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World of Peyton: A Celebration of his Legendary Cartoons from 1942 to the Present Day
World of Peyton: A Celebration of his Legendary Cartoons from 1942 to the Present Day
World of Peyton: A Celebration of his Legendary Cartoons from 1942 to the Present Day
Ebook162 pages12 minutes

World of Peyton: A Celebration of his Legendary Cartoons from 1942 to the Present Day

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Mike Peyton drew his first cartoon in 1942. At the time he was interned in a German prisoner of war camp, and the cartoon appeared in a newspaper run by and for his fellow prisoners. Seventy years later, Mike has had to put the cap back on his pen permanently as failing eyesight has prevented him from drawing any more cartoons for the Yachting Monthly Confessional column for which he has become so well loved in recent years.

Having provided illustrations for magazines as varied as the Church of England Times and Corsetry & Underwear, Mike became best known for cartoons relating to his first love - yachting (and as he will happily point out, he had a boat before he had a car). To celebrate his career, Adlard Coles Nautical presents this hilarious retrospective of the very best of Mike's cartoons from the last eight decades, a collection that will bring a smile to the face of even the most rain-sodden sailor stuck in his marina berth for another week supposedly in summer.

When yachting journalist Dick Durham wrote Mike's biography, he called Mike 'the world's greatest yachting cartoonist' and this book shows why. Witty, wise and well-executed, Mike's lively, perceptive and highly distinctive cartoons will speak to anyone who has ever taken to the water.
Release dateSep 13, 2012
World of Peyton: A Celebration of his Legendary Cartoons from 1942 to the Present Day

Mike Peyton

Mike Peyton is the world's best known nautical cartoonist. He has written several books, illustrated many more, and has produced thousands of cartoons for yachting magazines over many years.

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