tea or lemonade. Spend some time just being quiet together at the end of a day.

    Be Romantic. Nothing multiplies the happy endorphins like love. Make romance and affection a part of every day in your home. Smiling at your spouse across the room or writing a short love note gives you a boost; being the recipient feels awesome too. Invest in your marriage. It will be there when your last parish is just a memory.

    faith into action

    Plan time together away from the ministry routine. Look at your calendar and make it a

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