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Simple Things
Simple Things
Simple Things
Ebook20 pages7 minutes

Simple Things

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About this ebook

People often ask what inspires me to write poetry.
I would have to say like many poets we are not creatures of habits, but instead are free spirits full of compassion and mellow drama, and are inspired by things that touch us.
For me poetry is therapeutic and a way of cleansing my troubled soul.
Purging my emotional suffering into ink on paper allows me to share with others who might be going through the same growing pains most experience in life. Due to the absence of the Deity in our country we are a nation of dysfunctional families, but there are some who still put God first.

A family who attends my church is the example of how we as a nation should be raising our children. Having adult children they still unselfishly foster children. They are not a young couple, but have so much to give by opening their home to the least of these precious little ones. I have great admiration, love, and respect for them. Their love is not temporary as they eventually adopt many of these children.

More oft than not it is the precious little ones that are the pistons that keep my wheels turning. It is easy to be inspired by a child because they are of a pure heart. Children are easily amused by the simplest things, such as turning a box into a car or perhaps a plane or even a playhouse.

It is the smile on the face of a child and their precious busy little hands that give me the most joy.
There are no sour grapes in their household, only sweet ones on the vine, because they receive constant nurturing from everyone around them.

Release dateDec 8, 2014
Simple Things

Carlene Carter Brandon

A child of the 60's and a product of my environment. My parents divorced when I was 2, so it was my loving and nurturing Mom and I until I turned 9. She met this wonderful young man in the army, got married and we were introduced to a whole new world, Germany. This perfect union afforded me many opportunities to travel and meet people of different cultures, learn the German language, and old world traditions. Thank you Dad for opening doors. One of the most memorial times in my life was visiting the American Military Cemetery in Luxembourg. Before me was a sea of white crosses. I stood there and Wept. At the age of 12 this experience had a monumental impact on my life. Our American soldiers of yesteryear buried on foreign soil, The memory of that sight still humbles me to this day. At that very pivotal moment in time, I understood why we were overseas, to fight oppression, and to ensure the freedom and liberties of our brothers and sisters abroad. I worked at Clyde Cosper VA nursing home and heard countless war stories about the Battle of the Bulge, Korea, and Vietnam Nam. I have the utmost respect for these men as well as the women that served at the MASH units. They proudly displayed their portraits in the hall by their doors. They looked like movie stars, and to me they were bigger than life American hero's. As a CNA I was honored to be in their presence and took great pride in my work. My hobbies are collecting rocks, fossils, sea shells, antiques, and making jewelry. My favorite sights are the Painted Desert and Grand Canyon. Awesome. Put that on your bucket list. My bucket list, the Redwood Forest. The love of my life, my 4 children and five wonderful grandchildren. My favorite movie, It's a Wonderful Life, the scene where their dancing in gym over the pool and the floor opens. Favorite song: How Great Thou Art. Favorite Singer: Jonie Mitchell. Besides writing poetry, I research on my families genealogy. My Uncle Nelson Wier got me interested, I miss you so much! By the way, "How is it up there?" With the love and support of my Dad Stephen Brandon, an aspiring writer in his own right, I decided to share a few of my poems with you. I know this was long, and thank you for your time and interest. Enjoy, Carlene Carter Brandon

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