From Process To Promise: A 50 Day Transformative Devotional
By Rein Johnson
About this ebook
From Process to Promise is an intensive 50-day devotional originally written in conjunction with the “I Am Not Garbage” Trilogy. Whether you have the trilogy or not, this is a powerful devotional that walks the reader completely through being transitioned into a new process with God from the pruning stage, where chains are broken off, to being planted and purposed. The reader will come out of this 50-day journey encouraged and inspired to pursue their God-given and divine purpose after having experienced their own mini pentecost. Process hurts. When things change, we need encouragement, a breakthrough, and most importantly a Word from Heaven. Author Rein compiled this devotional based on her own transformative experience of being stripped, broken, crushed, and restored. She captures the readers’ sentiments and emotions, and connects with them every step of the way in this three part devotional. For an even greater transformative experience, readers are encouraged to use this devotional after reading the trilogy and while working through the workbook “Healing is a Choice.” Additionally, the trilogy package includes “iSpeak it Forth,” a book of 100 affirmations through the process with God,“30 Days of Mind Renewal,” iDeclare, 21 Days of Prophetic Outpour, and the trilogy soundtrack EP “Conversation Peace,” which can be downloaded at iTunes or ordered online. This highly sought after 9-piece package is being used to inspire, heal, and transform men and women everywhere both nationally and internationally.
Rein Johnson
Heireina Patrei Johnson, affectionately known as “Rein” or “Lady Rein” in art, ministry, and authorship was born and raised in San Francisco, CA to Elder Huey P Johnson and Evangelist Yuvetta Pryor. Her father, prior to his passing right before her birth, prophesied over her in the womb, indicating that she would become a dynamic woman of God carrying on his legacy of high profile ministry and profound commitment to the cause of Christ, and that she would be chosen to bring healing and deliverance to nations. Rein was saved, anointed, and called to preach at the tender age of seven—a ministry prodigy often astounding those who experienced her keen insight, revelations, and theological/exegetical handling of the word. Her ministry was largely developed in the Church of God in Christ where she held many positions in ministry until she was called to further advancement and was licensed as an Evangelist in the AME church prior to a call to support a non-denomination ministry geared toward the marginalized and oppressed.There is a story behind the ministry that is an unfortunate legacy of being prostituted at the age of four, being molested, being raped, dealing with abortion, violence, low self-esteem, bulimia, and a host of other challenges that she ministered through. However, in 2011 Rein experienced an encounter with God that not only completely healed her, but catapulted her into a ministry of healing and deliverance that would reach and change so many others. Currently, Rein is a highly sought after Evangelist, Prophetess, Revivalist, Speaker, Life Coach, Inspirational Artist and Author wherein she continues in the work of spreading what God has entitled “The Gospel of Transformation.” Humbly, she works the ministry with a passion to see others healed and living in their purpose.
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From Process To Promise - Rein Johnson
prune pr n)
v. pruned, prun·ing
1. To cut off or remove dead or living parts or branches of (a plant, for example) to improve shape or growth.
2. To remove or cut out as superfluous.
3. To reduce
To remove what is superfluous or undesirable.
