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The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You
The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You
The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You
Ebook258 pages4 hours

The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You

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The idiosyncrasies of human decision-making have confounded economists and social theorists for years. If each person makes choices for personal (and often irrational) reasons, how can people's choices be predicted by a single theory? How can any economic, social, or political theory be valid? The truth is, none of them really are.
Mark Buchanan makes the fascinating argument that the science of physics is beginning to provide a new picture of the human or "social atom," and help us understand the surprising, and often predictable, patterns that emerge when they get together. Look at patterns, not people, Buchanan argues, and rules emerge that can explain how movements form, how interest groups operate, and even why ethnic hatred persists. Using similar observations, social physicists can predict whether neighborhoods will integrate, whether stock markets will crash, and whether crime waves will continue or abate.
Brimming with mind games and provocative experiments, The Social Atom is an incisive, accessible, and comprehensive argument for a whole new way to look at human social behavior.
Release dateDec 5, 2008
The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You

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Rating: 3.5312499218749998 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Disappointing. I think for one thing, Buchanan misused the metaphor of "social atom." For another, based on the premise of the book I would've expected a lot more discussion of physics and physics-like models. Seemed like much of what he discussed was not new to me either.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An interesting read. Not my field of experteise but I can see how some of it would ring true. Like some other reviewers he lost me at the end when he started attacking religion. Surely it, like all other human traits should be worked with rather than against.It's an interesting look at the fact that humanity tends to work in groups and that a lot of people find it very hard to go against the group. He's a physicist and has some pet theories about social sciences that he feels need airing. It's one to read, think about and use some salt with. Peppered with interesting ideas and encouages thinking.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I went to a seminar by the author recently, which is why I picked this one up. Unfortunately it's a little more pop-science than I was hoping for, and complexity science writers really need to come up with some new anecdotes, because there wasn't a whole lot to this book that I hadn't come across elsewhere. This book is basically about how the social sciences should use a more physics-like, experimental approach to their research, instead of coming up with theorems which are logical but don't produce results that resemble reality. (I quite like the quote from Mike Davis on the back cover: "This is a first-class attack on the smugness of the Humanities".) The sections on economics and altruism were particularly lacking in things I hadn't heard before, but the stuff about ethnocentrism was pretty interesting. Over all, I thought this was pretty good but could have done with more maths.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The author says, "Get a rough picture of the social atom, and of how people interact, then use anything you have, mathematics, the computer, whatever, to learn the kinds pattern likely to emerge and what their consequences might be. Outside of the social world, this is how all science works. And it is ironic that this is still not the way most social science works." It's easier said than done. The problem is that pattern itself may not last forever. So just by discovering a pattern might not prove anything. It just takes one abnormal pattern to disprove the discovery. Also, the author portrays religion as a dangerous threat to human society. It's just as a narrow view point in my mind. What about pointing out how religion also contributed positively to our society in "some" ways"?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I had high hopes - probably unrealistic ones - for this book. I'm a physicist, so the idea that mathematical models used in condensed matter physics could be used to describe problems in social science appeals to me. The book is written as a layman's introduction to both subjects (more on the sociology than on the physics) and as is usual with popular writing of this type, Buchanan goes out of his way to avoid math. The book is very short and each chapter could easily have included a two-track approach with a section for the non-math discussion followed by a section with more detail and results. This complaint aside, The Social Atom is a pretty good introduction to a relatively controversial subject in social science and economics - how well the usual assumptions in these fields really work and how work in other field can help move the field forward.

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The Social Atom - Mark Buchanan







Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters

Get Caught, and Your Neighbor

Usually Looks Like You

Mark Buchanan



Chapter 1: Think Patterns, Not People

Chapter 2: The Human Problem

Chapter 3: Our Thinking Instincts

Chapter 4: The Adaptive Atom

Chapter 5: The Imitating Atom

Chapter 6: The Cooperative Atom

Chapter 7: Together, Apart

Chapter 8: Conspiracies and Numbers

Chapter 9: Forward to the Past




IN THE EARLY 1970s, it seemed pretty obvious to most people that the stubborn persistence of racial segregation in New York, Chicago, and other U.S. cities had a lot to do with racism. Blacks were confined to inner-city enclaves of desperate poverty, with whites in affluent surrounding suburbs. Studies had found widespread racial bias on the part of businesses, in hiring, promotion and pay, and in the real estate industry, which tried to keep blacks out of white neighborhoods. The link between racism and segregation seemed undeniable. Even so, an economist at Harvard University wondered if everyone might be overlooking a less obvious but more important factor. Thomas Schelling wondered if racial segregation might, in principle, have absolutely nothing to do with racism.

