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The Mental Equivalent (Rediscovered Books): The Secret of Demonstration
The Mental Equivalent (Rediscovered Books): The Secret of Demonstration
The Mental Equivalent (Rediscovered Books): The Secret of Demonstration
Ebook30 pages34 minutes

The Mental Equivalent (Rediscovered Books): The Secret of Demonstration

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About this ebook

There is no truth in our seeming troubles. There is no reality in lack. There is no power in time or conditions to make us old or tired or sick. The Jesus Christ teaching, and the Unity movement in particular, comes to us and says: “You are not locked in a prison of circumstances. You are not chained in any dungeon. In the name of God, turn the handle, walk out, and be free.” Build a mental equivalent of freedom, of vibrant physical health, of true prosperity, of increasing understanding and achievement for God. Build it by thinking of it, having faith in it and acting the part, and the old limitation equivalent will gradually fade out, for the door is unlocked and the voice of God in your heart says, “Be free.”
Release dateJan 9, 2015
The Mental Equivalent (Rediscovered Books): The Secret of Demonstration

Emmet Fox

Emmet Fox (1886-1951) was one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the twentieth century and a pioneer of the New Thought movement. His bold, dynamic message proclaiming that our thoughts shape our reality has changed the lives of millions across the world and influenced many key contemporary spiritual writers such as Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, and Louise Hay, all of whom have tapped into the power of positive thinking. Fox's other key works include Power Through Constructive Thinking and Alter Your Life.

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    The Mental Equivalent (Rediscovered Books) - Emmet Fox

    The Mental Equivalent

    The Secret of Demonstration



    ©2015 Rediscovered Books

    All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except for brief quotations for review purposes only.

    Rediscovered Books

    PO Box 632

    Floyd VA 24091-0632

    ISBN 13: 978-1-63384-640-1

    First Edition

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Table of Contents


    Universal Polarity

    Building a New Mental Equivalent

    Maintaining the New Equivalent

    This booklet is the substance of two lectures delivered by Emmet Fox at Unity School of Christianity.


    We are all supremely interested in one subject. There is one thing that means more to us than all the other things in the world put together, and that is our search for God and the understanding of His nature. The aim of the metaphysical movement is to teach the practice of the presence of God.

    We practice the presence of God by seeing Him everywhere, in all tilings and in all people, despite any appearances to the contrary. As we look about the world with the eyes of the flesh, we see inharmony, fear, and all sorts of difficulties; but our leader Jesus Christ taught us, saying, Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment. So when we see the appearance of evil we look through it to the truth that lies back of it. As soon as we see this truth, and see it spiritually, the appearance changes, because this is a mental world. Now most people do not know this: they think it is a material world, and that is why humanity has so many problems. After nineteen centuries of formal Christianity the world is passing through desperate difficulties. But we know the Truth; we do not judge by appearances. We know that we live in a mental world, and to know that is the key to life.

    If a child could be taught only one thing, it should be taught that this is a mental world. I would let all the

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