Father strengthen me and carry me through. Answer my what’s and why’s God, Give me wisdom, insight, truth, and understanding. Speak clearly to me in whatever manner You choose. Hold me. Dismantle my internal lies, calm my fears and doubts, and transform my heart, mind, body, and soul as I yield to Your will.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (NLT)
Day 1: A Call to be Transformed Thoroughly
I love the NLT version of this profound and familiar text because it forces us to pay attention to some very specific things that God desires regarding our personal transformation. Most often we read this text in many other versions and assume that we are to abstain from sin and forsake other worldly behaviors in pursuit of God’s will. We also assume that because we do not conform
to the world’s systems, values, beliefs, and principles (at least as much as we assume we don’t), we are safe; however, that’s not the entire story. The Holy Spirit drew my eye to Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world
again. In looking more deeply, the Spirit revealed to me that as much as we love God, we often deal with our issues from a human perspective. It’s a natural reaction and inclination to process things and life through emotional and analytical filters as a means of self-preservation and finding understanding. The challenge here is to stop conforming
to our humanly natural and typical responses, defenses, and other mechanisms, and to start abstaining from the resistance to start looking at the root of the issues, and with God, dismantling them one by one. The Spirit also revealed to me that we only know this world as much as we have lived in it. We’ve not roamed the entirety of planet earth visiting every city in every country on every continent. We know the world
as much as it has been presented to us through whatever lens or filter we see the world through. This is key information. What God wants from us in the concept of this world,
is to look closely also at the world we grew up in. He wants to walk with us down the corridors of life and point out the places where we picked up the bad habits, the harmful processes, the wrong perceptions, the shut downs, the internal lies, etc. It is so important to God that we face our past and our pain that in the text we learn that really knowing who we are and what we are to become is totally dependent upon our self-exploration and our thinking being changed. Beloved, you have been called on the carpet by God because there is need of you; need of the complete and whole person in you. Your divinely prescribed destination is waiting on you. Many of the prayers and petitions you have before God are waiting for you to transform enough to walk smack dab into them with the ability to sustain them. We don’t get to choose the how or what of the process; we can only trust that God knows best how to get us there.
God stripped me down so much and pressed me down so far, I thought I was losing my mind. But in time, I began to understand the necessity of the press for where He wanted and needed me to go. I give you what God gave to me at that time: This is not a place of punishment. Everything I am doing in this season is an answer to the prayers that you have prayed. It is all a part of the preparation for walking directly into my will. Trust in Me. Trust the process, Hold My hand.
Hold on to God’s hand. Facing ourselves is one of the hardest things that we will ever have to do, but it is worthy work. Trust God to reveal His purpose for all of this to you. There is great need of you beloved, GREAT need. Be comforted, be healed, be delivered, and be set free by the power of our great God.
Prayer Start:
God, I thank You that that you have found me worthy enough to enter into a process with You that will take me into a deeper relationship with You, and to higher heights, and deeper depths. I do not profess that this is a comfortable place, or a place I desire to be as You cut me open, remove all toxicities, and put me back together again, but I understand that there is an appointed place for me, and Your desire is to get me there. Soothe my aching heart and open up my mind to Your will and way. I want to see in myself what You see in me. I want to obey.
Prayer Points:
Pray against fear
Pray for help with anxiety
Pray for understanding
Study Guide: Romans 12
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Romans 5:3-5 (ESV)
Day 2: Assurance in the Suffering
In ancient times, September (the ninth month or birthing month) was the time of year for harvesting olives. I want you to pay special attention to the process and read it with spiritual eyes my beloved olives. As the first step, the farmer would grab the branches of the olive tree, and tap the branches with a stick. They would then pick up the fallen olives, being careful not to bruise them. Each olive is filled with oil; in fact over half of an olive’s weight is pure oil. Next the pits were removed and the olives gently placed into a large basin, and the pressing would begin by rolling the large millstone. There was a large wooden stick placed through the center of the stone, to help roll it in a circle over the olives. The oil would flow into a container and the crushed pulp into a basket. This first pressing was the purest oil and was used mainly for lamps, cosmetics and holy anointing. The second pressing was for the crushed pulp. It was the actual baskets that were crushed. It is interesting that the Hebrew word for olive press is Gethsemane
and the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives is where Jesus was in agony as He prayed. Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives, and will return again a second time at the Mount of Olives where every eye will see him.
Beloved, being crushed is not an easy or a feel good
process, but the Spirit is revealing to me to tell you that you are full of precious oil that must come forth. In a season where the inauthentic has retained rule and authority, God is reaching for the marginalized, the oppressed, the sincere, and the chosen (hand-picked) vessels to restore order, dignity, and anointing to the church universal where corruption has corroded God’s beloved house. God has shaken the bush and gently placed you in the basked to release the glory in the kingdom. It is through our suffering way that we come to know Christ and God in a real way even as Jesus endured the journey beginning at the place of crushing (Mount Olive). You are the vessel needed to lay under the weight of the process, but there will be resurrection. Notice in the