Schelling set out to explore his idea with an unusual method—using a checkerboard and a handful of coins. The squares on the checkerboard were meant to represent houses, and the coins people—darker coins for blacks, lighter coins for whites. On the grid, he first placed an equal number of black and white coins, mixed at random, depicting a fully integrated society. Then he began moving the coins around to see how this society's makeup might change with time. The idea was to make simple assumptions about the factors that might influence people's movements, then use the coins to see what this might lead to. In a first experiment, Schelling supposed that people, being racist, would move houses if they looked to their neighbors and found even one person from the other race. Considering each coin in turn, he used this rule to see if it should stay put or move to some open square nearby. Unsurprisingly, he found that the society segregated quickly, light and dark coins gathering together. Racism can cause segregation—no surprise there.

But if you see segregation, is it necessarily caused by racism? This is a different question, and to answer it, Schelling devised a second experiment. Now he supposed that everyone would be perfectly happy to live next door to members of the other race and made only one minor concession to the reality of human nature. Even racially tolerant people, he mused, might prefer to avoid being part of an extreme minority. A white man might have black friends and colleagues and be happy to live in a predominantly black neighborhood. Just the same, he might prefer not to be one of the only whites living there. This isn't what we ordinarily think of as a racist attitude. In this experiment, Schelling supposed that all people would stay where they were unless they looked around and found that they were part of an extreme minority of less than, say, 30 percent.

You might expect that with everyone being content with full racial integration, the initial mixing of black and white would persist. But Schelling found, to the contrary, that the coins again segregated into entirely distinct enclaves. Figure 1, from a modern computer version of this experiment, shows how a well-mixed society, on the left, turns naturally into a segregated society, on the right, even though no single individual would have wanted this.

Figure 1

Paradoxically, people's innocent preference to avoid living in an extreme minority ends up obliterating mixed communities altogether. In a short paper in 1971, Schelling announced a bizarre conclusion—that even if every trace of racism were to vanish tomorrow, something akin to a law of physics might still make the races separate, much like oil and water.¹

Schelling's segregation game is one of the all-time classics of social science. It obviously implies that anyone looking at racial segregation had better think long and hard before placing the blame solely upon racist attitudes. But it also holds a more general message. We tend to think that the behavior of a group or community should, in a fairly straightforward way, reflect the character of the people making it up. If a mob of people go crazy, rioting and smashing up storefronts, we usually seek an explanation in their individual anger and what caused it. This seems almost obvious, and yet Schelling's game implies that this idea is in fact a fallacy; that social outcomes needn't, at least in some cases, reflect in any obvious way the desires or intentions, habits or attitudes, of anyone at all. It suggests that something may be deeply out of kilter with our intuition about how the human world works.

But Schelling's work also offers a positive message—that a good way to get some insight into the human world is to step back from our usual fixation on the nuances of individual human psychology, and to follow a more simpleminded approach. We should think of people as if they were atoms or molecules following fairly simple rules and try to learn the patterns to which those rules lead. His implicit point is that seemingly complicated social happenings may often have quite simple origins, and that we can discover such simplicity by examining how we too may be subject to laws not unlike those of physics. This book is an exploration of that idea—and of a deep shift in science associated with it.

A few years ago, I worked as an editor for Nature, arguably the world's premier journal of science. I noticed then that the authors of some of the research papers landing on my desk were quite seriously seeking to find mathematical regularities in the human world of the kind we know from physics; in effect, they were trying to do social science along the lines of physics. In retrospect, I think I now recognize what was happening—after many years of neglect, researchers were finally beginning to take Schelling's way of thinking seriously² Since then, an explosion of modern research in what I like to call social physics has convinced me that we stand at an important moment in history We're now witnessing something akin to a quantum revolution in the social sciences. While we may be a long way from identifying strict laws for the human world, scientists have discovered lawlike regularities there and now recognize that such regularities in no way conflict with the existence of individual free will; we can be free individuals whose actions, in combination, lead to predictable outcomes for the collective. This is much as one finds in physics, where atomic-level chaos gives way to the clockwork precision of thermodynamics or planetary motion.

In pursuing social physics, researchers now also appreciate, as physicists have for many years, the magnificent power of the computer as a scientific tool. Through recorded history the great philosophers and social theorists have played around with fascinating games of what-if. What if people are strictly greedy and selfish? Can society function, or will it finally collapse? What if people don't, when making decisions, always think for themselves, but simply imitate others? How does this alter social transformations? Unfortunately, these musings have largely remained sterile what-ifs because, with ten or a hundred people together, the growing web of causes and effects quickly overwhelms the power of even the greatest human mind to foresee what might come out. No more—or at least not always. Today, scientists have learned to augment the power of their minds with computing technology and, in virtual social experiments, are now routinely finding answers to what-if questions that probe the most fundamental social phenomena.

