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Waldorf Talk: Waldorf and Steiner Education Inspired Ideas for Homeschooling for September and October: Waldorf Homeschool Series, #5
Waldorf Talk: Waldorf and Steiner Education Inspired Ideas for Homeschooling for September and October: Waldorf Homeschool Series, #5
Waldorf Talk: Waldorf and Steiner Education Inspired Ideas for Homeschooling for September and October: Waldorf Homeschool Series, #5
Ebook102 pages53 minutes

Waldorf Talk: Waldorf and Steiner Education Inspired Ideas for Homeschooling for September and October: Waldorf Homeschool Series, #5

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Do You Wish You Had More Waldorf Curriculum and Ideas For September and October?

Waldorf Inspired Ideas & Inspiration for Fall!

˃˃˃ Here Is What You Will Gain From Reading This Book:

- Apples, Pumpkins, Colored Leaves
- Michaelmas
- Waldorf Music
- St. George & the Dragon
- Holiday Pot Luck Dinner
- Grimm's Fairy Tales
- Jack and the Lantern
- Weaving Our World Back Together
- Resources for Third Grade & Beyond
- Waldorf Supplies
- Move It!
- Halloween Painting Lesson
- Halloween
- A Halloween Story
- Poetry: Solitude
- Wise Women: Pages of Shared Wisdom
- Memories: The Coming of St. Nicholas
- Gratitude

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Release dateSep 1, 2012
Waldorf Talk: Waldorf and Steiner Education Inspired Ideas for Homeschooling for September and October: Waldorf Homeschool Series, #5

Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

Kytka Hilmar-Jezek writes and speaks about parenting, unschooling, education, entrepreneurship, and natural healing. She's is the author of over 25+ books, owner of 3 publishing houses and has been listed in the Alternative Education Hall of Fame since 1996. Kytka Hilmar-Jezek does not fail to educate, inspire, and provoke her readers. She continues to add interesting books that do a good job of bringing up controversial and thought-provoking subjects relating to health & wellness, parenting, spirituality, and education. When she is not busy globe-trotting and writing with her children, she enjoys preserving old photographs for The Photo Vault.  Visit or Google Kytka, you'll find her!

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    Book preview

    Waldorf Talk - Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

    Preface to the New Edition

    This edition is a significant revision of the original series of newsletters which came to be known as The Millennium Collection of The Waldorf Community Exchange. Many have benefited from the first edition as a guidebook to beginning on their journey of Waldorf Inspired Home Schooling.

    While Anya and I have not communicated since 2001, our paths crossed during a time when we both needed our voices heard. Simultaneously experiencing difficulties that were of a life or death nature, we both found healing and solace in writing and expressing this part of our journeys.

    We attempted to address many topics that people new to this method of homeschooling may find useful and inspirational and we wrote from the heart.

    The parenting journey is one that is as unique and as intimate as the family which is embarking, and this collection was one created by us in hopes to inspire you in strength upon your own journey.

    For the sake of maintaining the flow in the manner it came to us, this book is arranged exactly as the journal was.


    I wish to thank and acknowledge all of the following people, some who contributed, some who edited, some who inspired and some who were just there....

    Zachary, Zanna and Zynnia, Pavel Jezek, Ceridwen Anya Coit, Cyndie Kimball, Mary Joan Deutschbein, Per Kielland-Lund, Rebecca James, Honolulu Waldorf school, Three Cedars Waldorf School, Whidbey Island Waldorf School, Kristin Kjaero, Maia Cheli-Colando,  Rebecca James, Lynne Summers, Elyena Lundh, Katheryn Manchip, Kiah Siobhan Scalaighe, Emile Poulsson, Margaret Meyerkort, Bruce Jackson, Eugene Schwartz, Stephen Chalmers, Mango Mama, Clement A. Miles, Wendy Pottle, Selena Fox, The Diguenos Tradition, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Mango Mama, Rainbow Rosenbloom, Lisa Renee Boisvert, Brianna & John Bennitt, Lynne Sutter, Dr. Nissan Mindel, David Pellegrino, Anu Saed, Nancy Kear-Johnson, People of the Eight Northern Pueblos along the Rio Grande in New Mexico, Lame Deer and the Lakota People, Rudolf Steiner, the wonderful and fabulous Library and Internet and the wonderful mothers of the Waldorfhomeschoolers yahoo groups discussion list, who sent letters, questions and shared their lives with us.

    From My Heart To Yours...


    Waldorf Talk (Previously published as Waldorf Community Exchange or W.C.E.) is a holistic journal for mothers inspired by Waldorf Education, Homeschooling,  and, to varying degrees, Anthroposophy (some readers may have little or no interest in the latter).

    If you are a Christian who is offended by the mention of more ancient (sometimes called Pagan) ways, this journal is not for you. If you are a Pagan who feels attacked by a Christian prayer or the lighting of Sabbath candles, or an Anthroposophist who is up in arms over the thought of family beds or long term nursing, it is also, simply, not for you.

    This is not a religious publication, but it is one meant to help you contact your own unique spiritual inner voice and inspire your own inner work.

    We believe:

    ·  in the value of traditional women’s work, while we also value the rights women have fought to attain.

    ·  in the shared strength and struggle of women. We acknowledge that there are injustices that still exist for many of us—but we are not about anger. We hope to be about healing.

    ·  in the power of grassroots movements and our right to live our own lives in our own unique ways.

    ·  in simplicity - that less is more, and that caring for the Earth is not only necessary family work but as good for our inner selves, as it is for the planet.

    ·  that childhood should be as joyous as possible without creating the false impression that life exists without both work and struggles.

    ·  that children should grow in wonder of the natural rhythm of the year, allowed to simply breathe and be while unfolding into who they naturally are.

    ·  that play is the true work of childhood which is sadly undervalued by modern society.

    ·  that family life is a journey to be shared heart-to-heart through both joy and adversity, regardless of how you define your family.

    If you believe in synthesis, are able to take what you want and leave the rest for those who feel otherwise, then you will find here a sense of warm connection - an offering of thoughts and joys to inspire your own personal path.

    Then this journal is for you.


    Evolution: How This Journal Came To Be

    The Waldorf Community Exchange began as the Waldorf Homeschoolers' Exchange; a website of shared experiences inspired by the WE_HS internet mailing list for Waldorf Homeschoolers. Within a few months, a need for another group was discovered and the WaldorfHomeschoolers group was born. From the activity and correspondence with list owner, Kytka Hilmar-Jezek – this journal came to be manifest and within a few months its monthly journals which, over time, were less and less home school specific. This was at about the same time that WISH (Waldorf

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