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Stressbusters: Tips to Feel Healthy, Alive and Energized
Stressbusters: Tips to Feel Healthy, Alive and Energized
Stressbusters: Tips to Feel Healthy, Alive and Energized
Ebook176 pages36 minutes

Stressbusters: Tips to Feel Healthy, Alive and Energized

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About this ebook

Simple solutions to stop stress. Despite our wishes to be stress-free, we all need a little stress in our lives. Too much, though, can lead to health problems, anxiety, and frustration. This book is filled with simple tips to help you manage your time, finances, job, and family relationshipsall to keep your stress level within the optimal range. It will show you how to effectively eliminate unnecessary stress and relax at home, work, or anywhere.
Release dateApr 21, 2008
Stressbusters: Tips to Feel Healthy, Alive and Energized

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    Book preview

    Stressbusters - Katherine Butler


    Some people say that life is one stressful event after another, and many of us agree. But, believe it or not, we all need stress in our lives. Our mental and physical well-being depends on a certain optimal level of stress to feel healthy, alive, and energized. With too little stress, we feel bored, apathetic, and weak. Too much stress, though, and we begin to notice any number of stress symptoms listed in Section one of this book.

    Because you’re reading this book, chances are that you’re not feeling too little stress, but—on the contrary—too much. This book will provide you with suggestions for stressbusting: those things you can do either to decrease your immediate level of stress or more effectively manage your life to eliminate unnecessary stress in the future. However, words on a page won’t help you unless you act to implement some of them. First tip: Don’t attempt to implement all of them, or that will cause its own stress. Each of these ideas is provided with the understanding that what works for one person may not work as well for another, so just pick those suggestions that seem most helpful to you.

    A good place to start is with your stressbusting equipment, in Section two. We can’t avoid many of the things in our lives that contribute to our stress. However, a great deal of stress buildup, more than we probably realize, results from inadequate care of our equipment for managing stress—our bodies and minds. If we do what we can to take care of ourselves physically and mentally, our stress hardiness increases and we are more likely to keep our stress level within the optimal range.

    If your equipment is already in good shape, then you’re ready to try out the stressbusting suggestions in the rest of the book. Section three focuses on ways to reduce stress related to life at home—in family relationships, finances, home management, etc. If your workplace is the source of significant stress for you, you’ll want to turn to Section four and begin to practice some of the suggestions regarding dealing with conflict, managing your time, organizing your work, etc. Section five lists an additional assortment of stressbusting ideas to help you reduce or cope with stress anywhere and anytime. The last section is a collection of easy-to-do exercises to help reduce physical or mental stress symptoms and produce feelings of greater relaxation.

    One final thought: Keep in mind that the goal of stressbusting is not to eliminate stress completely from your life, but only to keep it at a manageable level. Everyone will, at times, experience some of the negative symptoms of stress. When that happens, let those first symptoms serve as early warning signals. They are informing you of your need to increase your stressbusting activities, to better manage the circumstances of your life. It is my sincere hope that this book will help you to do that.


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