Without any pretense of completeness, rather with the aim of illustrating what I see as an exceptionally important way of thinking, I've tried to give here a sampling of some of the most exciting recent discoveries in this area of social physics. It seems to me that understanding collective organization and the laws of its evolution is clearly the key challenge of our age. From global warming and environmental degradation through to the renewed proliferation of nuclear weapons, mankind has never before faced such serious problems that stem so directly from our inability to manage our collective social activities. I don't believe that any great discovery of social physics will allow us to solve all these problems. If we do manage to steer a safe path into the future, for both humanity and the rest of the world, I imagine we'll do so by muddling through, as we always have in the past. But our muddling skills will greatly be enhanced by a proper appreciation of the hidden forces that drive the world and that give shape and form to our collective lives.

Chapter 1


To deride the hope of progress is the ultimate fatuity, the last word in poverty of spirit and meanness of mind.


IT WAS THE summer of 1992, in a small sports hall in Split, a city on the Dalmation coast of Croatia. Refugees from the war in Bosnia were telling Washington Post journalist Peter Maass what they had seen as eyewitnesses to the unbelievable, to the overnight transformation of normal, decent human beings into remorseless killers. A farmer named Adem said that Serbs from a neighboring village had rounded up thirty-five men from his village and slit their throats. They were killed, Maass reported, . . . by Serbs who had been their friends, people who had helped harvest their fields the previous autumn, people with whom they shared adolescent adventures and secrets, skinny-dipping in the Drina River on hot summer days, groping with the naughty girls of the village at night. All of a sudden, seemingly without reason, they had turned into killers.¹

In the early to mid 1990s, thousands of people like Adem, from Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo, told similar stories, of neighbors turning on neighbors and friends upon friends.

After the war, officials interviewed a man in Vukovar, a town in Croatia. We all used to be friends, the man recalled of his Serbian and Bosnian Serb neighbors, and we used to share happiness and sorrow with them. Then, in 1991, a poisonous cloud of hatred descended on the town. Greetings between neighbors, once expressions of lasting goodwill, evolved into crude displays of ethnic identification and solidarity, a way of telling us from them. You came to seek protection from people who until yesterday were your very good friends, the man recalled, and who almost didn't recognize you anymore. They wouldn't dare to be your friends anymore.

What is terrifying and perplexing about events of this kind—alas, all too common in human history—is that they seem to turn up out of nowhere. One day all that appeared stable suddenly disintegrates, and people change beyond recognition, compelled by events to act in ways they would never before have dreamed of. It's as if mysterious forces suddenly take charge, and no one, even with the best of intentions, can stem the rolling tide of events.

In his book Defying Hitler, the German writer Sebastian Haffner recalls how he, an enemy of the Nazis, had been coerced into taking part in their activities. In the mid-1930s, when the Nazi army of intimidation, the brownshirts, marched through the streets, they beat anyone who failed to salute. Defiant in his own small way, Haffner often ducked into doorways. But when he and other students of law were ordered into an indoctrination camp, he found himself wearing a brown shirt and joining the very same marches. Resistance would have been another form of suicide, Haffner wrote, and the oppressed, unwittingly, became oppressor:

When we came through villages, the people on either side of the road raised their arms to greet the flag, or disappeared quickly in some house entrance. They did this because they had learned that if they did not, we, that is I, would beat them up. It made not the slightest difference that I—and, no doubt others among us—ourselves fled into entryways to avoid these flags, when we were not marching behind them. Now we were the ones embodying an implicit threat of violence against all bystanders. They greeted the flag or disappeared. For fear of us. For fear of me . . .²

What makes completely ordinary and normal people plunge headlong into collective madness? Is it even right to speak of madness in referring to events such as those in Bosnia, or in Nazi Germany, or in Rwanda in 1994, when extremist militias of the ruling Hutu killed more than nine hundred thousand Tutsi in less than a hundred days? Should we explain such events by reference to the vagaries of human psychology and the moral weakness of human nature? Or could there be a less mysterious, if perhaps more alarming, cause?

In 1974, when the population of India topped 500 million, the government under Indira Gandhi decided that it was time for extreme measures. We have tried every trick in the book, the health minister said at the time, and now we have come to the final chapter. He announced that vasectomy camps were being built around the country, and that, according to a new law, men with three living children were to report to these camps to be sterilized; those failing to volunteer would be arrested and taken by force. As a means of coercion, police withheld food ration cards, medical treatment, and driving licenses. In one village, they threatened to burn down the shop of a man unless he had a vasectomy, even though his wife was past childbearing age. In one year alone, more than 8 million people were sterilized.

