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Patanjali Yogasutras
Patanjali Yogasutras
Patanjali Yogasutras
Ebook87 pages37 minutes

Patanjali Yogasutras

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Patanjali Yogasutras is a masterpiece on human psychology, a practical guide for all spiritual aspirants, and a map for spiritual journey. Sage Patanjali codified these sutras on yoga for the benefit of spiritual practitioners. The sutras are arranged in four chapters. I have tried to give the meaning of each sutra and what I understood about them. All spiritual practitioners, especially meditators will understand what the sage was saying when they undergo a particular stage of their spiritual evolution and they happen to read relevant sutras describing that stage. All the wisdom contained in these sutras belong to the Sage and any mistakes in this book are mine.

Release dateJan 3, 2015
Patanjali Yogasutras

Srinivasa Prasad Pillutla

I was born in 1971 in India. I work as a yoga instructor in bangalore, India. I learn, practice and teach yoga, meditation and spirituality. My blogs are : I broadcast online yoga classes daily at my channel at 530am - 630am IST. Recorded videos are available at same location. I conduct meditation classes, yoga asana classes at my home. Details are available at .

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    Book preview

    Patanjali Yogasutras - Srinivasa Prasad Pillutla

    Chapter About Sadguru Prabhuji

    Sadguru M.Narasimha Prabhu

    The words in this book are written by me, but the meaning came from the teaching of my Guru. Words fail to express my gratitude to my Guru, who is compassion personified.

    One can never repay the debt owed to Guru. It is only by carrying forward the teaching, can one repay that debt.

    I dedicate my study of Patanjali Yogasutras as an humble offering to him.

    Guruji is the founder of Light of the Self foundation, bangalore, india.

    Guruji’s recorded talks are available online at

    Guruji’s website is at and


    Chapter Preface

    I have recorded my study of Patanjali Yogasutras in this ebook.

    Patanjali Yogasutras is a masterpiece on human psychology, a practical guide for all spiritual aspirants, and a map for spiritual journey. Sage Patanjali codified these sutras on yoga for the benefit of spiritual practitioners. The sutras are arranged in four chapters. I have tried to give the meaning of each sutra and what I understood about them. All spiritual practitioners, especially meditators will understand what the sage was saying when they undergo a particular stage of their spiritual evolution and they happen to read relevant sutras describing that stage. All the wisdom contained in these sutras belong to the Sage and any mistakes in this book are mine.

    I have sent each one of these blog posts to my Guru and corrected my understanding. I felt that this book may benefit somebody.


    Chapter Yoga Sutra : 1 & 2

    November 05, 2009

    Sri Sadgurubhyoh namah

    1. Atha Yogaanushashanam

    After a student acquires sufficient qualification recognised by his Guru and then Yoga is prescribed by Guru to Sishya

    What is Yoga ?

    2. Yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha

    Chitta is what we use to think, decide, and subsequently give orders to limbs to execute. We usually use it to think about objects. As long as there is a subject and it knows that it is thinking about objects, it is fine. When subjective knowledge lacks in a person, and all that remains is objective knowledge, then confusion & delusion happens. Yoga is a way to bring back the person to his natural state where that person has subjective knowledge which can use chitta to whatever purpose that person wants.

    Classically speaking chitta vritti is of four functions (manas, buddhi, ahankara, chitta) equating to (mind, intellect, ego, memory). The fifth one is the Self which should use the above four to good use. Yoga is to make a deluded soul to be situated in Self which uses the above four functionalities of mind.


    Chapter Yogasutra 3 - 12

    November 08, 2009

    Sri Sadgurubhyoh namaha

    3. Thatha drashtu swaroope avastanam

    Meaning : As mentioned in sloka 2 (chitta vritti are contained to obtain a clear intellect), then the manas (mind) becomes purified and becomes a clear lake without thought waves. Such a mind will show what

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