Yet it soon became clear that Gandhi's government was battling against the social grain, driving individuals against their customs and beliefs, and against their own wishes. Amid violent protests, the government had to abandon the program—and India's population kept right on rising. India's population is still rising today—everywhere but in one exceptional province in the far south, Kerala, which is India's social miracle. Somehow, without brutality, coercion, or propaganda, Kerala has achieved what the rest of India has not.

Most Keralans are farmers and survive by growing rice, tea, or spices, such as cardamom and pepper. The typical Keralan owns little more than a few cooking utensils and tools, and earns seventy times less than the average American. Yet Keralans live to about seventy-two years on average, close to the U.S. average of about seventy-seven, and while elsewhere in India the population is surging, here it is stable. It's baffling. Economically and socially, Kerala looks much like the rest of rural India; it is no richer, its land no better. How can it be so different?

The one thing that makes Kerala different is education. Not education about birth control and family planning, as you might expect, but general education, in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and especially for women. In the late 1980s, the Keralan government—aided by volunteer organizations—undertook a massive effort to stamp out illiteracy in Kerala once and for all. Literally tens of thousands of volunteers crisscrossed the countryside and managed to track down over 150,000 illiterates, of whom two thirds were women. A small army of volunteer teachers then set to teaching them the basics. Classes were held in cowsheds, in the open air, in courtyards, one leader of the effort told the New York Times.

Three years later, in 1991, the United Nations declared Kerala the world's only 100 percent literate state. And this remarkable achievement seems to have had a profound influence on population growth. As an Indian family-planning specialist noted in 1999, People are now embarrassed to say if they have more than two kids . . . Seven or eight years ago, the norm was three children and we thought we were doing pretty good. Now it's two, and among the most educated people, it's one.

Economists and social researchers now agree that in Kerala, women's education is the magic bullet that has taken the air out of the great balloon of population growth—a balloon that had been ascending steadily for thousands of years. But how? Education has worked where programs of birth control and family planning, even forced sterilization, have failed. How does getting women to read newspapers and write diaries, to count past a hundred and multiply three-digit numbers, make such a difference?


The central idea of this book is that the only way to understand a sudden explosion of ethnic nationalism, a peculiar link between women's education and birth control, entrenched racial segregation, and a host of other important or just plain interesting social phenomena—in financial markets, in politics, in the world of fashion—is to think of patterns, not people. There's an old way of thinking that says the social world is complicated because people are complicated. That's why, many people think, we've never been able to understand the human world with theories as reliable as those of physics and chemistry. Atoms are simple, people aren't, end of story. I hope to explain why this way of thinking is very much mistaken. People are sometimes complicated and hard to understand, but that's not the problem.

Anyone of driving age has had the irritating experience of cruising along the highway when suddenly the traffic grinds to a halt for no apparent reason. You creep along for thirty minutes, cursing the idiots in front of you, and straining to find something that might have made it happen. Yet there is no accident, no broken-down car, no workers doing road repairs. Then, just as abruptly, you come through it and traffic takes off again. Traffic experts call this a phantom jam, and it is a basic pattern that can arise, all on its own, on any roadway with too much traffic. Drivers can respond only so quickly to events around them, and as a road gets more crowded and the distance between cars shrinks, there comes a point when our reflexes can no longer cope. Any accidental clumping of cars tends to slow itself down, and so gather in more cars, making it go slower still and to gather in still more. A traffic jam emerges—automatically.

Go to a public square during a big protest or concert and you'll see something apparently very different, yet conceptually quite similar. If you watch closely, you'll see that how people move through a densely packed square really has less to do with individual inclinations than with patterns. As individuals try to avoid collisions with each other, as one person follows another, who in turn follows someone else, they automatically begin to form coherent streams of movement. To your immediate left and right others move in your direction, while farther away they go in other directions. A person has good reason to move within these streams, as moving in other directions is a lot more difficult. Because of this advantage, any stream soon attracts more people to join it, making it bigger and still more attractive to others. The pattern constrains people's choices, making them more likely to act in a way that reinforces the pattern, boosting its energy and influence.

These examples illustrate, in simple situations, the bizarre and convoluted link between individual desires and social outcomes. No one ever wants to start a traffic jam. For the phantom jams that plague roads all over the world every day, you cannot even point to any driver whose bad behavior made it happen. Likewise, no single person in a crowd starts out to create streams of movement or plots out where they should go. The patterns arise spontaneously out of the tumult and confusion and take on energy and power all their own.

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